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[ities Tous RESOURCE 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 159 RESOURCE 2 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Grammar 160 RESOURCE 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Grammar 161 Taxol ol) Unit 1 Lesson 4 Speaking 162 tel ol} Unit 2 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 163 RESOURCE 6 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Grammar 164 RESOURCE 7 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Grammar 165 RESOURCE 8 Unit 2 Lesson 4 ‘Speaking 166 RESOURCE 9 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 167 RESOURCE 10 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Grammar 168 RESOURCE 11 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Grammar 169 RESOURCE 12 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Speaking 170 RESOURCE 13 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 171 RESOURCE 14 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Grammar 172 RESOURCE 15 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Grammar 173 RESOURCE 16 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Speaking 174 RESOURCE 17 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 175 RESOURCE 18 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Grammar 176 RESOURCE 19 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Grammar 77 RESOURCE 20 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Speaking 178 RESOURCE 21 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 179 RESOURCE 22 Unit 6 Lesson 2 Grammar 180 RESOURCE 23 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Grammar 181 RESOURCE 24 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Speaking 182 RESOURCE 25 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 183 RESOURCE 26 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Grammar 184 RESOURCE 27 Unit 7 Lesson 3 Grammar 185 RESOURCE 28 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Speaking 186 RESOURCE 29 Unit 8 Lesson 1 Vocabulary 187 RESOURCE 30 Unit 8 Lesson 2 Grammar 188 RESOURCE 31 Unit 8 Lesson 3 Grammar 189 RESOURCE 32 Unit 8 Lesson 4 Speaking 190 PROJECT WORKSHETS 191 Uae olkaa\Cy 193 154 [Petreceehccc econo) Photocopiable Resources aaa aie Resource 1: Unit 1 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students work individually and then compare answers in pairs. + Students play @ game. They toke'it in urns to read the clues ‘and guess the subject or item. ‘Answer Ttainers 2 French 3ruler 4 scissors S laptop 6 Art 7 Geography 8 dictionary 9 paints 10 calculator 11 Science 12 English 18 pencilcase 14 Music 1§ rubber Resource 2: Unit 1 Lesson 2, Grammar Answer Exercise 1 2He gats up at 7 o'clock. 3 Anna has Maths on Tuesday morning. 4 They walk home from school. 5 She does her homework in the evening, 6 We watch TV at the weekend. Exercise 2 2a 3b 4b 5060 Exercise 3 2e 3d 40 Sc Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Retource Exerci 2doesn't 3He 4 They 5 play Exercise 2 2Do they do pottery? 3 Do your brothers play tennis? 4 Does she ike her new hobby? 5 Does John play on instrument? ‘Does your mum have hobbies? Exercise 3 2.No, she doesn't. 3 Yes, she does. 4 Yes, Ido. 51No, he doesn't. 6 No, we don't. Exerci 1 What's your name? 2 How do you spell that? 3 Where do you live? 4 Whats your email address? '5 What's your phone number? Resource 5: Unit 2 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students complete the words individually + Then ask stuclents to work in pairs. They cut out two sets of, cords, shuffle and put them face down on the desk. Then Gee they toke itn turns to uncover two cards at a time and say what they can see, e.g. coat. the cards match o student ccan keep them. If the cards don't match, a student puts them back face down, The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner. “Answers: (from left to right) apple, biscuits, bread, cheese, chips, fish, ham, meat, pancakes, potatoes, salad, sandwiches, sausages, tomatoes, water, yoghurt Resource 6: Unit 2 Lesson 2, Grammar “Answers: Exercise 1 2lemonC 3mikU 4 flour U $ egg C 6 strawberry C Exercise 2 2on3- 4050 Exercise 3 2 There isn't any milk in this cake. ‘3 There aren't any lemons in the kitchen, 4 There are some tomatoes in this salod 5 Are there any chips on your plate? 6's there ony sugar in my tea? Exercise 4 cony, there Resource 7: Unit 2 Lesson 3, Grammar “Answers: Exercise 1 2a 3b 4a $0 6b Exercise 2 2 How much food is there? '3 How many chicken legs are there? 4 How many apples are there? 5 How much frutis there? 6 How much cola is there? Exercise 3 2 There iso lot of food. ‘3 There are three chicken legs. 4 There are two apples. 5 There iso lot of fruit. 6 There iso lot of cola. There are nine cans of cola. Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 8: Unit2 Lesson 4, Speaking ‘Answer What would you like? Ilike a ham and cheese pizza, please. ‘Anything else? ‘Can Ihave a sausage salad, please? Would you lke anything to drink? Idlike @ bottle of water, please. \: Here is your ham ond cheese pizzo, your sousage salad ‘ond your bottle of water. B: Thank you! Resource 9: Unit 3 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students look at the picture and complete the technology words individually. They compare answers in pairs. Ask them which words from Lesson 3.1 are notin the picture. instructions and Answer Key [AE BET Photocopiable Resources + Students talk in pairs and say what they can do with each tech item using the phrases under the picture. ‘Answers Vscreen 2printer 3 comera 41V § mobile phone Sloptop 7 speakers 8 tablet 9 mouse 10 headphones 11 keyboard 12 computer Resource 10: Unit 3 Lesson 2, Grammar ‘Answers: Exercise 1 2is Bare Aare Som 6is Exercise 2 2We're talking in closs. 3 Theyre watching TV. 41'm eating pizza, 5 She's toking a self, 6 You're chatting online. Exercise 3 2i'm surfing the Internet. 3 John isn't downloading o song, ‘You're sending on email. 5 Mums tolking on the phone. 6 They're dancing, Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 1 Unit 3 Lesson 3, Grammar Answers: Exercise 1 2s Mum answering her phone? 3 Am| dreaming? 4 Is he looking for his tablet? 5 fre you drinking cole? 6 Are they playing computer games? Exercise 2 2.No, she isn't 3 Yes, you are, 4 No, he isnt 5 Yes, we are. 6No, they arent. Exercise 3 2arent watching 3is coming 4s listening Sis wearing isnt sleeping Exercise 4 Students! own answers. Resource 12: Unit 3 Lesson 4, Speaking + Students cut out the cards and put them face up on the desk in three sets. One student chooses three cards and then the students read the dialogue with the new information. They then swap and repeat with new cards. Answers: 2 speak 3moment 4 for §doing 6about 7 great 8in Resource 13: Unit 4 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students cut out the picture cards and the words cards. They ‘match the words to the pictures. «Then students play Snap! pairs. Student A holds a set of picture cords, Student B holds a set of word cards. They take turns to place o card face up on the table. If the word ‘matches the picture they shout Snap! The first student to shout Snap! keeps the pair The student with the most pairs when the cards run outs the winner. Resource 14: Unit 4 Lesson 2, Grammar ‘Answer Exercise 1 2soter Shotter 4ecsier '5 more dangerous 6 better B worse Exercise 2 2 talion is easier than English. '3.My bike is bigger than your bike. 4 This cor is more expensive than that car. '5 Saturday is better thon Monday. 6 Jim is « worse dancer than Fred. Exercise 3 2 Lions are more dangerous than cats. 3A town is smaller than a city. 4A mountain is higher than the seo. '5.A mouse is smaller than on elephant. Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 15: Unit 4 Lesson 3, Grammar ‘Answer Exercise 1 2 the safest 3 the hottest 44 the easiest 5 the most dangerous 6 the best Bthe worst Exercise 2 2 This isthe most exciting computer game. 3 Grandma is the oldest person in my family 44 Moths isthe best subject of all. 5 Monday is the worst day of the week 6 January isthe coldest month of the year. Students’ own answers. Resource 1 Unit 4 Lesson 4, Speaking ‘Answers: 1 What's your name? 2.What’s your favourite film? 3 What do you think of cartoons? 4 Do you lke cats or dogs? '5 What are your favourite games? 6 What do you think about football? 7 What is your favourite sport? 8 What do you think about pop music? 9 Do you like PE. or Art? [Eee kaeod Resource 17: Unit 5 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Alter stuclents match the words, ask them to play a speed. {game in pairs. One student says the first half of a word, and the other studant completes it withthe other half as quickly 4s possible. Then they swap. “Answers: Vd 2h 3a 4m Sg 6k 7b B19F 10j Nc Ie 131, Resource 18: Unit 5 Lesson 2, Grammar Answers: Exercise 1 2We were worried about you. 3 itwas an awesome film. 4 There were lots of people at the museum, '5 Mum, Dad and Grandpa were at my porty 6 There wes a problem with my bike. Exercise 2 2wosn't 3weren't 4 weren't 5 weren't 6 wasn't Exercise 3 2a 3c 40 Sb 6c Exercise 4 Students! own answers. Resource 1 Unit 5 Lesson 3, Grammar Answer Exercise 1 2Was the milkin the fridge? 3 Were you and Dad at the stadium? 4 Were there any muffins on the plate? 5 Was Mum at the supermarket? {6 Was there a bottle of water in her bag? Exercise 2 2Yes, it wos. 3.No, we werent. 4No, there weren't. 5 ¥es, she was. 6 Yos, there wos. Exercise 3 2Were, wos 3Were, they ‘4Was, it S there, were, 6 Was, there Exercise 4 Differences: 1 six/four eggs 2five/six muffins 3 boy/girl at the table 4 apple and banana / only a banana on the table 5 dogidog and cot 6 milkjuice in the fridge Resource 20: Unit 5 Lesson 4, Speaking + After students order the dialogues and proctise them in pairs, osk them to stand up and act out each dialogue once: ‘again witha different partner, but replace the underlined words with their own ideas. They can also use the prompts in the pictures. Answers: Dialogue 1:21 3 Diologue 2:31 24 Diologue % 1 32 Gee Resource 21: Unit 6 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Alter students complete the crossword, ask them to play ‘ One students chooses 0 word from the crossword ‘and mimes the job. The class guesses the job. + Ask students which job from Lesson 6.1 is notin the crossword (police officer). ‘Answer ‘Across: 1 doctor 4 former 6 shop 7 singer 9 teacher 10 vet 11 pilot 12 artist Down: 2.chef 3bus 4 footballer § worker 8 nurse (Mystery job: builder Resource 21 Unit 6 Lesson 2, Grammar ‘Answers: Exercise 1 2cooked Stidied 4 played S orrived 6 stopped Exercise 2 2cooked 3watched 4 texted 5 looked after 6 jumped Exercise 3 2We played this computer game a week ago. 3 visited my cousins @ month ago. 4 Thay stopped at a calé two hours ago. 5 travelled to Spain a year ago. Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 23: Unit 6 Lesson 3, Grammar ‘Answer Exercise 1 2took 3come 4 drank 5.ate 6 went Exercise 2 ‘2met, meet 3 takes, took 40, went Sate, eats 6 feel, felt Exercise 3 2c 3b 4056 Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 24: Unit 6 Lesson 4, Speaking + Students complete the questions and answers, + Students use the example dialogue to ask permission to use fr borrow things. If they give permission, they hand over the cards. not, they keep the cards. ‘Answer 2use 3can 4cantt §no 6 sorry 7 right 8 Yes Resource 25: Unit 7 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students work individually and then compare answers in pairs + Students play a game. They mime being on a type of transport and the class guesses. ‘Answer Tboat 2 train 3cor 4 underground § bus 6 plane ‘motorbike 8 tram 9 taxi; Ned goes to schoo! by bike. instructions and Answer Key [BEd Resource 26: Unit 7 Lesson 2, Grammar Answer Exercise 1 2d 3a 4e Sc Exercise 2 2 didn’t eat sausages. 311 didn't go for a walk on the beach. 4 didn't sleep wel. 51 didn't take ots of photos. I didn't take any photos. 61 didn't listen to music. Exercise 3 2i didn't watch TV. 3 We didn't have any lunch. 44 She didn’t drink any milk. 5 Dad didn't dance. 6 He didn't see o bear Exercise 4 Students! own answers. Resource 27: Unit 7 Lesson 3, Grammar Answer Exercise 1 2 Did he read a good book? 3 Did Mary like the beach? 4 Did you and George eat hot dogs? 55 Did you make any fiends? Did they go to city? Exercise 2 2 Yes, he did, 3 Yes, she di “No, we didn't 5 Yes, Idi 6 No, they didn't Exercise 3 2a 3fde 5c 6d Exercise 4 Students! own answers. Resource 28: Unit 7 Lesson 4, Speaking + Students work in pairs ond correct the diclogue. + Divide the class into group A and group 8. Ask students to stond up and act out each dialogue with a different partner. Answers: "What time does the train leave?" and ‘How much is it?" are in the wrong place. They should be swapped over. Resource 29: Unit 8 Lesson 1, Vocabulary + Students work individually and then compare answers in pairs. + Students work in pairs. They cut out their cards ond divide them into two events and one date of their choice. They make sentences: eg. 've got a barbecue and a play on the 22nd. ‘Answers: Teetball match 2 play 3 barbecue 4 birthday party Sconcert 6 dance show 7 picnic 8 sleepover 9 talent Competition 10 fancy dress party 158 Gtreceehenccs Resource 30: Unit 8 Lesson 2, Grammar ‘Answer Exercise 1 2c3a4a5b6a Exercise 2 2gong 3to 4Are Sis Exercise 3 Yes, om. No, 'm not. 2 Yes, (s)he is. / No (s)he isnt. 3 Yes, 1am. / No, 'm not. 4 Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. '5 Yes, (s)he is. / No, (s)he isn't Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 31 Unit 8 Lesson 3, Grammar Exercise 2 2s she eating her breakfost? '3.Wos Grandpe a great footballer? 4 Hove they got a new fridge? '5 Doos she like pop music? 6 Did Jim go to the supermarket? Exercise 3 ‘2 What sports do you like? 3 Hom many best friends have you got? 4 When did you start school? '5 Where does your favourite food come from? Exercise 4 Students’ own answers. Resource 32 Unit 8 Lesson 4, Speaking + Ask students to look at their weekly calendars and to arrange what they can see or do together. They use the dialogue in Lesson 8.4 as an example. ‘Answer 2tickets 3 time 4 meet 5 stadium [Eee kaeod TS Order the letters and write school subjects or items. Use the clues to help. 1 Dhl Welt 2 GAME 3 Dboee a (el 3 Hiedhigd@iwH 5 WMblepKs) ro aeeeeeeoee (Sie) 2 oe sllal(cle] Hell) S 14 ; HOME is DORA You wear us for PE. Say ‘Bonjour!’ Draw lines with me. You use me to cut paper. I'm good for Computer Studies. Let's draw pictures. Let's look at maps. I've got lots of words. We are in different colours. I.can help you in Maths. love experiments. I'm this subject! I've got lots of pens and pencils. Let's sing! I'm good for pencil mistakes. Order the letters and write school subjects or items. Use the clues to help. 1 Ge) 2 (ell) 3 DWHEH 4 FOEHEAH s BdoHahM 6 OA) 7 SsIEsleHlWIe) Ue pnig@anwe 8 9 olla (els) 1o Ma IVOOHnan n GHSIE Eee 12 PWOEEmS 13 Side WE 14 Ghowrell is BORA © Pearson Central Europe 2018 You wear us for PE. Say ‘Bonjour!’ Draw lines with me. You use me to cut paper. I'm good for Computer Studies. Let's draw pictures. Let's look at maps. I've got lots of words. We are in different colours. I.can help you in Maths. ove experiments. I'm this subject! I've got lots of pens and pencils. Let's sing! I'm good for pencil mistakes. 159 BI. Photocopiable Resources Sa eae 1 Correct the underlined words. Then write the correct sentences. 1 Hoses things all the time. He get up at 7 o'clock. Anna have Maths on Tuesday morning. 2 3 4 They walks home from school. 5 She do her homework in the evening. 6 We watches TV at the weekend. 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 Mark ___ karate on Fridays. a do ® does 2 Bill and Katy ___ tennis together. a play —b plays 3. My mum ___ in the shower. a sing —b sings 3 Match 1-5 to a-e. Drawa line. 1 He often ee 21m 3. We usually 4 She 5 You never s o o [ose things all the time. The cat fish for lunch. a eat b eats Our friends ____ Adele songs. a love b loves The children to school by car. a go b goes sometimes makes cakes. rides his bike. eat your peas! do our homework. always happy. 4 Tick (V) the things that you do and write sentences. Then tell your partner. always watch TV play chess do ballet play football do my homework anon often sometimes never | often watch TV. © Pearson Central Europe 2018 SS Lesson3_/ Grammar: 1 Circle the correct answer. 1 1@6n'/ doesn’t have a hobby. 4 They/She don't do ballet. 2. She don't / doesn't play chess. 5 Dad doesn't play / plays the guitar. 3 We/He doesn't like basketball. 2 Read the sentences and make questions. 1 You paint pictures. 4 She likes her new hobby. Do you paint pictures? 2 They do pottery. 5. John plays an instrument. 3. Your brothers play tennis. 6 Your mum has hobbies. 3 Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write short answers. Do they do judo? Do you like Computer Yes, they do. Studies? Does Betty have a big a Does Mark have an email dog? address? Does she play the guitar? Do you two like chess? 4 In pairs, ask and answer about the table. hobby Jane Tim Susan Boris piano v x x v karate x v x v drums x v v x football v x x v Does Jane play the piano? What do Tim and Boris do? Yes, she does. They do karate. © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Gites 167 es Ee Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Complete your personal information on Card 1. Then interview three partners and complete their cards. Is it easy to give and to understand information? your |What's) name |? 1 2 you do spell How that ? 3 you Where do live ? 4 address What's email your ? 5 your What's number phone ? Name: _ i Address: Cn i . cat email address: phone number: Name: Address: catd 2 i email address: i phone number: ( ‘| Name: Address: catd 3 email address: phone number: ) Name: Address: cata & email address: phone number: iy Photocopiable Resources © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Se a col lee Complete the words. Then play the memory game in pairs. © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Eee 163 PST ie ee ee cle 1 Label the pictures and write C (countable) or U (uncountable). e butter U @ for ® Loan ® fall | 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 usually have C)/a cereal for breakfast. 2 Can! have a/an egg, please? 3 Ilike chicken with a/- rice. 4 Let's make a/an chocolate cake. 5. He often has - / a sandwich for lunch. s. y 3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 are [There some |ffidge the lin eggs) 4 There [tomatoes are (this) in Salad There are some eggs in the fridge. some . 2 milk (Cake in ‘any isn't There this | 5 there (any Are chips your [on plate |? 3. any Gren’ lemons [There the in —— kitchen . 6 any lis) there [SUgarl my lin) tea 7 4 Complete the shopping list with your own ideas. Then complete the dialogue. Ask and answer questions about your lists in pairs. Shopping list a chocolate 3 s a Yes, are. There are 3 eggs. _ tomatoes sugar (7 Photocopiable Resources © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PSSA ee cle 1 Circle the correct answer. 1 juice is there? 4 ___bars of chocolate are there? @ How many (6) How much a Howmany b How much 2 ___ cartons of juice are there? 5 ____ bottles of water are there? @ Howmany b How much @ Howmany b How much 3 ___ chocolate is there? 6 ___water is there? @ Howmany b How much @ Howmany b How much 2 Make questions. 1 sandwiches 4 apples How many sandwiches are there? 2 food 5 fruit 3. chicken legs 6 cola 3 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions in Exercise 2. Onan es There are four 4 Plana picnic. Write numbers. Then ask and answer in pairs. cartons of juice How many sausages are there? sausages There are six sausages. sandwiches _ packets of biscuits ad © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Photocopiable Resources AI bottles of water RSS ees eck Student A * Cut out your half of the dialogue. * Order the dialogue with a partner. Then act it out, changing roles. * Act out the dialogues again but change the highlighted words. Make them funny! Student B * Cut your half of each dialogue. + Order the dialogue with a partner. Then act it out, changing roles. * Act out the dialogue again but change the highlighted words. Make them funny! You are a waiter/waitress at a restaurant. Anything else? Here is your |ham and cheese pizza, your sausage salad and your bottle of water. What would you like? Would you like anything to drink? You are ordering food I'd like a ham and cheese pizza , please. I'd like a [bottle of water , please. Can | have a sausage salad , please? 166 Geis © Pearson Central Europe 2018 SS cool ee Look at the picture and name the things you can see. Then use the phrases from the box to say what you can do with each item. chat online download song send an email _surfthe Internet take a selfie/photo talk on the phone_ text a friend Look at the picture and name the things you can see. Then use the phrases from the box to say what you can do with each item. chatonline download a song sendanemail_surfthe Internet take a selfie/photo talk on the phone _ text a friend ‘carson Central Europe 2018 167 Sa 3 Lesson2 _/ Grammar 1 Circle the correct answer. 1 They am /@ré)doing their homework. He are /is listening to music. You are / is texting a friend. We am /are eating chocolate. lare / am reading a book. 6 She is / are drinking lemonade. awn 2 Write affirmative sentences. Use short forms of the verbs. 1 He isn’t wearing trainers. He's wearing trainers. 2 We aren't talking in class. 3. They aren't watching TV. 4 1am not eating pizza. a She isn't taking a selfie. 6 You aren't chatting online. 3 Correct the underlined mistakes. Write sentences. Jane are eating pasta. Jane is eating pasta. I'm surf the Internet. John aren’t downloading a song. You's sending an email. Mum's talk on the phone. They're danceing. ime actions for your partner to guess! Then swap. h ‘re taki ie. ask for an autograp! You're taking a selfie do your homework surf the internet . You're sending a text. download a song take a selfie listen to music take a photo 168 PEereceehcce © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Zz onnwon— 4 Yes! PSSM Ue eM oll 1 Read the sentences and make questions. 1 She's taking a photo. 4 He's looking for his tablet. Is she taking a photo? 2. Mum's answering her phone. 5 You're drinking cola. 3. I'mdreaming. 6 They're playing computer games. 2 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions in Exercise 1. ® Yes, she is. 3 Complete the text with the Present Continuous (affirmative and negative) forms of the verbs in the box. come listen play sleep watch wear This is Dan, my brother, and that's me. In this photo we ' are playing computer games. We?_______TV. Mum *____________into the room. She's got lemonade. She‘_____ to music in this photo. She ___ her new headphones. My dog is bored. He usually sleeps on my floor, but he * in this photo. 4 Work in pairs. Make your friend answer Yes, am. You can't use the same question twice. How many questions can you ask? Play again and make your friend answer No, I'm not. Are you sitting down? Yes, lam. © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Ec 169 Sa ees 1 Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue. [about doing for great here in moment speak Mrs Smith: Hello. Jack: Hello, it's Jack "here. Can |* to Debbie, please? Mrs Smith: Yes, just one * . Debbie! It's Jack * you! Debbie: Hi Jack. Jack: Hi Debbie. What are you © at the moment? Debbie: Nothing. What & you? Jack: I'm bored. Do you want to go to the cinema? Debbie: 7 idea! Jack: OK, Let’s meet at your house. See you ® ten minutes. 2. Divide the words into three categories: things to do, places and when. ‘ walkthe | playvideo! make go ' : dog ' games : pancakes : shopping | ' watch | play ' : have ' ' afilm | chess: afriend : aburger | ‘at my ' atthe ‘atthe ' : ; ; intown | : house : park ' bus stop ' © Pearson Central Europe 2018 ee SSE Match the pictures to the words. Then play Snap! £ o g € 3 ° £ Match the pictures to the words. Then play Snap! mountain 3 c o 2 o Ss m eee © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Pe ia 1 Complete the table. Adjective Comparative adjective 1 high higher 2 safe 3 hot 4 easy 5 dangerous 6 good 7 bod 2 Correct the underlined mistakes. Write sentences. Pizzais nice than pancakes. Pizza is nicer than pancakes. 2 Italian is easy than English. 3. My bike is big than your bike. 4 This car is than expensive than that car. 5 Saturday is good than Monday. 6 Jim is a worse dancer to Fred. wi 1 3 hat do you think? Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. hotter /@/desert than [a garden A desert is hotter than a garden. 2 dangerous lions than [cats are |More 3. smaller atown acity than is 4 higher is) a mountain ‘the s6qi than 5 anelephant than) smaller [a mouse is 4. Complete the gaps with comparative adjectives to write sentences that are true for you. Make two sentences false! Then in pairs, ask your partner to guess. 1 I think English is ___ than Maths. 2 My best friend is ______ than me. 3 REis___—_thonAr. You think English is easier than Maths. 4 | think islands are ____ than cities. 5 I think Lucas is ___ than Tom. Yes! 6 Computer games are _ TV shows. 172 Gee © Pearson Central Europe 2018 eM ia 1 Complete the table. Adjective Superlative adjective 1 high the highest 2 safe 3 hot 4 easy 5 dangerous 6 good 7 bod 2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 the tallest |'m boy in class my I'm the tallest boy in my class. 2. the most game exciting computer this lis 3. grandma lin’ my family is [person the oldest 4 Maths subject is the best all of a is the worst day Monday the week of o the coldest [January of |the year is |month’ 3 What do you think? Match 1-5 to a-e. Drawa line. The sea is the @ worst subject at school for me! French is the most dangerous place to swim! The park is the best place for holidays! A big waterfall is the smallest pet | have! My mouse is the nicest place to have a picnic! awn eoaoc 4 Make sentences with these superlatives. Than compare with a partner. Are your sentences the same? the funniest City Creature Big Alis the funniest City Creature! What do you think? the nicest geographical feature ; | think Rocco is funnier. the most dangerous animal the best book the worst film © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Photocopiable Resources [AEA] RESOURCE 16 Unit4 Lesson4 eck Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Write true answers. Then ask three partners and note their answers. Who is most like you? Tell the class! What's your name? My name is Anna. Questionnaire! You Partner | Partner | Partner 1 2 3 1 name [your What's |? 2. favourite What's film your ? 3. you [think What [d6) cartoons [6f ? 4. or [GGtS| Do like) dogs you! ? 5. favourite What games are! your |? 6 think you What do football about ? 7 favourite jis) your What sport |? 8 music |BOp What [You do [think about 7 9 PE. Do or Art like you ? 174 PEEecoohceee © Pearson Central Europe 2018 SSP Cee ee Match the word halves to make the names of places in town. ly cin 1 a ca “6 restou — Lp ho 9 pa — la he 10 mu im es ln ~ dle “@) ema h I. ba 5 sl ~ “~ tre ———s =P Ye) dium - super ls lib 43 4) tel xm) seum Match the word halves to make the names of places in town. Ln ' Lo a) a rest i ~ J — (ep Gr “5. 22 P —_ 7 o) 9 — Cm 9 Ce S—~ oy pt) — wna dium — Ll ib 43 4) tel “m) seum super 175 ul i i © Pearson Central Europe 2018 Gn PSA ite ne ee cle 1 Correct the underlined mistakes. Write sentences. 1 I were at the library yesterday. | was at the library yesterday. 2 We was worried about you. 3 It were an awesome film. 4 There was lots of people at the museum. 5 Mum, Dad and Grandpa was at my party. 6 There were a problem with my bike. 2 Complete the sentences with wasn’t or weren't. 1 Dad wasn't at work yesterday. 4 My brothers at the cinema. 21 at the park. 5 You late! 3 There any people on the bus. 6 There a table for us at the café. 3 Circle the correct answer. 1 His friends there before him. 4 You two late home! a was (6) were © wasn't a were b wasn't ¢ was 21 worried about you! 5 That sandwich good. Yuck! a was b weren't c¢ were a were b wasn't —¢ weren't 3 It my birthday yesterday! 6 There lots of cola at the party. a were b weren't ¢ wasn't a were b weren't ¢ was 4. Look at the information about a family. Play a guessing game. Yesterday ... ket nome | ubrety guperma” pat park cinem® ¢ = ) Mum Y a Y * y * He wasn't at home. He was at the library im and then he was at the ket. mY v x x x aS It's Grandpa! = x x x v x v Granny “erandpa 76 GEecechcee © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PSA ee ee cll 1 Read the sentences and make questions. 1 They were at the restaurant. 4 There were some muffins on the plate. Were they at the restaurant? 2 The milk was in the fridge. 5 Mum was at the supermarket. 3. You and dad were at the stadium. 6 There was a bottle of water in her bag. 2 Write short answers to the questions in Exercise 1. 1 X No, they weren't. 4x av 5v i ov 3 Big Al asks a lot of questions! Carla always answers! Complete the questions and answers. Were you at home yesterday? Ne loan you at the park? Yes, |____. your friends there too? it sunny? Yes, ____ was. Were any dogs at the park?’ es there 6 there a ball forthedogs? “yo wasn’t. 4 Spot the difference! Student A looks at Picture 1. Student B looks at Picture 2. Work in pairs and compare your pictures. There are 6 differences. a Was there ast Wee ‘a dog under

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