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p. 69 Anna Wintour
to dispel - drive away , disperse, to stop sb from having an idea; gafantva, gandevna;
to strike terror – SiSis daTesva;
drive – energia, stimuli, Zalisxmeva, Sinagani impulsi, Seupovroba;
perfectionist – adamiani, romelic yvelaferSi miiswrafvis srulyofilebisaken;
blurb -a promotional description, as found on the jackets of books; information about new book,
film or exhibition in order to attract attention; sareklamo anotacia, sareklamo
xasiaTis dadebiTi recenziebi;
to bear a look – gamometyvelenis qona,
brusque – [brΛsk] – ukmexi, mkvaxe, uceremonio, uxeSi;
arm(o)ur – fari, javSani;
approachable – misawvdomi, xelmisawvdomi;

p. 145 Jim Buckmaster

arcade games [α:keid] –kompiuteruli TameSebis klasi, scenariT, romelic moiTxovs

moTamaSis aqtiur moqmedebebs
regiment –to force discipline or order on, esp in a domineering manner, unificireba, mkacri
reglamentis daweseba, formireba, Camoyalibeba; n-polki
to impose – Tavs moxveva;
to hold out -to continue to resist or stand firm, moTxovna;
to hold in – Semoinaxo;
last resort – ukanaskneli saSualeba, bolo imedi;
to exert –to exercise; gamoyeneba, amoqmedeba, moqmedebaSi moyvana;
virtually – faqtiurad, praqtikulad


Unmotivating = if something is unmotivating, it does not give you the motivation to do it

Demotivating = if someyhing is demotivating it takes away whatever motivation you had to do it

reclining seats – savarZeli regulirebadi sazurgiT


Sweeping changes – radikaluri cvlilebebi

Preconception – winaswar Seqmnili Sexeduleba

Consequently – amitom, aqedan gamomdinare

Therefore – amitom, amis gamo
At odds – a) on bad terms; 2.xandaxan
At the outset = at the beginning

To further – to advance, to promote
To envisage [in´vizidj]– to imagine, to foreseen, to visualize, to predict, to picture


p. 75
hyperlink- (n)a word, phrase, picture, icon, etc., in a computer document on which a user may
click to move to another part of the document or to another document
(v) to link (files) in this way
follow-up - მომდევნო, შემდგომი; 2. დამატებითი;

p.77 – Recipes for team building

cutting edge – n- the leading position in any field; forefront
adj. at the forefront of people or things in a field of activity; leading
to foster - to promote the growth or development of
to break bread - to eat a meal, esp with others;
bonding - the process by which individuals become emotionally attached to one another
დაახლოება, გაერთიანება, განმტკიცება;

Venturi’s Table is the UK’s first Corporate Cookery Centre, custom-built to provide fun cookery
experiences for groups of business professionals.

The biggest names in international business do not come there for cookery instruction. Instead, the
process of cooking and sharing delicious food together in their beautiful kitchens, develops
professional relationships, encourages under-pressure teams and inspires best performance.

The standard and size of Venturi’s Table cookery centre is unrivalled. Two kitchens combine
state-of-the-art functionality with high-end design and can accommodate groups of up to 60 people.

dedicated - designed to fulfill one function; ერთგული;

brisk – cocxali, gamococxlebuli, swrafi, energiuli,
lively and quick; vigorous
~ air – fresh air;
~ drink – fizzy drink;
to cook up - მოგონება, მოფიქრება, შეთხზვა(ამბის, ისტორიის, ალიბი), ორგანიზება;
კერძის მომზადება სწრაფად.
to appeal to smb. - იზიდავდეს, მოსწონდეს;
to bring people together - დაახლოება, გაერთიანება, დაკავშირება;
do = ditto [ditəu] – likewise, similarly;
loin –[loinz] a cut of meat from lower back and sides between the pelvis and the ribs of an
animal; სუკი
profiterole - ]profitə´rəul] a small case of choux [∫u] pastry with a sweet or savoury
(გემრიელი, მადისაღმძვრელი) filling; შუს ან ეკლერის მსგავსი ტკბილეული
dab hands -a person who is particularly skilled at something; expert; ექსპერტი, ოსტატი;
to pitch in - ენერგიულად მოკიდო ხელი; ჩაერთო საერთო საქმეში, საკუთარი წვლილი
შეიტანო საერთო საქმეში; ჩაება ფერხულში;
custard –[´kΛstəd] -ტკბილი მოხარშული კრემი;
to disperse - გაფანტვა, მიმოფანტვა, გაბნევა, დაშლა;
to cut across - შლის საზღვრებს, განსხვავებებს;
contrived – [kən´traivd] =far-fetched დაუჯერებელი; არაბუნებრივი, დაძაბული,
~ joke - უკბილო ხუმრობა
to comprise - მოიცავს, შეიცავს
eponymous -(of a person) being the person after whom a literary work, film, etc., is named
2) (of a literary work, film, etc.) named after its central character or creator
Mosimann’s Academy - set in a converted Victorian School in Battersea, the Academy was
established by internationally renowned chef Anton Mosimann in 1996 and is run now by his son
Mark. The Academy offers a homely environment in which to receive top tuition on a variety of
courses from pasta making and seafood to mushroom foraging and Asian street food on half-day,
one-day and tailor-made courses, including competitive team-building courses.
microcosm – [=´maicrəukoz(ə)m]- მიკროკოსმი, რაიმეს მინიატურილი გამისახულება
pedestrian – [pi´destriən]- boring, tedious, prosaic, commonplace, dull , uninspired

memory stick - მეხსიერების ბარათი

Morale = state of discipline and spirit

Legible – advilad gasarkvevi, wasakiTxi, gasagebi (xelnaweri, niSnebi, teqsti)
Illegible – impossible to read, unreadable
Disincentive – stimulis ar mimcemi
To realign[riə’lain] – xelaxla gaerTianeba, gadawyoba;
1. to change the position or direction of sth. slightly
2. to make changes to sth to adapt it to new situation
Irreversible – Seuqcevadi, gardauvali
Irritable – gamaRizianebeli

Fixed pairs
nook and cranny = all the parts; yvela kuTxe – kunWuli (every nook and cranny)
by and large – in general, mostly true
give and take – compromise
hard and fast – strict, fixed
on and off = occasionally, not continuously
pros and cons – advantages and disadvantages
touch and go – very unsure that sth will happen
ups and downs - mixture of good and bad things
wine and dine - entertain
hustle and bustle – busy noisy activity of a lot of people in one place, Wyletva, aurzauri

p. 34common sense –saRi azri

plain – simple, natural, clear, obvious

p.33To settle personal disagreements – piradi uTanxmoebis mogvareba

Drained – Zalagamoclili, Ronemixdili

p. 76-77
Loan shark –mevaxSe
Muck – manure, nakeli, nexvi

Collateral = security; uzrunvelyofa (sesxis), girao

Equity- is the same thing as share capital; saaqcionero kapitali
state-of-the-art = the level or position at a given time, esp. the present, of generally accepted and
available knowledge, technical achievement, etc, in a particular field, etc
realuri, miRweuli, danergili современное положение дел, современное
состояние (науки, техники)
Principal – ZiriTadi (mTavari) Tanxa, razec iricxeba procenti;
To take a stake – mewiled gaxdoma
Installment – sesxis nawili, nawil-nawil Sesatani Tanxa (sesxi, ganvadeba)
Indemnity= guarantee, insurance, cover, protection, compensation
To go into administration – to go bankrupt
To default = to fail to pay debts payments, liabilities

BUSINESS ANGELS – wealthy investors, often people who have made a lot of money from a business that
they themselves founded, and are now looking for new companies in which to invest.

BANK FINANCE – borrowing money from a bank or banks in the form of loan;

EQUITY FINANCE – raising money in the form of shares (equity capital = share capital)

DEBT FUNDRAISING – borrowing money in the form of bonds; i.e. bondholders lend money to
borrowers in the form of bonds.

VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS - look for new(ish) businesses to invest in. They know that most will fail
or produce disappointing results, but that with luck they will hit the jackpot with a
very successful one from time to time

p. 85 No more easy money

To go the distance - to be able to complete an assigned task or responsibility

To pitch to – to aim a product or an idea at someone ; to promote, advertise a product or an idea;
Avail =(n) use, benefit; sargebeli, sargebloba;
of avail – sasargebelo, momgebiani; of no avail ; to little avail – usargebelo (d);
(v) – daxmareba, sargeblobis motana;
to avail oneself of – to take advantage of
Lucky break – iRbali, warmateba, bednieri SemTxveva;
To settle on(sth) - to agree or fix; gadawyvetilebis miReba, SeTanxmeba;
To turn down –to reject , to decline , to refuse ,to repudiate ,to spurn , to vote down , to throw out;
To hedge= hinder , confine , restrict
2. to guard against the risk of loss in (a bet, the paying out of a win, etc.), esp by laying bets
with other bookmakers
3. to protect against financial loss through future price fluctuations, as by investing in futures
To hone – to perfect, to polish, to sharpen, to work on
Disparate – [´disp(ə)rət]- utterly different or distinct in kind; discordant , incompatible , incongruous;
Seusabamo, Seuferebeli;
To come through - to emerge successfully ; to survive (an illness, setback, etc.)
p.79 – Raising finance

to contemplate = to consider, think over, ponder, weigh up

MBI = kompaniis Sesyidva sxva kompaniis menejerebis mier
MBO = kompaniis Sesyidva imave kompaniis menejerebis mier
To strike a balance –to manage to find the way to be fair to two opposing things , to find a
Prospects - perspeqtiva
Whilst = at the same time as, even as
To expose 1. warmoCena, gamoCena, gaSiSvleba
2. gamoaSkaraveba, saaSkaraoze gamotana
3. safrTxeSi Cagdeba, daucvelad datoveba, dartymis qveS
to dilute = to waken, reduce, attenuate
optimal – best, most favorable, most advantageous
share capital –saaqcionero kapitali
preference share – priviregirebuli aqcia, aqcia fiqsirebuli dividendiT
equity investor – aqciebis mflobeli investori
due - gadasaxdeli
to ascribe – to credit, to assign, to attribute, miawero, miniWeba
due diligence – 1.saTanado yuradReba, saTanado zrunva, saTanado mondomeba
2. (fin) kompaniis Semowmeba finansurad auditi, iuridiuli da
finansuri eqspertiza (aqciebis yidvis win)


To renovate = restore, e.g. old buildings, oil paintings, to a good or strong condition; aRdgena
To refurbish = make clean or bright again like new; ganaxleba

p.82 Case study

Expatriate – emigranti
Provisionally – winaswar, droebiT
Intelligence officer – mzveravi
The mystery unfolds – saidumlo ixsneba
Freelance staff – StatgareSe personali


Income generation – Semosavlis gamomuSaveba

Ongoing struggle – mimdinare brZola
To suspend – SeCereba
Pending – (prep.& adj.) while waiting for sth. to happen, until sth. happens; going to happen soon.
Principal – ZiriTadi Tanxa, romelsac ericxeba procenti
Collateral for the loan – sesxis uzrunvelyofa


To enter into talks – molaparakebis wamowyeba

Flotation – kompaniaSi aqciebis pirvelad gayidva xalxze fondebis moZiebis mizniT
To hint at – gadakvriT Tqma sityvis
Divestment –[daivestment]= divestiture [daivestit∫ə]- aqciebis gayidva an investiciis
ukan gamotana

To default = fail to pay a debt; valis ver gadaxda

Steer clear of - Tavi Sors daiWire


p. 99 Customer service is changing the world: Up close and global

up close and personal –intimate, close, friendly

Bread- and- butter – 1.= everyday, daily; yoveldRiuri, Cveulebrivi;
2. providing a basic means of subsistence e.g.a bread-and-butter job
3. solid, reliable, or practical e.g bread-and-butter player;
4. expressing gratitude, as for hospitality e.g bread-and-butter letter
5. young , immature, inexperienced, boyish, girlish e.g bread-and-butter
To call for = to oblige, to obligate, to need
Confectioner - a person who makes or sells sweets or confections; konditeri;
High-end – maRali klasis, maRalxarisxovani, ZviradRirebuli;
To recoil from – ukan daxeva, (SiSisagan, zizRisagan) ukan gaxtoma, Tavis
To pre-empt –1. to forestall, anticipate, 2. to block, to obstruct
Insight - the ability to perceive clearly or deeply; penetration; wvdoma, gageba
To deploy – 1. gamoyeneba, xmareba; 2. ganlageba, ganTavseba (jaris)
front line – klientebTan muSaoba;
To collate - to examine and compare (texts, statements, etc.) in order to note points of agreement
and disagreement; kritikulad Sexedva, Sedareba, dapirispireba;
repository – baza, sacavi, sawyobi; 2. ndobiT aRWurvili piri;
To prompt – to urge;

To trigger – sinqronulad gakeTeba , amoqmedeba, biZgis micema, dawyeba,

remedy = cure; saSualeba, zomebi ramis sawinaaRmdegod;
To intercede – Careva, Suamdgomloba, Serigeba, mediatoroba;
analytics – analizis xelovneba, analizis meTodebis gamoyeneba, logoka;
canned – firze Cawerili;
scripted – scenariT dawerili;
To leak out – gamomJRavneba, gamoJonva;
To outsource (service) – to use or employ another company to do it;
cadre [´kα:də] – kadri;
downturn - a drop or reduction in the success of a business or economy ≠ upturn
to leave (leg) behind – CamorCena;
indulgence – mowyaleba, indulgencia, moTmineba; privilegia
To miss out on – xelidan gaSveba, yuradRebis ar miqceva;
To reap – moimko, mosavali miiRo


Brazenly = shamelessly


To opt for = exercise a choice, decide; arCeva, upiratesobis miniWeba

To endeavour = (formal) to try


To do one’s utmost – ecado yvelanairad, yvela Rone ixmaro


p105 Article A
to issue = to give out, to allocate, to provide, to supply;
Repair kit – saremonto instrumentebis kompleqti
To chop off – moWra, moWeWyva
Hinge - petli
To overwhelm – gadavseba, avseba, gaoceba, daufleba;
To ensue – [in´sju] – to follow, to arise;
Twitter - an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to
send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets".
To grasp = to understand;
Therein – aq, amaSi, am adgilze
floor mat – xaliCa manqanis salonSi;
To flounder –[flαundə] to struggle; to move with difficulty, as in mud
2) to behave awkwardly; make mistakes
seriozuli siZneleebis qona, gaWirvebiT moZraoba,
cdilobde sayrdenis povnas, Seferxeba, waborZikeba;
To empathise – [´empəθaiz] – TanagrZnoba, sxvisi grZnobebis/tkivilis gaziareba
To fall into the trap – xafangSi gabma;
Inwardly [´inwədli] – secretly, privately, to yourself; SigniT, Signidan, sulSi
Precious – Zvirfasi;

Article B

Robust – [rə´bΛst] - Zlieri, Ronieri, janmrTeli, mtkice;

Fallible –[´fæləbl] -capable of being mistaken; erring 2) liable to mislead ≠infallible
To materialize – asruleba, Sesruleba, ganxorcieleba
Semiconductors – naxevargamtarebi;
To take brave step – mamacuri nabijis gadadgma;
At a cost to -at the expense of losing; wagebis xarjze;


to concede -1. to lose, to yield; 2. acknowledge, admit , allow , confess

Contingency plan – sarezervo gegma

to crouch –[kraut∫] - Cakuzva
to cringe move back or away from sth. because you are afraid SekrToma SiSisagan
2. to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about sth.
1. mliqvneloba, pirferoba


instigator- leader, mastermind, monger, wamqezebeli, gamCaRebeli


Autocrat = person who gives orders without considering the wishes of others
To delegate = give other people responsibility for work rather than doing all themselves
Empowerment = the right to take decisions and act on their own without asking managers first
Collaborative = working in partnership
Laissez-faire [leisei fεə]= 1. noninterference; marTvaSi Caurevloba
2. the idea that governments should do as little to the economy as possible and
allow private business to develop without the state controlling or influencing them
Hands-on – (before noun) – doing sth. rather than just talking about it praqtikuli, cxovrebiseuli
Hands-on management-menejmentis stili romlisTvisac damaxasiaTebelia aqtiuri (praqtikuli)
marTvis stili sistemuri meTodebiT, kontroliTa da zusti gegmebiT

p. 103
assertive- forceful, , pushy, aggressive
country club (management)- xelmZRvaneloba, romelic did yuradRebas uTmobs
sasiamovno atmosferos Seqmnas da ara sawarmoo miznebis
Concise – brief, short, to the point, terse
Time-bounded – time-limited
To brief – to inform
To stay on track – darCes aqualuri, mniSvnelovani.
To utilize – to use, exploit, operate, develop, consume
To make adjustment – Segueba, morgeba
To trace back –warmoSobis, mizezebis dadgena; axsna
To evolve –develop, progress, grow ganviTareba
Output – production, productivity, result
Deliverable – комплектующий узел 2. iyos gakeaTebadi, Sesrulebadi, Cambarebeli
Off-track – kursidan, swori gzidan gadaxveva;


Bugbear = thing feared or disliked, with or without good reason; saSiSroeba, safrTxe
Tenacious = (formal) holding tightly, refusing to let go; myari


Unmotivating = if something is unmotivating, it does not give you the motivation to do it

Demotivating = if someyhing is demotivating it takes away whatever motivation you had to do it

reclining seats – savarZeli regulirebadi sazurgiT


Sweeping changes – radikaluri cvlilebebi

Preconception – winaswar akviatebuli Sexeduleba

Consequently – amitom, aqedan gamomdinare

Therefore – amitom, amis gamo
At odds – xandaxan
At the outset = at the beginning

To further – to advance, to promote
To envisage [in’vizidj]– to imagine, to foreseen, to visualize, to predict, to picture



Unanimously – [ju;’næniməsli]- erTsulovnad

Hostile bid or takeover is the one in which a company tries to buy another company whose
shareholders do not want to sell
tie-up-1. connection , association, links contact; 2. picket, strike;
closing price = final price –aqciis saboloo fasi (erT mocemul dRes londonis
safondo birJis daxurvisas.

p.115 Green Targets

Chocolatier –[t∫okə´lætiə] a person or company that makes or sells chocolate;

Cold cash – naRdi fuli
Hard cash – [´ha:d´kæ∫] - naRdi fuli
At the very least – rbilad rom vTqvaT/ rogorc minimum;
Mere – [miə] – ubralod;
To revere – to respect, to adore , to idolize , to venerate , to worship;
Once-revered – odesRac pativsacemi, odesRac saTayvano;
Expiration date – vargisiaobis vada, Senaxvis vada;
Mainstream – mTavari xazi, ZiriTadi mimarTuleba/ tendencia;
To applaud [ə´plod] – aplodireba, taSis dakvra, mowoneba, misalmeba;
To hold on to – to keep/to maintain;
Essence – raoba, arsebiTi mxare;
To flag – dasusteba, Sesusteba, stabilurobis dakargva; farxmalis dayra;
Give and take – kompromisi, urTierT –daTmoba;
Back and forth – to and fro – win da ukan, yoveli mxridan (направо и налево);
Fit –kargad morgebuli ram; morgebuloba;
To quantify [kwontifai] - to measure, to discover or express the quantity of; raodenobis
gansazRvra, gazomva;
pudding -
“The proof of the pudding is in the eating”- Tu ar gasinjav, gemos ver gaugeb;
to mull [mΛl] – to think over, to consider


Pitfalls – moulodneli sirTule

Rigorous – srulyofili, yovlismomcveli
Constraint – dabrkoleba
Sycophants – [saikəfənt] pirferi
To collaborate = work in partnership
To vie- vied-vying – to compete strongly with smb. to acieve or obtain sth.


Impartial = just; not favouring one more than another; miukerZoebeli, samarTliani
To indebt – valSi yofna
Destined – ganwiruli
To pose = cause
Cadre of employees – [ka:də] kadrebi
Caucus [kokəs] = (meeting of the) organization or committee of a political party (making plans,
decisions, etc); politikuri partiis komitetis sxdoma
Alignment [əlainment] –position, arrangement, placement ganlageba, regulireba
Mandatory = obligatory, compulsory, conveying a command; savaldebulo
Stork – yanCa
Spree – short period of time that you spen doing ona particular activity that you enjoy, but often
too much of it.
To give a buzz – to telephone
Buzz – excitement, pleasure

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