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Student Feedback

In the middle of our unit, students took a quiz based on the first half of the chapter. I plan
to provide feedback on this summative assessment when I grade the quiz. I will mark the
questions they got wrong and mark the correct answer as well. I will also add notes as needed of
how to get to the right answer and/or the concept that explains the correct answer. I expect
students to look at their quizzes, understand why they got a problem wrong and use it as a
resource to study for the next test. I hope to see them read what I wrote and have a better idea of
the concepts that they were confused about. The next topics in our unit build upon the knowledge
they needed for this quiz and we have been repeating steps of finding the axis of symmetry,
domain/range, min/max, etc. so I will not be going over every problem in the quiz. Especially
because I will be providing explanations on each individual paper. However, I will be going over
the extra credit problem, suggested by Ms. Olsen so that students will have a better
understanding of the topic in the context of a word problem. I will pass out the quizzes to each
student, all faced down for privacy.
When grading the papers, I added simple graphs and explanations. I also directed
students to the foldable that we did together because it has all the steps of how to find the vertex
and axis of symmetry. I gave partial points based on their work and tried to help them see where
their mistake was. Some had the wrong formula and others had a mathematical error. I also
added smiley faces when they got a whole section correct and also for every score above an 80.
Ms. Olsen also has a policy where if students get below a 50, they automatically just get a 50.
We also added extra credit from the AIMs assignment and for every 10% they got correct, they
were given an extra point. With the extra credit, the class average was about 80%.
I got a lot of information from the assessment. I understood from my side, what I needed
to emphasize and the specific language that I should use. During the quiz, many students were
asking me what the zeros meant. I usually reference them as x-intercepts and noted that I should
change that in my lessons and explain that they are the same thing. I also have a better idea of
how the students are doing as well and who understands the concepts and who needs a little more
help. Most students performed expected and I had a few that surprised me (both in a good and
bad way). I could see the misconceptions that students had and it gave me a better idea of how to
move forward.
I believe that this feedback will show the students to be more careful in their work and
that they will be more responsible for their own learning. So many students lost points for not
p tting = for a is of s mmetr , e en tho gh it has been emphasized many times in class. This
feedback will also, hopefully, show the students that I care about their work and is putting in the
time to write explanations and is willing to provide help. The biggest thing is that I hope that
students will use this quiz as a resource and have a better understanding of how to graph and the
qualities of a parabola. After the quiz, I had a much better response on finding the min/max and
domain/range and the zeros. Because they missed it and I wrote why they missed it, I think that
they remember it more.
Overall, I tried my best to provide as much feedback as possible while still trying to keep
it short and simple. I directed them to using a resource we all did together in class and also
redefined some terms that they had trouble with. I think that the pictures helped them and the
feedback gave each student an individual assessment.

Name: Do,.v on ,) ,. Period: _L Date: - - - scor~

,,! £ ID: A

Chapter 8 Quiz so +2-

/Jtl't r
/ (6,)lolf1ts) Find the vertex and axis of symmetry of the
_c__ What value of a would make the graph of

graph of the function. _ (,_ g)
J(x) = ax 2 open up? I oei I::- -fur pa sin vQ.. q::;:.'f x-:.. -_E_ = -- - ::. lo
. / (IO~rii;)lf~ .z.(. Y) .

a. -8 o+f- . g(x) =4x 2 -48x+ 7 J =- 4(,eo)i -I.}'&_ <.o) +-=r =

b. 0 r -,i1
O{JQ.I) Vertex: ( { LJJ ( \O; -,~:i--)
d ;1.. :;::. \()
d ON
/ Axis of symmetry:
J2. (6 points)
Identify the characteristics of the quadratic
Howcanthegraphofg(x)=x 2 +4be
function and its graph.
obtained from the graph ofJ(x) =x 2 ?
a. by translating J(x) left 4 units
fb.' by translating f(x) right 4 units
c. by
d. by transla .

(6 points)

Does J(x) =-3x + 6x - 4 have a maximum

, J:
_c_ 2

or minimum? Find the value.)<

a. maximum; 1

d. minimum; -1 Vertex:

Compare the graph of the function to the graph

Descnbe wfG.e1bftunction is decreasing. Hint: use
of/{x) =x2• an inequality: It- _; s 2, ec rct---s;, Y' ~

4. (6 points)
o, -/--h(__, l s , c...J C u o~-e. !
Descnoe where the functi.·on is increasing: Hint use
h(x) =-2x 2 an inequality: r hi Uf 1-- "" ;c:::i. -e
Descnoe in detail: : X) 2
\]-R_ / -t{&><. . r, , ·1 -the. ·, " e qu O I i!)t
L,ut.rt-e)l 1/\,0 v I cJ 100~ C4f X-
be, boH---, o, o) rt.l'Yle.rn}.,t,- +hat ;-t h
0 i"rt t Ch r; of z) ne;-H,~ if) c.rl..q-.f1::_J
1ref 1e en 1 or c.1-e...crtosi~ cir u,e__,#2,)(.
(30 points) 9. (12 points)

Consider the graph of the function./. (,, d 1 'j Which of the following describe the
equation y = 3x + 6x ?
a. maximum value: -'.,.X,.
of symmetry: x = -2
vertex: (-2, 0)
G) 1

- 1

d- - ldt 3 X

a. Find the domain, range, and zeros of the \ j

\ I/

b. Compare the graph off to the graph of domain: all real numbers
2 8 ifi t.Z1ns1a;no(") :) I~ range:y~-3
( . ) =:x. every spec c. 1_ 4 d.<:1 "'-' n
rhs 8- Yvt-pJ,. s -l-£.f+s 01--r axis of symmetry: x =-1
(- J wt,.,·, 1-e 'Jc.,( J:;( 2 S ~lA ( b c:; -1- vertex: (-1, -3)
c. Compare the graph off to the graph of (0 O) . I
I y
h(x) =f(x - 2). Be very specific.

"-T ~ ,,<,- 2 Or?i , ;':> no\--- I

5+-fie h-e L ~· ',t;Nv'ld :--s ,· n ?-) I
8. (Opoints} J',f rf, rf pl0 C ( ., I
Extra Credit: (5 Points total.)The function
"' v
y = - l 6f + 40 represents the height y (in feet) of a "- _, ~ v X

water droplet t seconds after falling from an icicle. - \ I

\ /
a. After how many seconds does the water droplet
hit the ground? RoAd)'= answer to two
decimal places. - ~- - " " - - - - - -

b. A second water droplet falls from a height of22 domain: y ::; -3

feet. Which water droplet hits the ground in the range: all real numbers
least amount of tiqie? Explain. J f. axis of symmetry: x - 6
7w, s-ec<'.?Y'1c a'r1t'. vertex:(6,0) ")<(
4- }fCJvv. Sc" ,\-- ·,S c\ O'S~{
minimum value: -3
h. maximum value: 0 IX

o \ he CjYCM'f\ C-

Period: _t_ Dater? T \ -1\ Score: ~ ID: B

Chapter 8 Quiz
so -1-- j;mr
(6points) () Find the vertex and axis of symmetry of the
) ____L_ What value of a would make the graph of l graph of the function.

5. (IO points)
~x)~8ax~ g(x) == 4x -4&x + 7

(~,-13 7)
b. 0
-2 poS'1 h\l o'1Qf' c)o
y,j y-\ Vertex:
, , ci,,
Axis of symmetry: ::::rfo
/ (6 points) ' '1 ,I Identify the characteristics of the quadratic
How can the graph of g(x) == x + 4 be function and its graph.
obtained from the graph of f(x) == x ? -
a. . by translating f(x) left 4 units
by translating f(x) right 4 units
by translating/(x) up 4 units
by translating f(x) down 4 units

/ (6points)
_d_ 2
Does f(x) == -3x + 6x -4 have
or minimum? Find the value. 1- - e,o'>

a. maximum; l __ b - ;:J,- )-:; \

b. minimum; I 2q :o l(-' 3 · u ., .., \ :J Axis of symmetry: '/. c::,
maximum; -1
minimum; - I _ 3l I)2- -r I..D
LI) ,., l ' /
:• y<#l>\~
Vert~ ~~) V
Compare the graph of the function to the graph Describe where the function is decreasing. Hint: use
offt..x) = x 2• ,..... '-f an inequality: \o > 1-- td X <2
4. (6 points) Describe where the function is increasing: Hint: use
h(x) ==-2x2 _,,,,J) an inequality: 4-~
IO X7 2

5 n -e:t-c..,h V -fn. c.tll r
<:>t-- ·2. J rt.fie.C:fiol")
OI\ :><:.-'l.>liS
7. (30 points) points)
Consider the graph of the functionf C,) D) f" Which of the following describe the
equation y = 3x 2 + 6x ?
, y -I
j a. axis of symmetry: x = -2
(-1, O) I vertex: (-2, 0) ~-- 0 .::. -·-f->
\ I b. maximum value: 0
(-5, 0) I \ - CS) axisofsymmetry:x=-1 '(- \ ;3 j
..:6 - I X
vertex: (-1, -3)

-- - ()
\ \ I
' I\.'
\ I I I2
(-3, -4)
I -- >--

- !/

• J

a. Find the domain, range, and zeros of the

function. (
..,, 'f / 4omain: '(-_?,Ot :- Ip;
Cl ll r:e,a \ l\U()\ ~Q./3.
I -

jange: l 3i- ) --t.f J )_
, \
\ I
~ eros: ?-: J_-(_ff:J .5 C-S 10) ( 1 0)
11/~/ -~ 1 1
fr, t,. Compare the graph offto the graph of
2 B i:fi ffll\!,l<>te-1
• U't\"i~ l e.w (1 ,-.d
1' '()-
g X - { { ' every spec C.
li ..., "--e ~'rf.:>\ uN-\:cr-wc.~y £!of.In domain: all real numbers
,1 :>\ c,._t"J._ O\_e-1'> 5J(. 1V'\l\itv-. range: y -3
c. Compare the graph off to the graph of
I y

h(x) =f(x- ?,). Be very speci:fic~~

b l">C') \cvo\>, m\(Jt~
<")._\.)~I~+... TN.,~ t-\"of" (j)
8. (Opoints) . y--·~ht- I'
Extra Credit: gPoints total.)The function ,
y = I6r + ~ /represents the height y (in feet) of a _p
water droplet t seconds after falling from an icicle.
- \ I
a. After how many seconds d/ ,the water droplet \I/
hit the ground? Roundy rra:swer to two
decimal places. . 5( . c. o ~ ':>

•· A second water ~let falls from a height of22 domain: y $ -3

feet. Which watyr droplet hits the ground in the range: all real numbers
least amount ( time? Explain. (D minimum value: -3
7rt- o I(~C.eeJ- h( c(7,\_o5-t g. maximum value: -3
1\-_"' \t~ ~o,.\/t\ h. axis of symmetry: x = 6

vertex: (6, 0)
- ~f)__
ft J : : - I ~z. t 'I- 0
ltptl::-LJO 2

t 2 ::= 2.5
t =- 1 ,5~
Name: eity \/ondeusen Period:~ Date: 3/ \ / 2J score: -'=}~ ID: B

Chapter 8 Quiz

Jl. (6 pomlS}
_(L_ What value of a would make the graph of
f(x) = ax open up?
\._)"I ·fu) d Cl b I
Find the vertex and axis of symmetry of the
graph of the function.
t;;;_/i__ 4?, X-== -£
- -t.J5J) :- VJ
5. (10 pomlS) z_~ -Z.( Lf)
a. -8 g(x) = 4x -4&x + 7 .
b. 0 - - :}==4[0)2-42(0)+7
C. 2
1 .,., \ o vertex: ( 1/t>i , .01) (\oJ -in) J :: - Is r
©s Axis of symmetry: 0. OL\ l)(' : :. lp
2. (6 points) Identify the characteristics of the quadratic
J ___c._ How can the graph of g(x) =x 2 + 4 be 1
function and its graph.
obtained from the graph off(_x) =x 2 ?

a. by translating f(_x) left 4 units

b. by translating f(_x) right 4 units
@ by translatingf(_x) up 4 units
d. by translating f(_x) down 4 units

3. (6 points)

___c__ Does f(_x) =-3x 2 + 6x - 4 have a maximum

or minimum? Find the value.
a. maximum; 1
b. minimum; 1
@ maximum; -1
Axis of symmetry: X = 2
d. minimum; -1 Vertex: ( 2. ,l=f JV
Compare the graph of the function to the graph Describe where the function is decreasing. Hint: use
ofj(x) =x2• an inequality:::\bc hlOC}6Q'O \S n M·1r,\~)

4. (6 poiJds)
so '" d.oes~ '-\-
Describe where the function is increasing: Hint: use
Y-- <2
h(x) =-2x 2 an inequality: (2, ;)LJJ )\ / 2,
lo -fu c...n r 2
Describe in detail: : · _/ V S' \oo'I:: Q-t- X ~r--

-!he ~
nos " C1'1ot\{cJ lf"J"w'
mc,,x 1<Y\ur<\ o i
o.m, ln Cfl-OS.·1 / d,13

~ -H-e..c..,,-n on o 0
1- -a·:ii.s.

7. (30 points) 9. (12 points)

Consider the graph of the function/. j c)d a f Which of the following describe the
equation y = 3x 2 + 6x ?
a. axis of symmetry: x = -2
vertex: (-2, 0)
b. maximum value: 0
0 axis of symmetry: X = -1
vertex: (-1, -3)
1 -~y

a. Find the domain, range, and zeros of the
function. / II - X

domain: Q\\ ten\ ~ •s

range: c~ -LL
\ j
zeros: (,:0)(~0) ?
\ I/

b. Compare the graph of/to the graph of

- 2 B . Tnll"-S.)oi'l 00 dH'I,
g ( x) - x . every specific. d u f\"ii~ i-e...f--1---
~ .C:- iS UY\Q,,O: -\be x o,'<°1u Lf dtl'\/n domain: all real numbers
range: y 2':-3
c. Compare the to the graph of
h X = x- . C.

8. (0 points)
Extra Credit (5 Points total.)The function
y =-16t2 +40 represents the heighty (in feet) ofa - -~ X
water droplet t seconds after falling from an icicle.
- I\ I
- \ I/
a. After how many seconds does the water droplet
hit the ground? Round your answer~
decimal places. \ .lo se:carcts
-t 0
-- I· S &e..c.o0d.s
b. A second water droplet falls from a height of22 domain: y -3
feet. Which water droplet hits the ground in the range: all real numbers
least amount of time? Explain. (L) minimum value: -3
'22. 1f\- W'O\ JS e ,\-- ,
is I V g. maximum value: -3
c\ose, i'Q ~e C?l'fOVr(:l")s-o •r\- V'lil \ h. axis of symmetry: x = 6
\m<.e ,ess -nYY'le, -\-o "°''\- gtOJnd. vertex: (6, 0)

Period: _2__ Date: s I, It, 1 score: 86 ID: A

Chapter 8 Quiz

1. (6 poillls) Find the vertex and am of symmetry of the

__Q___ What value of a would make the graph of graph of the function. ( 11 "",I
j(_x) = ax 2 open up? - -4"8') '1 u
s. (lOpoiDls)
a.- LI ><: - - ;;;;-
,_, ( I.\ . ) U
J / g(_x)~4x'-48x+1 ba-l!S l k 0 %"'e)i
1 Vertex: ("'>--rl';>7) \~l) -2iS+ 1
C. 2
@s Axis of symmetry: x'd, _ 14 +q
- 2 -l O I 1.
,£ (6points) 15 S 4 Si Identify the characteristics of the qnadratic
-"-- How can the graph of g(x) = x 2 + 4 be function and its graph.
obtained from the graph of j(_x) = x 2 ?
6. (24 points)

a. by translatingj(_x) left 4 units ,Y j

b. by translatingj(_x) right 4 units
(9 r- -a
by translatingj(_x) up 4 units \ I
d. by translating j(_x) down 4 units \ .....
--- I

I- ____12_
(6 points)

Does j(_x) = -3x + 6x - 4 have a maximum


or minimum? Find the value. .,.,c;. (1l Po I ~o N (\ 2 4 X

a. maxunum; 1 i"'-e.,
i-,, q J(. S . I lo
.--o pW~
-6 '
b. minimum; 1 :;-: / , / Axis of symmetry: -'--"X::c=..
2,_ _ _ _ __
(c) m~~-1 -12)
mmnnum, -1 r 1, t:2. _ l / / Vertex: _,_(.2,,,...+-,Ll.....
) _ _ __
- '2-l, \o - '1
u '! 1
Compare the graph of the function to the graph .Pescnbe where the function is decreasing. Hint use
ofj(_x) =x2. .Z -I O \ '2. an inequality:.__,__
..,._,2.,,___ _ __
-~ _z O -z --f,
4. (6 points) -t. - 1 0 J 1 , / Descnbe where the function is increasing: Hint: use
h(x) =-2x 2 4 l o \ L.! an inequality:.-=X...L)_._2_ _ _ __
,,., Descnbe in detajl: :
:fbe -2 -+¥.fl :/:be d'. rec+~~,, ...s •lhr C\r,~h
m !'\ ,1 · CZl\Y$d o. '

J-n--,e t- c..h -f-q C.,Tn , o.f 2,

v-; I C\ ref 1e..c ho 1 ;rkf-+-h.-t
« "6 --y.__- U. )(..'1..S

• lJ
•l 0

t •
-3 - z - , - Z 1 l \,)
- (,
I --g 1

7. (30 points) 9. (12 points)

Consider the graph of the function/ Q ~ Which of the following describe the

. -( bJ
equation y = 3x + 6x ? -G
' y
, maximum value: -3 :i( 1.) 0 _\
axis of symmetry: x =-2
\ (-1, O) I vertex: (-2, 0)
\ \ I YI
(-5, O) '
\ I 1 - -1 - -
/ ,2
' i\.. 14 - -
- I

(-3, -4) I

a. Find the domain, range, and zeros of the \ J

domain: All R::g\ /\un~
., 1ange_: -~r-=~--Y ~-
,/ zeros. _-_,_
f> r--__,_S_ _ __
VQ-<-t{,Y-- l s. G\

/ \,xf ""
~ - Compare the graph off to the graph of
g(x) = x • Be very specific. /
domain: all real numbers
range: y -3 c;.1
rn°I () ) ! r--e,me_m~Q.r I
p~n::lbOI Cl U)(\

axis of symmetry: x = - I on1y 'no.uQ. o ·r -,~

"<::," 1 -+ ·';, q ~b ¼t'I, 4h\ c:;11d i+ rto\£ ~ tfrvr1',½
0- . -§:V tiovJf\ Ct,- id :) ,~ vertex: (-1, -3)
ry-imimum E_!:.,
I ma ,<:.i ·m um
.:i.,"" <,'-0-.,,,. c. Compare the graph offto the graph of
:i x?r;:. h(x) =f(x-2). Be very specific.

8. (0 points) I
'\ Extra Credit: (5 Points total.)The function
=-I6f +40 represents the heighty (in feet) ofa
-, I
-~ -1 X

water droplet t seconds after falling from an icicle.

- \
a. how many seconds does the water droplet
hit t h. ound?
~ Round your answer to two
decimal laces. - - - - - - -

b. A second w ~ r droplet falls from a height of22 domain: y ;s;; -3

feet. Which wa.~
droplet hits the ground in the range: all real numbers
least amount of time? Explain. axis of symmetry: x = 6
/ - vertex: (6, 0)

(g.) minimum value: -3
h. maximum value: 0

'Period:_±_ Date: '3/ 1/td score:

Chapter 8 Quiz

(6 lXj\'1ts) Find the vertex and axis of symmetry of the

,o What value of a would make the graph of graph of the function.
f(x) = ax open up?
5. ..J
(10 points)
-8 . j(x) =4x -48x + 7
b. 0

Vertex: U.D 1 - I ~"rj
@>s JAxis of symmetry: X-= G:,
l (6 points)
Identify the characteristics of the quadratic
v· Co How can thegraphofg(x) =x 2 +4 be function and its graph.
obtained from the graph of f(x) =x 2
6. (24 points)

a. by translatingf(x) left 4 units tt- i y ,I.

by translatingf(x)
by translating f(x)
right 4 units
up 4 units - -8
\ I

/ 3.
d. by translating f(x)

(6 points)
down 4 units
- -4 ' ..... )I'

Does f(x) =-3x + 6x - 4 have a maximum -


or minimum? Find the value. )(::: : (D 2 4 X

a. maximum; 1 .ti-3)
minimum; I ...-'~ -+ :(.g -4- 1.-- - - -
b. Axis of symmetry:
-X- -
(s) maximum;-! - 3 -- ~
d. minimum; -1 .\:IJ ' Vertex: (i- 1
i+) J
Compare the graph of the function to the graph Describe where the function is ~ecreasing. Hint: use
off(x)=x2• an inequality:.__,_X,.__L_,d"---'--_
- LI

4. (6 points) Describe where the functioajJ' increasing: Hint: use

h(x) =-2x 2 an inequality:---'-'X-'-)~1-.
_ _ __

-5 Describe in detail: :
kx) al!{s)'c!Jk~ ht.J =Z
)o f;<Jt-dl

.1<, 0 \ 1,
~-r-~t<..h b.J -fu.c,tt.r
of- 2.. J
/{x') 0 I ~+-1 e..c.,·•h on ov./2r
hLx) o -2 -B

7. (30 points)
Consider the graph of the function/
J 9. (12'&:ts)
C, Which of the following describe the
.:, -3 -s equationy == 3x +6x?
X' ::. Cf7

() - 0
.,a-;-' maximum value: -3 1
-(p _

9&) '1 1,,'5 Y. axis of symmetry: x == -2 --= 3 - (.o

vertex: (-2, 0) 'J -3
-(p - 'Z.
kt>-') -2

-- IJ
(-3, -4}
d \lft .) :r
:3(4) +(p(-,
a. Find the domain, range, and zeros of the j It -1-z_
functi_on. _. /' "- 0

do~am: all o,..o.1 Oun1b5'6

zeros: (·
O) (- \ , o)

b. Compare the graph offto the graph of

g x) =~ . Be very specific.
• -nans.1ati of'I 3
-h> Qft a r-d i.J
domain: all real numbers
range:y~-3 '
,~ 1\ Ofr(' t'OCeJ>
<-->,\\-t ~(x) do l\J @ axis of symmetry: x == -l
vertex: (-1, -3)
c. Compare the graph of the graph of I y I
h(x) == f(x- 2). Bev specific.
he. a.n Is; t- -,: m e.~ ·,~
\-\A~ l'l~ G\..+ive s J
8. (0 points)
Extra Credit: (5 Points total.)The function
y == -16f + 40 represents the height y (in feet) of a
water droplet t seconds after falling from an icicle.
-\ J
a. After how many seconds does the water droplet \ I/
hit the ground? Round your answer to_.!»'.o-

decimal places. I • (,::, ~ s
l -5~
b. A second water droplet falls from a height of22
feet. Which water droplet hits the ground in the
domain: y :s; -3
range: all real numbers
least amount of time? Explain. ,,f; axis of symmetry: x == 6
G. 2'..e. $ econ~ c::\{I
·r S one. - 5CC
: ,\o..~s -\-'rle.
MO"'e,. 'tC>
vertex: (6, 0)
@ minimum value: -3
-40-- -1ul - -1~t-z-+,z.--z. ~\'
- ~e.~
tC> ,Jr. maximum value: 0
- I (.; -I _ z,z_ -= - I LP t -z..
r /1,,, - ,,_ - \ (p
~34_ l lO

\"' l-~ p6 2
qt/ -f-'7 ~10 1
Name: A r-..'o,lfr,. co o~ PeriOd: ± _ Oate:§ -\-'2,1,,1 Score: - ,·fl,)t/ltf ID: A
~ ~ --
Chapter 8 Quiz ~ !)
J. \tp\ints)
.LJ__ What value of a would make the graph of
Find the vertex and axis of symmetry of the
graph of the function. )( _ GOci,:f,"ate._ o v~1f I-..
f(x) =ax 2 open up? Of:;4 -b -[-'Ii)
s. c10 points) b::: -4<3 - - -:: : ;; (d
a. -8 g(x)=4x 2 -48x+7 ) zq 2{iJ)
l ~.J -1 .?,t
4-~b )
b. 0

c. 2
1 ---1 Verte{:b ) y [ IL) ) 2 -48( lo)+ r
• 8 . . 2 Axis of symmetry: )< ----- ----h : :. - 1$ :t
J. (6rints>
How can the graphofg(x) =x 2 +4 be
Identify the characteristics of the quadratic
function and its graph.
X-:::: \..()

obtained from the graph of j(x) = x 2 ?

a. by translatingf{x) left 4 units

(24 points)
b. by translatingf{x) right 4 units
- '
• by translating f(x) up 4 units
\ )
d. by translating f(x) down 4 units
"~ .... v
3. (6 points)
---- - 4
Does f(x) = -3x + 6x-4 have a maximum \

or minimum? Find the value. I 2 4 X

a. maximum; 1 " \
b. minimum; I ~ -:;,,-
• maximum; -1
d. minimum; -1 Vertex{£ 7 JJ
Compare the graph of the function to the graph Descnoe wher:le fun.ction is sfecreasing. Hint: use
of/(x) =x2• an inequality: v1
4. (6 points) Descnoe where the function is increasing: Hint: use
h(x) =-2x 2 an inequality: ><:2 2. /
Describe in detaY, .
~el cl~ " 'ikc"-Ji.e.- c!- \)...><'.'--1.-- .~


rt+- ~c.:nw
b .:J ·F-a C..t]r I of- L J
UV Q... 1 y.... - Q'j1S. .

J :_j
7. (30 points)
Consider the graph of the function! ·~a6
______ Which of the following describe the
equationy = 3x +&?
C O ..-J ---- 2)
I q -Y:J Q
a. maximum value: -3 Y
b. axis of symmetry: x =-2 ) ·
vertex: (-2, 0) _' ) f \J,- \~
1 yf
(@ 0

. I

- %

a. Find the domain, r~e, and zeros of the \ j

::::~ {\QJJ V \/
-::>;;z -1=
zeros: -"'5=..._, - \
b. Compare the graph offto the graph of domain: all real numbers
g(x) =x • Be very specific.
J range:y~-3
/.hp 'vtal th- CcJ
dro/ fi>uJD 4: • G axis of symmetry: x = -1
vertex: (-1, -3)
c. Compare the graph offto the graph of e.
I y
h(x) =f(x- 2). Be very specific.
J\-"love- +a
\-ht_ _k!f: Z- •
(!:}fl '
8. I
L it/
(5 Points tota~.)e function ,

y =-16? +40 represents th heighty (in feet) of a -~ %

water droplet t seconds a falling from an icicle. \ I

a. After how many s ,nds does the water droplet
hit the ground? R, .d your answer to two
decimal places. ,___ _ _ _ _ __

b. A second wir droplet falls from a height of22 domain: y -3 ,<

feet. Which ater droplet hits the ground in the range: all real numbers
least amou of time? Explain. f. axis of symmetry: x = 6 X.
vertex: (6, 0)
2 ,j Q minimum value: -3
- tM-~.ft? 9 , (j?
h. maximum value: 0 )(

J o-1- -ro
k:- -
- 2-b
10 5I ·oO
tfs 2

><~ (Do.Do
}7jO -
o 2h0

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