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Online Library Management System Version 1.

Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011




Software Requirements Specification

Version < 1.0>

Team Guide: Ms.Priyanka Jangde

Members: 1. Garvit Kala

2. Ankur Doshi
3. Mayur Jain
4. Akash Jain

College Name: Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research,Indore(M.P.)

Department: Information Technology(I.T.)

State: Madhya Pradesh

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

28-01-2011 1.0 Synopsis IT_Warriors

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Table of Contents Pg.No.


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose 5

1.2 Scope 6

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 7

1.4 References 8

1.5 Technologies to be used 8

1.6 Overview 10

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective 10

2.2 Software Interface 11

2.3 Hardware Interface 11

2.4 Product Function 12

2.5 User Characteristics 12

2.6 Constraints 15

2.7 Architecture Design 15

2.8Use Case Model Description 16

2.9 Class Diagram 27

Sequence Diagrams 29

2.10 Database Design 30

2.10.1 ER Diagram 30

2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies 32

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

3.0 Specific Requirements

3.1 Use Case Reports 32

3.2 Supplementary Requirements 36

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Software Requirements Specification


1.1 Purpose
Today most of the libraries use the manual approach for all the basic operations such as
adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books and
members and facility to borrow and return books. Due to manual approach the whole process
become very lengthy and time consuming, also many other difficulties are also faced. The
main objective of our project is to reduce all these problems to make our work simpler and

The current state of library maintenance is very slow, clumsy, and tiring. The manual work
was also very time-consuming, Due to these reasons; software was required which can
improve our performance as well as our speed work. Also the software already available was
not much efficient as our software. The database capacity was not as good as was required.
Hence, new software was required which can fulfill all these requirements.

The “ONLINE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” project is made computerized to

reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen
human efforts. The Books and Students are given a particular unique id number. So that
they can be accessed correctly and without errors. Our main aim of the project is to get the
correct information about a particular student and books available in the library.

The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a large extent. And
it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying users’ requirements. The
computerization of the Library Management system has not only improves the efficiency but
will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improving human recourses.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

1.2 Scope
The Online Library System that is to be developed provides the members of the Library and
employees of the library with books information, online reservation of books and many other

The Online Library System is supposed to have the following features:

 The product provides the members with online blocking of books capabilities and
the Online Library System is up and running all day.
 The system provides logon facility to the users.
 The system provides the members with the option to check their account and/or
change their options like password of the account whenever needed all through the
day during the library hours.
 The system allows the members to block the books 36 hours a day and then the
Reservation would be cancelled.
 The system lets the library staff to check which all members have blocked the
books and whether they can borrow any more books or not.
 The System allows the Administrator to Manage the User Logins and their
 The system allows the Librarian to create the books catalog, add/delete books and
maintain the books catalog.
 The system updates the fine system as and when the member borrows or returns a
 The book catalog is automated and the decision of offering the book based on the
category of the book is automatically decided.
 Books would be issued for only 1 month.
 The System can be used in any Educational institute or Offices with some

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

 User – User is a person that access the database with the authorization of the
Administration. A general user ID is provided to operator,Faculty,Administrator
and Students.

 HTML – Hypertext Markup Language is to create static websites.

 J2EE – Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform and it is the

part of the java platform for developing and running distributed java

 WAS – Web sphere application server community edition is an application

server that runs and supports the J2EE and web service applications.

 DB2 – Database 2 is the database management system that provides a

flexible and efficient database platform to erect strong on demand
business applications.

 XML- Extensive Markup Language used for data transfer and XML is
stored naturally in DB2

 HTTP – Hypertext transfer protocol is a transaction oriented client/server

protocol between web browser and a web server.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

1.4 References


1.5 Technologies to be used

 Java
the fundamental forces that necessitated the invention of Java are portability
and security, other factors also played an important role in molding the final form of
the language. The key considerations were:
■ Simple
■ Secure
■ Portable
■ Object-oriented
■ Robust
■ Multithreaded
■ Architecture-neutral
■ Interpreted
■ High performance
■ Distributed
■ Dynamic
The Internet helped catapult Java to the forefront of programming, and Java, in turn
has had a profound effect on the Internet. The reason for this is quite simple: Java
expands the universe of objects that can move about freely in cyberspace. In a
network, two very broad categories of objects are transmitted between the server and
your personal computer: passive information and dynamic, active programs.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

 DB2:
DB2 is considered by many to have been the first database product to use SQL (also
developed by IBM). DB2 can be administered from either the command-line or a
GUI. The command-line interface requires more knowledge of the product but can be
more easily scripted and automated. The GUI is a multi-platform Java client that
contains a variety of wizards suitable for novice users. DB2 supports both SQL
and XQuery. DB2 has native implementation of XML data storage, where XML data
is stored as XML (not as relational data or CLOB data) for faster access using

 IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS)

It is a software application server, is the flagship product within IBM's
WebSphere brand. WAS is built using open standards such as Java EE, XML,
and Web Services. It is supported on the following platforms: Windows, AIX, Linux,
Solaris, i/OS and z/OS. Beginning with Version 6.1 and now into Version 7, the open
standard specifications are aligned and common across all the platforms. Platform
exploitation, to the extent it takes place, is done below the open standard specification

 Servlet

Servlet is a Java class in Java EE that conforms to the Java Servlet API, a protocol
by which a Java class may respond to HTTP requests.They are not tied to a specific
client-server protocol, but are most often used with this protocol. The word "Servlet"
is often used in the meaning of "HTTP Servlet".[1] Thus, a software developer may
use a servlet to add dynamic content to a Web server using the Java platform. The
generated content is commonly HTML, but may be other data such as XML. Servlets
are theJava counterpart to non-Java dynamic Web content technologies such
as CGI andASP.NET. Servlets can maintain state in sessionvariables across many
server transactions by using HTTP cookies, or URL rewriting.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

 Rational Software Architect 7.0

Rational Software Architect is a designer toolkit which is designed for develop more
complex projects by providing fully dynamic web service.

1.6 Overview :
Project is related to library management which provides reading services to its members. Any
person can become a member of the library by filling a prescribed form.They can get the
book issued, so that they can take home and return them and also ebooks are provided to the
users to enhance the scope of Library.


2.1 Product Perspective

The proposed Library Management System which is being developed by IT_Warriors team
is an on-line LibraryManagement System. This System will provide a search functionality to
facilitate the search of resources. This search will be based on various categories viz. book
name or the ISBN. Also Advanced Search feature is provided in order to search various
categories simultaneously. Further the library staff personnel can add/update/remove the
resources and the resource users from the system. The System will also have an ADMIN who
has full-fledged rights with regards to managing resources across branches – such as
transferring books across these branches. The users can know the number of available books,
information about their account etc.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.2 Software Interface

Front End Client – Servlets,RSA,J2EE

Web Server – WebSphere Application Server

Back End – DB-2.

2.3 Hardware Interface

Client Side :
 Pentium IV Processer

 1 GB RAM

 Windows XP Service Pack 1 and onwards

 32 GB HDD

Server Side :
 Pentium IV Processer

 2 GB RAM

 Windows XP Service Pack 1 and onwards

 80 GB HDD

Communications Interfaces

The Customer must connect to the Internet to access the Website using Dialup or Broadband
Connection with a Internet Provider.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.4 Product Functions

 Online membership.
 Keeps the track of issues and submission of books .

 Online facility for viewing books.

2.5 User Characteristics

 Student
This module is for student control. It gives various features to students:

a) Login- if the student is already a member of the library, he/she can login with a valid
user name and password to access his/her profile.
b) Register now- if the student is not a member of the library, he/she can register into it
by giving some personal details in the registration form and then submitting it.
Once a student is registered as authorized member he/she can access the following
controls on his/her profile:

 Profile update- student can make changes in his profile details.

 Books details- give the account information of that student like name and id of the
books already issued on his account.

c) Book Reservation – Book Reservation facility allows the user to reserve books incase
if the book is not available at that time. Also the user can reserve books siting at home
and collect them from the Library within 24 hours.
d) Sign out- to logout from the profile and come back to home page.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

 Faculty
This module is for faculty control. It gives various features to faculty:

a. Login- if the Faculty is already a member of the library, he/she can login with a
valid username and password to access his/her profile.
b. Register now- if the faculty is not a member of the library, he/she can register into
it by giving some personal details in the registration form and then submitting it.
Once a faculty is registered as authorized member he/she can access the following
controls on his/her profile:

 Profile update- Faculty can make changes in his profile details.

 Books details- give the account information of that Faculty like name and
id of the books already issued on his account.
c. Sign out- to logout from the profile and come back to home page.

 Operator
This module for operator control. If the operator is an authorized one he/she can access
following controls:

a) Login- if the operator is already authorized operator of the library, he/she can login
with a valid user name and password to access his/her profile.
b) Register now- if the operator is not a authorized operator of the library, he/she can
register into it by giving some personal details in the registration form and then
submitting it.
c) Issue book- books can be issued to the authorized users.
d) Return book- return books by the user and update their account information.
e) Students’ details- for managing various account details of the student: name number
of books issued by the student (counts), due date of books, fine on books.
f) Profile update- operator can make changes in his profile details.
g) Database Access – Operator can access the database in the system and can solve the
queries by User related to the Book Issuing.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

h) Fine – Incase of late resubmission of books,Operator is responsible for collecting the

fine from students.

 Administrator

This module is under the administrator control. Various functions operated by admin

a. Login- the complete library system is under the control of its administrator. A
valid admin can operate the library by login with a valid admin name and
b. Add new book- new books can be added in the library catalog by entering proper
details of those books in the library database.
c. Add new category- a new subject category can be added.
d. Add new supplier- a new supplier of the books is added with its proper details.
e. Add new publisher- a new publisher of the books is added with its proper details.
f. Authorize student- a newly registered student is only authorized by the admin, if
student accounts are valid and correct.
g. Authorize faculty- a newly registered faculty is only authorized by the admin, if
faculty accounts are valid and correct.
h. Authorize operator- a newly registered operator is only authorized by the admin, if
operator accounts are valid and correct.
i. Upload books- new books are uploaded and give facility for online accessing of
the books.
j. New arrivals- the status of newly arrived entries (books, novels, and articles) are
maintained by showing a new arrivals column on the web site page.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.6 Constraints
1. User authorization and authentication is a compulsion. Foreign users can not access

the data.

2. All Systems should be platform compatible with J2EE,DB-2 and SQL.

3. Minimum Softwares and Hardwares requirements must be fulfilled.

2.7 Architecture Design

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is a systems approach to the
analysis and design of information systems. The three most important techniques:

o Logical Data Modeling

This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting the data requirements of
the system being designed. The data are separated into entities (things about which a
business needs to record information) and relationships (the associations between the

o Data Flow Modeling

This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting how data moves around
an information system. Data Flow Modeling examines processes (activities that
transform data from one form to another), data stores (the holding areas for data),
external entities (what sends data into a system or receives data from a system), and
data flows (routes by which data can flow).

o Entity Behavior Modeling

This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting the events that affect
each entity and the sequence in which these events occur.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Three different views of the system Mature Separation of logical and physical aspects
of the system, Well-defined techniques and documentation

o User involvement.

The size of SSADM is a big hindrance to using it in all circumstances. There is a large
investment in cost and time in training people to use the technique.

2.8 Use Case Model Description

Use case Student

View File

Profile Manager
Book Details

Book Reservation

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Use case Admin


Add New Category

Add New Publisher

Add New Supplier

Add New Book

Authorize New

Authorize New

Upload Book

Declare News


IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Use case Faculty

View File

Profile Manage

Book Details

Use case Operator

Issue Book

Return Book

Book Bank Issue

Book Bank Return


Student Details

Profile Update

Impose Penalty

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Activity Diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and
actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling
Language, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-by-step
workflows of components in a system. An activity diagram shows the overall flow of control.

Activity diagram for student

1. Registration 2. Profile Update

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

3. Book details

Activity diagram for admin

1. Add New Book

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2. Add New Category

3. Add New Publisher

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

4. Add New Supplier

5. Authorize New Student

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

6. Authorize New Operator

7. Authorize New Faculty

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

8. Upload Books

9. New Arrival

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

Activity diagrams for Operator

1. Issue Book

2. Return book

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

3. Student Details

4. Profile Update

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.9 Class Diagrams

Class diagram describes the static structure of the various classes of the system and their
association but the classes declared with the system, which does not declare how the class,
behaves when they act economically.

A class diagram is a graph of classifier elements connected by their various static

relationships. A “class” diagram may also contain interfaces, packages, relationships
and even instances, such as objects and links. Perhaps a better name would be “static
structural diagram” but “class diagram” is shorter and well established. A class
diagram is a graphic view of the static structural model. The individual class diagrams
do not represents divisions in the underlying model. A class diagram is a collection of
static model elements, such as classes, interfaces and their relationships, connected as
a graph to each other and to their contents. Class diagrams may be organized into
packages either with their underlying models or separate packages that build upon the
underlying model packages.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

private int bookId;
private String subjectName;
private String bookTitle;
private String authorName;
private String publisherName;
private int copyright;
private int edition;
private int pages;
private String ISBN;
private int numberOfBooks;
private int numberOfAvailableBooks;
private int numberOfBorrowedBooks;
private String library;
private Boolean available;

public Books()
public int getBookID()
public String getSubjectName()
public String getBookTitle()
public String getAuthorName()
public String getPublisherName()
public int getCopyright()
public int getEdition()
public int getPages()
public String getISBN()
public int getNumberOfBooks()
public int getNumberOfAvailableBooks()
public int getNumberOfBorrowedBooks()
public String getLibrary()
public boolean getAvailable()
public Boolean reservedBook()


int memberId; private int bookID;

String username; privatre memberID;
String password; private Date dayOfBorrowed;
String name; private Date dayOfReturn;
String email;
String major; public Borrow()
int numberOfBooks; public int getBookID()
int finecharged; public int getMemberID()
public Date getDayOfBorrowed()
public Date getDayOfReturn()
public Members()
public int getMemberID()
public String getUsername()
public String getName()
public String getEmail()
public String getMajor()
public int getNumberOfBooks()
public int getGetcharged()
public Date getExpired()

Sequence Diagram

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

It shows the interaction between classes arranged in the time sequence or message
exchanges that take place between classes for specific purpose. A sequence diagram
presents an interaction which is a set of messages between Classifier Roles with in
Collaboration, or an Interaction Instance Set which is a set of stimuli between
Instances with in a Collaboration Instance Set to effect a desired operation or result.

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the vertical represents time, and the
horizontal dimension represents different instances. Normally time proceeds down the
page. The dimensions may be reversed, if desired. Usually only time sequences are
important, but in real time applications the time axis could be actual metric.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.10 Database Design

2.10.1 Data Flow Diagram

As information moves through software it is modified by a series of transformations.

A data flow diagram is a graphical representation that depicts information flow and
the transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The basic of a data
flow diagram also known as a data flow graph or bubble chart.


Form appears

Click on register

LOGIN Candidate gives


User authorized

2.10.2 E-R Diagram

An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the
interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent
three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent entities.
Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011










Is A















IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies

• The User should have a basic knowledge of English and computer

• The User should be able to provide the appropriate information as per

the request made by the services like book name.

• Administrator is created in the system already.

• Roles and tasks of each users are predefined

3.0 Specific Requirements

3.1 Use Case Reports


• Sign Up:For Signing up,User (either Faculty or Student),He/She must submit all
the details like username,email ID,member ID,password and other personal

• Sign In:After Signing up process, Users can log on to their account, can change
password and access the library.

• Open profile: User can open their profile which contains the personal details
which are been submitted by the User during SignUp.

• View profile: Users can view their profile which contains the personal details
which are been submitted during Signup.

• Update profile: If Users want to update their details, They can update the personal
details which he/she provided during Sign up.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

• Change password: User can change the password after signing in.

• Issue Books:User can issue the books from issue section of the library.

• Return Books: User can return the books. Fine is charged if he/she submits the
book after the due date.

• Request for a new Book:The User can place a request to add a new book to the

• Reserve Books:The User can reserve the books prior to its issue if the book is
unavailable in the library at present.

• Cancel Books: The User can cancel the reservation made.

• Search Books : The books in the library can be searched through various
attributes of book like book name, book code, Author, subject name,ISBN.

• Status of a Book: The User can check the status of any book.

• Help: The terms and conditions, rules,regulations and FAQs are listed in this
point and can be accessed from the User to provide then suitable help for their

• Sign out: The user can exit from the application after the book transactions are
been completed.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011


• Sign in: The librarian can sign in and do the various jobs.

• Maintenance: The librarian maintains the databases of the books, members and
gets the feedback from the users.

• Add Books: The Librarian can add up new books to the library with all the
details of the book.

• Remove Books: The Librarian can remove the old and damaged books from the

• Add Member: Librarian registers the new members in the library.

• Remove Member: The Librarian can remove the members if he/she does exist in
the college.

• Search: The librarian can search the users and books with any parameters.

• View Log Files: The librarian can check the record of the previous database.

• Send email reminder: The reminder is sent to the users four days prior to due date
of the book.

• Fine collection: The fine is collected from the user if he/she has submitted the
book after the due date.

• Change database location: The librarian can change the location of the database

• Sign Out: After completing all the work the librarian comes out of the application.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011


This module is under the administrator control. Various functions operated by admin are:

 Login: The complete library system is under the control of its administrator. A valid
admin can operate the library by login with a valid admin name and password.

 Add Books: New books can be added in the library catalog by entering proper details of
those books in the library database.

 Add new category: A new subject category can be added.

 Add new supplier:A new supplier of the books is added with its proper details.

 Add new publisher : A new publisher of the books is added with its proper details.

 Authorize student : A newly registered student is only authorized by the admin, if student
accounts are valid and correct.

 Authorize faculty : A newly registered faculty is only authorized by the admin, if faculty
accounts are valid and correct.

 Authorize operator : A newly registered operator is only authorized by the admin, if

operator accounts are valid and correct.

 Upload books: New books are uploaded and give facility for online accessing of the

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Online Library Management System Version 1.0
Software Requirement Specification 28 January 2011

 New arrivals: The status of newly arrived entries (books, novels, and articles) are
maintained by showing a new arrivals column on the web site page.

3.2 Supplementary Requirements

3.2.1Performance Requirements

The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance
system which interact with the Faculty and Students. Therefore, it is expected that the
database would perform all the requirements functionally well that are specified by the user.

3.2.2 Safety Requirements

The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure.
Therefore, it is required to have a database backup

3.2.3 Security Requirements

We are going to develop a secured database .There are different categories of users namely
Faculty,administrator, Operator,students etc.,Depending upon the category of user the access
rights are decided.For Example : if the user is an administrator then he can only be able to
modify the data,delete,append etc. while no other user can perform these tasks.

IT_Warriors Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore

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