04 TG Penulisan Ilmiah

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Studi Teknik Geologi Dr. Ir. Eko Widianto, MT, IPU

Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Semester Ganjil_2020 - 2021
Universitas Trisakti
A Note on Data Sources

Primary data is gathered by the researcher themselves,
whether through surveys, interviews, or by coun6ng atoms in a
laboratory. Because it is collected for the purposes of the
study, it is intrinsically interes6ng, although the researcher will
also need to make some comment on it when publishing it.

Secondary data is published by someone else, usually a public
body or company, although it may also consist of archive
material such as historical records. A researcher using such
data needs to generate new and original insights into it.
Wri5ng a Research Paper
This page lists some of the stages involved in wri6ng a library-based
research paper.
Although this list suggests that there is a simple, linear process to wri4ng such
a paper, the actual process of wri4ng a research paper is o6en a messy and
recursive one, so please use this outline as a flexible guide.
1.  Discovering, Narrowing, and Focusing a Researchable Topic
2.  Finding, Selec6ng, and Reading Sources
3.  Grouping, Sequencing, and Documen6ng Informa6on
4.  Wri6ng an Outline and a Prospectus for Yourself
5.  Wri6ng the Introduc6on
6.  Wri6ng the Body
7.  Wri6ng the Conclusion
8.  Revising the Final DraT

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

1. Discovering, Narrowing, and Focusing a
Researchable Topic

a.  Try to find a topic that truly interests you

b.  Try wri6ng your way to a topic
c.  Talk with your course instructor and
classmates about your topic
d.  Pose your topic as a ques6on to be
answered or a problem to be solved

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

2. Finding, Selec5ng, and Reading Sources

You will need to look at the following types of

•  library catalog, periodical indexes,
bibliographies, sugges6ons from your
•  primary vs. secondary sources
•  journals, books, other documents

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

3. Grouping, Sequencing, and Documen5ng
The following systems will help keep you
•  a system for no6ng sources on bibliography
•  a system for organizing material according to
its rela6ve importance
•  a system for taking notes

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

4. Wri5ng an Outline and a Prospectus for
Consider the following ques6ons:
•  What is the topic?
•  Why is it significant?
•  What background material is relevant?
•  What is my thesis or purpose statement?
•  What organiza6onal plan will best support my

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

5. Wri5ng the Introduc5on

In the introduc6on you will need to do the

following things:
•  Present relevant background or contextual
•  Define terms or concepts when necessary
•  Explain the focus of the paper and your
specific purpose
•  Reveal your plan of organiza6on
©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
6. Wri5ng the Body

•  Use your outline and prospectus as flexible

•  Build your essay around points you want to make
(i.e., don't let your sources organize your paper)
•  Integrate your sources into your discussion
•  Summarize, analyze, explain, and evaluate
published work rather than merely repor6ng it
•  Move up and down the "ladder of abstrac6on"
from generaliza6on to varying levels of detail
back to generaliza6on

©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

7. Wri5ng the Conclusion

•  If the argument or point of your paper is complex, you

may need to summarize the argument for your reader.
•  If prior to your conclusion you have not yet explained
the significance of your findings or if you are
proceeding induc6vely, use the end of your paper to
add your points up, to explain their significance.
•  Move from a detailed to a general level of
considera6on that returns the topic to the context
provided by the introduc6on.
•  Perhaps suggest what about this topic needs further
©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
8. Revising the Final DraR

•  Check overall organiza5on: logical flow of

introduc6on, coherence and depth of discussion
in body, effec6veness of conclusion.
•  Paragraph level concerns: topic sentences,
sequence of ideas within paragraphs, use of
details to support generaliza6ons, summary
sentences where necessary, use of transi6ons
within and between paragraphs.
•  Sentence level concerns: sentence structure,
word choices, punctua6on, spelling.
©2017 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Abstract berisi:
–  Problem statement and approach: berisi
masalah apa yang akan diselesaikan beserta
pendekatan penyelesaiannya.
–  Hasil penelitian: menjelaskan hasil secara
singkat tanpa menyebutkan sebab akibat.
–  Kesimpulan: menyebutkan implikasi hasil
penelitian atau bahkan masih menyebutkan
perlunya tindak lanjut penelitian
Penulisan Daftar Pustaka
1.  Urutkan sesuai abjad pengarangnya
2.  Hanya referensi yang dipakai dalam naskah
yang ditulis dalam daftar pustaka
3.  Bahan kuliah tidak boleh dijadikan referensi
(kecuali yang sudah dalam bentuk buku yang
sudah published)
4.  Blog tidak boleh digunakan dalam referensi
5.  Semua tulisan (pendapat), gambar, grafik yang
tercantum dalam proposal harus menyebutkan
1.  Coe, Angela L. (Eds), 2010; Geological Field Techniques; Blackwell
Publishing Ltd in associa6on with The Open University; United
2.  Lisle, R. J., 2004; Geological Structures and Maps; Elsevier
Buierworth - Heinemann
3.  McClay, K. R., 2007; The Mapping of Geological Structures; John
Wiley & Sons, England
4.  Smith, M. J., Paron, P., Griffiths, J. S., 2011; Geomorphological
Mapping, Methods and Applica4ons; Elsevier The Netherlands.
5.  Tucker, M. E., 2003; Sedimentary Rocks in the Field; John Wiley &
Sons Ltd. England.
6.  Van Bemmelen, R.W., 1949. Geology of Indonesia, Vol. 1 A,:
General Geology, Mar6nus Nijhof, The Haque, 684P.
7.  Van Zuidam, R.A., 1983, Guide to Geomorphology Arial
Photographic Interpreta4on, Netherland, ITC.

•  Jika ketahuan melakukan plagiatism akan

mendapat sanksi yang keras kemungkinan akan
kehilangan gelar.
•  Jangan pernah copy paste tulisan orang lain,
namun sarikan dengan bahasa anda yang
sekaligus membantu anda mengetahui
•  Kalau mencantumkan gambar, tabel dari tulisan
orang lain harus mencantumkan sumbernya.

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