Essay Writing: March 1st

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March 1st
2 essays this semester
describes or explains a
topic, issue, or idea

-facts, numbers, or examples are

used to report information

...and a smooth transition
Introduction (with hook, general ideas, and thesis statement)

Body paragraph #1

Body paragraph #2

Body paragraph #3

Before we write...

We organize!!!!
Mind Map
Controversy American tradition


put in an outline
Thesis statement
In this essay the reader will discover
how this Thanksgiving tradition is
celebrated by average Americans, the
history of the holiday, and the
controversy that surrounds it.
Get the reader's attention!!!
-an interesting story



Thanksgiving is an American holiday loved by most,
but not all.
Have you ever celebrated Thanksgiving,
the American holiday that some view as a celebration
of the destruction of the Native Americans?
Body Paragraph #1

*paragraph about the tradition begins

with a topic sentence...

The traditions of Thanksgiving generally include coming together with

family and friends to share a special meal, and possibly
watching Thanksgiving programs on the television.

highlight paragraph 1
Body Paragraph #1-->topic sentence/main idea
The traditions of Thanksgiving generally include coming together
with family and friends to share a special meal, and possibly
watching Thanksgiving programs on the television.

1. gathering together
2. special meal
3. TV programs
The traditions of Thanksgiving generally include coming togher with family and friends
to share a special meal, and possibly
watching special Thanksgiving programs on the television. Americans
typically travel from far and wide to meet with their family and friends for this
special occasion. When they gather they a meal is served that
generally consists of traditional foods such as turkey, stuffing,
mashed potatos, and cranberry sauce. There are many variations
to this meal, although, these traditional foods are generally present.
Many gatherings will also include a time of watching the Macy's
Thanksgiving Parade that happens in New York City. Still others
watch the annual football game that is critical in leading up to
the Superbowl. These many traditions,
along with others that Americans create for themselves,
are a unique part of the Thanksgiving holiday and some of which are
rooted in the history of the tradition.
Body Paragraph #1 conclusion and transition...

These many traditions,

along with others that Americans create for themselves,
are a unique part of the Thanksgiving holiday and some of which ar
rooted in the history of the tradition.

Next paragraph (#2) is about... history!!

Your turn!

Let's practice writing sentences that will support your topic

sentence. Here's another example...
I am terrible at doing the laundry.

➢ I forget to separate the colored clothes from the white

ones and sometimes end up with
grey underwear.
➢ I rarely read cleaning instructions and have ruined
clothes by putting them in the washing
machine instead of dry cleaning them.
➢ I often shrink my favorite shirts because I leave them in
the dryer for too long.
It is almost impossible to study in my dormitory.


Makes final comments by doing some of the following

• Restating main points
• Asking a question
• Suggesting a solution
• Making a recommendation
• Making a prediction
With a deeper and more varied perspective about
Thanksgiving, comes pause and potential interest into
the origins of other holidays and traditions as well.
Having a curiosity and awareness about the ideas
and perspective of others cultivates a path toward
mutual respect. While Americans can rightly celebrate certain
aspects of Thanksgiving without regret they may
also acknowledge the frustrations of others and
their disagreement over the celebrations. This ability
for Americans of all backgrounds to make choices about their
beliefs and traditions is part of what contributes to
the diversity of American heritage.
Essay Rubric 4 points each category

1. Understanding & Insight

2. Thesis/Main Idea Structuring
3. Body/Evidence & Examples
4. Linking Lanuage
5. Conclusion & GIA Values
6. Sources (3 sources and bibliography)
7. Sentence Structure
8. Fomatting
9. Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
Word Count

Freshmen 500 words

Sophomores 1000 words
Juniors/Seniors 2000 words
MLA Guidelines

GIA expects students to use the following formatting rules:

Font size: 12
Margins: 1 inch
Alignment: left
Indentation of first line: ½ inch
Header: Last name and page number (number only, e.g. Johnson 1)
Line Spacing: double
No extra space between paragraphs
Must have a
Works Cited page

-must be in alphabetical order!!

-works cited source generator in MLA

(I'll set the link)
For our Works Cited.....

-the textbook

-source of your choice

(Wikipedia is NOT a good source)
Title Page

All other pages (need Last name and page #)

-paraphrasing (same meaning in your
own words) --video

-summarizing (general information)

-"quoting" (exact words)

any questions???
The plan....

1. I will give the essay question

2. read about the topic in the text
3. check out information on shmoop
4. review slides (I will send now)
5. start working on #1-mind map/outline
#2-thesis, #3-introduction, #4-body, etc
6. meetings
Describe the significance of the Declaration of
Independence and what it meant to early Americans as
well as what it means for the Americans of today. In your
description clearly show why the writers felt it was
necessary. Apply GIA key values in your

music video

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