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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 14 2017, 163-168

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


K.P.Thooyamani , 2S.FabiyolaKavitha, 3 Bernice Lancia Rajasekhar
Professor, 2Associate Professor, 3Student
Department of Management Studies, BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.

Abstract: Performance evaluation isthe method of 3) To study the methods or trends adopted by
procurement, analyzing and recording information about organization to evaluate their Employees in every year.
the actual worth of an employee. The attention of the To analyze the activity –effectiveness of the company
performance evaluation is calculating and enlightening and appraise overall Human resource position of the
the real performance of the employee and also the future company.
potential of the employee. Its main aim is to measure
Scope of the Study:
what the employee does.
This study covers the Human resources management and
1. Introduction performance appraisal system of the company and
activity engaged in manufacturing grape water. Human
Performance evaluation is the periodical, methodical and
resource, performance appraisal system covers the
an unbiased rating of an employee’s brilliance in matters
aspects like, employee attitude towards work, behavior,
pertaining to his existing job and the potential for a better
trait, task, and relationship with authority and co-workers
of Gem Plast
According to Flippo: - A prominent personality in the This study further compare the Human resource
field of human resources. management to know the relative human resource
Performance evaluation is a organized way of revising position of the company finally many methods of
and assessing the performance of an employee during the performance appraisal system and data analysis is carried
given period of time scheduling for his future[7-11], it is out to evaluate the trends in human resources statements
a influential tool to calibrate, reward and refine the of the company[19-21].
performance of the employees that helps to examine his
accomplishments and evaluate the employees 3. Research Methodology
contribution towards the achievements of the overall
Research Design:
administrative goals.
A research design is the preparation of circumstances for
2. Objectives Of The Study gathering and investigation of data in a manner that aims
to syndicate relevance to the research purpose with the
Primary objectives:
economy in procedure. The Researcher used Descriptive
To study the various strategies adopted by Human research design in this research.
Resource Management and its Performance Appraisal
The GEM PLAST Employees will constitute a
Secondary objectives: population of 200. Here the sample taken by me 100.
Data Collection:
1) The principle objective of this study is to study
Data is recorded number of phenomena. While
evaluate the performance appraisal system of Gem Plast.
determining about the method of data collection, the
2) To study the Employee Performance appraisal

researcher should use two types of data. They are[22-26],

Primary Data.
Secondary Data.

Table 1. Satisified With Job

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Opinion No of respondents Percentage%

Agree 59 53.63
Strongly Agree 23 20.90
Neutral 25 22.72
Disagree 3 2.72
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 100 100

The table above shows 53.63% of the Employees are satisfied with their job. 20.90%of the Employees are strongly
agree.22.72% of the employees is neutral.2.72% of the employees is disagreeing.
Table 2. Training Session

Opinion No of respondents Percentage

Agree 72 65.45
Strongly Agree 19 17.27
Neutral 16 14.54
Disagreed 2 1.81
Strongly disagreed 1 0.90
Total 100 100

Analysis made with reference to the above table reveals that 65.45% of the employees are agreeing and 17.27% of
employees are strongly agree.14.54% is neutral. 1.81% are disagree and remaining are strongly disagree they need
training session.
4. Statistical Tools
Two – Way Anova
To find out the difference between experience and average time spent for performance appraisal process.
Step 1:
Ho: There is no significant difference between average time spent for performance appraisal process and experience.
H1: There is a significant difference between average time spent for performance appraisal process and experience.
Ho: There is no significant difference within average time spent for performance appraisal process and experience
.H1: There is a significant difference within average time spent for performance appraisal process and experience.
Step 2:
Calculation Of Correction Factor
10 MIN 11-20 MIN 21 -30 MIN MORE ROW TOTAL

LESS THAN 5 8 6 6 25
1 YR
1-2 YEAR 8 10 9 13 40
3-4 YEAR 8 5 11 6 30
5-6 YEAR 9 7 19 15 50
COLTOTAL 30 30 45 40 145

C.F = T2/ N
= 1452 / 16
C.F = 1314.06
Step 3:
Calculation OfSs Between, Ss Within And Ss Total Variance And Ss Residual
1. SS TOTAL = ∑xij2 - T2/ N

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

= (52 + 82 + 6 2+ 62 + 82 + 102 + 92 + 132 + 82 + 52 +

11 + 62 + 92 + 72 + 192 +152) - 1314.06
= 1537 – 1314.06 = ∑ Ti2 / Ni - T2/ N
SST = 222.94 = 1406.25 – 1314.06
= ∑ Tj2 / Nj - T2/ N = SST – (SSC+ SSR)
= 1356.25 – 1314.06 = 222.94-(42.19 + 92.19)
SSC = 42.19 SSE = 88.56
Step 4:

Anova Table

BETWEEN 42.19 4-1 = 3 42.19 / 3 = F1 = 14.06 / F1 = (3,9)

COLUMNS 14.06 9.84 = 1.43 = 8.81

BETWEEN 92.19 4-1 =3 92.19 / 3 = F2 = 30.73 / F2 = (3,9)

ROWS 30.73 9.84 = 3.12 = 8.83

RESIDUAL OR 88.56 (4-1)(4-1) = 9 88.56 / 9= 9.84

TOTAL 222.94 15

1. The calculated value of F1 = 1.43 is less than critical value of 8.81 at 5% with d.f at df1 = V1 = 3 and df2 = V2 = 9.
Hence we accept he null hypothesis Ho. We conclude that there is no significant difference between experience and
average time spent for performance appraisal process.
2. The calculated value of F2 = 3.12 is less than critical value of 8.81 at 5% with d.f at df1 = V1 = 3 and df2 = V2 = 9.
Hence we accept he null hypothesis Ho. We conclude that there is no significant difference within experience and
average time spent for performance appraisal process.
Chi – Square Test
A. Objective:
To find the association between the recruitment process for different grades of employees based on qualification.
YES 33 29 28 90
NO 15 12 28 55
TOTAL 48 41 56 145
Formulation Of Hypothesis:
Ho: There is no relationship between the recruitment processes for different for different grades of employees based on
H1: There is a relationship between the recruitment processes for different for different grades of employees based on
Row Total * Column Total
Expected Frequency =____________________________
Grand Total

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

O E (O-E) (O-E)2 (O-E)2 / E

33 29.79 3.21 10.30 0.35

29 25.45 3.55 12.60 0.50
28 34.76 -6.76 45.70 0.31
15 18.21 -3.21 10.30 0.51
12 15.55 -3.55 12.60 0.81
28 21.24 6.76 45.70 2.15
TOTAL 5.69


Calculated Value = 5.69 = 5.991

Degree of Freedom = (r-1) * (c-1) = 1*2 CV < TV
Degree of Freedom= 2 5.69 < 5.991 Ho is accepted
Tabulated Value = Total Value @ 5 % level of
There is no relationship between the recruitment processes for different for different grades of employees based on


Most of the Employees are satisfied with their job.

65% of Employees satisfied with their training session.

Most of Employees are feel Appraisal is necessary.
To make the performance evaluation system more effective and efficient, the company decided to re-design the

appraisal system.

Many of the Employees are satisfied with prevailing working conditions and environment.
Most of the Employees, agree the Appraisal system will give the chances to reach the top position.

The concern must implement environment policies needs and preferences, the company can enhance the
and develop the organization culture for regulating their Appraisal system in the company.

employees in the work.
The idea has been implemented and designed a new References

appraisal system under the guidance of H.R.
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