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Date: October 16th - 2020

Topic: First 50% Evaluation workshop 1

Subject: English
Themes: Simple Present, Present Continuous tense and
American common expressions

Full name: ______________________

Program: _______________________

Activity: this is an activity about the present tense in English and the next
questions are focus on grammar rules of Simple present and Continuous

Read complete the questions and select the correct answer

1.The present continuous
A. Add ing to the following verbs:

1. die __________ 7. eat ____________

2. fight _________ 8. blow ____________

3. tan __________ 9. break ____________

4. plan _________ 10. snow ____________

5. sail __________ 11. show ____________

6. prepare_______ 12. do ____________

B. Fill in the following sentences in the present progressive

1. They ____________________(wait) for us on the corner now.

2. Listen! I think the telephone______________________(ring).

3. I see that you_____________________(wear) your new suit today.

4. The boys___________(make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.

5. Mr. Zehavy ______________(not work) in his office today.

6. My parents_________________(go to a concert tonight.

7. The bus driver______________(not drive) carefully.

8. _______the pupils____________(decorate the room at the moment?

9. You________________(not take) a shower right now.

10. They______________(have) sales in all the big stores now.

11. Look! It________________(begin) to rain

12. At present my grandparent___________(travel) in London.

13. The maid______________(clean) the room now.

14. ________you________________(watch) TV right now?

15. Sharon______________(not swim) in the pool at the moment.

16. My brother_____________(not come) home today.

17. Two old ladies_____________(sit) under a tree.

18. ________they__________(laugh) at what I said?

19. Ronen___________(look) for the book which he lost.

20. Mom is sick. She__________(lie) in bed.

2.The Simple Present
Give the present tense form of the verb in parentheses.

1. We (read) the newspaper in class every day.

2. He (come) to school by bus.

3. I always (walk) to school.

4. The children (play) in the park every afternoon.

5. I (eat) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

6. Helen (work) very hard.

7. I (like) to sit in the sun.

8. The dog (chase) the cat all around the house.

9. Mr. Smith (work) for Eastern Airlines.

10. Helen generally (sit) at this desk.

Supply do or does to complete the following present tense questions.

1. Where __________ John live?

2. How often __________ you go to the movies?
3. What time __________ the plane leave?
4. What language besides English __________ your teacher speak?
5. What time _________ you get up every morning?
6. What time _________ the rest of your family get up?
7. Where ________ you hang your hat and coat during the lesson?
8. How well __________ Mary speak French?
9. Where _________ you usually meet Mary after the lesson?
10. How much _________ it cost to fly from New York to Paris?

3. American Common Expressions

This activity is focus on the American common expressions of the feedback the last sessions

Select the correct option and bold it with yellow colour

1. What does mean “I won fair and square” in Spanish?

a. Gane en la feria un cuadrado

b. Gane con trampa y tu no
c. Gane limpiamente un cuadrado
d. Gane justamente
e. Ninguna de las anteriores

2. What does mean “I´m tired” in Spanish?

a. Estoy tirado
b. Soy un tigre
c. Estoy cansado
d. Estoy alterado
e. Ninguna de las anteriores

3. What does mean “Get a slice of bread” in Spanish?

a. Tener un silicio de brea

b. Hacer silencio en el bosque
c. Cojer un pedazo de pan
d. Cojer carne con salsa

4. What does mean “this area has beehives” in Spanish?

a. Esta area es de insectos

b. Esta area es de saltamontes
c. Esta area tiene colmenas
d. Esta area tien hormigas
e. Ninguna de las anteriores
5. What does mean “are two related?” in Spanish?

a. Son dos relatos?

b. Son dos comentarios?
c. Son dos sugerencias?
d. Se conocen?
e. Se dividen en dos partes?
f. Ninguna de las anteriores

6. What does mean “Draw attention those people” in Spanish?

a. Dibuja a esa personas

b. Dibuja con atencion a las personas
c. Llama la atencion de esas personas
d. Esas personas dibujan con atencion
e. Ninguna de las anteriores


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