After Tonight Close Reading Analysis

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“After Tonight”

The poem “After Tonight” by Gary Soto does a great job of using imagery to describe

just how precious life can be. The poem is five stanzas, which are all one sentence long. The

first stanza is starting off with a question, along with the last stanza ending with a question.

These questions allow the reader to think about what the author is saying as well as ponder

the true meanings within that stanza.

In the first stanza the author provides many images of how one’s life can be turned

easily. Listing many unexpected issues such as, “Why should you think your purse/ Will not

be tugged from your arm” as well as “Or the screen door/ Will remain latched/ Against the

man,” shows that life is precious and many problems will be faced. I believe that within the

first stanza the author is trying to prove that many things are capable of altering one’s life,

and he uses these images to show these dangers.

In stanzas two through four, the author is speaking directly to the reader using

pronouns such as “you” and “your.” This allows the reader to connect to the author at a

personal level due to the fact that the reader feels as if the author is speaking to them

individually. Also, within stanzas, the author is showing the reader the everyday life

activities that occur. The author uses imagery once again showing the reader that life goes

on through stating simple aspects to life such as “a sprinkler turning” and “as the earth

turns.” This allows the reader to connect with things that occur in their life, and also

promotes them to think about other aspects in their life that happen so simply that they

don’t even notice. Things such as “you expect the stove to burst/ a collar of fire/ when you
want it.” When the author is using such vivid imagery of things you witness in everyday life,

it allows the reader to comprehend what the author is trying to portray. I believe the author

is trying to prove that many things in your life are constant, in that we take many things for

granted and don’t appreciate the minor things that happen within our life.

In the final stanza the author ties the entire poem together. He goes from dangers

within life that can occur to one’s self, to many things that we as humans take for granted.

Within the final stanza, the author reveals just how precious life is. He states,

“But remember this:

Because blood revolves from one lung to the next,

Why think it will

After tonight?”

This text

shows just how precious life is. The author reveals that life can be taken away from you at

any moment. The purpose of stating the dangers and the activities taken for granted, is to

show that we as humans need to realize that our life is fragile. Things we do every day

aren’t within our control.

The author uses such imagery in this poem to give clear examples of the fragility of

life. He allows the reader to experience the dangers of life. Without even stating the setting,

the reader can feel as if they are in a city from the use of imagery showing the “avenues,”

“street lights,” as well as the “phone book.” The author creates this feel without even

stating the scenery simply by using vivid imagery.

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