Example: Vehicle Data/Data Kendaraan

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LK 6.



Tipe / Type Honda Beat ……
Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan /
Vehicle Identification No.(VIN)
No. Mesin / Engine No.
Nomor Plat / License No. K. 4286 KG, or
Odometer Training Unit

Safety Inspection/ Pengecekan Kelengkapan Keamanan

Description Available** Not Availble**
Grip/steering Cover*
Seat Cover*
Work Uniform (Wearpack)*
Safety Shoes*
Safety Glass*
Safety Glooves*
* All Personal Protective Equipment/PPE must be worn during practice in the workshop (photo)/Gunakan
APD selama melaksanakn praktek di bengkel (bukti foto).
** Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the column where relevant, specify your real condition./Berikan tanda
ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya.

Persiapan / Preparation
Description Good* Bad*
Multimeter, Digital
Basic Service Tool
Workshop Manual
* Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the column where relevant, specify your real condition/ Berikan tanda ceklis
pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya.

I. Measure Electrical Circuit and Component

Description Procedure/Value Photo

1. Inspection of Stator Coil Resistance between terminal:
(ACG) - R/Y – R/W = ………..……………….. Ω
- R/Y – R/Bu = …………..…………….. Ω
- R/W – R/Bu = ……………………….. Ω

STANDARD: ………………………………. Ω

2. Starting/Charging Relay -

3. Check how does A strong “sound click” from the

Starting/Charging Relay Work starter relay shows its working/Bila
- Turn off ignition key relay bekerja normal, maka akan
- Pull up side stand terdengar suara “Klik”.
- Pull rear brake handle and
push starter switch - Result: Good/Bad
4. Check Starting/Charging Check voltage from relay terminal
Relay Output output to ground
- Turn off ignition key
- Disconnect 5P ECM - Result: ….…………………………….. V
- Turn On ignition key
- Pull up side stand
- Pull rear brake handle and
push starter switch

II. Reflection of Learning Material Exploration/Refleksi Pendalaman Bahan Pembelajaran

Resume of learnig material Some of the new

No Topic exploration/Kesimpulan hasil eksplorasi things acquired/ Hal
materi Baru yang Diperoleh

1 Self-Induction Write a brief summary explaining self-

induction /Jelaskan secara singkat
pengertian self-induction.
2 Mutual Induction Write a brief summary explaining mutual
induction /Jelaskan secara singkat
pengertian mutual induction.
3 Rectification/Penyearah Write a brief summary explaining Full
3.1 Full Wave Wave Rectification 3 Phase /Jelaskan
Rectification/Penyearah secara singkat penyearahan arus
Gelombang Penuh, 1 gelombang penuh , 1 fasa.
3.2 Full Wave Write a brief summary, explaining Full
Rectification/Penyearah Wave Rectification 3 Phase /Jelaskan
Gelombang Penuh, 3 secara singkat penyearahan arus
Phase gelombang penuh , 3 fasa

4 Alternating Current Looking at electrical diagram, write a brief

Generator (ACG) summary, how does ACG work (when
4.1 Start Position starting position)./Dengan melihat
diagram listrik, jelaskan secara singkat
cara kerjanya sistem ACG saat sepeda
motor di “start”
4.2 Charging Position Looking at electrical diagram, write a brief
summary, how does ACG work (when
charging position)./Dengan melihat
diagram listrik, jelaskan secara singkat
cara kerjanya sistem ACG saat sepeda
motor sedang pengisian.
……………………….., ……………………………… 2020



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