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Stick war 2 guide

Controls: Left Click - Select Units - Activate Right Click Ability - Move (click field or map) or Attack Unit A - Switch Attack Mode H - Hold the position of space - Select all LShift units - Keep when issuing commands to enter the queue - Chat Double Click to select all of the same type of unit with the miner selected, Click on the mine for the gold or the menu : Pause, Surrender, Mute Note: Unlike most flash
games, the right mouse click does the job in Stick Empires.Objective: Destroy the enemy statue before they destroy yours. Protect the Shield: Your army will stand in front of your statue. Garrison (Reverse Sword): There will be a garrison of all units at your base. Garrison units are healed from the poison and restore the health content of the Unit List:Edit OrderEdit collects resources: gold and mana and are
able to build walls. Cheap with medium attack and health. Capable of rage. Low-health range, able to get out of the range of the enemy. A priest with the ability to heal and heal. The leader of the order, a powerful magician, able to give explosions, poison and electric walls. Tanks with excellent health and armor, able to form a phalanx. Fast sneaky ninja with disguise, poison and murder. Slow flight range
units wheeled crossbow capable of shooting flaming bolts. Chained chaos is a giant that throws large boulders. ChaosEdit collects resources of gold and mana capable of building towers. A small fast inexpensive and powerful in packages. The undead are a range unit that throws its own poisonous guts. Skeleton magician, able to scatter rows of deadly fists and call reapers. The queen of Chaos is able to
turn units into stone and spray puddles of poison. Fast inexpensive fast trained, able to explode and do massive damage to the area. A strong heavily armored knight, able to charge and stun. Fast flight range units are trained faster and cheaper then Albatross. Possessing a large club and a dead block for the weapon it smashes the ground causing a stun. How to explore and use technology and abilities:
Edit Look beyond your castle you will see several types of buildings. Click on the building, and a list of possible technologies for research will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. The mouse over the icon of the ability you want to explore and the pop-up time of spending and build time will appear. Click the icon to buy this ability. Once the unit's ability has been investigated, select the appropriate
block. In the bottom right corner you will see the ability icon appear to click on this to enable. Tip: You can use the hot keys I and W to throw the 1st and 2nd abilities respectively. Tip: Some abilities can be passive, meaning they occur automatically. Some abilities need to be thrown (Juggerknights charge) while others switch on and off Poison). Buildings: Only one unit at a time can be trained in the type of
building. Example: If you train 2 Juggerknights then click to train Crawler, Crawler will not start training until both finished training. List of buildings to order: Train Barracks: Swordwrath Shadowrath and Speartons. Updates: Fury, Wall Shield, Shinobi Level 1.2 and Shield Bash Archery Range Trains: Archidon and Allbowtross. Updates: Fire Arrows, Archer Castle - Level 1, 2, 3 and Blazing Blots Mag Guild
Trains: Magikill Updates: Explosion, Poison Spray and Electric Wall Giant Prison Trains: Enslaved Giant Updates: Giant Growth Level 1, 2 Temple Trains: Merics Updates: Cure, Sustainability Bank Trains: Miners Updates: Hustle, Tower and Caviar Level 1,2, Miner's Wall and Passive Income Level 1.2.3 : Edit Cyrpt Trains: Crawlers, Bombers and Juggerknights. Updates: Pack Mentality, Predatory Edge,
and Charge Cemetery Trains: Dead Men and Eclipsors. Updates: Castle Dead - Level 1, 2, 3, and Poison Guts Bone Yard Trains: Mkaiarrow Updates: Hell's Fists Giant Trains: Giant Updates: Giant Growth Level 1, 2 Snake Pete Trains: Medusa Updates: Venom Flux Black Vault Trains: Miners Updates: Hustle, Tower Caviar Level 1, 2,Passive Income Level 1.2.3 and Miner Tower List: Swordwrath Will
Shine Red and Increase however, every time the fury used block will lose a small portion of its health. You will not lose health to the point of death when using rage. Spearton - Shield Wall: The Speartons will move into a defensive position, will defend in front, they will take less damage and perform the ability of the Shield Bash if investigated. Click again to switch from wall shield. The line of spear-carriers
connected to the archidons can be very powerful, used in conjunction with the Shield Bash to unleash the full potential of the Spiriton army. There is no cost and ability instantly. Shield Bash effect: Can only be performed with The Wall of Shield - Speartons will smash the enemy with shields. Fire Arrows effect: Archidons will shoot one flaming arrow with additional range and damage, which will cost a small
amount of mana. Use this to out of range defensive enemy and force them into battle. The Shadowrath effect is Fixate: passive ability. With each successive blow Shadowrath perform on target the damage increases 5 times. This ability does not require research or activation, as the device already has it, and it always switches. In a skirmish it may be tempting to run away because of The Shadowrath
speed, but the factor in the increase in damage and you can surprise the enemy to victory that may seem on the first losing battle. Use Shadowrath in conjunction with Meric to keep you healed as this ability benefits from longevity struggle. Shadowrath - Level 1 Shinobi effect: Once you activate this ability, Shadowrath becomes hidden and unselesosized The speed of the unit is somewhat reduced and
costs mana. The next attack from Shinobi will cause increased damage and inflict a poisin on the enemy. Use this ability simply to reconnaissance the enemy base. Poems of the Order use Shinobi to kill Meric so that your poison cannot be cured without them fleeing home. Against Chaos remember that the poison is automatically cured over time, but are still effective because they do not have the
possibility of instant treatment. Use The Shadowrath speed to hit and run to poisin the miners and run. The Shadowrath - Shinobi Level 2 effect is the same effect as Shinobi 1, but the next cape attack will cause a huge increase in damage in addition to the venom. Use this ability to get behind enemy lines and endure powerful spells. Keep in mind that while you may not be attacked while cloaking you can
still be partially visible and damage spells and explosion damage will still affect you. You can kill the lower medical units with one blow. Effect: Meric will cast a quick spell to heal one unit at a time, for a lot of health iInstantly. and it's worth the mana. Merick always has the ability to heal and always switches to. Meric has a very low impact attack and should be used primarily for healing and treatment. Effect:
Meric will throw a quick spell to cure one poisoned block at a time, costing mana with each medication once the researched treatment always switches to. Versus Order you can only be poisoned by Magikill's Poison Spray Ability and Shadowrath's Shinobi, so it might be best not to spend money researching this ability if you suspect the enemy will have these units in play. Against The Chaos of Race it
becomes an important ability that is worth exploring early. Each of the Chaos Deads shells infects the enemy with poison and can be especially cumbersome without instant treatment. You can also cure yourself, garrison your units. Explosion effect: a target spell that causes a large area effect to explode, which damages several units and costs mana to perform. Magikill start with this ability and does not
require research. Use this in massive battles to get the maximum units damaged. Blow up the bombers before they blow you up. The Poison Spray effect: a directed spell that sprays several units that infect them with poison, which also discards the units that cost mana to perform. Magikill have long cooldowns on their spells so getting extra spells will really improve Magikill's efficiency. The Electric Wall
effect: The target powerful Electrotrick Wall causes permanent damage to anyone who stands too close and costs mane to perform. Use the wall for offensive or defensive purposes. But always try several units. Use this in conjunction with Miner Wall to bait the enemy into attacking your wall and then thrown at the wall as the enemy is forced to pile up during the attack. When facing another electric wall, try
Get the enemy to cast his spell then run and wait until the wall dissipates before re-engaging as the spell has a long cooling time and they have wasted their spell. Allbowtross effect - Blazing Bolts: Allbowtross Fire blots with increased damage. Dominate the air with this update, but be aware of the poison from the dead. Unlike the Archidons arrows, the Bolts inflicted bonus damage on armored units. Giant
- Growth Level 1 - Giant - Level of Growth 2 Effect: Your giant will increase in size and health dramatically. While it may seem wasteful to explore this if you don't have giants, it may be an effective end-of-game strategy to invest in early this, because the time of exploration is long and you'll take your enemy by surprise when a massive giant appears on the battlefield. The big giant can help block projectiles
from reaching your weak units behind them. Effect: After a short build time, the miner builds a wall in a place that you choose an impenetrable enemy. It costs gold to build limited to two and can't be built too close to the statues. A great refuge to retreat for your army that can buy you time to recover in a losing battle. Combined with the archidons and archers of the castle it makes things very tough for the
enemy. Having a wall can protect your miners from fast-moving units like Crawlers, Bombers and Ninjas from running past your army and destroying you economy. Archer Castle - Level 1, 2, 3 Effect: The non-self-sufficient powerful Archidon will appear high on the walls of your castle out of reach of the enemy, which requires gold for exploration. With each level of update there will be a new archer of the
castle with a maximum of 3. Perhaps the most important technology for research in the game. Building an early Archer Castle will protect you from an early attack, but building too soon will put you behind in economic production. Find the right balance. Passive Income - Level 1, 2, 3 Effect: Passively get a small amount of gold and mana every few seconds. Increase the amount available to each level to a
maximum of 3 levels. If you don't pressure and the defensive position investing a small amount of gold and mana will pay off quickly and give you more edge the longer the game goes lasts. Effect: The speed of the miners' walk increases. The speed of walking will significantly increase the speed of gold collection and especially to reach the gold mines further on the map. Use the speed miner to catch the
enemy by surprise for everyone in attack, using your miners to tank your way in front of your army. The health of the statue - the effect of Sustainability: Increasing the health of the statue. This should be used in defensive strategy. Tower - Tower caviar 1 2 Effect: Caviar uncontrolled ghost block from the central tower free or population. This will break the deadlock against an overly defensive opponent.
Technology and Ability for Chaos: Edit and Natural Healing and Treatment Effect: All Units of Chaos Benefit From Passive Passive and the level of healing over time. This does not require research or cost. Chaos units will benefit from small skirmish situations where the unit is able to survive and heal. Chaos will benefit from automatic treatment during combat. However, they cannot instantly cure
themselves, so this can also be seen as a disadvantage in some cases, like the Order of Monks, which can instantly cure. Garrison units will continue to be the fastest way to heal and cure the chaos of units. Pak Mentality effect: Increasing the number of tracked in your army will increase the damage from all tracked stylings by 5 times. Try to have over 5 Crawlers when researching this ability to maximize
the amount of time during combat that you can take advantage of all 5 stacks. Crawler Effect - Predatory Edge: Massive increase in running speed for all scanners. Crawlers can now attack by chasing most fleeting units. Great for chasing the economy. Great for running past the front line to attack the weak rear rows of units. Dead Guts effect: Dead men can switch on and off the ability to apply venom to
projectiles. Each projectile throw costs a small amount of mana if the device is already poisoned. The dead do a small amount of damage compared to the Archidon of the Order, but with this ability they become the basis of your army. With many Deads you can use your shared pool mana very quickly without proper management so switch this if your trying to save for a specific unit that is worth mana. The
Juggerknight - Charge: Juggerknight effect quickly flares up in a straight line, if the unit connects to the enemy during the charge, it fights them off, damaging and stunning them for a short time. This requires the use of mana. Use this to chase down and destroy fleeting units. Start a big battle by quickly closing the gap and fraying the front line. Hell's Fist effect: a directed attack, a powerful line of fists will
break from the ground, inflicted instant damage on anything in its path. It takes mana to use. We dislocate units protected by a strong front line. Use against beams units. The Marrokay Reaper effect is triggered to attack one device, causing it to reach marrokay, causing instant damage and inability to attack for a short time. Call enemy units of the most powerful units in your army to be destroyed. Petrify
effect: Medusa looks directly at one unit, causing them to instantly turn into stone. It costs some mana and several types of units can't be rotated, but still cause damage. Medusa begins with this ability and does not require research. This spell has a long cold snap, so don't waist it for a week's units. Medusa - Venom Flux effect: Muduza and the head of snakes spit in a storm pool with poison on the ground,
costs mane in the throw. Enemy units that touch this pool will be poisoned. Spray Venom Flux on units trying to try in the immediate vicinity of the attack on you. Giant - Growth Level 1 - Giant - Level of Growth 2 Effect: Your giant will increase in size and health dramatically. While it may seem wasteful to explore this if you don't have giants, it may be an effective end-of-game strategy to invest in early this,
because the time of exploration is long and you'll take your enemy by surprise when a massive giant appears on the battlefield. The big giant can help block projectiles from reaching your weak units behind them. Effect: After a short build time, the miner builds the turret in the place you choose. Turret will launch damaging projectiles at enemy units within range. It costs gold to build limited to two and can't
be built too close to the statues. Build them up if you feel a big attacker coming up your army edge. Keep them close to the miners for extra protection when your army is on the sidelines. Castle Dead - Level 1, 2, 3, Effect: An untargeted powerful dead man will appear high on the walls of your castle out of reach of an enemy that requires gold for exploration. With each level of update there will be a new
Castle Dead with a maximum of 4. Perhaps the most important technology for research in the game. Building an early castle of the dead will protect you from an early attack, but building too soon will put you behind in economic production. Find the right balance. Passive Income - Level 1, 2, 3 Effect: Passively get a small amount of gold and mana every few seconds. Increase the amount available to each
level to a maximum of 3 levels. If you don't pressure and the defensive position investing a small amount of gold and mana will pay off quickly and give you more edge the longer the game goes lasts. Effect: The speed of the miners' walk increases. The speed of walking will significantly increase the speed of gold collection and especially to reach the gold mines further on the map. Use the speed miner to
catch the enemy by surprise for everyone in attack, using your miners to tank your way in front of your army. The health of the statue - the effect of Sustainability: Increasing the health of the statue. This should be used in defensive strategy. Tower - Tower caviar 1 2 Effect: Caviar uncontrolled ghost block from the central tower free or population. This will break the deadlock against a more defensive
opponent. Stick Empires is an online real-time strategy game (RTS) set in the world of Inamorth, a mysterious, ancient world full of war. Clash of nations to fight for supremacy as soon as the greatest empires emerge from the rubble. Choose Order or Chaos Empire and play online against your friends. Customize your empire elements in armory to personalize your armies. As soon as the match begins to
take full control of your empire, from the complete tactical control of your units battle for economic management. Collect gold and mana to build units and unlock a massive selection of unique abilities and technologies located in different buildings within your Wall. Build with a strategy that best suits your style, from defensive long-term build with walls on the battlefield and lock archers high in your castle
towers, to offensive assembling of all the fast-moving units to destroy the enemy quickly, options are limited only to your own creativity. FeaturesEdit Play is free in a matter of seconds with any web browser using Flash player without any downloads or annoying installs. 2 Empire Order of Empire and Chaos Empire, with 9 types of units in each race. 31 Abilities and technology to unlock in the game. Full in-
game chat system with the ability to match up against your friends. Hundreds of fully animated sprites and amazing digital painted art throughout the creation of truly epic battles. A massive arsenal with the ability to customize each of your units. Campaign play, practice, and view modes. Frequently asked game questions: Edit: What is Stick Empires? A: Stick Empires is an online real-time strategy game
(RTS) set in the world of Inamorth, a mysterious, ancient world full of war. Clash of nations to fight for supremacy as soon as the greatest empires emerge from the rubble. In: How to add friends and use the chat system? A: Click on the chat in the bottom right corner of the lobby. Next to the username, you'll see a unique 3-digit character code. Ask your friend about the 3-digit code and username, then
enter them into the text box next to the plus button in the chat. That's it! In: How to start a game against one of my friends? A: Look next to your friends name symbol of two crossed swords. Click on the swords and suggest playing the game will be sent to your friend. They will have 30 seconds to accept the request as soon as the game starts. Please note that these games are considered un ranking. A: Do
I need to install something? What does it take to play this game? A: This is a web browser-based game, which means you don't have to install exe files or wait for long patches and downloads. All you need is a browser that has a flash player installed, and most of them already do. If you want to make sure that you have a flash player set to click here: Is this game worth the money to play? A: You can play
unlimited games Stick Empires for free like The Order of the Empire. Unlocking the Chaos and Armor Empire will require Empire Coins or E Coins that can be purchased. What are the Empire coins? A: Empire Coins or E Coins are virtual in-game currency used to purchase items at the armory, so you can customize your units. What is Gold membership and what does it give me? A: A Golden Membership
is a monthly subscription that opens up premium features in the game. As a golden member you will have full access to the use of the Chaos Empire and all its 9 types of units and 13 abilities/ In addition, new entrants will receive 1000 E coins as well as 300 coins each month after that spend on in-game items in the armory. New premium features are added, changed and improved. In: Do gun items give
players an edge in the game over players who don't have E Coins? A: The weapons items in Stick Empires change the look of your empire through customization, however we do not believe in providing any game benefits to players who have paid against not being paid, as it is simply unfair in the gaming world. Unlocking Race Chaos gives players a more diverse choice of empire however we aim to keep
both races as balanced as possible and are constantly working to achieve that goal. In: My computer and internet are slow, how can I make the game work better for me? A: Close as many programs and other browser windows as possible for better performance. Going out of the game window to another tab or chat will cause the game to lag behind both players. In: Can I change my username or
password? A: Once you click on your profile, you can edit your account details, such as password and email, but you can't change your username. The question is: What is the difference between Stick Empires and Stick Wars and Stick Page? A: Stick Empires can be considered an online game. Stick War is a standalone campaign mode. Both occur in the same universe of Inamoorts. Stick Page is an
associate website with multiple stick figure animation and games. How to play frequently asked questions: Edit: How can I get gold and mana? A: Choose a miner and press the right button of the Gold Mine. For Mana, choose the miner, then right click on the statue, your miner will start to worship and collect mana automatically. What do I do in this game? A: You have to destroy the enemy statue before
they destroy yours. You can do this by collecting resources that can be used to create units and research technologies and abilities. How to explore unlocking technologies and capabilities? A: Click on the buildings inside the castle walls to display the available technology/ability in the building. Click on the technology/ability you want. It will start to explore and cost you resources. In: How to use your
abilities? A: Some abilities are passive, which means they will be used automatically. Some of them should be switched on and off. While others you will need to select a unit to click on the ability then throw it in the place you choose. Select. stick war 2 strategy guide. stick war 2 upgrade guide. stick war 2 insane guide. guide for stick war legacy 2

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