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Elektrische Maschinen und Systeme L D W Lloyd Dynamowerke Operating Instructions Synchronous reactive power alternator Type : DKBL 4405/04 F spez. Order-Nr. : 954051 Mach.-Nr. : 7 401 735/54 Subject : MD Gottwald Contents: Installation, operation and maintenance of synchronous generators types DKBH KAD 30 163 E (01/95) General description of thermal winding protection on electric machines KAD 00005 Exciter equipment for brushless generators with electronic voltage regulator R10 KAD 30 161 E LDW 12.954051/0297 EN -9- It the generator star point 1s connected wath the neutral point of the mains, it is possible that compensating currents of predominantly triple mains frequency wall flow in the neutral conductor. caused by different shapes of voltage curves from the generator to the mains, Its possible to reduce the neutral current by interconnection of a special choke (it is necessary to consult the manufacturer), If the generator should permanently operate parallel to the mains, it is recommended to use a cos @ controller which constantly requlates a power factor to be specified, imespective of the mains voltage and load (please contact the manufacturer), 3.16. Emergency operation If the voltage regulator gets defective and there is no stand-by regulator, an emergency operation can be maintained. For this purpose disconnect the cables 5 and 6 on the voltage regulator (terminals R1, R2 or RS, RB, R10 resp. (fasten the cable heads appropriately and insulate them). If the voltage regulator Shall be taken out from the generator for repair, do the same wath the other leads and, furthermore, short the static current transformer (11) on the Secondary end (terminals k - I. A variable resistor with a maximum value of approx 100 ohm and a current-carrying capacity of Approx. 1 10 2 A must be connected to the terminals K3, Ké in the terminal box of the generator. Cautin! The resistor carries mains potential (protect against contact). The rated voltage of the generator can be adjusted by this resistor during no-load operation. The voitage must permanently be observed during load and must be maintained in the required range by read-ustment (a load as Constant as possible 1s advantageous). A load-dependent readjustment can be dispensed with, it a larger voltage tolerance is accepted. 4 Trouble shooting 44 General If a fault loccurs always stop the prime mover for a close visual inspection of the parts of the exciter equipment and voltage regulator in dead condition. If there are no obvious damages, such as scorched areas, bumt components or winding parts, unsoldered connections and loose connecting leads, the exciter equipment must be checked taking into consideration the following items. Any kind of checking or replacing components may only be carried out under strict observance of the relevant regulations of health protection, labour safety and fire protection 42. Checking of rectifier diodes The diodes can be checked with a continuity tester or a diode tester. The relevant package must be disconnected before checking. The diode is connected in series with a battery and an incandescent lamp. Afterwards the polarity 's changed. It must let pass the current in one direction and block in the other. Checking must be camied out as follows: 1, Put the diode tester or the polarized continuity tester (with the positive pole) to the terminal KIX. 2. Negative pole to terminal KI 1 (-) == no passagi 3. Negative pole to terminal KI3 (+) == passage 4. Repeat items 2 and 3 using terminals KIY, KIZ 5, Pul the diode tester oF the polarized continuity tester (with the negative pole) to the terminal KI X 6. Positive pote to terminal KI1(-) == passage 7. Positive pole to termirial KI 3 (+) == no passage = 8. Repeat items 6 and 7 using the terminals KI-Y, KI Z. = 10- The modules of the rotating rectifier must be tested correspondingly: 1. Positive pole to KI 1 (AK) Negative pole to KI 2(K, +) == passage Negative pole to Ki3 (A, -) == no passag 2 Negative pole to KI 1 Positive pole to Ki 2 no passage Positive pole to KI 3 passage 43. Measurement of the insulation resistance Only the interference capacitors (10) must be disconnected in order to measure the insulation resistance of the stator winding of the generator (see also "General instructions for erection, operation and maintenance of electric machines"). These capacitors are arranged on an insulating piece inside the terminal box and are connected wath the generator casing via a common cable or on the end shield (size < 315). For this reason it is sufficient to disconnect only this line and to reconnect it after measuring, After checking the insulation resistance of other winding parts of the generator attention should be paid that diodes of the rectifier stacks (5) and (8) wall not be exposed to a voltage load in the biockea direction. The test voltage of the measunng instrument used max amount to max, 1000 V 44. List of faults, 444 Generator ist not excited - Check the speed of the prime mover = Check the connections of the choke (6), current transformer (7), stationary rectifier stack (8) and of the terminals K3, K4 in the terminal box = Continuity check of the connecting cables between the units mentioned (cable 1 and 2) and the stator winding of the exciter (cable 3 and 4) as well as the choke including the leads on the input end ~ Check if there is any defect of the voltmeter on the panel = Check the diodes of the stationary rectifier stack (8) which must first be disconnected with regard to three-phase current and direct current. If there is any defect it must be replaced - Disconneet the rotating rectifier stack (5) and check the components; disconnect the cables on the three-phase connections of the diode modules (AK) and on the d.c. connecting points of the line bars (+, -). If there is any defect of the semiconductor part, replace the corresponding component (put a thin layer of silicone grease on the cooling surface; pay attention to tight fit of all screws) Starting torque of the fastening screws: 4m Starting torque of the connecting screws: 3 Nm - The remanence voltage is too low due to prolonged stoppage or other influences. In this case, the self-excitation must be initiated by means of an extemal voltage taking into account the instructions given under 3.1. If the remanence voltage shall be measured, disconnect, for safety reasons, the connection from the stationary rectifier stack (8) to the stator winding (4) of the exciter. Do not touch live parts since the normal remanence voltage is in the range of approx. 10 - 50 V 4A2 Generator voltage 1s too low and cannot be adjusted Check the speed of the prime mover Make sure that the bridge between the ferminals R7 and RB of the voltage regulators has beer established or that the panel-mounted set-point adjuster has been connected correctly resp. (take into account paragraph 3.3.) “1. - In case of voltage changing generators, check if the choke has been connected according to the rated voltage (take into account paragraph 3.4.) Check the rectifier stacks (5) and (8) according to paragraph 4.2 ~ Disconnect cable 6 on the stationary rectifier stack (8) or on the voltage regulator (9) (fasten tines insulate) and determine if the generator voltage is larger than the rated voltage with rated speed and no load. If $0, there is a defect on the voltage regulator - If no stand-by regulator is available carry out emergency operation, if necessary (see paragraph 3.15 i et ea air gap between core and yoke of the choke (6) and check the yoke mounting. If necessary enlarge the air gap so as to achieve a generator voltage of approx. 1.1. Uratag without voltage regulator and with rated speed. 4.43. The generator voltage Is too high and cannot be adjusted - Check the terminal R1, R2 (R3), RO, R10 on the voltage regulator and the cables § and 6 wath, regard to passage In case of voltage changing generators. check the connection of the choke according to rated voltage (take into account paragraph 3.4.) - Change the complete voltage regulator - If there are no spare parts, camry out emergency operation, if necessary (see paragraph 3.15 ) - Check the choke (6) with regard to intertum short circuit and inspect the yoke fastening It necessary, reduce air gap so that a generator voltage of approx. 1.1. Uratad will be achieved without voltage regulator and with rated speed. 444, Generator voltage drops considerably under load Check the speed of the prime mover - Check the rectifier stacks (5) and (8) as per paragraph 4.2. ~ Chech the current transformer (7) and the lines between current transformer and rectifier stack (8) - Reduce statics adjustment (see paragraph 3.15.4.) - In case of pure single operation, put statics equipment out of operation (see paragraph 3.14) 445. Current overtoad during parallel operation - Check resistive load distribution (see paragraph 3.15.) - Check if statics or compensating lead are effective (see paragraph 3.15.3.) ~ Check if the direction of rotation corresponds to the rating plate (take into account paragraph 3.12.) Ia generator takes too much reactive power with increasing load during parallel operation wathout ‘compensating lead, its statics must be enlarged or that of the others must be reduced (a value of approx. 2 % with rated current and cos @ = 0,8 must not exceeded) -If the measures indicated will not lead to succes, the plant must be newdy adjusted (see paragraph 3.15.) Prior to this, all generators must be checked wath regard to proper function dunng single operation, 446. Generator voltage oscillates during single operation - Check the speed govemor of the prime mover, - Put the voltage regulator out of operation (see paragraph 4.4.2.) and check if the generator voltage is stable Readjust stability (see paragraph 3.7.) Change voltage regulator - If necessary, carry out emergency operation (see paragraph 3.16.) external voltage adjuster (screened Linel bridge AT-RB to AG-R7 QD stater sinding of the genero © rotor texciter) eindin ! bi be 1 stondstitt heating ond Pees eee | SE aT i LL ttt tren! eI ees, 172 cable 10) 4 | : br cadie 7} 5 § state Ah He | | ahaa ® : er TT | Ie | wae tity ond Single operation remove the bridge R4-RS by @ rotor tthree-phase! vinding ot the exciter [nave the bridge | stotor lerciter} winding of the exci ter doun re rotery rectifier chote four current. transfor br broen | stationary rectifver e | © voltage regutator ead GD radio noise suppression copacs tor GD) statre current transiorne 93 want Tattrag te [Faw Rowore MD Gottwald Maschinen-tr em co re a SCHALTBILD =H peas WIRING DIAGRAM |" io L 1" a G yw 0-81. 121:002.604) | “f aE Te ee a] SCHS0035 [ia Zust. Tnderung oatue | Nanal Ursor. 1 tere.) [ites 7 4.02.96 08:0 Zchng. CAD-erstellt

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