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Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

Simulation of micro-CHP diffusion by means of System Dynamics

El Mehdi Ben Maallaa, Pierre L. Kunschb,
SMG Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Campus de la Plaine CP 210/01, Boulevard du Triomphe, BE-1050 Brussels, Belgium
MOSI Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, BE-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Received 13 March 2007; accepted 14 January 2008
Available online 5 March 2008


This paper presents a simulation analysis with System Dynamics of the possible diffusion of micro-systems for combined heat-power
generation (m-CHP) as a substitute for centralised electricity generation and local boilers in the residential sector. Decentralised energy
production is an important challenge in the 21st century to respond to the threats of exhaustion of non-renewable resources, and of
global pollution. The purpose of the System Dynamics modelling is to show the difficulties m-CHP faces, like most innovative
technologies, mainly due to its high investment costs. Feedbacks are important in modelling the diffusion process of this technology and
the fundamental aspect of learning effects on the cost decrease. The consumer model is based on the replacement of traditional boilers by
m-CHP installations using the Bass diffusion model. It is shown that natural economic forces are probably not sufficient to achieve a
sustained growth. Several incentive schemes to be implemented by the regulatory authorities are investigated to promote this technology.
r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Distributed combined heat power; Diffusion simulation; Economic incentives

1. Introduction generation in large power plants to distributed generation

(DG) (Chambers et al., 2001; Jenkins et al., 2000). Natural
The energy market is today undergoing deep mutations. gas is often used as a DG fuel, renewable energy sources
Considering EUR-25 in the present work, there is first the are developing: wind, solar photovoltaic, biomass, etc.
liberalisation of energy markets away from the previous In this paper, we consider DG based on micro-systems
centralised monopolies (European Commission, 1996), with combined heat-power generation (m-CHP), producing
which favours the coming up of independent producers. locally low-temperature heat and electricity. Capacities are
Within this framework, new environmental challenges are small, flexible, and adapted to the local demand. Thanks to
also rising regarding the safety and diversity of supply, the the high efficiencies obtained with the combined heat-
rational use of energy, and the emission reduction of power production, the reduction of primary combustion
pollutants, principally the CO2 emission thought to have fuel is important, implicating at the same time avoidance of
the main responsibility in the climate change threats CO2 emissions. The present paper provides a strategic
(Kyoto Protocol, 1998). The medias in all developed dynamic modelling of deployment possibilities of m-CHP
countries today largely advertise the needs for sustainable by means of System Dynamics (SD) simulation with the
development, which could no longer be ignored by code VENSIMr (VENSIM DSS32, 1988–2003). Such a
politicians and public decision-makers in general, in global systemic approach is pertinent, because it allows us
particular regarding the environmental impacts of energy to model the main feedback mechanisms (Sterman, 2000)
production and consumption. An attractive way of coping responsible for the diffusion of the micro co-generation
with these new challenges is to move from centralised technology. Additional benefits of SD modelling are, on
the one hand, the concentration of many valuable
Corresponding author. technical, economic and financial data, and, on the other
E-mail addresses: (E.M. Ben Maalla), hand, the identification of the main levers of action to (P.L. Kunsch). achieve defined objectives. Our intended audiences are

0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319 2309

indeed public decision-makers and regulatory authorities in as the target market for this technology: we therefore limit
charge of energy resources and environmental manage- our analysis to co-generation units of a size below 5 kWe
ment, and eager to analyse the opportunities of m-CHP (electricity generation).
generators in the residential sector. In a first development stage of the present model natural
The DG literature on m-CHP has been rapidly growing in gas (methane) is used as a fuel, as it is best known today.
the last years, principally in the number of proceedings Various heat energy sources, also including renewable
papers and internal reports, of which many are available on energy sources like solar, or biomass, etc. may be
the Worldwide Web (Harrison and Redford, 2001; Crozier- considered at a later stage.
Cole and Jones, 2002; Houwing and Bouwmans, 2006; Several different technologies with high combined effi-
Houwing et al., 2006; van Dam et al., 2006). Most published ciencies are available, such as internal-combustion engines,
literature and m-CHP developments in Europe stem from micro-turbines, fuel cells, and Stirling external-combustion
Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Germany (Pehnt et al., engines. We have decided to limit the present prospective
2006). As described below, the present analysis is based on detailed analysis to Stirling engines, though our model has
data available from Great Britain, a country with an been designed to handle also internal-combustion engines
important growth potential for m-CHP (Harrison and Red- and micro-turbines (excluding fuel cells). These technologies
ford, 2001; Crozier-Cole and Jones, 2002). To our knowledge, and their necessary infrastructure are available, and they do
no similar global study with SD existed at the time when the not necessitate any further development, so that the
present analysis was performed (Ben Maalla, 2005). simulation may concentrate on the sole substitution mechan-
The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2 a isms of classical boilers for heat generation. Distributed
technical and economic background is provided on the electricity generation and possible re-selling of excess
technology, and how it is represented in the proposed SD electricity to the distribution grid are additional benefits of
model, which is not meant for forecasting, but as a strategic this technology. Technical characteristics of those three
assistance tool to public decision-makers. In Section 3 the m-CHP engines and different generating power sizes are given
elements of the diffusion model are provided. The purpose in Table 1 with the indication of data sources.
is to analyse the potential diffusion of m-CHP installations Only detailed results relative to Stirling engines are
as a substitution technology of classical household boilers. available. The latter are external-combustion engines
This approach is based on an implementation of the well- working by the repeated heating and cooling of a sealed
known Bass model (1969) representing the substitution working gas moved by a piston between hot and cold heat
mechanisms by means of the SD feedback structure. exchangers (Organ, 1992). This technology has been known
In Section 4 the main technical and economic aspects for a long time, but it was not used until the recent
addressed in the global SD model are discussed. Section 5 development of suitable materials made it possible to
presents the main results of our analysis when simulating manufacture such engines down to very small sizes
several diffusion scenarios of the m-CHP technology, in the (WhisperGenTM, 2006). Sales of refrigerator-sized ‘perso-
case of Stirling engines. As a reference market, we consider nal power stations’ equipped with Stirling generators for
the substitution of classical boilers, either without the residential use have now started to grow in Great Britain
support of economic incentives, or with such support. and the Netherlands (Der Spiegel, 2006).
Conclusions and outlooks for future developments are Distributed co-generation has many advantages when
given in Section 6. compared to centralised production: efficiency gains,
reduced line losses and improved electricity supply,
2. Technical and economic background especially in remote areas, reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions, etc. (Chambers et al., 2001; Jenkins et al., 2000).
2.1. Distributed co-generation Also alternate sources of heat, like gas from biomass, can
be locally used at the production site.
DG is developing today in the wake of the liberalised When no electricity is bought from or re-sold to the
market (IEA/OECD, 2000). The level of development— external electricity company, the production ‘on the spot’
status in 2005—is however very different according to the avoids the transmission and distribution costs, which are
country. For example, the same reference indicates that important for low-voltage customers. But this is not the
about half the electricity production in the Netherlands normal case, as the local generation of electricity is
originates from co-generation units, which are directly generally not sufficient for satisfying the demand. Both
feeding the low-voltage distribution grid, but in most buying and selling grid electricity are further discussed
countries the proportion of distributed production remains below in this section.
marginal in total. Where it is present, it is most frequently When dealing with micro-generation systems, important
limited to diesel motors for back-up purposes. An technical and economic aspects must be addressed before
important growth is still to be expected, and available co- deciding in favour of m-CHP:
generation technology is the master choice, as it can
provide both electricity and heat with very high efficiencies.  The load characteristics of electricity and load demand
In our study, we are dealing with the residential households are important, given seasonal average load curves for
2310 E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

Table 1
Technical characteristics of m-CHP engines for different generation power sizes

Technologies values Internal combustion engines (natural gas) Microturbine (natural gas) Stirling engines (natural gas)

Power size 1 Power size 2 Power-size range Power size 1 Power size 2

Electric power, Pe (kWe) 1 5 15–300 0.8 9.5

Ratio thermal to electric power, Pth/Pe 3 2.5 1.2–1.7 7.5 3
Electrical efficiency (%) 20 25 15–30 10 24
Global efficiency (%) 85 88 60–85 85 96
Sound level Average Average Average Low Low
CO2 emissions (kg/kWhe) 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.5 0.25
Emissions NOx (kg/MWhe) 1 0.2 0.1
Cost of installed kWe (h/kWe) 4000 2500 700–1000 3500 2500
Cost O&M (h/kWh) 0.035 0.025 0.025 0.02 0.015
Lifetime 30,000 h, maximum 15 years 40,000 h 80,000 h, maximum 15 years

Data sources: IEA/OECD (2000) and IZT (2002);; URL:;

different consumers’ profiles; some optimisation is  Buying electricity from the grid will be necessary in all
needed of the distributed power generation, so as to discussed scenarios (see Section 2.2): the DG of thermal
satisfy these demands. Detailed optimisation of the use power is chosen in the first place as to match thermal
of m-CHP is discussed in Houwing et al. (2006). demand, so that the electricity from DG is not sufficient
Houwing and Bouwmans (2006) analyse the impact of to meet the demand.
residential m-CHP on external suppliers by means of  The electricity and fuel prices play an important role in
agent-based modelling. In the present model simple the diffusion process as they represent important risk
assumptions are made in Section 2.2 on electric and heat elements in the m-CHP investment decision.
DG, including back-up from the distribution grid and  Particular technical aspects appearing for any pioneer-
excess electricity. ing technology are large initial outlay, necessity of back-
 The possible re-selling to the external electricity up production, and learning effects (EU-Deep, 2005).
company of the excess electricity generated by m-CHP Learning effects are particularly important in such start-
and the economic evaluation of the price have to be up technologies in order to reduce initial costs; they have
considered. Note first that the overall effects of micro been the object of many studies like among many others:
co-generation are beneficial for the distribution grid. In McDonald and Schrattenholzer (2001) and Sundqvist
rural areas, for example, non-consumed re-sold electri- and Söderholm (2003).
city will increase the voltage, which is welcome to the
grid operators (Jenkins et al., 2000). But electricity re- 2.2. Basic technical and economic assumptions
selling also brings additional challenges to network
operators regarding, for example, voltage variations, the The SD model investigates the substitution market of
capacity of equipment, back-up production capacities, classical boilers in the residential sector by m-CHP over a
etc. (Pehnt et al., 2006, Chapter 9). They might thus be time horizon of 20 years, assuming no residential energy-
additional equipment costs on the grid side, which are demand growth. This is a reasonably long period, also
not taken into account by the present model. These sufficient to indicate trends. The choice of constant
technical implications, or penalties of grid re-selling, electricity and thermal demands during the 20-year period
impact the electricity re-selling price, which may be only is acceptable for the present purpose, i.e., exploring with
a fraction of the electricity market price (Pehnt et al., SD the basic structural mechanisms for the technology
2006); therefore, the final benefit to investors from diffusion, with and without the support of the public
electricity re-selling is quite uncertain. This is to say that sector, rather than forecasting detailed market shares in
the actual income from electricity re-selling may be only some more or less distant future. The addition to this
a fraction of the theoretically calculated maximum model of partly arbitrary demand growth rates would not
income, assuming that the re-selling price is equal to add much insight.
the electricity market price from the electricity company. Taking as a baseline for the m-CHP diffusion, the
In Section 5 when considering excess electricity re- constant substitution market of classical boilers has the
selling, the obtained income will be handled as a random additional advantages of defining without ambiguity two
variable, by using the electricity re-selling factor as an important aspects in the diffusion model: the size of the
uncertainty factor, representing this uncertain fraction total market (well-defined here), and the market shares of
of the theoretical income. competing products, i.e., here high-efficiency condensing
E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319 2311

boilers, another alternative for replacing lower-efficiency require He ¼ 3000 h/year running time of the m-CHP
boilers (also well-defined). Other competing technologies, installation, while profile HH3 requires He ¼ 2400 h/year.
like centralised CHP facilities launched by the industry From there, given the complementing electric power Pe, the
for district heating, heat pumps, solar boilers, etc., are production time can be optimised in order to generate
ignored in the model. This is because convincing assumptions electricity matching as much as possible the load curve,
regarding multi-technology competition are usually difficult considering that electricity cannot be stored easily as heat,
to establish in prospective market studies (Sterman, 2000), and there is in general no perfect matching between current
and therefore, interpretations of the diffusion potential of demand and electricity generation. Because electricity
m-CHP would become unnecessarily complicated. storage capacities (Houwing et al., 2006) are not considered
The assumptions regarding the consumption profiles in the present model, only a part (fe) of the electricity
used in the study, as well as the technical characteristics of production (Pe  He) can be used for meeting the own
Stirling engines fuelled with natural gas in a size range demand (De); the own electricity use is then given by
5.8–13 kW (total of electric and thermal powers) per (Oe ¼ fe  Pe  He). Back-up electricity (Be ¼ DeOe) may
m-CHP unit, are given in Table 2. still be needed, while part of the generated electricity
The residential sector in Great Britain is considered as a (Re ¼ (1fe)  Pe  He) is not directly usable and may be
basis for the simulations. This country has been selected as resold to the network operators.
it seems to us to be the closest to a possible breakthrough Harrison and Redford (2001) estimate from the elec-
of m-CHP, and most reference data are available. The main tricity load profiles that on average over the year fe ¼ 85%
references that we have used for defining a potential market of the electricity production is used to meet the immediate
are Harrison and Redford (2001) and Crozier-Cole and electricity demand in case of profiles HH1 and HH3, thus
Jones (2002). Additional references for technical and (Re) ¼ 15%  electricity production.
statistical data are Organ (1992), WhisperGenTM (2006), The most important potential for electricity re-selling lies
DTI (2005) and Eurostat (2005). with profile HH2 corresponding to families with larger
Three average consumption profiles HH1, HH2, and HH3 thermal needs Dth ¼ 30,000 kWh/year. With an electrical
are considered in the present model with a total potential output of 9000 kWh/year, i.e., twice the yearly electricity
market (100%) estimated at 16 million units—representing demand, profile HH2 is able to cover its own needs, with no
the potential number of private housings using lower back-up from the network being necessary. As in this case
efficiency boilers susceptible of becoming substituted by fe ¼ 50%, Re ¼ De ¼ Oe ¼ 4500 kWh/year for this profile.
micro generation (Harrison and Redford, 2001; Crozier-Cole In synthesis the main assumptions of our model are the
and Jones, 2002). The objective of the SD model is to present following ones:
potential market shares of m-CHP in the interval [0%, 100%]
for the different consumption profiles and scenarios.
For each consumption profile, it has been assumed that  The base market of m-CHP for heat is the substitution
the thermal engine power Pth in Table 2 has been adopted market of classical gas boiler. It represents in the model
in order to meet the annual thermal demand without the 16,000,000 units (100% market share). The generating
need for thermal back-up production. Given that heat can capacity of m-CHP is chosen to be fully autonomous
be stored, the heat generation does not need to be time- with respect to the thermal demand.
adjusted to match the daily load curve. The number of  m-CHP is competing with high-efficiency condensing
running hours is computed as the ratio of demand and boilers for the substitution market.
installed thermal power. From the proposed power sizes in  The interaction with large-scale CHP is not considered
Table 2, it is easily calculated that profiles HH1 and HH2 in the m-CHP substitution model.

Table 2
Electric and thermal demands for different consumer profiles (Great Britain data) per m-CHP unit; power capacities; number of running hours to meet
thermal demand; own electricity production and fraction used locally; backup with percentage of demand, and re-selling of excess electricity

Consumption No. of m-CHP Pth Dth Running hours De Pe fe Oe Be Re

profiles units (kW) (kWh/year) He (h/year) (kWh/year) (kW) (%) (kWh/year) (kWh/year) (kWh/year)

HH1 8,000,000 6 18,000 3000 3500 0.9 85 2295 1205 (34%) 405
HH2 3,000,000 10 30,000 3000 4500 3 50 4500 0 (0%) 4500
HH3 5,000,000 5 12,000 2400 4500 0.8 85 1632 2868 (64%) 288
Total no. of units 16,000,000

The total number of potential m-CHP units (u) is 16,000,000 (100% of market).
Sources of data: Crozier-Cole and Jones (2002); Harrison and Redford (2001); DTI (2005); Eurostat (2005).
Pth: thermal power; Dth: thermal demand; De: electric demand; Pe: electric power; fe: used fraction of production; Oe: own electricity use ¼ fe  Pe  He; Be:
electricity backup ¼ DeOe (% of demand); Re: electricity reselling ¼ Oe  (1fe)/fe.
2312 E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

 The average investment cost for Stirling engines is The Bass model is an extension of the logistic diffusion
assumed to be 3000 h/installed kWe for profiles HH1 model used for modelling epidemics. It solves the start-up
and HH3, and 2000 h/installed kWe for profile HH2. problem of the logistic models, which require an installed
 The financing of investment is either by individual base, to start the attraction of new consumers by contagion
purchase or by leasing. from the installed initial base, the latter being in general
 The m-CHP electricity production substitutes part of the very small or absent at start. The idea is taking into account
grid supply. both contagion as well as advertising. Contagion rests on
 The heat and electricity consumption demands are the imitation effect based on ‘mouth to mouth’ diffusion of
represented by linear functions of the purchase prices. the new technology from the existing base, according to the
The elasticity of energy demand defining the relative logistic model. Advertising stems from market campaigns
change of energy demand for a unit price increase has and mass media advertisements around the innovation and
been fixed at the conservative constant value (1): the its attractiveness. In our model the advertising effect will be
sensitivity to changes in this value is not large, as has assumed to arise from the knowledge of the potential
been verified by simulation. adopters of more or less attractive economic features or
 Excess electricity is resold to the grid. The electricity re- incentives. No assumption needs to be made here about the
selling factor is the fraction of the maximum income, importance of advertising budgets or marketing campaigns
which could be theoretically obtained by re-selling all (like it could be done at a later stage of the technology
excess electricity at the current market price. In general introduction). Our assumption is that the effect of
only a fraction of this price will be obtained (Pehnt advertising on adoption will be proportional to the suitably
et al., 2006), so that the re-selling factor is an uncertain defined attractiveness of the technology. This is probably a
variable in the [0%, 100%] interval. realistic assumption: today the mass media propagate all
 Regulatory authorities are ready to offer some incen- the concerns about long-term fuel supply, fuel prices,
tives to develop the m-CHP. Their own motivation is to climate-change threats, herewith largely advertising and
reduce the consumption of primary fuel and the promoting the rational use of energy.
atmospheric emissions, as well as to diversify the The Bass model is shown in Fig. 1. The yearly increase
production sources of electricity and heat. rate of the number of m-CHP installations is given by the
 The reduction of fuel usage (natural gas) is calculated by following set of equations:
difference with a scenario without m-CHP.
A ¼ AI þ AD,
 The attractiveness of m-CHP is based on the following
three criteria: U
AI ¼ C  I  S  ,
J The comparison of initial outlay with classical boilers N
for heat production. Remember, for example, that AD ¼ a  S,
for the HH1 profile this outlay (units 2002) is N ¼ U þ S, (1)
3000 h/kWe/unit, while it is 1400 h/unit for a high-
efficiency condensing boiler with the same thermal where A is the total increase rate, AI the imitation rate by
capacity (6 kWth from Table 2). It is confirmed by the mouth to mouth, and AD the rate based on advertising the
SD model to be developed later that the initial attractiveness of the new product. All three rates are
investment by consumers is indeed the major expressed in units/year. The parameter C is the mouth to
entrance barrier for investors to enter this market. mouth rate expressed in 1/year; I is the dimensionless
J The payback time of the m-CHP investment. For probability of adoption; S represents the current number of
example, the analysis for the HH1 profile shows that potential units not yet installed; U is the current number of
it is about 6 years, which is quite long as compared to installed units; and N is the total number of units, i.e.,
the expected lifetime of 15 years quoted in Table 1. 16,000,000 units in the present case, as indicated in Table 2.
Payback time will thus also be an important risk The parameter ‘a’ is the attractiveness factor advertising
factor for investors. the merits of the product: it represents the expected
J The comparison between the discounted costs of new percentage of potential units S to be adopted each year.
and classical technologies. In the model, ‘a’ is assumed to be the weighed average of n
economic attractiveness criteria ATi, i ¼ 1, 2, y, n, which
are given as functions of the price P, as follows:
3. The diffusion model X
a¼ wi ATi ðPÞ, (2)
The Bass model (Bass, 1969) is frequently used to model
innovation diffusion (Mahajan et al., 1990; Parker, 1994; where wi’s are weights summing up to one. In the model we
Rogers, 1995). In modelling with SD, Sterman (2000, consider n ¼ 3 with the three criteria defined in Section 2.2,
Chapter 9) presents applications and extensions of the Bass to be minimised for obtaining maximum attractiveness:
model with SD; Homer (1987) presents a diffusion model initial outlay, payback time, and ratio of discounted costs
with SD on new medical technologies. between m-CHP and condensing boilers.
E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319 2313

Total number of
units N


Potential - Users of
units S technology U
Total adoption rate of
- technology A

Adoption rate
N2 Adoption rate
through imitation AI through advertised Attractiveness of the
attractiveness AD proposed technology

Probability of mouth to mouth Advertising

adoption I rate C effectiveness
factor a

Fig. 1. The System Dynamics model implementing the Bass diffusion model.

The influence diagram shows two positive loops (P1, P2), generally represented by the following formula:
and two negative loops (N1, N2):  
The positive loops induce growth by adoption (AD) X
lnðCðX ÞÞ ¼ lnðC 0 ðX 0 ÞÞ  E ln . (3)
thanks to the increasing economic attractiveness due to the X0
learning effects (loop P1), or by imitation (AI) of the
increasing number of m-CHP investors (loop P2). where C(X) represents the cost corresponding to the
The negative loops N1 and N2 are the equilibrium cumulated number X in installed units of the m-CHP
loops associated, respectively, with P1 and P2; each installations; C0 represents the corresponding cost in
negative loop limits the corresponding growth mechanisms case the initial number of installations is equal to X0 ;
of the positive loop, given the finite number of potential special care has been given to evaluate both C0, X0
users S. values, given that the present installed base is very small
The technical coefficients C, I, a in Eq. (1) and the and transfers of learning experience exist between
weights needed in the Bass diffusion model in Eq. (2) have different national markets (Ben Maalla, 2005). E is the
been obtained by calibrating the model with the deploy- learning coefficient.
ment of the condensing boilers in the Netherlands. The
average relative errors in reproducing the diffusion data The learning rate or progress ratio (PR) represents the
with the technical parameter of the Bass model are 9.1% relative cost decrease when the initial value is doubled
for the period 1981–1993 and 12% for the longer period X ¼ 2X0. It is easy to see as given by Eq. (4):
1981–1996 (Cauret et al., 1999). Details on this calibration PR ¼ 2E . (4)
are provided in Ben Maalla (2005). It has been assumed
that these results can be transposed from the diffusion of Values of the PR in the range PR ¼ 70–90% have been
high-efficiency boilers to m-CHP. It is observed from these observed with respect to electricity-producing capacities
data that the growth rate of the substituting technology (IEA/OECD, 2000; EU-Deep, 2005; Sundqvist and Söder-
obeys a threshold law: at about some critical value of the holm, 2003). Sensitivity analyses have been performed on
installed capacity, the growth rate becomes much larger this critical factor.
than below the threshold.
4. The global System Dynamics model
 Learning effects are taken into consideration regarding
several important cost elements for the m-CHP deploy- System Dynamics has a valuable track record for
ment: outlay costs, O&M costs, and costs per installed studies in the liberalising energy sector (see Bunn and
kW. Learning effects on those cost elements are Larsen, 1997; Sterman, 2000, and references therein). The
2314 E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

pertinence and legitimacy of using SD in such strategic The positive loop P2 represents in a simplified way the
studies stem from the ability of capturing structural Bass diffusion model in which additional units are installed
mechanisms and feedback loops, which cause either success by contagion or advertising from the previously available
or failure of new technologies. units. Note again that in this model the main mechanism
The full model has about 2000 variables or constant for growth of the new technology is the substitution of
parameters, of which 192 state variables are acting as classical boilers. The positive growth loop P3 initiates new
stocks; they are distributed over 13 different modules or m-CHP installations when classical boilers have to be
views representing simulation sheets. Subscripts are used to replaced.
create multi-dimensional variables, to easily encode several The negative loop N1 limits the use of economic
micro co-generation technologies, types of boilers, con- incentives to the period in which m-CHP installations are
sumers’ profiles, financing schemes, etc. not yet profitable to investors. The negative loop N2 limits
Because of its modular structure, the model can be easily the introduction rate of classical boilers and thus the later
developed, including for example independent producers’ possible substitution by m-CHP installations.
modules, or market instruments like green certificates One of the main difficulties in modelling with SD is the
(Kunsch et al., 2002, 2004). The simplified influence choice of valid data for parameters. Unless otherwise
diagram in Fig. 2 shows the main feedback loops of the indicated the data are drawn from the provided sources
SD model developed for this diffusion analysis of m-CHP. in Table 2 on the British market (Harrison and
m-CHP, or high-efficiency boilers, substitute classical Redford, 2001; Crozier-Cole and Jones, 2002; DTI, 2005;
boilers at their end-of-life or before, proportionately to Eurostat, 2005):
their current installed base. In principle, a decrease in the
installed base of the micro co-generation technology is  Main average consumption profiles of electricity and
possible, contrary to the behaviour observed with the heat have been defined in Table 2.
classical Bass model (Sterman, 2000), depending on the  On the basis of an analysis of electricity and gas prices in
chosen evolution of parameters in the model. It has not Great Britain in the period 1993–2004 (Crozier-Cole and
been observed in the analysed scenarios. Jones, 2002; Harrison and Redford, 2001; DTI, 2005;
Positive loops P1–P3 are responsible for the technology Eurostat, 2005), we have determined the base-case
growth, while the negative loops N1 and N2 represent the values of, respectively, 0.09 and 0.03 h/kWhth. Sensitiv-
limits to the incentive-driven growth. The main positive ity studies have been performed around those values;
loop P1 is supposed to be the virtuous learning-experience furthermore, different increase rates for those prices
loop diminishing the costs. In the initial phase, however, P1 have been tested.
acts as a vicious loop, because the technology take-off is  Among different technologies including micro-turbines
hindered due to the low return on the high initial and gas-based internal-combustion engines, only results
investment. This is the central loop of the model, which of the SD model regarding gas-fuelled Stirling engines in
explains why economic incentives will be needed to assist the total of thermal (Pth) and electric (Pe) generating
the m-CHP deployment. powers in the range 5.8–13 kW (see Table 2) are

Benefits of µ-CHP
replacement rate
Number of
classical Number of
P3 µ-CHP
boilers Potential annual
market µ-CHP installations
installation rate
installation rate

investment decision in P2
N2 favour of µ-CHP
Learning effect
Average heat Profitability of
consumption µ-CHP installations Economic incentives to
- -
- development
Distribution price
of gas Average electricity
Distribution price - consumption
of kWhe

Fig. 2. The global influence diagram of the System Dynamics model (simplified).
E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319 2315

presented in this paper. The assumed representative Remember that the PR is chosen to be 85%. Sensitivity
average efficiencies are 15% for electricity and 70% for studies show a rather small dispersion of values for PR
heat production. The resulting total efficiency of 85% is values larger than 80%, i.e., the lowest value that we
to be compared with a maximum efficiency of 55% in consider being realistic. Values of the PR between 70% and
the case of centralised electricity production. 80% give a very large dispersion as the cost decrease with
 Furthermore, the initial value of the PR of Eq. (4) has the installed capacity triggers a snowball effect on the
been assumed to be 85% (IEA/OECD, 2000; EU-Deep, m-CHP installation rate, which indeed seemed us to be
2005). Because this parameter is particularly critical for much too optimistic. Additional simulations show that the
assessing the dynamic investment costs, sensitivity diffusion percentage value is rather insensitive, in the sense
simulations have been performed to verify the robust- of an increase, to a gas price decrease. The investment
ness of the results. decision in favour of a m-CHP installation replacing a
 The discount rate used to calculate discounted costs is classical boiler and electricity purchased from the grid will
assumed to be 5%/year in real terms (outside inflation), benefit from an electricity price increase, as also shown by
a reasonable value for such investment decisions. simulation. But even if both favourable electricity and gas
 Delays have been introduced as required in any dynamic price evolutions are combined, a ‘natural’ breakthrough of
modelling to take into account the fact that consumers the m-CHP technology is shown not to be likely without the
will not react immediately to evolutions in prices or to assistance of economic incentives. The entrance barrier of
changes in incentive policies (Sterman, 2000, Chapter 11). high initial outlay hinders the potential virtuous loop
 Financing acquisition of m-cHP is through either revolving around the learning cost decrease, because of the
independent purchase or leasing. Mainly the former high risk for investors. It is why our SD model has
will be discussed here. analysed several incentive schemes, and some of their
 A time period of 20 years is considered for the combinations, to assist the m-CHP diffusion:
simulations, starting in 2005.
 The gain in fuel and avoided CO2 emissions are (1) Investment subsidy of a percentage of the initial
simulated within the model by comparison with a investment in m-CHP, in order to lower the initial
100% boiler scenario. consumers’ outlay.
(2) Re-selling to the electricity company of all electricity
produced in excess by m-CHP, but at an uncertain price.
5. Main results of the simulation with System Dynamics (3) Selective internalisation in the costs of the energy
prices, like reducing the gas price for m-CHP installa-
Before the presentation of the main results, we note that tions, or increasing the electricity price for consumers
the model has not only been calibrated for what regards not using m-CHP. This is equivalent to the use of
input data, but also validated in its structure. As mentioned Pigovian taxes on the fuel consumption in the non-
in Section 3, the observed trends of the deployment of the substitution case.
condensing boilers in the Netherlands in the period (4) Financing through leasing. Simulations confirm not
1981–1996 (Cauret et al., 1999) were used for calibrating only the flexibility of the model, but also that leasing
the diffusion model. may favourably boost the willingness to invest of
The main results of the simulation are the dynamic consumers. It is however not in the hands of public
percentage-diffusion values (percentage market shares for a decision-makers and regulatory authorities (the ‘clients’
total of 16,000,000 units mentioned in Table 2) of the of the model in its present stage, as mentioned in
m-CHP technology, and the benefits of the m-CHP Section 1) to influence this scheme: these results will
technology in comparison with the case where it is excluded. therefore not be further discussed here, though it has
We concentrate on the former results in this presentation. been observed in simulations that leasing could become
In a first evaluation stage, no economic incentives to a very effective tool once the market has started to
support the m-CHP technology are considered. grow.

5.1. Base-case model without economic incentives

5.2. Investment subsidy and electricity re-selling
The base-case model uses the parameters values de-
scribed in Section 2: it provides the following rather poor Regarding first the investment subsidy, scenarios in
results of the diffusion value in percents of the total market which 10%, 20%, and 30% of the initial investment are
at the termination date in 2025, assuming a negligible rate refunded to investors during 3 or 5 years, after the
at start time in 2005: simulation begins in 2005, have been considered for the
three consumers’ profiles HH1, HH2, and HH3 defined in
 profile HH1: 3.9%; Table 2. They show that in practice only the HH1 profile
 profile HH2: 1.8%; would benefit in a sustained way from this reimbursement,
 profile HH3: 4.8%. and only in the scenario for which 30% of the investment is
2316 E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

reimbursed to the investors during the first 5 years in the range. Fig. 3 shows the 50%, 75%, 95%, 100% percentiles
simulation. Nevertheless, the total money spent in this way of the resulting dynamic diffusion rate for a total of 1000
by authorities becomes unrealistically high. Simulations simulations. The average diffusion rate, shown as a thin
show that sustained growth cannot be achieved if the line within the uncertainty range, is 40% at t ¼ 20 years;
market share remains below 10% at the termination date of the uncertainty range has a total width of 28%, i.e.,
the investment subsidy programme. between 23% and 51%. These results illustrate the very
The re-selling of electricity produced in excess by the important sensitivity to economic incentives, and must,
m-CHP installation (see values for the different profiles in therefore, be considered with some care. They indicate the
Table 2) is a second possible economic incentive. We have presence of nonlinear threshold effects for the technology
discussed its limitations in Section 2.1. The reader is breakthrough on a large scale, responsible for activating
reminded here that the theoretical re-selling price is taken growth (positive) feedback loops in the SD model (Figs. 1
to be equal to the current market price, but the re-selling and 2). Threshold effects have been mentioned before in
factor may vary in the [0%, 100%] interval to account for Section 3 regarding the diffusion growth of high-efficiency
the uncertainty on the actual price. In our study, re-selling boilers in the Netherlands (Cauret et al., 1999). An
produces rather mitigated results for all three profiles. For accurate and trustworthy modelling of these threshold
a uniform distribution of the electricity re-selling factor effects is not possible. Also, re-selling of electricity should
between 0% and 100%, the following diffusion values are be very carefully analysed from the point of view of the
obtained at termination of the 20-year simulation period: grid operators because, as we mentioned in Section 2.1, it
may cause complications in requiring additional control
 profile HH1: 3.9–6%; tasks or equipment adjustments (Pehnt et al., 2006,
 profile HH2: 1.8–6%; Chapter 9). Determining suitable electricity re-selling
 profile HH3: 4.8–6.3%. factor and price is thus not such a simple matter in
general; the re-selling price may also be time-dependent in
It appears that combining investment subsidy with connection with the load curve management (Houwing
electricity repurchase by the grid may be more efficient. et al., 2006). The value of the re-selling price affects in turn
An example is shown in Fig. 3 for the profile HH1. This the calculation of the attractiveness factor in Eq. (2), which
profile may be favoured by this policy because it has the makes results uncertain.
smallest electricity consumption of all three profiles,
notwithstanding its rather small electric power of 0.9 kWe. 5.3. Adapting the price of energy
In this calculation we have estimated that in practice the
electricity re-selling factor will be in the range [30%, 70%] As confirmed by simulation, the best and most
(Ben Maalla, 2005). To assess the sensitivity of the trustworthy results are obtained by means of the third
diffusion rate to this value, we have performed a Monte- family of incentive schemes, which consists in selectively
Carlo calculation, assuming a uniform probability dis- adapting the price of energy in favour of users of the
tribution of the electricity re-selling factor in the given alternative m-CHP technology. As a possible approach of
this type, Fig. 4 shows the evolution over 20 years of
the diffusion rate with an increase by 0.01 h/kWh of the
50% 75% 95% 100% Market share in % for profile HH1
60 electricity price from the grid. For the sake of clarity, the
average electricity re-selling factor has first been fixed at a
value of 0% for all profiles.
The differences in the diffusion values observed in Fig. 4
are explained by the fact that learning effects bringing
30 investment-cost decreases are profile-selective: they first
benefit to HH3, then ‘pour down’ to HH1, and finally to
HH2. The latter profile has the highest initial outlay due to
its important installed electric capacity, i.e., according to
Table 2, 3 kWe as compared to 0.9 and 0.8 kWe for HH1
0 and HH3, respectively. Therefore, HH2 must ‘wait’ till
0 5 10 15 20 learning within HH1/HH3 profiles have sufficiently low-
Time (years) ered the costs, so that it can benefit in turn. This type of
Fig. 3. Percentiles (50%, 75%, 95%, 100%) of diffusion [% of total incentive scheme is shown by the simulations to be quite
market] achieved in the HH1 profile for an incentive programme effective. Note that a selective reduction in the gas price in
combining a 30% investment subsidy over 3 years and an electricity re- favour of m-CHP users gives comparable results to the
selling factor chosen as a random variable uniformly distributed in the
electricity-price increase in disfavour of non m-CHP users.
interval [30%, 70%]. The width of the uncertainty range is 28%. The
central line corresponds to an average electricity re-selling factor equal to In practice, this scheme is easier to implement than other
50%. The initially distributed electricity price has been set at 0.09 h/kWh schemes, because of its systematic and equitable character
and the gas price at 0.03 h/kWh. respecting the willingness-to-change attitude of consumers.
E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319 2317

Market share in % for all profiles investment subsidy schemes displayed in Fig. 3 shows, as
mentioned, an uncertainty range of 28% at t ¼ 20 years,
almost three times more.
45 Also the robustness with respect to the PR has been
tested: it proves to be better than in other schemes. For
example, the uncertainty range of diffusion values is

about 15% for a PR value randomly sampled within the
[80%; 90%] interval. By contrast a investment subsidy of
30% during 3 years would show an uncertainty range of
39% under the same conditions.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5.4. Summary on incentive schemes
Time (years)

HH1 In summary, we conclude that energy-price adjustments

in favour of users of m-CHP seem to provide the most
efficient and robust incentive scheme. It does not act
Fig. 4. Diffusion-value profiles (% of total market) during the period directly on the profitability of m-CHP installations, but
2005–2025 of the m-CHP technology, assuming a 0.01 h/kWhe increase of selectively by means of the learning effects and the existing
the electricity price from the grid. The upper line corresponds to HH3
profile; the central line corresponds to the HH1 profile; the lower line
transfers between profiles. This is in fact the sole
corresponds to the HH2 profile. The electricity re-selling factor is set mechanism observed in our SD model that is able to
at 0%. overcome the vicious loop created by high start-up costs.
This scheme seems to be best adapted to a sustained and
permanent transformation of consumers’ needs and
50% 75% 95% 100% attitudes in energy consumption. One should keep in mind,
Market share in % for profile HH1
60 however, that at the occasion of setting up efficient
incentive strategies the economic environment still remains
10.5% important, and it is largely beyond control of decision-
45 makers. Even if an adequate support policy of distributed
m-CHP is set in place, and is thought to be potentially
favourable to the sustainable growth of micro co-genera-
tion technology, conjectural evolutions in the fuel prices
can considerably reduce the hopes for a large diffusion of
15 micro co-generation technology. As simulations show, a
favourable price environment—as represented by a high
ratio (electricity price/gas price)—may have a very positive
0 5 10 15 20 influence on the potential diffusion. An unfavourable
Time (years) change of prices of the same amplitude, but in the opposite
direction, may more than outweigh this positive effect.
Fig. 5. Percentiles (50%, 75%, 95%, 100%) of the diffusion rate when
combining an increase of 0.01 h/kWe with a electricity re-selling factor in
the interval [30%, 70%]. The uncertainty range is only 10.5% at t ¼ 20 5.5. Additional consequences of the development of m-CHP
years. The thin line in the uncertainty range corresponds to electricity re-
selling factor of 50%; it gives a diffusion rate of 48.5% at t ¼ 20 years. The SD model gives additional results on the usage
The lower curve shows that the case with an electricity-price increase alone
reduction of natural gas used by both boilers and m-CHP,
gives a diffusion rate of 37.1% at t ¼ 20 years.
and the potential reductions of CO2 emissions. Further it
provides the evolution of high-efficiency boilers substituting
In addition, this scheme is quite robust with respect to the low-efficiency boilers, when those are not replaced by
conditions in which excess electricity is re-sold to the m-CHP. Note that high-efficiency boilers also contribute to
distribution grid. To verify this assertion we have both natural gas and CO2 emissions reductions, as they
combined it with the electricity re-selling scheme, as shown replace, as a competing technology, the low-efficiency
in Fig. 5. In the case of the HH1 profile, the final diffusion boilers. Fig. 6 shows the reduction in natural-gas usage,
increases from 37.1% (lower curve obtained without resale) expressed in TWh, first without incentives for m-CHP (lower
to 48.5% for a median electricity re-selling factor equal to thin curve), corresponding to only about 3% total diffusion
50%. The uncertainty width of the diffusion value is 10.5% for all three consumption profiles, and then in the case when
at t ¼ 20 years, when the electricity re-selling factor is there is a investment subsidy of 30% during 3 years on the
randomly chosen in the interval [30%, 70%]. By contrast, initial outlay (upper thick curve), corresponding to about
under the same conditions regarding the electricity re- 38% diffusion. The potential CO2 emission reductions are
selling, the combination of the electricity re-selling and proportionately linked to the natural-gas usage reductions.
2318 E.M. Ben Maalla, P.L. Kunsch / Energy Policy 36 (2008) 2308–2319

Natural-gas usage reduction early stage of the technology development. At a later stage
of deployment, the point of view of the m-CHP developers
and of independent energy producers would have to be
450 included. The development of the m-CHP in the residential
sector would then have to be addressed from a marketing-
oriented corner to describe the changing attitudes of

consumers facing a new product. SD would then render
good services in exploring the potential deployment paths
150 of m-CHP, and in elaborating business models for micro-
generator manufacturers accordingly (EU-Deep, 2005).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (years) Acknowledgements
With incentives
Without incentives The authors thank the members of the ‘‘Power System
Fig. 6. Fuel usage reduction without (upper thick curve) and with (lower Consulting Department’’ of TRACTEBEL ENGINEER-
thin curve) economic incentives, consisting of an investment subsidy of the ING (Brussels, Belgium) who have kindly assisted in
initial outlay during 3 years. providing information, support, and technical training at
the occasion of the Master thesis of the first author, from
which most results are drawn (Ben Maalla, 2005).
6. Conclusions and further work

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