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AMSCO: 7.2 Causes of World War I & 7.

3 Conducting World War I

NOTE: Copying & pasting from the reading does NOT constitute note taking. Be sure to respond to read each section and subsection, paraphrasing the
who/what/when/where/WHY as you go. Also remember to answer the essential questions and highlight all of the key terms in your notes. Be prepared
to recall the terms from memory.

Click here to open the AMSCO WWI reading excerpts (pgs. 451, 461-467, & 469-474)

Essential Questions:
EQ #1: What were the causes and consequences of World War I?
EQ #2: What were some of the methods governments used to fight World War I?

UNIT 7: Global Conflict After 1900

Understand the Context (pg. 451):
During this time many social and political orders were being challenged, as well as new technologies emerging.

Shifting Powers: A Changing World: ]

● Many shifts in power
● Advances in technology
● Ottoman empire altered the understanding
dissolved of the world and the
● Communism rose in universe
● Advancements in
china and Russia communication,
● Rises in nationalism transportation, industry,
traditional rivalries and agriculture, medicine
● WWi featured many new
economic instability technological
lead to WWI advancements such as
● WW2 was far deadlier aircrafts
than WW1 ● Many ethnic destructions
such as the Holocaust

7.2 Causes of World War I Intro (pg. 461):

Social and political developments, including shifts in powers lead to increased tensions, which resulted in global conflicts,
Europe competed for natural resources in africa and asia
Mutuals alliances lead to entanglements
Arms races involving Germany, Great Britain, and Russia gave military establishments great influence.
Serbian nationalists, protesting AustriaHungary's control over the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina,

Immediate Causes of The Great War:

● Called the great war due to its size

● weaken european states
● Growth oof nationalism
● Appeals for self rule in european colonies in asia and africa

● immediate cause was the assassination by Gavrilo Princip of

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian
throne, and his wife, Sophie, on June 28, 1914.
● Black Hand- Nationalist organization devoted to ending Austro
Hungarian rule in Balkans

● -Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 The arrest of Gavrilo Princip after the assassination of Archduke Franz
● Austria-Hungary looked to ally with Germany Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia, June 28, 2914.
● Serbia looked to Russia
● Germany declares war on Russia, then France
● Britain declares war on Germany
● Austria declares war on Russia
● Japan enters

Long Term Causes of the Great War (M.A.I.N.):

Tensions in Europe had been simmering for decades. One way to remember the sources of these tensions is with the acronym MAIN: Militarism,
Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.

Militarism: Imperialism:

● Militarism Defined as aggressive military preparedness

● militarism celebrates war and the armed forces. European ● The alliance system developed largely because Western
powers had been competing for dominance; one way to prove European countries became bitter rivals for global domination.
their strength was to invest in the military. One of the most important ways these nations could assert their
power and generate wealth was to own overseas colonies.

Alliances: Nationalism:

● The assassination of the archduke in June 1914, the immediate

● secret alliances—groups whose members secretly agree to cause of war, illustrates the growth of nationalism, the final
protect and help one another when attacked. longterm cause of the Great War.
● This system explains why Russia and Germany were ready to ● feeling of pride in one's national identity
jump into the conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. ● Serbs like Princip wanted to rid their land of Austro-Hungarian
domination, and Arabs were tired of the limitations the Ottoman
● Britain and France were allies with Russia in the alliance called Empire imposed on them.
the Triple Entente ● Both groups sought self-determination—the idea that peoples
● By the end of the war, there were a total of 27 Allies and of the same ethnicity, language, culture, and political ideals
"Associated Powers." should be united and should have the right to form an
● the Triple Alliance, composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and independent nation-state.
● However, when the war began, Italy remained neutral until 1915,
when it switched its allegiance and joined the Allies.

World War I Alliances (fill in the chart below)

Allied Powers Central Powers Neutral States

● France ● Germany ● • Spain

● Great Britain ● Austria-Hungary ● • Norway
● Russia ● Ottoman Empire ● • Sweden
● Italy ● Bulgaria ● • Denmark
● Portugal ● ● • Netherlands
● Romania ● ● • Switzerland
● Serbia ● ● • Albania
● Greece ● ●
● ●

Consequences of the Great War:

● The war led to the downfalls of four monarchies: Russia, Austria-Hungary,
Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.
● It redrew the maps of Europe and the Middle East with the disintegration of
Austro-l-lungarian and Ottoman empires.
● Germany lost all its overseas colonies to various Allied nations, and the former
Ottoman provinces of Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon came under the
control of Britain and France
● war also led to the beginning of the end of colonialism.
● It disrupted European economies and had profound social consequences,
including the rise of communism and fascism, colonial revolts, and genocide.
● Shift of power from europe to the United States

Key Terms: Look back through your notes, highlight the following Stop & Reflect: Answer the following question WITH KEY TERMS
terms, and make sure you can define them in context. If you’re
missing something, now is the time to add it in.
● EQ #1: What were the causes and consequences of World War I?

Cause and Consequences of WWI was the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to
the Austro-Hungarian Throne, in which economic and rivalries between states as well as
alliances lead to escalation of the amount of countries present in the war. This lead to
effects such as economies collapsing under war efforts, Germany losing all of its colonies
and Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon coming under the control of Britain and France.

Essential Questions:
EQ #2: What were some of the methods governments used to fight World War I?

Conducting World War I (from AMSCO 7.2)

Intro (pg. 469):
Britain was the only major power going into the war without universal conscription, compulsory enlistment in the armed forces.

Changes in Warfare:

● Many movies depict the war as not a glorious scenes

● Many teens enlisted in the military, for dreams of heroism
● Leaders of socialist parties spoke against the war
● New trenches were dug out for the war
● Mustard gas was used, and later outlawed by international treaties
● Machine guns were used
● Airplanes were developed, but used for reconnaissance missions
● British developed tanks for moving and protecting troops
● 4 year stalemate

The United States Enters the War:

● Economic ties between Europe and the united states was one of the reason for the US entry
● Americans believed that the Allied nations were more democratic than the Central Powers were.
● German sub sank the Lusitania, a ocean liner carrying 100 US citizens
● interception ofthe Zimmermann Telegram in January 1917. In this document, the German government offered to help Mexico
reclaim territory it had lost to the United States in 1848 if Mexico allied itself with Germany in the war.
Total War:

● This strategy, known as total war, meant that a nation's domestic population, in
addition to its military, was committed to winning the war.
● women, worked in factories producing war materials.
● workers imported from China helped make up for labor shortages in Britain, France,
and Russia.
● They censored the media and imprisoned many who spoke out against the war effort.
● Propaganda influenced the public's opinion
● For example, American and British propaganda demonized the German army, and
same happened in reverse

A Global War:

● Competition for these colonies was one major reason for war.
● Imperialism extended the boundaries of the war, and major battles were fought in
North Africa and the Middle East.
● The British seized most of Germany's colonies in Africa.
● ANZAC and fought in a bloody year-long campaign at Gallipoli, a peninsula in
northwestern Turkey, that resulted in heavy Allied losses with little to show for the

Women And the War

● Ihey began replacing those men on farms and in factories. Thousands of women
served on the front lines as nurses, ambulance drivers, and switchboard operators.

Key Terms: Look back through your notes, highlight the following Stop & Reflect:
terms, and make sure you can define them in context. If you’re Answer the following EQ with KEY TERMS as evidence.
missing something, now is the time to add it in. EQ #2: What were some of the methods governments used to fight World War I?

Total war method, propaganda, shaming men with an all women force, technological

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