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Three-Dimensional Scapular Orientation and

Muscle Activity at selected Positions of

Paula M. ludewig, MA, PT'

Thomas M. Cook, PhD, PT *
Deborah A. Nawoczenski, PhD, PT3

levation of the arm for Abnormal scapular kinematics and associated muscle function presumably contribute to
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overhead activities is ac- shoulder pain and pathology. An understanding of scapular kinematic and electromyographic
complished by combined profiles in asymptomatic individuals can provide a basis for evaluation of pathology. The purpose
motion at multiple articu- of this study was to describe normal three-dimensional scapular orientation and associated muscle
lations of the shoulder, activity during humeral elevation. Twenty-five asymptomatic subjects, 19-37 years old, were
including the sternoclavicular, acro- evaluated. Digitized coordinate data and surface electromyographic signals from the trapezius
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

mioclavicular, and glenohumeral (upper and lower), levator scapulae, and serratus anterior were colleaed at static positions of 0,
joints (24,48). Some authors include 90, and 140" of humeral elevation in the scapular plane. The scapula demonstrated a pattern of
the scapulothoracic articulation when progressive upward rotation, decreased internal rotation, and movement from an anteriorly to a
describing shoulder anatomy and ki- posteriorly tipped position as humeral elevation angle increased. Electromyographic activity of all
nesiology (24,29). Due to the liga- muscles studied increased with increased humeral elevation angles. Differences between mean
mentous and capsular attachments of values at all elevation angles for all variables were significant (p < .05), except for the lower
the scapula to the clavicle and the trapezius between the 90 and 140" humeral angles. The results of this study suggest assessment of
clavicle to the sternum, scapulotho- scapular tipping and internal rotation as well as upward rotation may be necessary to understand
racic movement requires motion of pathologies of the shoulder that are related to abnormal scapular kinematics.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

the clavicle on the thorax at the ster-

Key Words: scapula, electromyography, shoulder joint
noclavicular joint, motion of the
scapula relative to the clavicle at the ' Doctoral student, Physical Therapy Graduate Program, 2600 Steindler Building, The University of lowa,
lowa City, IA 52242
acromioclavicular joint, o r some com- Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Physical Therapy Graduate Program, The
bination of both (24). Scapulotho- University of Iowa, lowa City, IA
racic motion, therefore, is a summa- ' Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, lthaca College-Rochester campus, Rochester, NY
tion of sternoclavicular and acromio-
clavicular motion, and, subsequently,
elevation of the arm is frequently de-
scribed in terms of scapulothoracic previous research is limited to two- allel to the scapular spine has been
and glenohumeral components. dimensional (2-D) studies of scapular termed flexion/extension (13), ante-
Cathcart, while observing arm upward rotation about an axis per- rior/posterior or forward/backward
movements in living subjects, first pendicular to the plane of the scap tilting (36,39), or anterior/posterior
suggested that glenohumeral and ula during humeral elevation. tipping (40). Around a vertical axis,
scapulothoracic motion occur syn- Scapular motion is known to oc- scapular motion has been defined as
chronously when lifting the arm over- cur about other axes as well (13,34, anterior/posterior rotation (39). in-
head (7). Codman later termed this 36,55). Poppen and Walker described ternal/external rotation (36), or
synchronous motion, scapulohumeral a twisting movement of the scapula winging (40). In this paper, rotation
rhythm (8). Since that time, a great occurring in combination with u p about an axis perpendicular to the
deal of research in shoulder kinemat- ward rotation as the arm was elevated plane of the scapula is defined as u p
ics has been directed toward the (45). A variety of terms has been ward/downward rotation, rotation
study of scapulohumeral rhythm (2, used to define this motion. Scapular about an axis parallel to the scapular
14,19,24,45,48).The majority of this rotation around an axis roughly par- spine is described as anterior/poste-

JOSIT Volume 24 Number 2 August 1996 57


descriptions of scapular motion (2,

Although there are minimal re-
search data describing the contribu-
tions of accessory scapular motions of
internal/external rotation and t i p
ping to normal scapular kinematics,
these accessory motions are fre-
quently discussed and evaluated clini-
cally (5,38,42). Abnormal scapular
kinematics in one or all planes and
associated abnormal muscle function
FIGURE 1. Local coordinate systems and axis orientation for the scapula and twnk. X,, Y,, and Z, defined the are believed to contribute to shoul-
anatomical coordinate system embedded in the scapula, with the psifive X, axis directed medial to lateral along der pain and pathology (20,21,SO).
the spine of the scapula, the positive Y, axis directed anteriorly perpendicular to the plane of the scapula, and Culham and Peat (10) reported alter-
the positive Z, axis directed superiorly. IRBR = Internal/externalrotation. UWDR = Upward/downward rotation. ations in resting scapular orientation
ATPT = Anterior/posterior tipping. X,, Y,, andZ, defined the coordinate system embedded in the twnk with the
positive X, axis directed medial to lateral, the positive Y, axis directed anteriorly, and the positive Z, axis directed
related to age and spinal posture in
superiorly. Orientation was described for the scapula relative to the trunk. females. Significant changes in scapu-
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lar internal rotation and increases in

anterior tilt of the scapula occurred
nor tipping, and rotation around a the scapula (27,48). In addition, with increased age and increasing
vertical axis is referred to as internal/ nearly all of these previous investiga- slope of the upper thoracic spine,
external rotation (Figure 1). tions (26,31,34,55) report only mean while the scapular upward rotation
angle was not affected by spinal pos-
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Despite the knowledge of poten- values for their particular sample,

tial three-dimensional (3-D) scapular without providing an indication of ture or age (10). In addition, a study
motion, inherent difficulties in scapu- the variability known to occur be- comparing scapular position (upward
lar measurement associated with over- tween subjects. rotation and protraction) in relaxed
lying skin movement have hindered To produce the complex kine- standing between patients with shoul-
3-D kinematic analyses of the shoul- matics at the shoulder during hu- der overuse injuries and healthy sub-
der. Investigations of shoulder mo- meral elevation, complementary ac- jects found n o significant diKerences
tion completed in 3-D frequently tion of scapulothoracic and gleno- between groups for these scapular
have been limited to humeral mo- humeral muscles is required (24,49). variables (22). The authors suggest
that a lack of assessment of scapular
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tions relative to the trunk (16,25) or Electromyographic (EMG) activity of

they have been based on cadaver the scapulothoracic muscles has been tipping and internal rotation may
data (1). Other previous 3-D studies studied by numerous authors (3,4,6, have contributed to their nonsignifi-
are often difficult to interpret clini- 11.1 7,24,49,57). Although these stud- cant findings (22). The results of pre-
cally (23,26,31) because the chosen ies verify the activity of all portions of vious investigations indicate that as-
angular descriptions differ from com- the trapezius, the levator scapulae, sessment of 3 D scapular orientation,
mon clinical understanding. rhomboids, and lower serratus ante- including internal rotation and t i p
Descriptions of scapular rest posi- rior during arm elevation, disagree- ping, is warranted in future kine-
tion have been reported in 3-D (10, ment exists as to their relative contri- matic studies of patient populations.
34,36). However, the shoulder litera- butions to this activity. The use of A more complete understanding of
ture, providing clinically meaningful differing electrodes (needle, fine scapular motion and muscle activity
3-D descriptions of scapular motion wire, or surface), a lack of normaliza- in functional planes of elevation in
o r orientation beyond rest positions, tion procedures in most studies, a asymptomatic individuals is needed
is sparse (34,36,55). Further, the ma- lack of standard electrode place- in order to provide a basis for further
jority of these previous 3-D studies ments, and differences in instrumen- understanding of shoulder dysfunc-
have assessed scapular position dur- tation and methods all contribute to tion in symptomatic individuals.
ing humeral elevation in the cardinal this variability between studies. Over- The purposes of this paper are:
planes (26,34,55). Elevation of the all, the general understanding of I ) to describe and compare 3-D scap
arm for functional activities, however, muscle activity of the scapular rota- ular orientation at static humeral an-
rarely occurs in the cardinal planes, tors during arm elevation is predomi- gles of elevation in the scapular
instead, occurring approximately nately qualitative. Furthermore, asso- plane and 2) to describe and com-
midway between these planes in what ciated discussions of muscle function pare muscle activity of the upper tra-
has been described as the plane of are commonly related to only 2-D pezius, lower trapezius, levator scapu-

Volume 24 a Number 2 August 1996 JOSPT


- lengths were completed with custom

Variable X SD Minimum Maximum
software programs. Similar linkage
Age (years) 25.9 5.2 19.0 37.0
Height (rn) 1.7 0.1 1.6 1.9
digitizers have been used in previous
Weight (kg) 66.9 11.4 47.7 86.4 E shoulder kinematic research (37,47).
The digitizer and related software
TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics on demographic data. were calibrated for the measurement
of 3-D linear distances over the work-
lae, and serratus anterior at these ing range. Resultant worst case linear-
same humeral positions. ity, hysteresis, repeatability, and accu-
METHODS racy were 1 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm, and 4
mm, respectively. Worst case angular
Subjects errors were determined to be no
FIGURE 2. Diagram of a subject positioned for data
collection. A) Upper thoracic stabilization; B) lumbar greater than 2" (35).
Twenty-five subjects (14 women support and stabilization; C) anterior trunk stabiliza- Silver-silver chloride surface elec-
and 11 men), without a history of tion; D) arm cuff with attached pendulum potentiom- trode assemblies with an interelec-
shoulder pain, pathology, or range of eter; and E) meter system for visual feedback of arm trode distance of 20 mm, 8 m m diam-
motion restriction, voluntarily partici- position.
eter active electrodes, and on-site
pated in this study. The eligible sub- preamplification (Therapeutics Un-
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ject age range was limited to 18-40 subjects to consistently maintain the limited, Iowa City, IA) were used to
years old. Demographic information desired humeral angle within the record EMG activity of the selected
for the subjects is presented in Table scapular plane during the data collec- muscles. The signals were passed to a
1. All but two of the subjects (92%) tion process and replicate the posi- GCS 67 amplifier with adjustable gain
were right-hand dominant. Each sub- tions for subsequent measurements. settings, high input impedance
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ject was given a verbal and written A gravity-referenced pendulum po- (greater than 15 megohms at 100
summary of information about the tentiometer was attached to a cuff on Hz), a common mode rejection ratio
study and signed a consent form the humerus (Figure 2). A neutral of 87 dB at 60 Hz, and a bandwidth
prior to participation. arm position (anatomical position of 40-4000 Hz. The raw signals were
with the arm at the subject's side) root mean square processed with a
Design was obtained, and the measurement time constant of 55 msec. All signals
system was zeroed to this position. were collected on-line to a microcom-
A one-way repeated measures de- Subsequent elevation of the humerus puter simultaneously as voltages were
sign was used to determine the effect from this position resulted in a volt- collected from the digitizer. Electro-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

of humeral angle on scapular orienta- age output that was displayed on an myographic signals from each muscle
tion and muscle activity. The inde- analog meter placed in front of the were monitored on an oscilloscope
pendent variable humeral angle had subject (Figure 2). Voltage outputs (Tektronix 7313, Beaverton, OR)
three levels: 0, 90, and 140" of hu- consistent with the desired elevation throughout data collection in order
meral elevation relative to the trunk. angles were marked on the meter, to verify signal quality.
These angles were selected to provide thus allowing the subjects visual feed-
data in the functional range of eleva- back to maintain positions within and Procedures
tion. The dependent variables were between trials.
scapular upward rotation angle, inter- Digitized 3-D coordinate loca- Electrode placement locations
nal rotation angle, and tipping angle tions were obtained via an electrome- were chosen based on previous stud-
all relative to the trunk (Figure 1) chanical linkage digitizer constructed ies collecting surface EMG from the
and EMG values from the levator for this project. Positioning of the muscles of interest (33,50,53,58). All
scapulae, upper trapezius, lower tra- pointer of the digitizer to a location electrodes were aligned in the direc-
pezius, and serratus anterior normal- within its working range resulted in tion of the muscle fibers. The levator
ized as a percentage of maximum voltage output from each of three scapulae electrode was placed be-
voluntary isometric contraction. Data precision rotary potentiometers. Cus- tween the posterior margin of the
collection was completed on the right tom data acquisition software and a sternocleidomastoid muscle and the
shoulder only for all subjects. 12 bit A/D board (Dash 16F, Metra- anterior malgin of the upper trape-
byte Corporation, Stoughton, MA) zius. In this region, the levator scapu-
Instrumentation were used for on-line data collection lae is superficially located (50,53).
to a microcomputer. Calculations of The upper trapezius electrode was
A position control system was x, y, z Cartesian coordinates from raw placed one-third of the distance be-
fabricated for this study to allow the voltage values and linkage arm tween C7 and the acromion process.

JOSPT Volume 24 Number 2 August 1%6


The lower trapezius electrode was collected while subjects maintained rotation of the scapula about an axis
placed one-half of the distance be- each position. Three trials were com- perpendicular to the plane of the
tween the inferior angle of the scap pleted in each position. During each scapula, and rotations about X, de-
ula and the thoracic spine. The serra- trial, the medial inferior edge of the fined anterior/posterior tipping of
tus anterior electrode was placed spine of the scapula, the posterolat- the scapula about a medial-lateral
over the muscle fibers just lateral to era1 tip of the acromion, and the in- axis (Figure 1).
the inferior angle of the scapula ferior angle of the scapula were pal- Root mean square EMG voltage
(12). A ground electrode was placed pated and digitized. The three points values were averaged for each posi-
on the distal ulna of the left wrist. used to describe the arm and trunk tion and across the %second period
After electrode placement, verifica- orientations were digitized from the for each maximum voluntary isomet-
tion of signal quality was completed humeral cuff and trunk reference ric contraction. Resting EMG voltage
for each muscle at each arm position. frame, respectively. The reference values were then subtracted from
Three maximum voluntary iso- frame to which the trunk was aligned both the maximal contraction and
metric contractions for each muscle was digitized at the beginning of the arm position data. The highest aver-
were collected, sampling for 3 sec- data collection session. During digi- age maximum contraction of the
onds after the first second of effort. tizing, EMG signals were simulta- three trials for each muscle and posi-
Maximum contractions were col- neously collected from the muscles of tion was used as the normalization
lected for the lower trapezius and interest. Data collection began with reference. Average values for each
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serratus anterior in traditional man- the examiner triggering a foot switch, arm position were normalized as a
ual muscle test positions (28). The and data were collected at 300 Hz for percentage of the respective maxi-
maximum contractions for the re- 0.5 seconds at each point. The sub- mum voluntary isometric contraction.
maining muscles were collected with ject was allowed 30 seconds of rest The degree of similarity among
the subject seated. Upper trapezius between each position. the three trials at each arm position
was assessed using type 3, 1 intraclass
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

voluntary isometric contractions were Digitized angular values for hu-

collected with maximum resistance to meral positions were displayed on the correlation coefficients (ICCs) for
arm abduction at a position of 90" of computer terminal immediately upon each dependent variable (32.46). The
humeral abduction in the scapular completing data collection at each standard error of measurement was
plane (51). Levator scapulae volun- position. If digitized values were out- also calculated for the kinematic
tary isometric contractions were col- side a range of 25" of the targeted data. The mean of the three trials at
lected with maximum resistance to position, then that position was re- each arm position was used in all
right lateral flexion of the head, peated before collecting data in the subsequent analysis. Statistical Analy-
while the arm was actively held by the next position. sis System software (SAS Institute,
Cary, NC) was utilized to compute a
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

subject at 90" of abduction in the

scapular plane (51) . Data Reduction and Analysis one-way repeated measures analysis
Subjects were seated and stabi- of variance (ANOVA) for each de-
lized to a lumbar support by a strap A local reference frame was es- pendent variable of interest. A signifi-
placed around their waist. Their tablished for each body segment us- cance level of .05 was used to test for
trunk was aligned vertically to the ing the three noncollinear points col- statistical differences in the overall
trunk reference frame on the chair. lected for that segment (56). The model. When a significant main ef-
Limitation of trunk movement from axis orientations for the trunk and fect for humeral angle was found,
this position was controlled by place- scapula are illustrated in Figure 1. Tukey follow-up tests were performed
ment of stabilizing bars, anteriorly The trunk reference frame was estab- to adjust the significance level and
contacting the sternum and posteri- lished coincident with the cardinal control the experiment-wise error
orly contacting the upper thoracic planes. The threedimensional angu- rate at a .05 level.
spine. This stabilization did not re- lar orientation of the scapula and
strict scapular motion or muscle ac- humerus at each arm position was RESULTS
tivity (Figure 2). Shoulder elevation described relative to the trunk using
in the plane of the scapula was con- a Z, Y, X" ordered Cardan angle ro- Intraclass correlation coefficients
trolled by having the subject elevate tation sequence (9.56). Rotations assess the degree of similarity among
the right arm along a flat planar sur- about Z, defined scapular internal/ the three trials at each arm position
face angled 30" anterior to the coro- external rotation relative to the coro- for each subject. The values for each
nal plane. nal plane. This first rotation can be of the kinematic and EMG variables
The subject actively obtained considered as defining the orienta- across all humeral angles are pre-
each humeral position in a prese- tion of the scapular plane. Rotations sented in Table 2. The ICCs ranged
lected random order, and data were about Y, defined upward/downward from .78 to .9Qand are indicative of

Volume 24 Number 2 August 1996 JOSPT

------..--. -.

w humeralaigb
140' hurneral angle

TABLE 2. lntraclass correlation coetiicients (ICCI tor

kinematic and electromyographic variables based on
three trials within the same session.

good within-session reliability for all hator Upper Lorn Senahm

Scapulm Traperha Traperha Antsnw
dependent variables of interest (46).
Additionally, the standard error of Kinematic Vatlable
measurement calculated for the scap FIGURE 3. Mean scapular orientation across subjects.
ular angle data estimates the average FIGURE 4. Mean electromyographic activity of the
four scapular rotators. 'MVIC = Maximum voluntary
error of' the measurement for any
magnitude, 100% of the individual isometric contraction.
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given trial. These calculations reflect

subjects followed this general pattern
the repeatability of the measurement
from anterior to posterior tipping sented with either a further increase
method as a whole, including repeat-
with increased arm elevation. Results in activity as compared with the 90"
ability of the instrumentation, repeat-
of the repeated measures ANOVA angle, a maintenance of the 90" mus-
ability of palpation of bony land-
revealed a significant main effect of cle activity level (defined as a value
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

marks, and the ability of the subjects

humeral angle ( p < .001) for each of falling within the 95% confidence
to replicate the specific arm position.
the three scapular orientation vari- interval for that subject's mean val-
The standard error of measurement
ables. Follow-up testing of means ue), or a decrease in activity from the
was consistently 2" for scapular t i p
across humeral angles resulted in sig- 90" level.
ping angle at all three arm positions.
nificant differences for all pair-wise For the upper trapezius, 64% of
For upward rotation and internal ro-
comparisons. the subjects followed the first pattern
tation angles, the standard error of
Means and standard deviations of progressively increased activity,
measurement ranged from 2 to 3"
across subjects for the muscle activity 24% plateaued at the 90" activity lev-
across arm positions.
variables are presented graphically in el, and 12% demonstrated slightly
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Means and standard deviations

Figure 4 and numerically in Table 4. decreased activity at 140". For the
across subject5 for the three scapular
The mean EMG activity increased lower trapezius, 48% followed a pat-
angular orientation variables are pre-
progressively as humeral angle in- tern of progressively increased activ-
sented graphically in Figure 3 and
creased for all of the muscles studied. ity, 20% plateaued in activity at the
numerically in Table 3. The mean
All subjects demonstrated increased 90" level, and 32% demonstrated de-
scapular upward rotation angle in-
activity for all muscles at a 90" hu- creased activity at 140".Serratus ante-
creased progressively as the humeral
meral angle as compared with the 0" rior activity was more consistent
angle increased. Although differing
humeral angle, except for levator across subjects, with 92% following a
in magnitude, 100% of the individual
scapulae values from one subject pattern of progressively increased
subjects followed this pattern of pro-
which remained unchanged at 1%. activity and 8% (two subjects) dem-
gressive upward rotation. Mean scap
At the 140" humeral angle, three pat- onstrating a decrease in activity from
ular internal rotation decreased pro-
terns were possible. Subject5 pre- 90-140". For the levator scapulae,
gressively as humeral angle increased.
Eighty-four percent of the subjects . -
followed this general pattern of pro- Hurneral Bwation Angle
gressive external rotation, while 16% Kinematic Variable 0" 90" 140"
maintained approximately the same - - -
scapular plane orientation at all lev- X SD X SD X SD
els of humeral elevation. Mean t i p Upward rotation 2 6 21 5 36 4
ping angle increased progressively Internal rotation 33 9 28 6 20 6
Tipping* -8 4 -2 3 7 5
from an anterior to a posterior
tipped position as humeral angle in- * tY(ydt~\
e \ ,I/w\ fridft dte ,intcwor tfpprry; porrti\ e \ ' h e ; ir~drc,~te
pocterfor tfpprn,q
creased. Again, although differing in TABLE 3. Summary data (x, SD) of scapular angular orientation in degrees.

JOSPT Volume 24 Number 2 Augusr 1 9 6


Humeral Elevation Angle increase in the group mean value

between 90 and 140".
Muscle 0° 90' 140' Between-subject variability in
- - -
X SD X SD X SD scapular upward rotation values has
Levator scapulae 1 1 7 7 16 20 frequently been noted in the 2-D lit-
Upper trapezius 1 1 25 10 34 13 erature (14,19). The magnitude of
Lower trapezius 0 1 20 7 23 11 variability in the present study, with
Serratus anterior 1 1 21 10 40 16 standard deviations ranging from 4 to
TABLE 4. Summary data (f,SDI of electromyographic activity for scapulothoracic muscles in percent 6", is quite consistent with the re-
maximum voluntary isometric contraction. ported 2-D values. In the previous
3-D literature (26,31,34,55), between-
subject variability in scapular angles
at a given humeral angle is often not
-- ----- -
addressed. In the present study, the
Kinematic Variable culharn peat Laumann McQuade Ludewig et a1 magnitude of between-subject vari-
(10) (34) (36) (presentstudy) ability at all humeral angles tested
Upward rotation 1.3 3.0 (23) -1.7 (25.7) 2 (26) was greatest for the scapular internal
Internal rotation 30.2 30.8 37.4 (25.9) 33 (29) rotation angle, with standard devia-
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Tipping* -9.0 -18.9 (210) -20.6 (25.2) -8 (24) tions ranging between 6 and 9". This
* Negative values indicate anterior tipping. suggests that scapular plane orienta-
TABLE 5. Mean angular values (293, when available) for scapular orientation at rest or at a 0"humeral
tion is quite variable between s u b
elevation angle. ject.., although at rest, it averages very
close to the 50" position previously
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

defined in the literature (27). It

72% of the subjects followed a pat- measures. When attempting to com- should be noted that despite be-
tern of increased activity across hu- pare abnormal kinematics or muscle tween-subject differences in the mag-
meral elevation angles and 28% pla- activity in a patient population, the nitude of scapular orientation values,
teaued at the 90" activity level. expected variability from the mean the patterns of orientation between
Results of the repeated measures among asymptomatic subjects is im- arm positions were quite consistent
ANOVA revealed a significant main portant to consider. Additionally, par- among subjects, with 100% ckmon-
effect of humeral angle ( p < .001) ticularly with EMG variables, all strating progressive upward rotation
for each of the four EMG variables. asymptomatic subjects may not follow and posterior tipping and 84% dem-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Follow-up testing of means across hu- the pattern represented by the mean onstrating progressive external rota-
meral angles resulted in significant of the group. Between-subject vari- tion. A lack of progressive upward
differences for all pair-wise compari- ability has been reported to be pre- rotation or posterior tipping in an
sons except for the lower trapezius individual subject could thus be con-
sent but has not been quantified in
values. For this muscle, the mean at a previous shoulder EMG literature sidered abnormal relative to this sam-
0" humeral angle was significantly ple.
analyzing shoulder elevation (5,57).
different from the means at the 90 Despite differences in experimen-
The variability in patterns of
and 140" humeral angles, but the tal design and selection of subject
EMG activity reported in this study
values at the 90 and 140" angles were groups, the results of this study at a
may explain the apparent contradic- 0" humeral elevation angle can be
not significantly different from one
tion in reports of lower trapezius ac- compared with previous studies de-
tivity among preceding investigations. scribing an average rest position of
Previous authors report increasing the scapula. These comparisons are
DISCUSSION activity of the lower trapezius at in- presented in Table 5. Measurements
The results of this study provide creased humeral elevation angles (3, of mean upward rotation and inter-
a clinically relevant description of 3-D 17), decreasing activity after 90" (49). nal rotation angles from the present
scapular orientation and associated or activity changes being dependent study are consistent with the results
muscle activity with humeral eleva- on the plane of elevation (24). In the of these previous investigations. Fur-
tion in the plane of the scapula. Per- present study, patterns of increasing ther, all studies report the scapula to
haps equally important to the under- and decreasing activity were nearly be in an anteriorly tipped position at
standing of normative profiles is the equally present in individuals (48% rest. The magnitude of the mean t i p
variability that is evident between s u b increased, 52% decreased), conse- ping angle measured in the present
jects for both kinematic and EMG quently resulting in no significant study is consistent with the findings

Volume 24 Number 2 August IN6 JOSPT

of Culham and Peat (10). Both Lau- ally, Poppen and Walker assessed vidual to impingement or exacerbate
mann and McQuade define the t i p scapulohumeral ratios of both symp preexisting impingement symptoms.
ping angle relative to different planes tomatic and asymptomatic subjects Instability of the shoulder has
or axes than the present study, and, during 2-D scapular plane abduction also been related to abnormal scapu-
therefore, absolute comparisons of (45). These authors concluded that lar kinematics of both upward rota-
this angle between these studies are abnormal ratios were associated with tion and internal rotation angles.
not appropriate (34.36). disease, but normal ratios did not Ozaki demonstrated a significant de-
Comparisons of this study's re- rule out disease (45). Decreases from crease in scapular upward rotation
sults to previous studies of 3-D scapu- the normal upward rotation have also values during humeral elevation in
lar orientation during humeral eleva- been theorized to decrease the s u b patients with involuntary inferior and
tion are constrained by further acromial space and contribute to im- multidirectional instability as com-
complicating factors. Differences in pingement (20.42). pared with asymptomatic volunteers
instrumentation (31,34,36), planes of In addition to changes in upward (41). In addition, Kibler hypothe-
analysis (26,31,34,55), loading condi- rotation, abnormalities in scapular sized that excess "antetilt" of the gle-
tions (36), and definitions of axis tipping patterns warrant increased noid during a throwing motion may
orientations and determination of attention in patients with impinge- increase stress on the anterior gleno-
angular values prevent the direct ment symptoms. Flatow et al, based humeral structures and predispose
comparison of magnitudes of angular on simulated humeral elevation in the subject to glenoid labral tears
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orientations. Nonetheless, the gen- and subsequent anterior instability

eral patterns of scapular rotations as -- -- -------- (30). This excessive "antetilted" ori-
the humerus is elevated can be com- entation would be defined as exces-
pared. All previous studies describe
The scapula sive internal rotation, using the ter-
minology of the present study.
progressive upward rotation and pos- demonstrafed a
Copyright © 1996 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

If an abnormal scapular motion

terior tipping with increasing hu-
meral elevation. The results of the pa ffern of progressive pattern is considered contributory to
a clinical pathology, the rehabilita-
present study demonstrate that these
same patterns are present during hu-
upward rotation, tion approach should consider mus-
cle forces that may restrict or en-
meral elevation in the scapular plane. decreased internal hance the desired scapular kine-
The description of scapular rotations
in the plane of the scapula as re- rotation, and matics. As the pectoralis minor in-
serts into the coracoid process, excess
ported in the present study allows a
closer approximation to movements
movement from active or passive tension in this mus-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

cle may impede normal posterior t i p

present during unconstrained func- an anteriorly ping. Likewise, normal upward rota-
tional elevation. Additionally, the
progressive external rotation of the to a posteriorly tion may be restricted by excess
tension in the rhomboids or levator
scapula observed in the present study tipped position as scapulae.
supports Van Der Helm and Pronk's Electromyographic descriptions
contention that the scapular plane is humeral elevation of trapezius and serratus anterior ac-
steadily moving throughout humeral
elevation (55). Kondo et al and
angle increased. tivities during humeral elevation have
- - - commonly been related to the 2-D
McQuade, however, describe a more kinematic patterns of scapular u p
constant scapular plane orientation ward rotation (2,15,24,44). Little dis-
during humeral elevation (31,36). cadaver specimens, described a sub- cussion has related muscle activity to
Altered patterns of upward rota- acromial contact pattern located be- the patterns of tipping and external
tion of the scapula have been hypoth- neath the anterior acromial surface rotation that are also occurring with
esized to contribute to shoulder (18). Decreases in the normal pat- humeral elevation. Due to its inser-
problems. Synchronous upward rota- tern of movement from anterior to tion into the medial border and infe-
tion of the scapula as the arm is ele- posterior tipping would increase the rior angle of the scapula, the progres-
vated is believed necessary to main- proximity of the anterior acromion sive activity seen in the serratus
tain an appropriate length tension to the rotator cuff tendons as the ten- anterior with humeral elevation
relationship for the deltoid. Alter- dons are attempting to pass beneath should contribute to posterior t i p
ations in this relationship may impact this surface when the arm is elevated. ping and external rotation of the
power production and total range of Subsequently, a lack of normal poste- scapula as well as upward rotation.
elevation in all planes (24). Addition- rior tipping may predispose an indi- The role of the trapezius in contrib

JOSPT Volume 24 Number 2 August 1996


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