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Department of Public Health

Head of Department of Public Health,

___________________ A.K. Turusbekova




FALL 2020-2021
For students of medical faculty
2th year III-IV semester
8 credits (240 h., including 120 class hours, 120h. of independent study)

Lecturer: Sulaimanova Cholpon, MD, PhD, Associate

3 semester, all groups Professor
4 semester, all groups +996 701750581 (WhatsApp)

3 semester, groups # Zhanadilova Gulzat
1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23-А +996 702121280 (WhatsApp)
4 semester, groups # Email:

3 semester, groups # Abdumalik kyzy Nurzamana,

2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22-В +996 708297406 (WhatsApp)
4 semester, groups # Email:

3 semester, groups # Kalysbek kyzy Samara,

1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23-В +905523092076 (WhatsApp)
4 semester, groups # Email:

3 semester, groups Egamberdieva Gulzada,

#2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22-А +996 776641996 (WhatsApp)
4 semesters, group # Email:

Lecture Sessions: according timetable

Location: zoom\ whatsApp\ Google classroom
Class Sessions: Monday - Saturday according timetable
Location: zoom\ whatsApp\ Google classroom

Before this course it is recommended to complete the courses of Biology, Biochemistry and

Course Policies and Procedures:

1. The Microbiology subjects highly interactive and student attendance, and participation is
critical. The lecturer expects a respectful environment to discuss different positions.
Teaching includes three independent sciences: bacteriology, virology and immunology,
information volume on which progressively increases. Active participation is promoted
taking care do not be dominant. Attendance will be taken for each class. Absenteeism,
tardiness, and lack of participation will be reflected in the student’s grade. Please notify the
instructor in advance if you will not be attending a class.
2. Writing assignments must be presented in the following format, 12-font, and double-spaced.
Projects and presentations must be completed or turned in on the assigned due date. No late
assignments will be accepted. If you know in advance that you will have to miss a class in
which an assignment is due, you may make arrangements with the instructors to turn the
assignment in early.
3. Academic Conduct. Students at IMF are expected to maintain the highest standards of
academic conduct, professional honesty, and personal integrity. IMF is committed to
upholding standards of academic behavior consistent with the academic and professional
communities of which it is a part. Plagiarism, cheating, and other misconduct are serious
violations of the IMF Student Conduct Code. We expect you to know and follow the faculty
policies on cheating and plagiarism. Any suspected cases of academic misconduct will be
handled according to IMF regulations.
4. Students must be ready for online classes, not distracted by conversations with family
members, must wear uniform. Mobile phones must be charged, and internet connection has
to be checked out. Any technical difficulties are expected as an absence on the classes.
5. Students with disabilities (with special needs): Qualified students with disabilities needing
appropriate academic adjustments should contact the dean and the lecturer as soon as
possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner. Students must inform the lecturer
of the disability early in the class so appropriate accommodations can be met. Handouts are
available in alternative accessible formats upon request.

Grading for each practical classes

Class activity 10 points
Kahoot 10 points
Home assignments 5 points
Album 5 points
Total 30 points
Grading for each lecture
Attendance 5 points
Activity in discussion of theme 5 points
Kahoot 20 points

Grading for individual work of student

1. Reading and writing notes 15 points (handwritten)
2. Drawing up a glossary on the subject "Medical Microbiology" - (handwritten)(5 points)

Choose one of them:

1. Drawing up a crossword puzzle on the topic of the lesson.(10 points)

2. Preparation of slide presentations on the topic of the unit. (10 points)

3. Draw a poster (10 points)

Microbiology occupies a special place in the general system of physician training: it is a
science that provides fundamental general biological knowledge and shapes medical thinking,
and on the other hand, it is the basis for the study of other disciplines, especially infectious
disease clinical features. The study includes three separate sciences: bacteriology, virology and
immunology, which information that is progressively increasing.
At the same time, for the last years, besides extremely growing amount of new
information, infectious pathology has evolved:
chronic infections and persistence frequency of infectious agents have grown in number, causing
diseases by opportunistic pathogen microorganisms and antibiotic-resistant strains of
microorganisms have become widespread.
The number of diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms in surgical, therapeutic,
obstetric, gynecological and other non-infectious departments of hospitals has increased and
continues to grow.
As laboratory practice shows, microbiological diagnosis of infectious diseases in many
cases is complex and difficult. The reason for this is a change in the properties and nature of
infectious agents, which reveal resistance to many antibacterial and disinfectants, and their wide
circulation among the population and circulation on environmental objects.
When microbiology, virology and immunology studied, the requirements claimed for
students have significantly increased – nowadays it is necessary that the study to be goal
oriented. There is a need to prepare specialists of new type, all-round scholars knowledgeable
and skilled not only at microbiology but also at related areas as molecular biology, genetics,

The study of the discipline is aimed to give students knowledge in the following positions
- Peculiarities of morphology, physiology and laboratory diagnostics of bacteria, viruses, fungi
and protozoa
- Spread and role of microbes in the environment. Influence of environmental factors on
- Morphology, ultrastructure, classification and nature of viruses. Peculiarities of DNA and RNA
replication of genomic viruses, their cultivation, antigens, obtaining and application of phages.
- Genetic features of bacteria and viruses, the role of plasmid mutations and recombinations in
the evolution of bacteria. To have a concept of genetic engineering, practical application.
- Sources and methods of obtaining antibiotics, their classification by structure, spectrum and
mechanism of action. About the reasons of drug resistance formation. Complications in
antibiotic therapy, methods of determining the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics.
- The concept of the infectious process, its classification. Pathogenicity and virulence, toxicity of
microbes. About the role of opportunistic microflora in human pathology, about hospital-
acquired infections.
- What is immunity, its types, mechanisms and factors; immunocompetent cells, their interaction
in cellular and humoral immunity. Antigens, their properties, species. Antibodies, characteristics
of different classes of immunoglobulins, mechanisms of interaction between antigens and

- Immunodeficiencies, their classification. Immediate and delayed allergies, forms of

manifestation, mechanisms of occurrence and prevention measures.
- Vaccines, their types, diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Principles of their production and use.
- Morphology, main physiological properties of pathogens: coccus, bacterial, droplet, intestinal,
zoonotic, rickettsiosis, spirochetosis, viral, fungal, protozoic infections. To have an idea of
pathogenesis, main clinical manifestations, methods of laboratory diagnostics, preventive
measures and treatment principles.
- To teach students how to use the theoretical knowledge in the field of biology obtained earlier
in clinical practice;
- To extend knowledge in the field of laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases;
- To extend knowledge in the field of interaction between macroorganism and microorganism;
- To integrate modern microbiological knowledge into the clinical thinking of a prospective
- As a result of the study of the discipline, microbiology, the student can use the knowledge and
practical skills in medical and diagnostic work: in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, purulent-
septic infections and other pathologies caused by microorganisms, prescription of treatment and
development and implementation of preventive measures.

Course schedule
# Date Lecture topics
1 21.09 The subject and tasks of medical microbiology, virology and immunology. History
of microbiology development, modern aspects
2 26.09 Morphology and ultrastructure of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasite
3 28.09 Physiology of microorganisms (composition, nutrition, respiration, reproduction,
growth, metabolism). Principles and methods of cultivation of bacteria and viruses.
4 03.10 Microbial and Viral Genetics. Intracellular parasites
5 05.10 The concept of infection and the infectious process
6 10.10 An overview and components of immune system. Structure of immunoglobulins.
7 12.10 Humoral and cellular immune response.
8 19.10 Antigen antibody reactions. Serological reactions. Hypersensitivity.
9 26.10 Chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. Mechanisms of
formation of drug resistance of microbes. Antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance.
1 02.11 The causative agents of purulent inflammatory processes: gram-positive cocci
0 (staphylococci, streptococci). Gram-negative cocci: meningococci, gonococci.
1 07.11 Pathogens of diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis.
1 09.11 The causative agents of gas gangrene, tetanus, botulism.
1 14.11 Pathogens of intestinal infections. Family enterobacterioceaea
1 16.11 Pathogens of plague, tularemia, anthrax, brucellosis.
1 21.11 Pathogens of typhus and Q fever. Treponema, Borrelia, Leptospira.

Seminars and classes:

# unit Date Seminars topics

1 21.09.20 – 26.09.20 General Microbiology. Bacteriological laboratory.

Structure of microorganisms.

2 28.09.20 – 03.10.20 Morphology and physiology of microorganisms

3 05.10.20 – 10.10.20 Infectious process and infection control. Ecology of

4 12.10.20 – 17.10.20 Immunology and Immunity

19.10.20 – 24.10.20 1st Module

1 26.10 – 31.10.20 Medical bacteriology with the basics of mycology
02.11.20 – 07.11.20
09.11.20 – 14.11.20
16.11.20 – 21.11.20 2nd Module
Topics of practical lessons

Unit Topics for 1st module Hours

1 Topic 1Applied microbiology. Biological safety, its significance. Principles 2
of organizing a microbiological laboratory. Rules for working in laboratory.
Rules of conduct for emergencies in the laboratory.

Topic 2 Research methods in microbiology. Types of microscopes, 2

principles of their work (biological, luminescent, phase contrast, electronic).
Forms of material. Laboratory safety.

A simple staining method. Complex staining methods. Gram staining. 2

Staining of acid-proof bacteria. Spore formation in bacteria, staining the
Topic 3 The structure of the microbial cell. Capsule, methods for identifying.
Intracellular structures, volutin grains, and their color. Mobility of bacteria,
study of motility
2 Topic 4. Physiology of microorganisms. Types of bacteria nutrition, 2
classification. Nutrient media (classification, method of preparation of
media, reproduction of microbes.)
Topic 5 Rules for the collection of biological material. Cultivation and 2
isolation of pure cultures. Respiration of bacteria, types of breathing,
classification. Cultivation methods for anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
Topic 6 Enzymes of bacteria, their classification. Protein metabolism -
significance and methods of studying 2
Enzymes of pathogenicity. Pigment formation of bacteria and its
significance. carbohydrate metabolism, significance and methods of study.
3 Topic 7 Sterilization, methods, rules for working with sterilizing equipment. 2

Topic 8 Infection. Infectious process. Factors of virulence and pathogenicity 2

of microorganisms. Routes of transmission of microorganisms
Clinical microbiology.
Hospital-acquired infection.
Infection control.
Rules for the collection of clinical material, its storage and transportation

Topic 9 Ecology of microorganisms. 2

Sanitary microbiology.
4 Topic 10 Types of immunity. Host specific and non-specific defense factors. 2
Phagocytosis. Antibodies. Immunodeficiency
Humoral and cellular immune response.
Topic 11 Antigen. Immunological reactions. Serological methods for the 2
diagnosis of immunological processes. Reactions of bacteriolysis, hemolysis,
complement binding. Immunoassay reactions.
Topic 12 Pathogenic immunology. Allergy. Allergy diagnostics. 2
Anaphylaxis. Immunodeficiencies.
Chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. Mechanisms of
the formation of drug resistance of microbes. prevention
Topics for 2nd Module 2
5 Topic 13 Microbiological diagnosis of diseases caused by staphylococci, 2
Topic 14 Microbiological diagnostics of meningococcal infection and 2
gonococcal infection.
Non-gonorrheal urethritis (mycoplasma, chlamydia)
Topic 15 Microbiological diagnostics of diphtheria, whooping cough and 2
Topic 16 Microbiological diagnostics of acid-fast bacteria - tuberculosis, 2
leprosy. Diagnosis of actinomycosis
Topic 17 Microbiological diagnostics of colienteritis, typhoid and
paratyphoid fever
Topic 18 Bacteriological diagnostics of typhoid-paratyphoid (salmonellosis,
dysentery) and cholera 2
Topic 19 Microbiological diagnostics of anaerobic infections - gas gangrene,
tetanus, botulism 2
Topic 20 Microbiological diagnostics of zoonotic infections - plague,
tularemia, anthrax, brucellosis 2
Topic 21 Microbiological diagnostics of pathogenic treponemas, spirochetes 2
and leptospira (syphilis, relapsing fever and leptospira).
Laboratory diagnostics of rickettsia.
Topic 22 Microbiological diagnostics of candidiasis, aspergillosis and other 2


1 module

Wee Topics Timing

1st 1. Microbiology: definition, sections, research methods. The tasks 21.09 –
of medical microbiology. The importance of microbiology in the 27.09.2020
work of a doctor.

2. The main stages in the development of microbiology. The

contribution of scientists to the development of microbiology
(Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Ilya Mechnikov, and others).

3. Evolution of microorganisms and infectious diseases.

4. The world of microorganisms. Differences between prokaryotes

and eukaryotes. The main forms of bacteria.

5. Safe practices when working in a microbiological laboratory.

2nd 6. Organization of the workplace, anti-epidemic regime, safety 28.09.20 –

measures and personal protective equipment in the 03.10.20
microbiological laboratory.

7. Infection process and infection control

8. sterilization, disinfection, asepsis, antiseptics.

9. Algorithm for hand washing.

10. Protozoal infections.

3nd 11. helminthic invasions. 05.10.20 –

12. The structure of the virus.

13. Gene and gene code.

14. Life cycle of chlamydia.

15. Antibiotic resistance.

4th 16. Phagocytosis. 12.10.20 –

17. Immunoglobulins, structure, function.

18. The immune system of the human body.

19. Allergic reactions, types.

20. Immunoprophylaxis. Vaccines.

2 Module

Week Topics Timing

1st 1. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of causative agents of purulent

26.10 – 31.10.20

2. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of intestinal infections.

3. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of diseases caused by spore-

forming rods.

4. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of diseases caused by yeast-like


5. Causative agents of respiratory diseases.

6. Pathogens of the gastrointestinal tract.

2nd 7. Microbiological methods of diagnostics of causative agents of

02.11.20 – 07.11.20
respiratory infections.

8. Microbiological methods of diagnostics of causative agents of

gastrointestinal infections.

9. Causative agents of childhood infections and their diagnosis.

10. Pathogens of blood-borne infections and their diagnosis.

11. Protozoal human infections and their diagnosis.

12. Causative agents of diseases of the genitourinary system.

3rd 13. Causative agents of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

09.11.20 –

14. Causative agents of diseases of the nervous system.

15. Causative agents of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

16. Pathogens of the skin and soft tissues.

17. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of diseases: microscopic,

immunological, genetic.

1. General Microbiology/ Arvind Arora.- Pulse Publications.- 2010.- 513 p.
2. Medical Microbiology and Immunology 6th.Warren Levinson, Ernest Jawetz Med. Books 2000,
550 p.
3. Medical Microbiology. 4th edition. Baron S, Galveston (TX): University of Texas ; 1996.
ISBN-10: 0-9631172-1-1
4. Microbiology for the Health Sciences. Fifth edition. By prof. Gwendolyn R.W. Burton,
Paul.G.Endelkirk.- Lippincott.- Philadephia, New York, 1996, 444 p.
5. Microbiology Laboratory Manual/ Cain et al.- Collin County Community College District,
McKinney, TX.- 2 Revised Spring, 2013 - 117 p.
6. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. Tenth edition. Genetics. / Warren
Levinson.- a LANGE medical book.- 525 р.
7. Textbook of Microbiology. Third edition. By prof. C.P.Baveja/ Arya Publications.-2010.-
618 p.
8. Textbook of Microbiology. Seven edition. By Ananthanarayan and Paniker`s/ Orient
Longman Private Limited.- India, 2006.-657 p.
9. The Microbiology coloring book by I. Edward Alcamo Lawrence M. Elson.- Benjamin
Cummings, New York,1996.
10. Medical Microbiology. 28th Ed. Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s.- LANGE medical book.-
877 р.
Интернет ресурсы отвечающие тематике дисциплины, в том числе:
• http://www.
• http://www.

"General microbiology.
Bacteriological laboratory. Structure of microorganisms"
workload distribution:
curricular activities (lectures / practice) - 10 hours (4/6)
Students' extracurricular activities – 10 hours

The students are to know:
1.Taxonomy of microbes in the system of the living world, modern classifications of
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, morphology of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses, methods of
research in microbiology, main methods of cultivation and identification of bacteria, viruses and
fungi. Linkages to other medical and biological disciplines. Principles of classification and
taxonomy of microorganisms. Structure and functions of bacteria. Basic forms and size of
bacteria. Anatomy of the bacterial cell. Nucleoid and its structure. Cytoplasm. Ribosomes.
Plasmids. Inclusions. Cytoplasmic membrane. Mesosomes. Cell wall. Capsule, flagellum,
phimbria. Spores. Cellular forms of microorganisms.
Organization of microbiological laboratory. Fulfillment of biological safety requirements.
Rules of work with microbiological material, safety precautions in the laboratory. Rules of
conduct in case of emergency situations in the laboratory. Methods of microscopic examination.
Microscopy technique. Staining methods. Morphology of microbes (bacteria and fungi)

Required readings
1. General Microbiology/ Arvind Arora.- Pulse Publications.- 2010.- с. 6-32.
2. Medical Microbiology.4th ed.BaronS,Galveston(TX):University of Texas;1996. ISBN-
3. (Textbook of Microbiology. Third edition. By prof. C.P.Baveja/ Arya Publications.-2010.-
618 p.) раздел 1.
4. Textbook of Microbiology. Seven edition. By Ananthanarayan and Paniker`s/ Orient
Longman Private Limited. - India, 2006.-с. 1- 89.

Additional readings:
1. Microbiology Lab Manual by Cynthia Schauer. Virtual Microbiology Class of the
Science Prof Online website.
2. List of equipment in microbiology laboratory. Adana Science and Technology
University-Bioengineering Department / p. 1-13

"Module: Morphology and Physiology of Microorganisms"
workload distribution:
curricular activities (lectures / practice) - 10 hours (4/6)
students' extracurricular activities – 10 hours

Microbial physiology. The idea of a bacterial cell as a living system. Nutrition and
respiration of prokaryotes. Constitutional and inductive enzymes of bacteria. Mechanisms of
nutrient ingress into prokaryotic cells. Mechanism of substrate transfer through the cytoplasmic
membrane. Catabolism, amphibolism and anabolism in aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Types of
phosphorylation Characteristics of growth and multiplication processes in bacteria. Phases of
bacterial population development. Biotechnology. Food and industrial microbiology.
Characteristics of bacteriological research method. Nutrient media. Pure cultures and their
production. Stages of bacteriological research method. Methods of identification of the isolated
culture, determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics. Methods of cultivation of aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria. Features of metabolism and principles of cultivation of mycoplasmus,
chlamydia, rickettsia, spirochaetes, fungi.

Required readings
1. Microbiology for pgmee. General Microbiology/ Arvind Arora.- Pulse Publications.-
2010, p 6-32.
2. Textbook of Microbiology. General Microbiology. Third edition. By prof. C.P. Baveja/
Arya Publications.- 2010.- p. 1- 89.
3. Practical Microbiology. D.R. Arora/ CBS Publishers &Distributors/- New Deli.
Bangalore, 2007, 218 p.
4. Textbook of Microbiology. Seven edition. By Ananthanarayan and Paniker`s/ Orient
Longman Private Limited.- India, 2006 .-657 p.
5. The Microbiology coloring book by I. Edward Alcamo Lawrence M. Elson.- Benjamin
Cummings, New York,1996.

Additional readings:
1. Microbiology Lab Manual by Cynthia Schauer. Virtual Microbiology Class of the Science
Prof Online website.
2. List of equipment in microbiology laboratory. Adana Science and Technology University-
Bioengineering Department / p. 1-13

"Module: Infectious process and infection control. Ecology of microorganisms"
Workload distribution
Curricular activities (lectures / practice) - 10 hours (4/6)
Students' extracurricular activities – 10 hours

Positive and negative role of normal (resident) microflora of the body. Probiotics
(eubiotics). Teaching about biofilms. Biofilms and mechanisms of their formation. Adhesion and
coaggregation of bacteria. The concept of quorum-sensing factors. Role in the body. Stages of
microbial symbiosis with macroorganisms. Symbiosis factors determining adhesion,
colonization, invasion, toxigenicity, etc. Characteristics of pathogens, residents and heterobions.
Exogenous and endogenous, primary and secondary infection. Infectious and opportunistic
disease. Concepts of pathogenicity and virulence. Characterization of virulence factors of
microbes. Comparative characterization of exotic endotoxins of bacteria. Genetic control of
pathogenicity factors in microbes. Role of plasmids. Pathogenic properties of rickettsy,
chlamydia, mycoplasmus, fungi, protozoa, viruses. Peculiarities of pathogenesis of viral
diseases. The study of the infectious process. Heterogeneity of the human population in terms of
susceptibility to infection. The concept of pathogenesis of infectious disease. Definition of
dysbiosis, dysbacteriosis, opportunistic disease, reinfection, superinfection, mix-infection.
Remission and relapse. Bacteriocarriage. The role of the external environment in the infectious
process. Transmission routes for infectious diseases.
Destruction of microbes in the environment. Disinfectology. Principle of
decontamination. Notions of disinfection and sterilization. Physical basis and patterns of
decontamination for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, acid-fast bacteria and spores,
fungi, viruses and prions. Aseptics and antiseptics. Physical and chemical decontamination
factors. The concept of antibiotics, antiseptics, disinfectants. Presterilization treatment of
materials and equipment in clinical practice. Methods of sterilization and disinfection in
medicine. Disinfection of high and low level. Classification of medical devices and instruments
by the degree of decontamination efficiency - critical, semi-critical and non-critical products and
instruments. Equipment. Control methods of sterilization and disinfection efficiency.
Required readings
1.Medical microbiology p.34-40/F.H. Kayser,K.A., Beinz, J., Eckert, R.M.Zinkerlager
2.Microbiology and immunology p. 24-35/Subhash Chandra Parija
3.General Microbiology/ Arvind Arora.- Pulse Publications.- 2010.- 513 p.
4.Microbiology Laboratory Manual/ Cain et al.- Collin County Community College
District, McKinney, TX.- 2 Revised Spring, 2013 - 117 p.
5.Textbook of Microbiology. Seven edition. By Ananthanarayan and Paniker`s/ Orient
Longman 6.Private Limited.- India, 2006.-657 p.

Additional readings:
1. Lecture notes on Infections Diseases. Sixth edition. By B.K.Mandal and all./
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.- 267 p.
2. Report of the Committee on Infections Diseases. Twenty-second Edition 1991. By
Committee on Infections Diseases American Academy of Pediatrics.- 670 p.

"Module: Immunology and Immunity"
workload distribution
Curricular activities (lectures / practice) - 10 hours (4/6)
Students' extracurricular work – 10 hours

The concept of immunology. Types and forms of immunity. Structure of the immune
system. Non-specific factors of organism defense. Cellular protection factors, phagocytosis.
Humoral non-specific defense factors. Interferons, their classification, mechanism of formation
and action.
The concept of antigens and their main characteristics. Types of antigen specificity.
Classification of antigens. Microbial antigens, virus antigens. Characteristics of immune system
cells. Antibodies. Characteristics of immunoglobulins.
Specific forms of immune response (antibody formation, immune phagocytosis and killer
function of cells, immunological tolerance, 1 2 14 immunological memory). Mechanism of
antigen-antibody fusion. Primary and secondary immune response. Features of antibacterial,
antiviral, antiparasitic and other forms of immunity. Mediators of immune reactions. T- B-
lymphocytes, cellular cooperation in immune response. Regulation of immune response.
Participation of two types of immunity in the development of defense in infectious and parasitic
diseases. Autoimmune reactions.
Immune status of macroorganism. Methods of assessment. Innate (primary) and acquired
(secondary) immunodeficiencies. General manifestations of immunodeficiency. Drug
Allergies and anaphylaxis. Nature and classification of allergens. Types of allergic
reactions: hypersensitivity reactions (GNT, GZT). Atopic reactions, infectious allergy, contact
dermatitis, drug allergy, serum disease. Immunological tolerance. Anaphylaxis, types of

Required readings

1. Subhash Chandra Pariga «Textbook of Microbiology&Immunology»2 nd edition,

2012/pages 85-89, 94-99, 122-124, 143-148.
2. Hawley, Louise. Microbiology and Immunology, 6th ed. / pages 238-257.
3. Anantharayan and Paniker's «Textbook of Microbiology» 7th ed. / pages 71-80, 152-158.
4. Medical Microbiology. 26th.edition, 2013, Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s. - LANGE
medical book.- р.123-124, 124-140, 142-143.
5. Kim Moscatello, Immunoogy and Microbiology, Kaplan Medical USMLE Step1, lecture
notes,2013/ pages 2-22, 117-131.

"Module: Medical Bacteriology with Basics of Mycology
workload distribution
Curricular activities (lectures / practice) - 35 hours (14/21)
Students' extracurricular activities – 35 hours

Infection causative agents
Causative agents of bacterial intestinal infection: echerichiosis, salmonellosis, typhoid
and paratyphoid, dysentery, cholera, botulism, food toxic infections and intoxication. Sources of
infection and routes of transmission. Main clinical symptoms. Resistance to environmental
factors. Prevention of the spread of infections.
Causative agents of bacterial respiratory infection: diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping
cough, parapertussis, meningococcal, tuberculosis, respiratory chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.
Sources of infection and routes of transmission. Main clinical symptoms. Resistance to
environmental factors. Prevention of the spread of infections.
Causative agents of bacterial blood-born infection: plague, tularaemia, borreliosis, rickettsiosis
Infection sources and routes of transmission. Main clinical symptoms. Resistance to
environmental factors. Prevention of the spread of infections.
Causative agents of bacterial infections of external tissues: anthrax, sapa, tetanus, gas
gangrene, syphilis, gonorrhea, trachoma, urogenital chlamydia. Sources of infections and routes
of transmission. Main clinical symptoms. Resistance to environmental factors. Prevention of the
spread of infections. Infectious diseases caused by opportunistic bacteria (cocci, pseudomonads,
non-infectious anaerobes). Features of immunity in bacterial infections.
Causative agents of fungal intestinal (mycotoxicosis), respiratory and external tissue infections
(dermatomycosis). Sources of infection and transmission routes. Main clinical symptoms.
Resistance to environmental factors. Prevention of the spread of infections. Pathogenic yeast and
yeast-like fungi. Antifungal drugs. Features of antifungal immunity.
The general characteristic of the phylum of protozoans . Classification of the
protozoans: sarcodic (dysentery amoeba), flagellate (lamblium, trichomonade, trypanosome),
sporek (malaria plasmodium, toxoplasm) and infusorium (intestinal balantidium). Features of
their morphology and life cycles. Resistance of the protozoans to environmental factors. Agents
of protozoic intestinal infestations: amoebiasis, giardiasis, balantidiasis. Source of invasion,
methods of infection, stages of the cycle of development. Main clinical symptoms. Causative
agents of protozoic blood infestations: malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis. Source of
invasion, methods of infection, stages of the cycle of development. Main clinical symptoms.
Causative agents of protozoic urogenital tract invasions: trichomoniasis. Source of invasion,
modes of infection, stages of the cycle of development. Main clinical symptoms. Toxoplasmosis,
the source of invasion, pathways of infection, the life cycle of the parasite, the main
manifestations of congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis. Antiprotozoic medicine. Features of
immunity in protozoic infections.
Required readings
1.Medical Microbiology and Immunology 6th.Warren Levinson, Ernest Jawetz Med. Books 2000,
с. 68-75.
2.Medical Microbiology.4th ed.BaronS,Galveston(TX):University of Texas;1996. ISBN-10:0-
(Textbook of Microbiology. Third edition. By prof. C.P.Baveja/ Arya Publications.-2010.-
618 p.) chapter: 12, 13.
3.Textbook of Microbiology. Seven edition. By Ananthanarayan and Paniker`s/ Orient
Longman Private Limited. - India, 2006.- с. 195-217.

Additional readings:
1.Microbiology and Immunology /Rjnald B. Luftig. –Lippincott-Raven - с. 71-74.
2.Microbiology /Tamil NaduText Book Corporation, 1-st Ed.- 2004.- с. 145-148.

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