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Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - www.srmi.

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Adina Rusu1,2, Ionu-Ovidiu Rusu1, Amalia Loredana Călinoiu2,

Lăcrămioara Aurelia Brîndușe1,3, Dana Galieta Mincă1,3
”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
2 st
I Internal Medicine Clinic, Bucharest Emergency University Hospital
Bucharest National Public Health Institute
Corresponding author: Adina Rusu
Correspondence address: No 169 Splaiul Independenei Street, 5th sector, Bucharest,
Romania, zip code 050098

Background and objectives. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is a very important
outcome in patients with chronic liver disease. Thus, the present study attempts to assess the
family quality of life of these patients, since it is well known that families have always
represented the primary environment of most people.
Matherial and methods. A sample of 30 participants with a family member who had CLD
were recruited to be interviewed through the Romanian adaptation of the Family Quality of
Life Survey – general version 2006 (FQOLS-2006), an evaluation tool developed in Canada
with the purpose of studying families' quality of life among. Primary caregivers completed the
FQOL Survey. The data was analysed to describe population characteristics and to explore the
relationship between the main domains and dimensions of QoL and the patients and
caregivers characteristics.
Results. The findings showed highest domain scores for Support from services and Family
relationships and lowest for Support from others. Dimension scores were highest for
Importance and lowest for Stability. Overall FQOL approximated average (78.5±13.4).
Younger patients scored lower rates of FQOL domains. Alcohol-related liver disease led to
lower rates of all the domains, except from Support from others and Leisure and Recreation
activities. Patients with liver cirrhosis or liver cancer negatively influence their caregiver's
success in career. Also, families of liver cirrhosis patients reported the lowest level of
satisfaction among all respondents.
Conclusions. The results of this study suggest that there are some significant areas of family
life highly influenced by a chronic liver disease diagnosis in one of their members.
Keywords: family quality of life, chronic liver disease, burden, FQOL Survey.

Original papers

Introducere și obiective. Calitatea vieii în relaie cu starea de sănătate reprezintă un
parametru foarte important pentru evaluarea pacienilor cu boli hepatice cronice. În acest
sens, studiul de faă urmărește evaluarea calităii vieii familiilor în a căror componenă există
membri diagnosticai cu boli hepatice cronice, fiind bine cunoscut faptul că familia reprezintă
cel mai important punct de sprijin al individului.
Material și metodă. Un grup de 30 persoane care au în componena familiei pacieni cu boli
hepatice cronice a fost selectat pentru a completa un chestionar de evaluare a calităii vieii
familiei (FQOLS – 2006 varianta generală). Acest instrument de evaluare a fost elaborat de un
grup de experi canadieni cu scopul măsurării calităii vieii familiilor. Datele obinute au fost
analizate cu scopul descrierii caracteristicilor acestor familii și pentru a compara scorurile
obinute la fiecare domeniu de interes al QoL în funcie de caracteristicile pacienilor și
familiilor acestora.
Rezultate. Domeniile referitoare la sprijinul din partea serviciilor medicale și relaiile
interfamiliale au obinut cele mai mari scoruri medii, iar cele mai mici valori au fost obinute de
sprijinul oferit de alte persoane din afara familiei. Scorul cel mai mare a fost obinut de
dimensiunea importană, iar cel mai mic de stabilitate. Scorul mediu al chestionarului FQOL a
fost 78.5±13.4. Cu cât vârsta pacientului a fost mai mică, cu atât scorurile domeniilor FQOL au
fost mai mici. Etiologia alcoolică a bolii hepatice s-a corelat cu scoruri mai mici ale majorităii
domeniilor FQOL. Diagnosticele de ciroză hepatică și hepatocarcinom celular au determinat
cele mai scăzute valori ale domeniului Carieră al aparinătorului. De asemenea, pacienii cu
ciroză hepatică au determinat cel mai mic scor al satisfaciei aparinătorilor.
Concluzii. Rezultatele acestui studiu indică influenarea semnificativă a anumitor domenii
ale vieii de familie de către existena în componena familiei a unui membru diagnosticat cu
boală hepatică cronică.
Cuvinte cheie: calitatea vieii familiei, boli hepatice cronice, povară, FQOLS
Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 25

Introduction that were being followed in an Internal

M e d i c i n e s e r v i c e i n B u c h a r e s t . We
Chronic liver disease (CLD) is related to hypothesized that FQOL ratings would be
important morbidity and mortality and it affected by sociodemographic and etiological
represents one of the major burdens for health factors. More specifically, we examined
care systems around the world. Although, in whether FQOL would be lower in those residing
the past decades, there has been major outside of a major urban area and would differ
progress regarding the knowledge and between families of different age, economic
management of chronic liver disease, there and etiology of CLD background.
are still approximately 30 million persons
estimated to suffer from CLD only in Europe(1). Method. Participants
United States statistics indicate that liver
cirrhosis accounts for nearly 60.000 deaths The participants comprised a convenience
each year, being reffered as the 12 leading sample of family members who identified
cause of death among Americans and as the 3 themselves as the main caregivers of
or the 4 leading cause of death among individuals with CLD, who received medical
persons aged 45-64 years old . s e r v i c e s f ro m B u c h a re s t E m e rg e n c y
According to WHO (World Health Organiza- University Hospital during 2018.
tion), in terms of alcohol consumption, the Subjects were included if they:
heaviest drinking occurs in Europe, where the l Families with a member over 18 years of
mortality rate from alcohol-related disease is age diagnosed with CLD defined when
as high as 47 per 100.000 persons . Given there was evidence of alcoholic or non-
these circumstances, there is an urgent need alcoholic liver disease, chronic hepatitis B
to implement prevention programs by virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV)
governments in order to lower the substantial infection by reviewing serologic markers
burden of alcohol- associated liver disease and history, serologic and/or radiologic
morbidity and mortality worldwide. evidence of liver cirrhosis of different
Also, patient-reported outcomes are nowadays etiologies and radiologic and/or
considered more and more important in the histopathologic examination of
assessment of health outcomes. Determining hepatocellular carcinoma.
global satisfaction and overall quality of life l Knowledge of Romanian native language.
(QoL) from the patient's perspective is of l Out of free will to participate to the study.
utmost importance . Furthermore, in order to l Written informed consent.
achieve a greater scoring of patients' QoL as to
improve chronic disease management, the Information about the patient sample
concept of family quality of life (FQOL) has A total of 30 family members participated in
been developed. the study, including 13 wives, 6 husbands, 5
daughters, 4 mothers, 1 father and 1 sister,
Aim of the present study representing the main caregivers of the
individual with chronic liver disease
The aim of this study was to describe the FQOL included. Three quarters of them were
of families having a member with chronic liver females, with a mean age of 49.9±13.8 years
disease who reside in south-eastern Romania (range 29-83). Most of them described their

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family as a two-parent family (76.7%), from other people, support from medical
indicating the “mother” as the most involved related services, influence of values, careers
member of the family (43.3%), followed by and planning for careers, leisure and
“both of the parents equally” involved in day re c re a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s a n d c o m m u n i t y
to day life of their families (26.7%). interaction.
More than a half of the respondents believed Within each domain, six dimensions are
that the responsibility for day to day affairs of assessed by one item each: Importance –
the family accounts for the amount they like, importance of each domain to the family,
but the main concern was regarding the Opportunities – the perceived opportunity to
responsibility related to caregiving. Most of increase attainment of the domain, Initiative
them, rated this item with 1 or 2 out of 5 on a – the efforts made by the family to increase
Likert scale (from 1 to 5, lowest to highest), attainment, Attainment – the amount of
which means “much more responsibility than achievement in each domain, Stability – the
I would like” or “more responsibility than I stability of attainment over time, and
would like” (see Table 1). Satisfaction – the level of satisfaction of the
Regarding the individuals with CLD, almost family with attainment. Some examples of
three quarters were male (73.33%) and their the items are: “How important is your
mean age was 51.3 years (SD = 14.1 years; family's health to your family's QOL?”; “All
range 26-79). 3 families lived in the things considered, how satisfied are you with
countryside, while the other 27 families lived the financial well-being of your family?”.
in the city (90%). 30% of patients included had FQOLS-2006 was found superior above other
alcohol related liver disease (see Table 2). tools that examine families and their QoL in
several previous studies (Werner et al. 2009,
Instrument Schertz et al. 2016)(7,8). The instrument has
The instrument used in this study was the several major strengths which make it useful
F Q O L S - 2 0 0 6 ( B ro w n e t a l . 2 0 0 6 ) , a for clinical research. For example, the
questionnaire containing 54 items that questions are worded similarly and all the
examine nine core quality of life domains. responses are rated on a similar 5-point scale
The first section includes background which enables an easier comparison
information (gender, age, diagnoses, etc.) on between the results. Also, another favorable
the family and its members. The assessed feature of FQOLS-2006 is that it incorporates
domains are health of the family, financial both quantitative and qualitative data,
well-being, family relationships, support providing a more comprehensive
Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 27

Table 1. Family characteristics of those having a member with CLD


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Table 2. Characteristics of the patients with chronic liver disease (CLD)

Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 29

representation of family life(7). It is a very time, the p value less than 0.05 was
adaptive tool and it can be used for a wide considered statistically significant.
range of clinical research.
Caregivers of patients with CLD, who met the Results showed that most of the families feel
research inclusion criteria, were approached that the lack of knowledge regarding the
by us and were provided an explanation treatment for some of their health concerns
regarding the research study. 93% of those are the greatest barriers to accessing health
approached agreed to participate on the care services. Mostly, the families with a
study. Of the 30 family members questioned, member diagnosed with viral hepatitis B or
83% were interviewed face-to-face in the cancer responded this way (see Figure 1).
clinic, 13% self-administrated the survey and Secondly, some complained about the lack of
4% were interviewed by the phone. In all transportation to the hospital and, third, the
cases, the respondents were asked to focus absence of specific health services in the
on and consider the QOL of their entire residency area. These two barriers were
family, rather than just their individual QOL. more frequently mentioned by the families
Demographic information was verified and who resided in the countryside, rather than
data regarding the patient's significant those who lived in an urban area (Figure 1).
history, diagnostic and treatment was The overall means of the nine domains are
obtained from their medical record. shown in Fig. 2. As seen, the highest means
were those referring to Support from special
Data analysis s e r v i c e s ( 3 . 8 9 ) , f o l l o w e d b y Fa m i l y
Statistical analyses were carried out using relationships and Leisure and Recreation
SPSS 23.0 software. Analyses were activities. The lowest mean domain scores
conducted on the group of patients to was Support from other people (3.11).
establish profiles of FQOL for families with a The overall means of the six dimensions are
member diagnosed with chronic liver shown in Fig. 3. As the figure illustrates,
disease. Furthermore, analyses included Importance was rated the highest (4.11),
relationship of FQOL results, domains and while Stability was rated the lowest (3.09).
dimensions to family characteristics (age, Opportunities, Initiative and Satisfaction
gender, location of residency, family type) scored average rates, with slight differences
and patient characteristics (age, gender, in between (3.61 vs 3.57 vs 3.56).
diagnosis, etiology of CLD, method of No statistically significant correlations were
treatment). found between the studied family
The population was described using numbers characteristics (age and gender of the main
and frequencies for the qualitative variable caregiver of the family, residency area and
and the average and standard deviations for family type) and FQOL domains and
the quantitative variables. Spearman dimensions (see Table 3a and Table 3b).
c o rre l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t w a s u s e d f o r We found positive statistic correlations
evaluating the relationship between the between the age of the patient and all FQOL
quality of family life dimensions/domains domains, except from the Influence of Values
and family or patients characteristics. Each domain. Therefore, the younger the patient,

Original papers

the lower the FQOL score domains were. Discussion

Patients with alcohol-related chronic liver
disease scored lower rates for almost all The current study examined FQOL by using
FQOL domains, besides Support from other the revised FQOLS (Brown et al. 2006). The
people and Leisure and Recreational interrelationships between the nine life
activities domains. domains, their six dimensions and the overall
The patient's diagnosis was found to score of FQOLS, alongside family and
negatively influence the caregiver's Career patients characteristics were explored.
domain as follows – liver cirrhosis patients, The mean age of the patients diagnosed with
followed by hepatocellular carcinoma CLD in our group was 51.3±14.1 (mean ±
patients determined the lowest values for SD), similar to other liver disease patients
their main caregiver's Career domain. The cohorts reported in literature(9). Also, most
strongest statistically significant correlation patients in our group were male (73.3%),
between FQOL domains and patient results which are consistent with the latest
characteristics was found between the literature reviews regarding age-gender
alcohol-related causes of CLD and the medicine, which is a relatively recent
Community domain (p<0.001). developed and used concept(10).
The age of the patient also statistically In terms of amount of involvement in day to
positively correlated with all FQOL day life of the family, most of the
dimensions without exception, meaning that respondents designated the “mother”, as
a younger patient determined lower rates of the most involved person, for the two-parent
all FQOL dimensions. The mean score of type of family, as these represented 76.7% of
Satisfaction was significantly influenced by the total. Regarding the personal amount of
the patient's diagnosis. In our studied group, responsibility in day to day family life, 53.3%
liver cirrhosis patients caused the lowest of the respondents reported an average
Satisfaction rates for their main caregivers. score (“about the amount of responsibility I
A statistically significant correlation was also like”), on contrast with only 40% with the
found between the etiology of chronic liver same answer regarding the responsibility
disease and all the FQOL dimensions. related to caregiving for the family member
Thereby, patients with alcohol-related liver with CLD. In this case, the majority of
disease were associated with the lowest answers (56.7%) were “more responsibility
FQOL dimensions rates among all patients in than I would like”, suggesting that the family
the studied sample. (see Table 3b) member with CLD signifies a burden for the
Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 31

Figure 3. Means of dimensions scores of FQOLS


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main caregiver of the family and the rest of patients over a period of 17 Years (2000-
its members. 2017)(12). The fact that the liver
The main complaints of the families with transplantation program has constantly
respect to the barriers in accessing health evolved over time may be associated with
care services were the absence of a known the results described in our study regarding
treatment for the liver disease, the lack of the support families with CLD reported
transportation and the inexistence of having from health care services.
medical services in the residency areas. Support from other people (relatives, friends,
These last two complaints were more neighbors and others) was rated lowest
consistent with the group of people living in across all dimensions. This finding is
the countryside. The least barriers families consistent with previous findings from the
reported were regarding the difficulty in original survey of lack of practical support
accessing medical appointments and the from relatives, friends and neighbors (Brown
amount of time needed for this to take place. et al. 2003). An explanation for this fact could
S u p p o r t f r o m s e r v i c e s a n d Fa m i l y be that families with members with CLD,
relationships were rated highest overall, especially alcohol-related liver disease or
demonstrating that these domains are viral disease do not feel comfortable asking
prominent in the lives of families that have a for help in the community. Also, patients with
member with chronic liver disease. The viral hepatitis assuredly feel anxious about
constant upgrade of the health care services possible apprehension or rejection from
in our country, particularly in terms of other people, aside from their closest family
diagnosis and treatment for liver disease members.
would explain the high level of confidence On the positive side, family relationships
that patients reported regarding the support were rated second high across other
from special services. New updates upon the domains. This showing places family as the
attainability for patients with Hepatitis C to main caregiver of the patient with CLD,
receive interferon-free therapies were issued especially because for this kind of patients
recently by our National Health System in a long-term follow-ups and extended
press release. Also, the most recent data treatments are required. Moreover, this
about The Romanian National Program for finding is likely indicative of a primary
Liver Transplantation for patients with end- reliance on the close family unit, which may
stage liver disease describes a continuous lead to higher levels of patient's compliance
evolution including 852 procedures in 815 regarding suggested treatments for their
Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 33

Table 3a. Overview of correlations between FQOL domains and family and patient characteristics

Table 3b. Overview of correlations between FQOL dimensions and family and patient characteristics

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disease and long-term care. Concerning the improvement of QoL among time. This fact is
mean FQOL dimensions scores, Importance in contrast with the high rates achieved by
was rated highest, with a remarkable rate Opportunities and Initiative, which may
beside the second highest, which was indicate that families are willing to make an
Opportunities (mean score 4.11 versus effort but there is a lack of confidence
3.61). This suggests that families of patients regarding the success of these efforts in the
with CLD understand which are the key near future or that they are hindered by
elements to attaining quality of life and admit various obstacles in achieving a higher
the importance of the domains which make quality of life.
up QoL. In addition to this, Opportunities and We found significant positive correlations
Initiative were also rated high among other between the age of the patient and FQOL,
dimensions, which demonstrate that families with the exception of the Values domain.
are willing to make effort to improve some Therefore, younger patients scored lower
areas in life and that they see the current rates of FQOL domains. Also, the same
situation as in full career. significant correlation was obtained between
The moderate Satisfaction score (3.56) the alcohol-related liver disease and most of
suggests that there was no domain in which FQOL domains, except from Support from
families were satisfied to a high degree and other people and Leisure and Recreation
that there is need for additional services in activities. Previous studies (Nguyen et al.
order to achieve a greater score for 2015) have demonstrated that alcoholic
Satisfaction in most areas of family life. Also, cirrhosis led to increased caregiver burden
this finding is similar to Cummins' finding in compared to other causes of cirrhosis, which
2001, indicating that the “gold standard” for is similar to our findings(14).
QoL is a maximum satisfaction index of In addition to this, the strongest statistically
75% . significant correlation (p<0.001) was found
Stability was rated lowest among all between the alcoholic etiology of CLD and
dimensions (3.09). This indicator measures the Community domain. This finding
perceived change over time, rather than the suggests that individuals known for heavy
current situation, like the other dimensions. alcohol consumption are not well seen in
Questions of the survey referring to Stability their community and they might be rejected
include the phrase “in the near future”, which by people around them because of this
suggest that families of patients with CLD reason. Moreover, this domain also takes into
have low expectations regarding the consideration not only the individual's
Original papers Internal Medicine 2019 vol. XVI No. 3 - 35

connection with people or places around, but the amount of time needed to complete this
also the family as a whole community action (approximately one hour per filling).
interaction, which appears to be negatively
influenced by the drinking habit of one of its Conclusions
The presence of the chronic liver disease in This study contributed to advancing the
the family statistically correlates with the FQOLS-2006 as a useful tool in examining
caregiver's Career domain. Thus, the families FQOL among families with a member who
of patients with liver cirrhosis and has CLD, as in the present there is no specific
hepatocellular carcinoma scored the lowest tool for that. Determining the individual
rates in Career domain of FQOL. This fact quality of life for a patient with liver disease
could be explained by the larger amount of tends not to be enough for a thorough
time needed by the caregiver to support the evaluation of QoL. Families play a very
patient with CLD, as it requires more important role in the patient's life. Clearly,
assistance, follow-up visits and emotional many aspects that are important to
and, in some cases physical support from the individual well-being are also important to
family. Moreover, another explanation could the family system. In order to determine that,
be that the poorer long-term prognosis of it is necessary to compare perceptions
cirrhosis and liver cancer determines higher between different family members because
levels of anxiety and distress for the patient's some domains might be achieved at the
family. In the same direction, mean scores of individual level and not at the family lever or
Satisfaction in the caregivers were rated the vice versa.
lowest among other FQOL dimensions for Also, the findings point to the usefulness of
patients with liver cirrhosis, as there is a examining both life domains and dimensions
significantly statistic correlation between in the process of studying FQOL. Correlations
the Satisfaction dimension and patient's between these indicators need to be done for
diagnosis, found in our study. a deeper understanding of their meanings
and interrelationships. FQOL is mediated by
Limitations both patient and family factors that should
be given into consideration when developing
The results of the current study must be a treatment and follow-up plan for patients
interpreted with caution in light of a few with CLD. These types of studies can be of
limitations. First, the respondent population great value in the process of resource
was small and comprised of people who allocation for policy makers and service
volunteered, which may have biased the providers in our country
data. The relatively small sample size had
clearly affected our ability to examine
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