Vocabulary and Worksheet

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March, Thursday 25th

Unit 1: Special occasions


I Look for the following words in the dictionary: www.wordreference.com

1. Sweet: 8. Nutritious:
2. Dark: 9. Delightful:
3. Delicious: 10. Sour:
4. Tasty: 11. Salty:
5. Yummy: 12. Spicy:
6. Juicy: 13. Flavorful:
7. Creamy: 14. Bland:

II Read and learn the vocabulary about food

1. Fruit salad: Ensalada de frutas 24. Egg: Huevo
2. Grains: Grano ,cereal 25. Chocolate chips: Chispas de chocolate
3. Protein: Proteína 26. Sugar: Azúcar
4. Barbecue: Asado 27. Butter: Mantequilla
5. Cake: Pastel 28. Nuts: Nueces
6. Whole grain pasta: Pasta integral 29. Meat: Carne
7. Poultry: Carne de ave 30. Olive: Aceituna
8. Cookies: Galletas 31. Beef: Carne de res
9. Dessert: Postre 32. Vegetarian sausage: Salchicha vegetariana
10. Flour: Harina 33. Burger: Hamburguesa
11. Cornbread: Pan de maíz 34. Chicken: Pollo
12. Cranberry sauce: Salsa de arándano rojo 35. Tomatoes: Tomates
13. Pumpkin pie: Pastel de Calabaza 36. Cucumber: Pepino
14. Sweet potatoes: Papas dulces 37. Celery: Apio
15. Honey: Miel 38. Carrot: Zanahoria
16. Oil: Aceite 39. Vegetable dip: Salsa/ Pasta de vegetales
17. Beans: Poroto 40. Wheat bread: Pan de trigo
18. Milk: Leche 41. Rice: Arroz
19. Peas: Arveja 42. Turkey: Pavo
20. Fish: Pescado 43. Oat: Avena
21. Baking powder: Polvos de hornear 44. Tuna: Atún
22. Cheese: Queso 45. Broccoli: Brocoli
23. Dish: Plato 46. Pepper: Pimentón, morrón

III Look at the pictures and write the correct words

1) ___ ___ ___ ___ 4) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 5) ___ ___ ___

3) ___ ___ ___ ___ 6) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

IV Look and find 7 words about food

V Look at the pictures and complete the crossword


3 4
How much 2

How many

7 9
3 5

6 8 10 12
0 0

9 13

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