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UNIT 7 Review and extension GE GRAMMAR 2 Complete the sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the words. 1 Top 2922. Kawoae 120kn/h, Shui 140kmv, TTR 150«nih ‘The Shurrika is faster than the Kawasa, but the TTR is the factect. (fa) 2 Room price: Grand Hote! 80 euros, Hotel Central 100 euros, Hotel Europe 130 euros The Hotel Central je the Grandi Helo, hut the Hota Europe is. (expensive) 3 MP3 players: Soundgood °°", MusicHro ""*", listen “The MusicPra is the Souncigeod, but the iisten is — (good) 4 umber oF Tans in me world: Border FC 20 milion, Dk Jets 100 milion, AK Dynama 200 milion DK Jets are___ AK Dynamo, but Border FC is (popuier) Complete the text with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. pian notbe buy fot open wot have See Thirty years ago, we '___ any big supermarkets in my town, There were some small shops and |” liked it because | always °___ people | knew, soit was very friendly, But itwasn't perfec - there “___a lot of different products. And the shop &___on Gunday or late in the evening, so © __ my week carefully EAVOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. everything there. | @place intouch on well paid to know 1. I'm going to Ret with an old friend this week 2 get much more naw than in my old job, 2. Ve lke to get ata university in a citferent city 4 When I was younger | wasn't very close to my parents, but now we get 5. | got____ most of my close friends when | wos at school Match the sentence halves 1 LJ! go running twice a week to keep =a overweight. 2 (]!'m healthy now, but | used to be b ona diet. 3 [| preter tod exercise than go ft 4 |_|Alot more people today have d weight. 5 [When | stuayalet loften auton alleges 76 Is change a verb or a noun in sentences 1-8? 1 | just want to change into something a bt more comfortable 2 | have a uificull Wein journey lo work I ave lo change twice and take @ bus. 3 You've glven me the wrong ehange —I gave you $10, not $5. 4 ve etanged my wind ~ Fins going Wo stayin tonight 5 | took the shirt back tothe shop and changed i or anather ane, 6 | always heep some change in he car to pay for parking 7. We normally go shopping on Saturdays, but we'e playing football for @ change, {8 Could you change my £20 for two €10 notes, please? b Match the words in bold in 3a with meanings ah, vers 4 Llget oft train, bus or plane and get on a differert one b Ereturn something and get a new one ¢ [put eitterentclthes on a EJexchange money for diferent notes or coins @ T}make a different decision Nouns # L1booase yeu went new aenaviones & [Jooins h |_Jthe money @ shop assistant returns to you © Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. ‘change trains change my mind change some money ep Some change Ure igi change change Into for achange change 2 Lelwoys in ery pocket. 2 I normally ‘comforiable clothes when I get home in the evening, 2 Ihove te ‘on my way home. 4. | normally goto the mountains, but this year 'm going on a beach holiday 5 think its better 12 before you go abroad. 6 I don't often after Ive made a decision, 7 Its easy to something after you've bought iin a shop 8 When | buy things, | aways check the shop assistant gives me d CB Which of the sentences in 3c are true for you? * REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS How well did you do int this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 for each objective. 3=very well 2 = well TON Tatk about ite-changing evens Describe heat and itesye changes Talk the doctor is wag ao 1 = not so well ooo0n0

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