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Learner and Context Analysis

Goal Statement
Educators, from Barbara Jordan Elementary, will be able to create a 3-minutes video using editing tools
to manipulate and animate slides, to introduce themselves and their classroom rules.

Learner Analysis
Questions about Learner characteristics:

Entry behaviors: What behaviors do learners have that could influence your instructional design?

The learners are not very efficient in technology and would sometimes try to learn the program through
exploration. Some of the learners may become frustrated if something doesn’t seem to work and can
ask numerous questions because of it.

Prior knowledge of topic area: What do your learners already know about your topic?

The learners do know about making videos but are not familiar with using the tools for it. They know
how to operate a computer and understand how to use certain function like text and insert a picture.

Attitudes toward content: How do your learners feel about your topic?

The learners are very excited and eager to learn more about technology. They want to learn more about
technological resources to use in the classroom. They believe that technology can be very engaging and
help the user learn in different ways.

Attitudes towards the delivery system: How do your learners feel about how the instruction will be

The learners feel comfortable and glad that the instruction will be hands on and interactive. They also
feel that their needs are met as the instruction will be catered to their questions and learning ability.

Academic motivation (ARCS): In general, what characteristics do your learners have in terms of
attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction? (For more about ARCS, see
For attention, my learners enjoy active participation and a sense of variety. They enjoy hands on
exploration and a skill that they can use to relate to their profession of education. In terms of relevance,
the learners want a skill that they can continue using and adapt to their instruction over time. The
learners also want a sense of choice to decide how they want to use their skills to create presentations.
In terms of confidence, the learners have control over how they want to use their skill to design their
personalized presentations. They also value feedback as it will help them understand the skill and grow
in their learning. For satisfaction, as the skill offers individuality, the learners want to feel great about
having a product that is theirs through their creativity.

Education and ability levels: Do your learners have the same general education level and abilities or are
they diverse? What is their range of education and ability levels?

Most of the learners have a bachelor’s degree and some have a Master’s. They are from different
backgrounds. Most of them learn through hands on demonstration. The learners are also very adaptable
and can learn in different ways.

General learning preferences: How do your learners prefer to learn?

Learners prefer to learn in a small group setting through hands on demonstration. They also prefer
examples and videos to guide them through. Also having a paper guided instruction can also help them
complete their tasks.

Attitudes toward class, group, or organization: What attitudes do your learners have about the class,
group, or organization to which they belong?

The learners are a group of educators that are dedicated to growing and learning as a way to teach
others. They understand the meaning of different modalities of learning. They believe in engaging and
meaningful experiences through education. They also believe that technology is useful and essential in
educating young minds.

Group characteristics: What are the overall characteristics of the group in terms of heterogeneity? How
large is the group? What are your overall impressions of the group?

The group of learners are from different ethnicities. They have similar college degrees, and most are the
same education level. They are educators from an Elementary School and teach different grade levels.
They’re all strong and weak on different methods of learning and teaching. There are about 5 in the
group. My overall impression of the group is satisfied and excited to be able to teach this group a new
technology to use.

What data sources did you use for your responses to the previous questions?
I used interview questions that I collected from the group of educators that will be using the program.

What implications do these answers in your learner analysis have for the way you design your

Implications from the learner analysis are that the design should be straightforward instruction with
plenty of hands on learning. There have to be display of demonstrations and guided instructions
projected. Furthermore, learning should be in whole group with the instructor as a guide to the skill
while the learners can weave in and out of the collaborative learning.

Context Analysis

How compatible is the learning context for the instructional requirements? Include both physical and
social aspects.

The learning context will take place in the Professional Learning Community room at the school. It is the
place where educators use to learn new ideas, analyze data, and work together on achieving a common
goal. The physical aspects are compatible to instructional requirements because it contains computers
for the learners to use, and a projector to display information. Social aspects are also compatible
because it’s a place with learning expectations and culture that was introduced in the beginning. In
addition, the PLC has a long table that revolves around communication and collaboration.

How adaptable is the learning context for different instructional approaches?

The learning context is adaptable for group learning with its table and also individual learning with its
small table on the side. It provides computers around the room for technological use with available Wi-
Fi. It has projector to display information both online or on paper. It has a printer for hard copy learning.
In addition, it also provides enough space for group learning and movement as well. It also has a white
board for written information if needed.

What constraints are present in the learning context that will affect the design and delivery of the

The only constraints that there may be is if the Wi-Fi disconnects in the room and this causes the online
learning to stop. Also, since the room is open, learning individually may be hard as it can get loud and
disrupt that type of learning.
How relevant are the skills that are taught in the learning context to the goals of the workplace or
school system?

The skills being taught in the learning context can be used to engage students in learning of all kinds. As
the skill is use of presentation and animation technologies, this will help create learning to be fun and
memorable. Educators can also teach the skill to students so they can in turn present what they learned
throughout the school in an animated presentation. The skill helps support different types of learning
and relates to the school goal of differentiated learning.

If the performance context (where learners carry out the skills and concepts that they have learned) is
different from your learning context, also answer these questions:

How adaptable is the learning context to simulate the performance context?

As the learning context takes place in the PLC room for educators, the performance context will take
place in the classroom of that teacher. Educators will present their animated video to their classroom or
can even teach the skill to their classroom as well. It’s adaptable since both rooms contain computers
and a projector to display information.

What implications do these answers in your context analysis have for the way you design your

Based on my answers, implications are that I must design my instruction around online technology use.
This means using computers with function speakers to carry out the instruction. This also means using a
projector to display the program and step by step instruction. Also, I will have hard copies of instructions
with pictures for those who prefers reading instructions.

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