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Risk-takers: Who are they?

p. 2

disregard (for)– უგულვებელყოფა, არაფრად ჩაგდება

susceptible-მიდრეკილი, მიდრეკილების მქონე; მგრძნობიარე;

triggered –ინიცირებული, წამოწყებული;

pull – a force drawing someone or something in a particular direction; ძალისხმევა; ზეწოლა,

მიზიდულობა; ქაჩვა;

disinhibition _ თავშეუკავებლობა;

p. 69

dopamine - a compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter and a precursor of other

substances including adrenalin;

nerve cells - ნერვული უჯრედები;

brain’s reward system – brain circuit that causes feelings of pleasure when it's “turned on” by
something we enjoy like eating good food or being in love. Whenever this reward circuit is
activated, our brains note that something important is happening that's worth remembering and
repeating. (ტვინის სტიმულირების სისტემა)

a group of neural structures responsible for incentive salience, associative learning, and positively-
valenced emotions, particularly ones involving pleasure as a core component .

to mirror outcome -შედეგის ასახვა

rush (of pleasure) – a sudden strong emotion (of pleasure)

exhilarating –[ig’zil əreiting] making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.

invariably – always, habitually; regularly;

content (with)– satisfied; comfortable;

tranquil – calm; peaceful; quiet, soothing; restful;

thrill - აღგზნება, მღელვარება; თრთოლვა,

to apprase - to set a value on : to estimate the amount of; to evaluate the worth, significance, or
status of;

overwhelming – irresistible, overpowering, great;

to nurture – to help sth. grow; cultivate, look after;

to be attributed to – ახსნა ; მიაწერო;

adolescent - a stage of development prior to maturity adolescence- n

cortex - ფუძე

prefrontial cortex -წინაშუბლის ძვლის ფუძე

contend that – argue that

to perceive – understand, see, recognize;

perception – view, opinion, awareness, sensitivity; აღქმა, შეგრძნება, გაგება, ცოდნა;

to date - up until the present time. up to now, yet, so far, until now;

conclusive – certain, irrefutable; decisive, convincing; definite; beyond question;

p. 72

to refute – to prove wrong by argument or evidence; to disprove; to contest; to counter

refutation -n

to concede – to admit smth. is true after first denying or resisting it;

concession – n

to endorse- to declare one’s public approval or support;

predominantly – mainly, largely, chiefly; principally; primarily; for the most part; in the main;

p. 73

to precede =to come first = to go before= to pave the way; to come before time;

to offset – to balance influence so that no great difference results; კომპენსირება, ანაზღაურება;

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