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Explain how the advanced practice nurse can apply research-based evidence to inform clinical practice.

Research-based evidence can be used in many ways by the Advanced Practice Registered

Nurse (APRN). There are 3 many components of evidence-based practice that include clinical

expertise, patient values and preferences, and best evidence. These components can be very

valuable when working with you patients to make tough decisions around the most appropriate

or best medical care or treatment (Haughom).

For instance when it is discovered that your patient has a terminal illness such as cancer

or a chronic disease and they have been experiencing no signs or symptoms using evidence-

based practice to decide on which treatment plan would be best for them is invaluable. Evidence-

based practice gives the APRN close to real time data to help assist the patient is these real time

decisions (Haughom, 2019).

The patient outcomes are improved as they are able to build trust between patient and

provider through accountability and transparency. When decisions are made off of evidence-

based practice the patient is able to see the results that have came from the treatment or medical

care that is being offered to them and therefore trust is more easily established. Patient care also

improves as the APRN can be more confident in the treatment decisions and the care given. Best

practices can be followed and improved for the patients with evidence-based data and research.

The APRN can continue to improve their knowledge and skills to ensure they are always

informed of the most up to date information in medicine (Haughom, 2019).

Haughom, J. (2019, October 23). 5 Reasons the practice of evidence-based medicine is a hot

topic. Retrieved from


Hi Bruno,

I enjoyed reading your discussion post on evidence-based practice. I agree the advanced

practice registered nurse (APRN) makes many critical decisions each day that impact the lives of

many others. In order for them to be able to make such critical decisions they must be able to

have research and proven science at their fingertips. I too use UpToDate and Epocrates to assist

in these decisions. Both apps assist with differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatments, labs,

medications etc. They are supported with evidence-based research as well as peer-reviewed

articles and journals (UpToDate, 2020).

I also agree with you the APRN must ensure the concepts they are basing their clinical

decisions on are proven prior to making such decisions. If a provider does not use evidence-

based proven research and concepts they can be making the wrong decision for they patients that

have trusted them to treat and care for them. This cannot only cause harm to the patient it can

also cause legal issues for the provider.

Hi Diana,

Thank you for your discussion post I enjoyed reading it and your perspective. I agree

with you that are main focus of patient care is safety and promoting healing. I also agree that it is

imperative that we our clinical decisions based on proven, reliable research and data. Ensuring

that the evidence-based data and research is the most current and up to date is key to making the
right decisions. I use both Epocrates and UpToDate to help in the clinical decision-making

process during my clinical rotations. These applications assist with diagnosing, treatments, labs,

medications etc. and are supported with peer-reviewed, evidence-based research. Using

applications such as these give providers that up to date, current clinical research and data that

assists in making the most appropriate decision for the patient. When providers do not ensure the

concepts and data they are using is the most recent then pose a threat to their patients as well as

themselves (UpToDate, 2020).


UpToDate. (2020). What’s new? UpToDate. Retrieved from

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