Take Action! Boston 2010 Agenda

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Take Action!

Boston Agenda

wednesday, september 15

5:30 pm registration opens

6:15 pm – 6:25 pm welcome

katherine collins • CEO, Honeybee Capital
c. kim goodwin • President, Goodwin Global Advisory

6:25 pm – 6:45 pm opening remarks

georgette wong • Curator & Creator, Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series

6:45 pm – 8:00 pm The Global State of Impact Investing

Setting the stage for next two days, our distinguished panelists discuss the current
state of impact investing around the world and explore how impact investments can
play a role in solving current global crises—the Gulf oil spill, Haiti—as well as ongoing
chronic crises such as poverty and climate change. The panelists provide an overview
of who is investing and who is interested, currently available investments (both by
asset class and by investment theme/issue area), and investment performance. They
will also outline the challenges that they see for impact investing.
janice hester amey • Portfolio Manager, Corporate Governance, California State
Teachers’ Retirement System (“CalSTRS”)
lance lindblom • President & CEO, The Nathan Cummings Foundation
raúl pomares • Managing Director, Springcreek Advisors, LLC
stephen deberry (moderator) • CIO, Bronze Investments
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

8:00 pm – 8:15 pm What are you taking away from tonight? What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
katherine collins & c. kim goodwin • Co-Emcees

8:15 pm – 8:30 pm announcement of topics for breakfast networking tables

katherine collins & c. kim goodwin • Co-Emcees

8:30 pm – 9:30 pm open conversation & networking

Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Manager Profiles at a Glance 1

thursday, september 16

7:30 am – 8:30 am breakfast networking tables

Table topics organized by participants

8:30 am – 9:00 am welcome & framing for today

katherine collins & c. kim goodwin • Co-Emcees
georgette wong • Curator & Creator, Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series

9:00 am – 9:45 am Natural Resources—The Root of the Global Economy

The last few years have made clear that our natural resources are not infinite. As
investors, is it possible to transition to an economy that lives in balance with nature
and is still profitable? How can we integrate our desire for ecological and community
sustainability sensibly across all asset classes?
l. hunter lovins • President and Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions
russell read • CEO and Managing Partner, C Change Investments
whitney hatch (moderator) • Vice President and Director of Corporate Relations,
The Trust for Public Land
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

9:50 am – 10:30 am A Revolution in Investing: APG Asset Management

How do investors integrate sustainability, human rights and other factors throughout
all asset classes on a very large portfolio and increase the risk-adjusted returns on a
very large scale? Rob Lake, a global leader, shares his current best thinking on how
these criteria affect investments and how this call for responsible investing from asset
owners may influence corporations and fund managers across the globe. APG is one
of the world’s largest pension plans, managing €240B (as of 12.31.09) on behalf of
20,000 employers and provides for the income of more than 4,000,000 participants
in the Netherlands.
rob lake • Head of Sustainability, APG Asset Management, Netherlands
lauryn agnew (moderator) • President and CEO, Seal Cove Financial
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

10:30 am – 11:00 am break

Sponsored by Sustainable Asset Management (“SAM”)

2 Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda

11:00 am – 12:15 pm breakout sessions:

breakout 1a (harborview iii)

Articulating Mission and Values & Creating Investment Themes
One of the first steps to successful impact investing is aligning an institution’s core
values and mission with investment themes. This session features philanthropists
sharing their journeys. Participants will come away with greater clarity on how to
align their portfolios with their mission and values, and there will be a general discussion
of some open issues in the field.
tina castro • Director, Mission Related Investments, The California Endowment
diane schmidt • CFO, blue moon fund
christa velasquez • Director, Social Investments, Annie E. Casey Foundation
kyle johnson (moderator) • Managing Director, Cambridge Associates

breakout 1b (back bay room)

Easy Things You Can Do to Have Impact
For those beginning their journey into impact investing—or for those who have
forged a path but are looking for additional impact—we examine strategies where you
can move immediately into action. Successful practitioners will discuss how you can:
move your cash, vote your proxies, and join an institutional investor campaign. You
will also hear how to perform an audit on your portfolio to assess your current impact.
dan apfel • Executive Director, Responsible Endowments Coalition
molly betournay • Senior Research Analyst, EIRIS
steven heim • ESG Research/Shareholder Engagement, Boston Common Asset
dana lanza (moderator) • Executive Director, Confluence Philanthropy

breakout 1c (federal room)

Climate Change—Two Portfolios
Two investors describe their portfolios and discuss how they have aligned their
investments on the theme of climate change. They will discuss the performance of
their portfolios and its impacts on people, the environment, and the economy.
bonny landers • Chief Executive, River Star Foundation (Hong Kong)
george polk • Founder, European Climate Foundation (London)
jason scott • Managing Partner & Co-founder, EKO Asset Management Partners
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda 3

12:15 pm – 2:00 pm lunch

12:45 pm – 1:00 pm summaries from the breakout sessions

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Much Ado About Something? Metrics and Measurement

During this last year, there have been many more efforts focusing on quantifying
social and environmental impacts. There are a number of open questions, which
include: Can metrics and measurements on social and environmental issues be
discussed separately from financial results? Can investors quantify in a way that is
meaningful, practical and effective? Are there common themes and metrics that run
across all types of investments? Who will move the efforts forward— foundations,
individual investors, pension plans, investment funds, individual companies,
intermediaries? Finally, if we say we care about impact, are we willing to be held
accountable for the results?
amit bouri • Director of Strategy & Development, Global Impact Investing Network
allison duncan • President, Amplifier Strategies
doug stamm • CEO, Meyer Memorial Trust
tessie guillermo (moderator) • President and CEO, ZeroDivide & Board Chair,
The California Endowment
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm transition time to sessions

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm breakout sessions:

breakout 2a (harborview iii)
Defining Impact & Developing an Impact Policy Statement
After aligning one’s mission and values to investment themes, the next step is to
define the desired impact and create an impact policy statement. Hear from two
philanthropists and their trusted financial advisors about their chosen investment
process and the implications on fiduciary duty.
michael lent • CIO, Veris Wealth Partners
mark n. peters • Principal, Federal Street Advisors
jeff rosen • Director of Finance, Solidago Foundation
jenny russell • Executive Director, Merck Family Fund
steve godeke (moderator) • President, Godeke Consulting

4 Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda

breakout 2b (back bay room)
Full Impact Ahead! Maximizing Impact by Combining Market Rate Investments, PRIs
and Grants
While the majority of the conference focuses solely on premium-returning impact
investments, this session broadens the focus to include program related investments
(PRIs) and grants. By combining the tools, can one create greater impact? In addition,
can multiple funders, with similar missions, but different return objectives, fund
the same deals and will these investments still meet each funder’s return and impact
neelam chhiber • Co-Founder, Industree (India)
dan crisafulli • Director, Ecosystem Investments & Partnerships, The Skoll
josh mailman • Founding Partner, Jalia Ventures
christine eibs singer • Co-Founder & CEO, E+Co
charly kleissner (moderator) • Co-Founder, KL Felicitas Foundation
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

breakout 2c (federal room)

Solving Poverty—Two Portfolios
Two investors describe their portfolios and discuss how they align their investments
while aiming to eliminate poverty, domestically and internationally. They will discuss
their investment performance, learnings that can go across borders, and what is
missing to take this section of impact investing to the next level.
steve hardgrave • Senior Managing Director, Gray Ghost Ventures
alex hartzler • Chairman, Sarona Asset Management
david erickson (moderator) • Manager, Center for Community Development
Investments, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm break

Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda 5

4:15 pm – 5:30 pm breakout sessions:
breakout 3a (federal room)
Achieving Buy-In
Achieving buy-in from fellow trustees, family members, investment staff, consultants
or others on your team can often be difficult. Panelists in this session share their
stories of moving other decision-makers through effective communication and
creation of strategic alliances.
suzanne biegel • Acting CEO, Investors’ Circle
ali long • Springcreek Foundation
tera terpstra • Co-Founder, WIRE Group (Netherlands)
lisa kleissner (moderator) • Co-Founder, KL Felicitas Foundation
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

breakout 3b (back bay room)

Policy—Unleashing the Promise of Impact Investing
This session discusses current domestic and global policies that are empowering
impact investors and investments to realize their full potential. Our panelists relate
policy changes that may influence an increase in dollars to address issues of climate
change, community economic development, poverty, health, and other issues.
john moon • Senior Community Affairs Analyst, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System
tracy palandjian • Managing Director, The Parthenon Group
david wood • Director, Initiative for Responsible Investment at Harvard University
joan trant (moderator) • Executive Director, International Association of
Microfinance Investors (“IAMFI”)

6 Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda

breakout 3c (harborview iii)
Meeting Client Demand: Creating New Investment Strategies and Structures
While most investment products are created by asset managers and then sold to asset
owners, learn how three asset managers listened to their clients and structured new
products (some within new asset classes for impact investing) in response.
christopher mcknett • Vice President, ESG Investing, State Street Global Advisors
gerhard pries • President, Sarona Asset Management
matt patsky • CEO & Senior Portfolio Manager, Trillium Asset Management
adam seitchik • Managing Director, Auriel Capital Limited
cynthia strauss (moderator) • Director of Research, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm networking cocktails

6:30 pm – 9:00 pm dinner

6:45 pm – 7:15 pm summaries from breakout sessions

chris page • Senior Vice President, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

7:15 pm – 7:45 pm Sneak Peek of Harmony, A Movie, Presented by HRH The Prince of Wales
Take Action! Boston is delighted to host His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
presenting an excerpt of Harmony, A Movie. The film captures The Prince of Wales’
view that the environmental and economic crises we face are the result of a deep
disconnection between people and nature. The film features environmental leaders,
activists, architects, innovators, thought leaders and business leaders working across
traditional silos for a better balance. Debuting on NBC on November 19, 2010,
Harmony, A Movie highlights stories from around the world of people responding to
crises by creating solutions together.
julie bergman sender & stuart sender • Balcony Films

7:45 pm – 8:00 pm announcement of topics for breakfast networking tables

katherine collins & c. kim goodwin • Co-Emcees

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm open conversation & networking

Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda 7

friday,september 17

7:30am – 8:30 am breakfast with networking tables

Table topics suggested by participants

8:30 am – 8:45 am welcome & framing for today

katherine collins & c. kim goodwin • Co-Emcees

8:45 am – 9:45 am What Are Investors Looking For?

This panel brings together the judges of this year’s Take Action! Manager Showcase.
Representing the interests of pension plans, foundations and families, our panelists
discuss their various criteria and constraints for investing. The goals of the session are
to illuminate the differences in investor criteria, understand how investors may work
together, and understand how investment managers may respond to the particular
needs of different investors. We will also discuss the most interesting questions and
findings from this year.
janice hester amey • Portfolio Manager, Corporate Governance, California State
Teachers’ Retirement System (“CalSTRS”)
mark n. peters • Principal, Federal Street Advisors
raúl pomares • Managing Director, Springcreek Advisors, LLC
georgette f. wong (moderator) • Curator & Creator of the Take Action! Impact
Investing Conference Series

9:45 am – 10:00 am break

10:00am – 11:00 am breakout sessions

While traditional manager panels focus on short educational presentations, at Take
Action! we’re pushing the boundaries to create a dialogue between asset owners and
investment managers. With impact investing in early days, asset owners may be
seeking solutions that may not (yet) exist, and investment managers are looking for
clients who are interested in solutions they can provide, but may have not created.
What if asset owners and investment managers could have a dialogue to see what
kinds of structures would enable them to work together productively and profitably?

In each of the four sessions, we have asked three asset managers to describe their
current strategies, highlight their largest challenges, and have a conversation about
structuring alternate strategies which may appeal to different types of investors. As a
concrete example, could a short-term fixed income fund be repurposed to be a money
market fund?

8 Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda

All sessions are facilitated by individuals who are familiar with various markets
(families, foundations and pension plans), and who can think creatively about
potential solutions. As with all conversations at Take Action!, we encourage your
active engagement, inquisitive nature and penchant for creating solutions.

breakout 4a (federal room)

Innovations in Real Estate and Global Equities—Environment & Communities
molly bordonaro • Senior Vice President, Gerding Edlen Green Cities I, LP
bruce jenkyn-jones • Managing Director, Listed Equities, Impax Asset
Management, Ltd.
wendy rowden • Managing Director, Jonathan Rose Companies, LLC
edward dugger iii (moderator) • President, National Institute for a Sustainable
Economy, LLC

breakout 4b (back bay room)

Innovations in Public Equities—Environment
geeta aiyer • Founder and President, Boston Common Asset Management
chris deroetth • Portfolio Manager, Managing Highwater Global Fund
richard bookbinder • Managing Member, TerraVerde Capital Partners LP
lauryn agnew (moderator) • President and CEO, Seal Cove Financial

11:00 am – 11:15 am break

11:15 am – 12:15 pm breakout sessions:

breakout 5a (federal room)
Innovations in Real Assets—Environment
carl palmer • Co-Founder and Principal, Beartooth Captial
jason scott • Managing Partner and Co-Founder, EKO Asset Management
edward dugger iii (moderator) • President, National Institute for a Sustainable
Economy, LLC

breakout 5b (back bay room)

Innovations in Fixed Income—Communities and the Environment
barbara van scoy • Founder, Chairman & Senior Portfolio Manager, Community
Capital Management
stuart kinnersley • Chief Investment Officer, Nikko Asset Management Europe Ltd.
gil crawford • CEO, MicroVest
lauryn agnew (moderator) • President and CEO, Seal Cove Financial

Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda 9

12:15 pm – 1:45 pm lunch
Moving Impact Investing Forward
Our final lunch together focuses on individuals who are moving impact investing
forward. Hear from: a venture capitalist working to make impact investing
mainstream; an investment professional who creatively uses the power of networks
to green the global economy; and, a social entrepreneur working on behalf of local
Boston residents.
dave chen • CEO, Equilibrium Capital Group
susan davis • President, Capital Missions Company
glynn lloyd • CEO, City Fresh Foods, Inc.
georgette f. wong (moderator) • Curator & Creator of the Take Action! Impact
Investing Conference Series
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

1:45 pm – 2:45 pm group exercise

What’s Next For You?
We close with what is often the richest part of the conference—exploring what you
and all other participants at Take Action! have learned during the conference. We ask
the following: “Where have you gained ground?,” “How has being here affected your
thinking and potentially your actions?,” and “How can the Take Action! community
continue to support you?” Finally, as a group, we discuss the crucial next steps that
we can take together to evolve impact investing.
georgette f. wong (moderator) • Curator & Creator of the Take Action! Impact
Investing Conference Series
This session (except for Q&A) will be recorded.

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm closing remarks

georgette f. wong (moderator) • Curator & Creator of the Take Action! Impact
Investing Conference Series

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm closing reception

4 Take Action! Impact Investing Conference Series Agenda

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