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Pa ee Betterment J parent r and Arts Council OP na BBs tc ate we we oes ’ and Houston Area SP ay eae - ~ Chamber of Commerce eee aa ee er ere eee ces) Se ee ee Cee ee ee ae uns Missouri’s Bicentennial Quilt Since the pioneer days ofthe American Midst quis have ass the unique characterises of Missouri cule ans. been comertne of Misouri cate, ation, and taiion, Quit Mock submissions were accepted fom Octeber 2018, Jn honor of our get sas to handed year aniversy, The high September 2, 2019. Muli submissions forthe same Se Historie Sosy of Miso and Miso Str Quit cauny wee fuged scconting to what they met cri, ev ‘Company. in panershp withthe Missouri Ste Quilters Gil, eof ret a rt, and design of signicaee. The teamed upto eae the Missouri Bicetemial Quik! With one jung commenced representatives fom Miso Star ‘qui bck 0 represent every Missouri county andthe indepen- Quit Company The Sate Hsia Socket of Misou ad ‘eat Ciy of St Lots, he Missouri Bicentennial Quit show Missouri Slate Quiles Gil ‘Texas County Quilt, Stet ep si te ge scan cet Wil pe he Sat D0 ios enon ome “tet at memes ieee “SS eh tn ert By Ser chter nator sat ee eS bei a] Sei senate hepsi Seana eta ee y Sicthee teats cece Pleasant Rage shoal 1988 Drben eter gneiss tnt /Srtis ear mere as Epos Sireeceearec Spenser ometa ‘my Ragin, Johnnie Pot, Jee Neon, dy Kay Pre, Jay Macs Eine nraets conor aa eine ike oie incre haere Made in 2. ‘Plato Elementary School Restorative Justice Made fr Maine Broa ber students in the second Made by Restorative Justice in 2015 for the Houston ade at Plato Hlementary schoo! forthe USA Bicenten- psebal teat, nal in 9, q ' ‘Marilyn Brown ‘Maxine Brown ‘moroderied by Maxine Brown in 200, ‘Norma Pearey Made by Norma Perey in 1870, Kay Jordan is the owner ofthis quit, which was rade by Mildred James. Sho received this guilt ‘Jean Stilley Kay Jordan isthe owner ofthis quit which was ‘made by dean stile The quit is hand embro dere ani han pieced by ‘ut ae ry oe Gn Het ‘Joan Stilley ‘Jean Stilley Made Jean Stile inthe 1970. & ‘Wilda McNion ‘Wida Met was ven this quilt n 1995 from the teachers and staff at Raymond Sco, zy ‘Johnnie and Maggie Pearcy ‘The Johnnie and Magee Perey fal quilt was crete ferthem in 183 ur by Pree Case Cat os tra vete ene Dicer yet frees awe Te waene e fone tld ere st ‘eon Whee mre farsa ‘Melba ‘The Melba Theater quilt was made in 218 by Re- storatve Justice, Licking It was used to hop alse funds forthe restoration of the Melba Performing ‘sts Center in Houston, ‘ita Erwin Akeman ‘ita win Akeman made ‘his quit and use far rom ‘old ses dresssto make he Dutterfes. The quit was prob ably men ey news i (Connie Totingham Bay made this bear out of ‘guilt that had been made by her grandmother ‘Tals quilt was made by Lala {campbell in he 13008 Missa very ol quilt and it was made boymy Aunt Ethel Cum mins ls Feally unnsual becatise it has namesor people fom the comm nityont Say Cremer Tammy Stel ‘Ann Tottinguam and Pail Balley ‘Judy Rouse, ‘Emily Bailey Primrose and Delbert Campbell any emstn V3 3 Bennie cook ‘Wilda and Jim MeN yr} CommurMgeveen Ward Shannon Nunnerysciierer. Kay Jordan

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