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The Simple Present


S + vb./vb.-s (III. Sg.).

I work. We work.
You work. You work.
He works. They work.
She works.
It works.
John works.
Mother works.
Somebody/Anybody/Everybody/Nobody works.

Do/Does (III. Sg.) + S + vb. (inf.)?

Do I work? Do we work?
Do you work? Do you work?
Does he/she/it work? Do they work?

S + do/does (III. Sg.) + not + vb. (inf.).

I do not work. We do not work.

You do not work. You do not work.
He/She/It does not work. They do not work.

Do not = don’t
Does not = doesn’t

1. a repeated action in the present

+ frequency adverbs: always, never, usually,
sometimes, often, frequently, rarely = seldom,
regularly, as a rule, in general, every

He always wakes up early.

Mother usually has tea in the morning.
We have the English class every Monday.
They often meet on their way to the office.
He sometimes enjoys a good film.

2. general truths
The Danube flows into the Black Sea.
Water freezes at 0 degrees.
The sun rises in the East.
3. to express future time: an official plan
The plane takes off tomorrow at 7 am.
The meeting takes place next Monday at 12.

4. Instantaneous simple present

X runs, kicks the ball, shoots, and scores.
I wash the vegetables, then I slice them, I season
them with salt and pepper, I simmer them in the pan…

5. Performative simple present

I baptize you John.
I pronounce you husband and wife.
I declare the sitting open.
I declare the session open.

+ hereby (prin prezenta)

We hereby inform/notify you that you owe the City
Hall tax amounting to…

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