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Thesis statement: If humans do not treat great apes and its habitats with care, then the great

apes, which are already declining in species and numbers, will eventually be extinct, which may lead
to environmental chaos.

Center for Great Apes - Orangutan and Chimpanzee Conservation. Patti Ragan, 2011. Web. 07 Feb.
2011. <>.

This organization is helpful and important to our Global Awareness Project, because it is a not-for-
proft organization, which probably proves that it is reliable. This organization has been found in
1984 by Patti Ragan, not online until this year and has taken care of many apes, starting from
orangutans to chimpanzees. It also has many informations about primates, chimpanzees, and
orangutans. There are a few stories of the apes too, so it may be a good resource if we want
informations about some life stories of the apes.

Colvin, Mark, prod. "Great Apes Threatened with Extinction." PM. ABC. 20 Apr. 2010. Mark Colvin, 20 Apr. 2010. Web. 7 Feb. 2011.

This radio broadcasting online is very helpful to our documentary, because it kindly states the
causes of the extinction. Not only that, it clearly states the numbers of the extinct apes, as well as
some extra ape facts. These numbers and facts are pretty much very updated since this radio was
aired last April.

"Great Apes." Great Ape Trust. Web. 07 Feb. 2011. <>.

This website, Great Ape Trust, is a site that specifes in great apes, which is our topic for this
project. It shows different studies of many endangered apes and helps us understand why they are
endangered. They also give advice on how we can help these animals. They even offer a statistics
page where we can see just how much the great ape population is diminishing.

Mayell, Hillary. "Orangutans Edging Closer to Brink of Extinction." National Geographic News. 24
Oct. 2000. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.

Quite a few are all aware of national geographic site. Not only this serves as a reliable source, but
it is a persuasive article describing the actual experience of a person. The descriptive description
about the experience such as rescuing baby UCE tends to make us really understand the
environment apes are in today. Also, the progression of extinction is well described in this article.
This article shows specifc actions we humans are doing as wells as what we already have done.
This site is especially useful for national geographic is a widely known site which people tend to
think more deeply about what the article is talking about.

Nicholas, Aaron, Andrew Dunn, and Dirck Byler. "Conserving the Most Endangered Gorilla." U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. 29 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.

This website is a very useful website to our project because it not only gave us useful background
information on the great apes, but it gave us a few population numbers of gorillas. It gives us very
interesting details on our topic. It also helps us to understand why these animals are endangered.
In addition, it gives a list of different things that have happened in order to conserve the great
apes of our world.

"One in Ten Supermarket Products Linked to Orangutan Extinction." Orangutan Foundation. 23

Sept. 2005. Web. 07 Feb. 2011. <
ten-supermarket-products-linked-to-orangutan-extinction >.

This website provides reliable information regarding the research done by experts which vividly
reveals the consequence in the future. For example, the article states that complete extinction
may be seen within 12 years. Also, it shows the oblivious state of people/governments mind as it
shows some actions we are taking that are causing Great Apes to be extinct. Importantly, this
article states the main cause and describes the detrimental consequences we are making for not a
single market in UK knows where the palm oil originates in the products it sells.

"Palm Oil in Food, Cosmetics Linked to Orangutan Extinction." Artisana Organic Nut Butter. 28
Sept. 2005. Web. 07 Feb. 2011. < ?
option=com_content&task=view&id=53&Itemid=2 >.

The effects of the palm oils on Asia’s only Great apes are shown in this website. For example, it
describes the destruction of the inhabited areas of the apes. These parts serve prime resource for
our project because it helps people understand and picture the future events we are bringing if we
don’t take some necessary steps. This is an organization which seeks to persuade us into taking
some small steps by providing decent information such as ones mentioned above. Since it talks
much about some events regarding the main problem, it is a necessary site needed for our project.

"Relative Scarcity: Apes on the Edge (ActionBioscience)." ActionBioscience - Promoting Bioscience

Literacy. Web. 07 Feb. 2011. <>.

This website would be very useful for our project for many reasons. This website shows more of a
scientifc and factual view of the different types of great apes going into extinction. The website
shows the many kinds of great apes that are currently, or on the brink of extinction. It shows
approximately how many of the species are left, and how seriously they are endangered. It also
briefy shows the causes of the extinction and how we could prevent this.

Species Fact Sheet: African Great Apes. May 2007. PDF.

This fact sheet, pack full of information, is defnitely important to our project. This is because it
concentrates mostly on two things: why great apes are being endangered, and how we could
prevent this from happening further. The factsheet covers different aspects of these two areas
thoroughly. The frst half of the factsheet states that factors such as habitat loss and diseases are
contributing to the extinction. It also shows how we, as humans, speed up the extinction of these
great apes. The second half of the factsheet informs us in different ways to prevent this disaster
from happening, and how a variety of organizations are helping these creatures from disappearing
"WWF - Great Apes - Overview." World Wildlife Fund - Wildlife Conservation, Endangered Species
Conservation. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.

This website is important to our research for our global awareness project because is a well-known site that specializes in giving information about endangered
animals. Great apes, being endangered animals, also fall under this particular category. It gives a
clear overall explanation of what the great apes are and why they are endangered. The website
also gives very thorough information about specifc great apes, including bonobos, orangutans,
gorillas, and chimpanzees.

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