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Community of Physics

Classical Mechanics CM01/2021

First Quartile
July-December, 2020

Homework 21

[Homework is the most instantaneous way to check whether you’ve understood the topics
discussed in the class. And in this system, of which you’re one of the most important
elements, every homework has a potential to save you from dropping out of this course.
Therefore you’ve to submit your homework before the deadline1 . Consult your instructor,
if you’re’ving difficulties solving them, or realizing anything related to the discussed topics;
also inform2 your instructor if you find any error in this document.]

1. (0.5+1.0+1.0+1.0+0.5 points) Consider a variation of the damped oscillator prob-

lem where a harmonic oscillator is acted upon by sliding friction, whose equation of
motion is:

mẍ + µmg + kx = 0
Though [2] gives a very experiment friendly solution to the problem, we want to
explore a solution[1] where mathematical tools developed in our class are used.

(a) Define (
π +1 2nπ
< t < (2n+1)π
S( , t) = (2n+1)π 2(n+1)π
ω0 −1 ω0
< t < ω0

to get ẍ + S( ωπ0 , t)µg + ω02 x = 0. What is the physical aspect of the square
wave function, S( ωπ0 , t)?
(b) Using the definition of Laplace transformation, derive the following algebraic
analog of the differential equation in a detail manner:
s2 y(s) − AS − µgs−1 tanh + ω02 y(s) = 0

(c) Using the definition of Fourier transformation, derive the algebraic analog of
the differential equation;
(d) Derive the particular solution from (c), and compare it with the one derived
in [1];
(e) Does the particular solution of (d) makes sense mathematically and physically?
if possible, before the due date.
Electronic Mail:
CM: Homework 21

[1] Robert C. Hudson and C. R. Finfgeld. Laplace transform solution for the oscillator
damped by dry friction. Am. J. Phys., 39:568, 1971.

[2] I. Richard Lapidus. Motion of a harmonic oscillator with sliding friction. Am. J.
Phys., 38:1360, 1970.

Submission Deadline: December 14, 2020.

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