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Attention: Editors/Producers/Reporters

March 15, 2021

IKEA announces game-changing program

IKEA Canada will announce a new program launching in Canadian locations expected
for January 2022. The program announcement will include collaboration with a large
Non-profit organization.

WHO: IKEA Canada Board of directors, chief sustainability officer of

IKEA Canada. Michael Ward and Salvation Army territorial
commander, Floyd Tidd.

WHAT: IKEA will announce a new program in collaboration with a

nonprofit organization.

WHERE: IKEA Burlington event hall in room 12B, 1065 Plains Rd.,
Burlington, Ont.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 17th, 2020 – 1 p.m.

WHY: IKEA will announce its first joint program and partnership with a
large non-profit organization.

HOW: The new program will affect all 14 Canadian IKEA Locations and
their Canadian employees.

MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES: IKEA spokespersons will be available by

phone for any media interviews proceeding to the conference.

Media Contact:
Klara Butty
Public Relations Director
IKEA Canada

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