Revie": - Multi-Purpose Use: T U R N I N G The Harmfulintothebeneficial

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January 28, 1972

*. Multi-Purpose Use: T u r n i n g the

H a r m f u l Into the Beneficial

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Of the People's Republic of China
January 21, 1972

4k Widespread Use of Micro-Organ isms

Vol. 15, No. 4 January 28, 1972

Published i n English, French, Spanish;

Japanese and German editions

^ ^ A


Premier Chou and Other Comrades Meet Japanese Friends
Chou En-lai and Other Comrades See Japanese Theatrical Performance
French Delegation in China
Sino-Vietnamese Protocol Signed
6,000 H.P. Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive


Multi-Purpose Use: Turning the Harmful into the Beneficial — Chi Wei 5

In 1971: 1205 Team Drills Over 127,000 Metres 8

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs'of tfiePeople's Republic of C h i n a . —

• January 21, 1972 10

Widespread Use of Micro-Organisms 11

U.N, Security Council Holds Meetings in Africa: Who Are For and Who Are
Against? 12
The World Trend: Medium-Sized and Small Nations Unite to Oppose Two Supers
powers' Hegemony 14

Latin American People's Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism. Deepening 17

Dhofar: Victories in National Revolutionary W a r 18


United States: West Coast Longshoremen Resume Strike

Zimbabwe People: Opposing the "Test of Acceptability" Fraud
Petroleum Exporting Countries: Joint Struggle Wins New Victory
Nixon-Sato Talks: Stepped-Up Collaboration and Insuperable Contradictions


Technical Transformation in Two Big Iron and Steel Centres

Renovation in Making Hand-Sewn Balls
Books on Science and Technology

Published every Friday by PEKING REVIEW Peking (37), China

Post Office Registration No. 2-922
Printed in the People's Republic of China
Premier Chou and Other A l l this shows the Japanese workers' Foreign Affairs, and others also
Comrades Meet Japanese revolutionary spirit of defying brute attended the performance.
Friends force and remaining courageous and
tenacious, and marks the new The "Haguruma" Theatre arrived
Comrades'Chou En-lai, Kuo Mo-jo, awakening of the Japanese workers." in Peking at the end of last year. It
Keng Piao, Ni Chih-fu, Chang Shih- has contributed to the Japanese peo-
chung and Wang Kuo-chuan on Jan- Coming to China for the first time ple's revolutionary cause through its
uarj' 21 met all the members of the from the forefront of the struggle adherence to revolutionary literary
Delegation of the General Council of against U.S. imperialism, the Friend- and art orientation over the years
Trade Unions and the Federation of ship Visiting Group from Okinawa and its heroic and staunch struggle
Independent Unions of Japan with Prefecture was warmly welcomed by on the cultural front against the U.S.
Makoto Ichikawa, Chairman of the the Chinese departments concerned and Japanese reactionaries and revi-
G.C.T.U., as its leader and Makishiro on its arrival in Peking. sionism.
Abe, Chairman of the F.I.U., as its
The surging struggle of the Jap- This is the "Haguruma" Theatre's
deputy leader; all the members of
anese people against U.S. imperial- second tour in China. Its repertoire
the Friendship Visiting Group of the
ism, against the Japan-U.S. "securi- includes Raging Waves which reflects
"1970 Society" of Diet Members of
ty treaty," the revival of Japanese the struggle of the Japanese working
the Japanese' Socialist Party with
lrnlitarism by the U.S. and Japanese class against the revival of Japanese
Masaki Ino as its leader and Toshiaki
reactionaries and the Okinawa "re- militarism by the U.S. and Japanese
Matsuzawa as 'its deputy leader; and
all the . members of the First version" fraud merges with the mass reactionaries and other short plays —
Friendship Visiting Group from movement for Japan-China friend- Japanese Revolution Is Sure to Win,
Okinawa Prefecture of Japan with ship and the restoration of Japan- Angry Flames Over Okinawa and
Ryosin Nakayoshi as its leader and China diplomatic relations. This has Town in the Lower Reaches of the
Hiroaki Fukuchi as its deputy leader. dealt harsh blows at the U.S. and River.. A grand opening ceremony
They had a cordial and friendly talk Japanese reactionaries. In these cir^- inaugurating the "Haguruma" Thea-
with the Japanese friends. cumstanees, the visit to China of the tre's tour took place in Peking on
representatives of the people of January 15.
The Delegation of the General Okinawa is of great significance.
Council of Trade Unions and the Fed-
eration of Independent Unions of At the invitation of the China- French Delegation in China
Japan arrived in Peking on January Japan Friendship Association, the
15. The next day, Head of the In- Friendship Visiting Group of the The Official Delegation of the
ternational Liaison Department of "1970 Society" of Diet Members of Foreign Affairs Commission of the
the C.P.C. Central Committee Keng the Japanese Socialist Party arrived National Assembly of France led by
Piao, leading members of the Con- in Peking on January 5 for a friend- Jean de Broglie, Chairman of the
ference of Representatives of Peking ly visit to China. It was warmly Commission, arrived in Peking on
Revolutionary "Workers Ni Chih-fu welcomed by the Chinese departments January 19 for a friendly visit
and Chang Shih-chung and Vice- concerned. to China at the invitation of the
President of the China-Japan Friend- Standing Committee of the National
ship Association Wang Kuo-chuan People's Congress.
gave a banquet to welcome the Chou En-lai and Other On January 22, Premier Chou En-
delegation. lai, President of the Chinese People's
Comrades See Japanese
Theatrical Performance Institute of Foreign Affairs Chang
At the banquet, Comrade Wang Hsi-jo, VicerMinister of Foreign Af-
Kuo-chuan warmly praised the Jap- fairs Chiao Kuan-hua and Minister
anese working class for its role as Comrades Chou En-lai, Li Hsien-
of Foreign Trade Pai Hsiang-kuo met
the main force i n the struggle against nien and L i Teh-sheiig attended u
and had a friendly conversation with
the U.S. and Japanese reactionaries. performance of the full-length mod- the delegation. French Ambassador
He noted that broad sections of Ja- ern drama Raging Waves by the to China Etienne Manac'h gave a
pan's workers were "strengthening Japanese "Haguruma" Theatre on banquet in honour of the delegation's
their unity, uniting with all the January 19 in Peking. Keng Piao, visit to China.
forces that are against the U.S. and Head of the International Liaison
Japanese reactionaries and continu- Department of the C.P.C. Central On January 20, Kuo Mo-jo, Vice-
ing large-scale mass movements. Committee, Chi Peng-fei, Minister of Chairman of the Standing Commit-

January 28, 1972 3

tee .of the .National-People's Con- On January .23).-the•delegation left more' than a year of trial' runs the

gress, gave a banquet to welcome the Peking to visit other parts of China. functioning and structure of the
delegation. In his speech at the ban- locomotive proved to be fairly good.
quet, he pointed out: Thanks to the
Sino-Vietnamese Protocol . . . Manufacture of such a powerful
concerted efforts by China and.
France, the good relations between Signed locomotive is of great importance in
the two countries have been grow- the further development of China's
ing day by day, their relations in theA protocol between the Govern- railway, especially in mountainous
ment of the People's Republic of
economic, trade,. scientific, cultural, areas.
and other fields have been con- China and the Government of the
tinuously expanding, the exchange ofDemocratic Republic of Viet Nam on
visits has been increasing and the ties
supplementary gratuitous supply of
between the national assemblies of military equipment and . economic NEWS BRIEFS
the two countries have been growing.materials by China to Viet Nam for
1972. was signed in Peking'on January A Vice-Chairman Tung Pi-wu on
• He said: "The people of both- January 17 sent a message to Her
22. . . . .
China and France have a revolution- Majesty Queen Margrethe I I of Den-
ary tradition. Though they have Yeh Chien-ying, Vice-Chairman of mark, congratulating her on her
different social systems, our . two the .Military Commission, attended succession to the throne.
countries cherish independence and the.signing ceremony.
oppose control and interference by A A Korean machine industry dele-
superpowers. We are glad to see the Deputy Chief of the P.L.A.'General gation with Kye HyongSun, Minis-
victories the French people have won Staff Chang Tsai-chien and D.R.V.N. ter of the First Ministry of the Ma-
in their struggle against control by Ambassador Ngo Thuyen signed, the chine Industry Of the D.P.R.K., as its
the superpowers and wish protocol on behalf of their respective head and Kim Sung Gyu and L i
victories." Governments. Chun Dok as its deputy heads came
to China on January 13 for a visit.
Speaking on behalf of the visitors,
Chairman Jean de Broglio dwelt 6,0GQ H.P. Diesel Hydraulic A The minutes of talks between
on the sympathetic sentiments the • Locomotive China and the People's Democratic
French people have"'for the- Chi- ; Republic of Yemen on building, a
nese people. Hel'said:' "And today, The Peking February 7 Locomotive factory for small agricultural imple-
furthermore, the convergence of and Rolling Stock - Plant has built a ments and hardware with Chinese
political attitudes have enlarged the 6,000 h.p. diesel hydraulic locomotive. assistance were signed in Aden on
field of our relations. Whether Its diesel engine, starting-generator, January 13.
the question is the tests the peo- hydraulic transmission, brakes and
ples of Indochina are being sub- bogie are fairly advanced. The main A A signing ceremony of letters, of
jected to, with regard to which features of the locomotive are its sim- exchange between the Chinese Physi-
General de Gaulle made a speech in ple structure, good traction, low fuel cal Culture and Sports Commission
Phnom Penh that defined and still consumption and it is easy to operate. and the Nepalese National . Sports
defines our policy, or our role in the Council was held in Kathmandu on
United Nations where we have never . Old China had no rolling • stock- January 14. The Chinese Physical
ceased to struggle to remove -the industry, even the main spare parts Culture and Sports Commission will
obstacles placed by the United States had to be imported. The industry was provide free to Nepal 1,200 tons of
against the presence of the Peo- set up gradually after liberation and steel bars and 3,750- tons, of cement
ple's Republic of China in the As- steam locomotives have been turned for building the Kathmandu sports
sembly, or the principles guiding our out in large numbers." Batch produc- stadium and some sports equipment."
action, the struggle against hege- tion of - diesel locomotives began in
A The China-Japan Friendship As-
mony, as well as the ' right of. the the mid 60s and electric locomotives
sociation," the ' All-China "Athletic
peoples to self-determination, in' were also manufactured. In recent
Federation and the Chinese Table
these domains our two countries find years, the" one hour rating 4,800 kw.
Tennis Association on January 22
new and abundant occasions to work (6,5'00' h.p.) Shaoshan No. 2 electric
sent a message to the Japanese Table
for peace and progress of humanity." locomotive with silicon-controlled
Tennis Association expressing con-
rectifiers was produced.
He, expressed .his hope that the dolences on the death of Mr. Koji
delegation's present visit would con- .Designing of.-the 6,000 h.p. diesel Goto, • First '• Vice-President of . the
tribute to developing, expanding and hydraulic- locomotive- began- at the International Table. Tennis Federa-
strengthening friendly exchanges be- end of-19 68 and it was completed, on- tion and President. of the Japanese
tween the two countries. • - the eve of National Day 1970. After. Table Tennis Association., •-. , -; . .,

4 Peking^ Review, No. 4

Multi-Purpose Use

Turning the Harmful Into the

by Chi Wei

TP VERY DAY large' quantities of the "three wastes" — profit while ignoring the harm done to the people by the
waste gas, liquid and residue — stream forth from "three wastes" is ah en to socialism.
industrial production. In capitalist countries, because
the capitalists seek high profits and production is in a We consider preventing the "three wastes" from
state of anarchy, these "wastes," which pollute the air harming the people and turning the harmful into the
and poison the rivers, pose an increasingly serious beneficial as an indispensable factor in industrial con-
. menace to the people's health. This has become an struction, from city planning, arranging and selecting
insoluble social problem in the capitalist world. factory sites to technological processes. A new indus-
trial enterprise is not allowed to go into production if
i . "How is pollution dealt with in China"? Some it lacks necessary measures to deal with the "three
foreign friends who have seen the effects of pollution wastes" properly. Old enterprises which have not yet
.are very concerned about this question. solved the problem of the "three wastes" are actively
working on it.
In our country, the "three wastes" have done little
..harm to the people. This is because in a socialist country Waste water 'containing, phenol from the General
like ours which is "proceeding in all cases from the Chemical .Plant of. the .Anshan Iron and Steel Company,
interests pf the people,", we can rely on the superiority which is an old enterprise, used.,to damage crops and

of' the socialist system to take various, measures,,to,, .-aquatic. products and. endanger people's health. Is -it
prevent pollution harming the people. necessary to .remove .phenol from waste water?. The
masses of the workers and poor and lower-middle peas-
t-> ••As early, as 1956, Chairman Mao -put-forward the ants said it was absolutely'necessary and pledged,to do
principle of developing multi-purpose use. To carry "so. The capitalist roaders said that they could not do
out this principle is not only the fundamental way of. it because it was a losing business.
' preventing the "three wastes" from becoming - harmful
in. the course of developing industry, but it will pro-, During the Great Cultural Revolution, the plant's
mote the development of the national economy. During revolutionary committee organized all its staff mem-
the-Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, we criticized bers and workers to study Chairman Mao's teachings
-Liu Shao-chi's counter-revolutionary revisionist line and and mercilessly criticize the revisionist line, including
...the erroneous, ideas resulting-from the influence of the trash-like "making.--great efforts to do what is most
•line which. obstructed multi-purpose use. In recent profitable, -less efforts to do what is less profitable and
.years,, a mass movement for multi-purpose use was no efforts to do- what is unprofitable" and "putting
launched on the .industrial front. Relying on centralized .profits in command," advertised by Liu Shao-chi. . They
Party leadership and the creative spirit of. the masses, saw the' question of whether or not to remove phenol
.many cities and enterprises have gone in for large-scale as- a question of "for whom?" which is a matter of
multi-purpose use, eliminated the harmful and made principle, and one of whether or not they want to sup-
."effective use of the beneficial. From the "three wastes" port agriculture and consolidate the worker-peasant
-they. have recovered and extracted large quantities of alliance. After reaching unity in their thinking and
raw materials for and products of metallurgical, chem- pooling their.. collective wisdom and strength, they
ical, light industry, textile and building, departments.
quickly made a device for removing phenol from waste
.This has not only helped increase production but has
.water, thus turning the harmful into the beneficial.
improved urban and suburban, sanitation:and protected
the people's health.
Socialist enterprises are different from capitalist en-
terprises; The nature of the former determines that they
: - In the People's Interests ' "cannot take into account the economic aspect only with-
"'"'" The aim ;of- socialist industrial" production" is "hot out considering the'political aspect,"or the interests of
profits but'the prosperity of'the "country and the peo- their-own units, without'considering the needs of the
'ple's'happiness;'-'The capitalist practice of only'seeking whole.' In "carrying"" but multi-purpose use," workers in

January •28/'i972 5
Multi-purpose use in Chinals. largest industrial city
Shanghai developed rapidly under the leadership of the
revolutionary committees at various levels and a unified
plan as well as by freely mobilizing the masses. Since
I there are many industrial districts in the city and fac-
tories i n some districts are relatively concentrated, the
city first concentrated efforts on the Peihsinching, Wu-
sung, Taopu and Nanhsiang industrial districts where
the "three wastes" were comparatively more. At the
same time, it organized co-ordination between factories
to speed up the battle against the "three wastes." The
Shanghai Resin Factory and Liaoyuan Chemical Works
and 27 other factories in the Peihsinching District jointly
raised more than 200 suggestions on utilizing wastes. Up
to now over 90 suggestions have been put to use and
more than 200 tons of raw and cither materials recovered.
In producing chloromethyl methyl ether, the Shanghai
Resin Factory needed a large amount of sulphuric acid
and hydrochloric acid. Co-operating with the Liaoyuan
Chemical Works, the resin factory now uses a certain
kind of waste gas from the chemical works to produce
chloromethyl methyl ether. As a result, not only is the
waste gas used, but this saves more than 4,4)00 tons of
sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid for the state.
From practice people understand that multi-purpose
use can be developed in a big way.. Last year, the city's
industrial departments got 1.4 million tons of different
chemical materials, out of waste liquid, the percentage
Shanghai Coking Plant workers studying how to im- of industrial residue used reached 70 and 20 to 30 kinds
prove the technological processes in extracting chemical of valuable and rare metals were obtained from the
material from waste liquid.
"three wastes."

By relying on their own efforts and local methods

the Anhwei General Textile Printing and Dyeing Mill) and working hard for 40 days, the Hungchi Paper Mill
after criticizing the erroneous views which regarded in Hangchow's suburbs built a workshop producing 200
handling waste water as an extra burden and unprofit- tons of ammonium humate a day by utilizing the waste
able, arrived at a clear understanding. that socialist liquid from paper making. Ammonium humate not
national economy is an integrated whole. Whether only can he used as a fertilizer but as an insecticide
something is profitable or without profit must be judged which "benefits nearby farmland.
from the interests of the whole. Something which may
not be profitable for an enterprise can be profitable to After studying Chairman Mao's philosophical works,
the whole. In the revolutionary spirit of doing anything the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers have in-
of benefit to the people, the workers worked in concert creased their knowledge, broadened their view and
with commune members and agricultural. college teach- raised their ability of knowing and transforming the
ers and students to turn poisonous material into ferti- world. Workers in a chemical plant used to think that
lizing silt by oxidating and dissolving micro-organisms. the "three wastes" could only be sent out into the
After repeated experiments, they successfully carried atmosphere, got rid of by underground pipes or emptied
out biochemical treatment of waste water from the into the seas. By studying materialist dialectics they,
came to know that the method of one dividing into two
.printing and dyeing mill.
could also'be applied to "waste'materials" which could
be transformed into valuable things under certain con-
Utilizing Resources to the Greatest Extent ditions. So they enthusiastically devoted themselves to
multi-purpose use. Consciousness is transformed into
Apart from eliminating pollution, multi-purpose use matter. In the past few years, they have produced poly-
is an important economic policy in China's socialist con- awstalline silicon, silicon oil, diodes and other products.
struction. The big efforts going into it will .make it
possible to utilize all resources to the fullest. , The prin- There is no limit to people's ability to know and
ciple of multi-purpose use is applied in designing and transform the objective world. Thus there is no limit
building new factories as well as in the technical trans- to utilizing the "three wastes." Using cotton seeds as
formation of old factories. While mainly making .one its material, a plant used to treat the seed shells as fuel.
product, factories develop a diversified economy. Later, workers produced furfural from the shells, ace-

6 Peking Review, No. 4

tone from the gas emitted in making furfural, glucose The multi-purpose use • campaign has mobilized
out of the residue and glycerin, butanol, alcohol and every possible force and promoted the development of
weiching (a flavouring essence) out of the glucose local small industries. Many cities, counties and enter-
residue. Indeed, there are no .limits. They believe every- prises have organized retired workers, housewives and
thing is valuable; there are only materials which have others not in the regular labour force to use "wastes"
not been utilized, and there is no absolute waste which from the big plants as raw materials. Small factories
cannot be utilized. Continued scientific experiments run by neighbourhoods, schools, counties, cities or pro-
have yielded important material from remaining duction teams were set up by self-reliance. Some, small
"waste." factories have turned out advanced products.

The masses in the Tangku District in Tientsin have

Broader Road set up dozens of small chemical works making scores of
chemicals by utilizing the "three wastes" of the big
The principle of multi-purpose use is going deeper
plants. The muddy water from the Tientsin Soda Works
into people's minds and being translated into the actions
was used by a small factory to produce calcium chloride;
of millions upon millions of people. Great attention has
the waste in producing calcium chloride was used by
been or is being paid to multi-purpose use in every
another small factory to produce salt for industrial pur-
field, from the 'processing industry to mining and
poses; and the residue was utilized by still another
metallurgy, from heavy industry to light industry and
small unit, a middle school-run factory, to produce so-
from industry to trade.
dium chloride which is used as a reagent. Everything
The unfolding of multi-purpose use soon broke the was turned to good use.
old division of labour between different industrial seg-
ments and the demarcation line between different lines, Workers from trade departments in cities and towns
have gone to factories, neighbourhoods and villages in
of endeavour and enterprises. A factory is divided into
search of "wastes." They either processed it or supplied
several, one raw material is used in many ways, a piece
it to small factories as raw materials.
of machinery is used for many purposes, one worker
is capable of many kinds of work apart from his special- - • *• * *
ization, and a factory can produce many things while
engaging mainly in one product. A l l this gets better The principle of multi-purpose use correctly reflects
results from limited manpower, equipment and re- the objective law of the development of production.
sources. Utilizing its own "three wastes," the Talien Under the socialist system where the labouring people
Steel Mill built by its own efforts ten small factories are the masters, mastering and using this law not only
which turn out over 20 different products. The Peking can end pollution, but also can expand production on a
Winery uses its "three wastes" to trial-produce hydro- wide scale, creating ever more wealth for the state. At
gen, chlorine gas, helium, polyerystalline silicon, adeno- present, China's production technique is comparatively
sine triphosphate, 4-24 bacterial insecticide and a backward and multi-purpose use has just started. Under
plant hormone, thereby combining light, chemical and the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line,
electronics industries and products for supporting multi-purpose use will surely be developed on an ever
agriculture. wider scale.


The Ttmgfeng Paper Mill in Chekiang

Province producing ammonium hu-<
mate from waste liquid.

January 28, 1972

In 1971

1205 Team Drills

Over 127,000 lllil


HE Taching Oilfield's 1205 Drill- behalf of the team: "With the peaks post. He sent some money back and
T ing. Team continued its excellent
achievements in 19J1, the first year
we have climbed in the 1960s as our
starting point, /we will keep going
wrote asking his family to take good
care of the old man. In one period,,
of.-, China's Fourth Five-Year Flan, forward! This^r, qur ,target the team's political instructor Ma
Setting a record for China i n annual is to drill 10,000 metres a month.and Chi-jui's health was run-down and
drilling footage, i t did more than 120,000 metres a year" and' thus the members advised him to rest.'
127,000 metres last year with one make new contributions to develop- Thanking them for their concern, he
drilling rig. . . ing our motherland's oil industry!" went on working without any let-up:
This, record is not justa matter of His words were greeted with hearty Every' member did his best to con-
figures. In the 42 years between -applause. tribute his share to the task. ' ''"''
1907 and 1949 in old China, total, na- Drilling 120,000 metres a year was The weather at Taching was bittei"
tional footage was only a little over every team member's goal. When cold in January. One night when the
70,000 metres. Comrade Wang Chin-hsi. was serious- drill was being raised, the, .mud
The 1205 team had been led by the ly i l l in Peking in mid-November rushed out splashing over the drill-
late Iron Man Wang Chin-hsi. Hold- 1970, he told the team's comrades ers' faces and soaking their clothes.
ing high the great red banner of Mao who went to see him: "You must be Jets of mud broke the wall of a water
Tsetung Thought, it has travelled all earnest in studying Chairman Mao's pool and water flowed to the nearby
over" and battled heat and cold in works and guide the team with Mao mud sump. Unless checked in time,
sandy and wild areas in the past Tsetung Thought. Though I didn't this would affect the quality of mud
decade dr..,so. I t has distinguished, reach the 120,000-metre target, you and hold up production. The ground
itself by., its. continuous outstanding must do it and make bigger contri- was frozen and it would be too late
achievements. Inspired by the Great butions to our country's oil indus- even if they dug enough earth to
Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the' try." From then . on and after he block the water. Communists Li
team beat the world' record by ' died, the team's leadership and drill- Kuei and Hua Kuang-chung imme-
drilling 100,300. metres in 1966.- ; ers were determined to attain their diately jumped into the pool where
At 0:00 hour, on New:Year's Day late ^team leader's desire .by drilling the water was waist-high and block-
1971, team leader Wang Tso-fu walk- . 120,000 metres a year. ed the breach with their bodies.
ed, on to the.derrick floor at the well- • To reach this target, they diligent- They remained there against the
site amid an atmosphere of jubilation ly studied Chairman Mao's On Prac- cruel wind until the gap was closed;
and started the team's work that tice and On Contradiction, worked up. When the comrades helped them:
year. . ...... • : ; hard and braved all difficulties. out of the pool, a thick layer of ice
At the rally- before 'the year's work Though . Wang Tso-fu's father got
: covered their cotton-padded work
started, Wang Tso-fu •-. pledged "• on • sick-, the -leader., stuck to his clothes.

8 Peking- .Reviem-,
When'the team had just finished month. B.;tt," they ,hr.-J not fully • The gears in - the - speed" change box
a well in a high-pressure area last grasped the lay-out of the strata, the got stuck and the axle stopped turn-
May, there suddenly were signs of first well took several days to ing. Drilling had to be held up.
an imminent blow-out. Unless ade- finish — twice the planned time. Seeing this as a good chance to
quate measures were taken, the well The team's Party branch organized sum up experience and learn a good
would be ruined and the rig would the workers to repeatedly study lesson, Liu Chia-ming led the whole
be sucked into the earth. To prevent On Practice and -On Contradiction squad to the well-site to find out the
the blow-out, large amounts of ba- and they summed this up: To defeat cause. It was discovered that the
rite powder were needed. This was the enemy, one must know him; to gears had been worn out by sand in
a very difficult job for the eight men raise the drilling speed, one must the engine oil. From the sand in the
on duty. But they clearly remem- master the laws governing the oil barrels they turned their minds
bered the words of their late team changes in the strata. So they ana- to problems in their thinking and
leader Wang Chin-hsi: "Oil wells lysed the sand samples again and style of work. One comrade in the
belong to our 700 million people and again, carefully collected information fourth squad once had seen sand in
nobody has the right to watch them about the strata and got a large quan- an oil barrel before this incident but
being ruined!" The men had only tity of data. They worked out dif- thought it had nothing to do with his
one thought: Do everything they ferent drilling methods based on the squad and ignored it. The worn-out
could to . prevent the., imminent geological structure in various areas.
gears served as a spur to the whole
The team's drilling rig was old- team. Since then every squad of the
Ignoring the blast of sand, gravel fashioned and rotated at a low speed. team has kept its tools in a system-
and gas from the well, the eight of To drill 120,000 metres a year, it was atic way. Every surveying instru-
them raced to bring barite powder necessary to increase the speed. The ment, even the screw thread of
bags from ;dozens of metres away team, decided to refit the old rig so. casings, was thoroughly cleaned. Its
and pour the powder into the mud it could do high-speed drilling. In members had built up a strict and
sump. The mud was then pumped tackling this job, a group composed meticulous style of work.
into, .the .well. After an intense bat- of /workers, cadres and technicians
tle for more than' two hours, the worked in rotation on the derrick The 1205 team has achieved ever
blow-out was prevented. A final floor to observe the machine and bigger successes and climbed new
count showed that they had poured study the problem of refitting i t . peaks year after year.. Besides drill-
oyer 50 tons of barite powder into After extensive investigation and re- ing 'several hundred high-quality oil
the mud sump. search, they proposed replacing the wells, i t has transferred 124 skilled
• Members of the 1205 team often small turntable with a big one and
workers and'52 cadres to the oil
said that both daring and meticulous adding another big pump to the orig- front. - " ' "
work were necessary in drilling inal two. This was followed, by On the morning of December 7,
wells. They have been bold in their repeated study and practice before a 1971, accomplished what its
work, feared neither hardship nor high-speed drilling technology was former leader Wang Chin-hsi had
fatigue and carefully approached worked out. desired: Drilling 120,000 metres in
their work with a strict scientific The fourth squad is a youth squad a year, thereby creating a new level
attitude. and its leader Liu Chia-ming had be- in the 1970s.
. To gain experience for attaining come a driller only several years ago. With their new record as a
120,000 metres a year, the team in The "squad was off duty one time starting point, the team is advancing
1970 tried to drill 10,000 metres a and a fraternal squad was drilling. to higher goals in 1972!

Januarys 28pd97^ 9
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Of the People's Republic of China

January 21, 1972

On January 17, 1972 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs A major objective of U.S. imperialism in pushing
of the Republic of South Viet Nam issued a statement the "pacification" policy is to cut the flesh-and-blood
which sternly condemned U.S. imperialism and the ties between the south Vietnamese people and the South
•Nguyen Van Thieu puppet clique for their barbarous Viet Nam People's Liberation Armed Forces, and isolate
crime and vicious, plot of forcing; the broad masses of and weaken the people's armed forces and proceed to
the inhabitants i n the northern provinces in south Viet
put down the revolutionary armed struggle of the south-
Nam to move to disguised concentration camps i n the Vietnamese people. However, U.S'. imperialism will
south, and voiced the south Vietnamese people's firm never succeed in its scheme. I n the past the U.S.-
determination to thoroughly smash the: U.S.-puppet puppet clique pushed- in south' Viet Nam "pacification"
programmes of varied names^, such as "emergency pa-
clique's "pacification" policy and "removal of popula-
cification," "special pacification," "additional pacifica-
tion" programme. The Chinese Government and peo-
tion" and "comprehensive pacification," but one after
ple express their utmost indignation at this, grave crime
another they all went bankrupt i n the face of the south
of U.S. imperialism and its lackeys and their most res-
Vietnamese armed forces and people who are united as
olute support for the Just stand taken by the Ministry
one and fighting with tenacity. The U.S.-puppet clique's
of -Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Viet Nam
present scheme of. massive forcible .removal,., of
in its statement.
population wIH only further arouse the south - Viet-
In order to "Vietnamize" their war of aggression namese people to brave resistance and absolutely will
against Viet Nam, the. U.S. imperialists have been not save U.S. imperialism and its lackeys from their
pushing a ruthless policy of "pacification" in large thorough defeat.
areas of south Viet Narn^ incessantly sending out U.S.-
The Chinese Government and" people strongly con-
puppet troops to launch barbarous "mopping-up" cam-
demn U.S. imperialism for this new crime. The U.S.
paigns andi destroying large numbers of villages and
Government must stop its brutal persecution of the
farms and slaughtering south Vietnamese people by
south Vietnamese people, stop pushing its "Vietnamiza-
means of aircraft, artillery, toxic chemicals and other
tion" scheme, stop its war of aggression against Viet
modern lethal weapons. At the same time, they have Nam and the other Indochinese countries, immediately
established, so-called "strategic hamlets," disguised con- withdraw all the U.S. aggressor, armed forces and its
centration camps.into which they drive large numbers vassal troops and immediately cease supporting ' the
of inhabitants and where they subject them to inhuman puppet regime in south Viet Nam, the Lon Nol-Sirik
persecution and suppression. Recently, the U.S.-puppet Matak clique in Cambodia and the Rightists in Laos.
clique has plotted the massive forcible removal of The Chinese Government and people firmly support
nearly one million inhabitants of the.northern prov- the people of south Viet Nam and Indochina as a whole
inces in south Viet Nam to disguised concentration in their war against U.S. aggression and for national
camps i n the south in a wild attempt -to turn a large salvation. So long as U.S. imperialism does not stop
area south of the demilitarized zone into no man's land. its aggression against the people of Viet Nam and the
All this has fully revealed the savage and cruel nature other Indochinese countries, we will firmly support
of the U.S. aggressors. them to the end till complete victory.

10 Peking Review., No; 4'

and in-Chekiang and Fukien Prov-
inces show effectiveness against rice
blast as high as 70 to -80 per cent.
The industry of enzyme prepara-
Widespread Use of tion, an industrial catalyst, Is devel-
oping in China. Several years ago

only a few factories in Wuhsi, Kiang-

su Province, and other places could
make one or two products from
TV/FORE and more,.micro-orgarasrns and lower-middle peasants and scien- enzymes. Since the Great Proletarian
are being widely used i n China's tific personnel i n Shanghai, and in Cultural R,evolution began, enzymes
Kwangtung and Hunan Provinces have been prepared in more than ten
industry' and agriculture and in
aided rice, wheat and cotton produc- big and medium-sized cities in the
medical and health work. Mass
tion when they were used on some last few years. Varieties now. pro-
scientific experiments in applied mi-
farmland. duced or being trial-manufactured
crobiology have been done in most
number several dozens and quantity
provinces, municipalities and autono- Workers, herdsmen, veterinarians and quality have gone up. An applica-
mous regions. and scientific personnel pooled their tion of the preparation in sugar-
. Fermented pig-feed produced from efforts to trial-produce a vaccine refining, food-processing, textile mills,
micro-organisms has "been popularized against brucellosis. Application in wineries, tanneries and printing and
throughout China in animal hus- north China's five provinces and two dyeing mills increases production ef-
bandry. Studies of microbiology lead autonomous regions shows that its ficiency, improves quality and labour
to trial-production of many insecti- effectiveness is satisfactory. Insecti- conditions, saves grain and fuel as
cides, veterinary drugs, bacterial cides and other farm drugs produced well as acid and soda, and makes for
fertilizers, plant hormones and farm from micro-organisms are very effec- more varieties. Industrial liquid from
, antibiotics. The plant hormones and
t tive. Results in spraying chunleimy- tanneries which is harmful to city
bacterial fertilizers made by poor cin over large tracts in Shanghai sanitation and' farmland has been

People vcome .to learn the method of making

fermented .pig-feed devised by P.L.A. fighter
Teh HtDig-hai. Made of yeast fermented
leaves, vines and coots, it -saves grain and
fattens pigs quickly.

January 28. 1972

turned into good fertilizer by use of "Do away with all fetishes and super- •'Many- factories, mines and rural
an enzyme process. stitions and emancipate the mind" people's communes have organized
Dozens of antibiotics have been and the Party's general line in build- contingents made up of workers or
made by using micro-organisms. In ing socialism, many places have had poor and lower-middle peasants,
addition, medicines and vaccines notable success in scientific experi- cadres and technical personnel doing
especially effective against certain ments in this respect. scientific experimentation. They have
diseases have also been produced However, Liu Shao-chi's counter- relied on their own efforts and com-
with micro-organisms. Erythromycin revolutionary revisionist line once bined modern and local'methods in
920 was successfully trial-produced interfered in the study and applica- experimenting on micro-organisms.
by medical workers and poor and tion of micro-organisms when it was Chekiang Province's rural areas have
lower-middle peasants. Clinical ap- all made out to be mysterious and commune- or brigade-run workshops
plication in several thousand cases only a few experts took part. Progress making microbial products by local
proved it very effective in treating was held up. as a result. Revolutionary methods. More than nine million jin
trauma, burns, ulcers and skin mass criticism in the Great Pro- of insecticide and bacterial fertilizer
diseases. letarian Cultural Revolution has were produced in 1970.; For over a
Records show that China began to shattered such views. Scientific ex- year now Peipiao County in Liaoning
use micro-organisms in production periments in applied microbiology Province has trial-produced and
•several thousand years ago. - Since have been made in close integration turned out more than ten microbial
the establishment of New China, •with production. Results in a period products for farming. Some 2,000
especially from 1958, under the of only a few years have been bacterial fertilizer plants and work-
guidance of Chairman Mao's directive encouraging. shops have been set up in the county.

U.N. Security Council Holds Meetings in Africa

Who Are For and

Who Are Against?

npHE U.N. Security Council at its the Organization of African Unity The question was first studied and
-*- January 19 meeting accepted the(O.A.U.) in Addis Ababa, last June. discussed at the January 11 meeting
demand of the African countries and The resolution was transmitted to the of the Security Council. Abdulrahim
decided to hold Security Council Security Council President by the Abby Farah, Permanent Representa-
meetings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, O.A.U. Executive Secretary to the tive of Somalia and President of the
beginning January 28. The meetings United Nations. Representatives of Security Council for January, suggest-
will be devoted to "the consideration
36 African member states of the U.N. ed holding Council meetings in Africa
of questions relating to Africa withaddressed a letter to the President of according to the U.N. General As-
which the Security Council is cur- the U.N. General Assembry last No- sembly resolution. He said that rac-
rently seized and the implementationvember 15, requesting the inclusion ism, colonialism and the violation of
of the Council's relevant resolutions."
of this question in the Assembly's human rights were evils which the
This demand of the African coun- agenda. ' The ' General Assembly third world was anxious to eradicate.
tries was one of the resolutions adopted a resolution on December"20 He stressed • that the U.N. Charter
adopted at the 8th- Assembly- -of inviting the Security Council to con- must be the guiding light and that -if
Heads-of State and Government of sider the O.A.U. ^request. - - - Charter - principles were not held

12 Peking Review., No.. -4

valid, "We are wasting our . time ask the Security Council to hold its holding , of the Security Council
here." The representatives of Guinea, meetings in Africa. It reflects the meetings in Africa.".
the Sudan, Panama and certain other strong desire of the overwhelming
countries supported his proposal. Obstruction
majority of African countries and
The Security Council had many
the entire African people for more
difficulties in arriving at this resolu-
Full Support direct concern and- attention by the
tion. The Security Council sub-
United Nations and the Security
Huang Hua, China's Permanent committee accepted the African
Council over the development of the
Representative on the U.N. Security countries' demand only after eight
current situation in Africa, although consultations from January 12 to 18.
Council, expressed full support for
the record of the United Nations Some big powers such as the United
the resolution to hold the Security
and the Security Council on the States, Britain and Japan, for ob-
Council meetings in Africa. In his
settlement of the grave issues vious reasons, reserved their opin-
speech at the January 11 meeting he
facing Africa has been most ions from the beginning. After the
pointed out: "In support of the just
disappointing." adoption of the resolution, the U.S.
struggle of the African countries and
representative, using the pretext of
peoples to win national independence Huang Hua pointed out: .When the huge financial expenditures, con-
and safeguard state sovereignty, the sanctions against the racist regime in tinued to express certain reservations
Chinese Government fully supports southern Rhodesia are being violated on holding meetings in Africa. D i -
the resolution adopted by the 26th by certain big powers.; when this re- rected against the U.S. represent-
Session of the General Assembly for gime is ruthlessly suppressing the ative's attitude, the Sudanese repre-
holding the Security Council meeting sentative stressed that his delegation
Zimbabwe people in their struggle
in Africa and is of the opinion that did not neglect the need for economy,
against the British Government and
this resolution should be implement- but the thought uppermost in the
its new fraud; when, supported by
ed. speedily." He added: "The hold- delegation's mind was the need for
the colonialists and neo-colonialists,
ing of the Security Council meeting the Security Council to be more re-
the racist regime in South Africa is
in Africa is a matter of great impor- sponsive to the problems of Africa.
stepping up the barbarous policy of
tance. The Chinese Delegation is Anticipating a position of being in
apartheid and .when. it is the dock at the forthcoming Security
ready to co-operate with all the
still illegally occupying Namibia and Council meeting over the question of
members and make its own efforts
is colluding with the Portuguese co- Rhodesia, the British representative
in order that the Security Council,
lonialists and the racists of southern kept silent. ."
acting upon the principles of the
Rhodesia in suppressing the national-
United Nations Charter, may achieve Soviet representative Malik who
liberation movements, posing a men-
results in opposing colonialism, op- has always styled himself "a cham-
ace to the peace and security of the
posing racial discrimination and sup- pion of the national-liberation move-
independent countries in southern
porting the national independence ment," resorted to certain contemp-
Africa, "we deem it necessary for tible methods in an effort to put off
movement in Africa."
the Security Council to respond to the forthcoming Security Council
Speaking again at the January 19 the demand of the African countries meetings. He asserted that he had
meeting after the adoption of the res- and peoples, respect the relevant not seen the cable concerned from the
olution, Chinese Representative resolutions adopted by the U.N. O.A.U. President, nor had he been
Huang • Hua vehemently denounced General Assembly and hold its meet- consulted on it. Security Council Pres-
the reactionary authorities of Rho- ings in Africa, and discuss in earnest ident Farah, however, immediately
the various grave problems con- pointed out that he had read out the
desia and South Africa as well as the
cable to the sub-committee and that
Portuguese, colonialist. authorities. for fronting the African continent and
comments on it had then been made
their fascist racist rule and urged take corresponding measures in ac-
by the Soviet representative and
speedy preparations for the success cordance with the principles of the representatives of other countries and
of-the Security Council special meet-, U.N. Charter. ; The Security Council these were on record. This once
ing in Africa. He said: "The Chinese bears.. an unshirkable responsibility again exposed the false features of
Delegation is of the opinion that i t in this respect. It is'totally unjustifi- . Soviet revisionism as the so-called
is very proper and most timely for able for certain member states to "champion of the national-liberation
the Organization of African Unity to seek pretexts to obstruct -or delay the movement."- ' ' .;

January .28, -1972 13

The World Trend

Medium-Sized and Small Nations Unite to Oppose

Two Superpowers' Hegemony

important -trend -has emerged in the international
in the 1970s. An increasing number of
powerful might of the 50 million Indochinese people in
their unity i n struggle, and set a brilliant example in
' medium-sized and small countries are uniting i n various the world that a small nation can defeat a big and a.
ways into a broad united front to oppose hegemony and weak nation can 'defeat a strong, giving great encour- .
-power politics by the two superpowers, to safeguard agement and support to the peoples of the world i n their
national independence and state sovereignty and to fight struggle against U.S. imperialism and Its lackeys.
for equality in international relations. This is an out-
standing feature of the excellent situation in which On the western part of Asia, the Palestinian and
"revolution is the main trend in the world today." other Arab peoples are waging .a fierce struggle against
U:S. imperialism and Israeli Zionism for their right to
World progress and historical developments are national survival and to regain their occupied land.
invariably achieved . through the. struggles of the Contending and colluding with each other in the Middle
oppressed nations and peoples. U.S. imperialism and East, the two superpowers made deals behind the -scenes
Soviet social-imperialism always subject other coun- in betrayal of the interests of the Palestinian rand other
tries to aggression, subversion, intervention, • plun- Arab peoples. But they have failed i n their schemes.
der, control and bullying. The two superpowers are The waves of anti-imperialist struggle of the 100 million
contending and at the same time colluding to monopolize Arab people from the Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf) In
international affairs and practise hegemony. The the east to the Atlantic coast in the west are rolling
-common experience and demands of the medium-sized forward. ' c- "
and small countries have aroused the bulk of sthese' •-- '.c
countries to unite in struggle. Fearing neither pressure In Africa, the national independent countries are
nor intimidation, and. daring to resist and. light back, further strengthening their unity. The Guinean peo-
they unite not only in political and economic struggle ple, under the leadership of President Sekou Toure,
' against the superpowers but also -in armed resistance to bravely defeated the invasion by the Portuguese co-
the U.S. aggressors and their running dogs, and even- lonial troops and mercenary troops backed by U.S. im-
tually defeating them. perialism in November 1-970. Heads of state and the gov-
ernments of nearly 50 countries openly voiced their sup-
Unite to Resist and Oefeat the Aggressors port for the Guinean people in their struggle against
subversion. At the Conference of the Heads of
Where there is aggression there is resistance to ag- State and Government of African States last June
gression, where there is subversion there i s -resistance and the Summit Conference of the East and Cen-
to subversion, and where there is intervention there is tral African Countries last October, many representa-
resistance to intervention. This is a law of history. tives exposed and rejected a so-called, "dialogue" with
South Africa, a scheme hatched by imperialism to split
While stepping up its" aggression against Viet Nam
the unity of the African countries. Last October, the
and Laos, U.S. imperialism flagrantly sent troops to
Zambian people', with the support of other African
Cambodia, expanding its war of aggression to the whole
peoples, frustrated the armed provocation the reac-
of Indochina. The U.S. imperialist aggressors' over-
tionary South African authorities supported by U.S.
weening arrogance has not cowed the peoples of the
imperialism. As Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda
three countries in Indochina but instead aroused them
said: "The United States and its allies nave stood to-
• to ever stronger resistance, joining the battlefields in
-gether, we should also strengthen our unity to face their
Indochina into a single whole. For the past year and
more, the three Indochinese' peoples, holding aloft the
militant banner of unity to resist U.S. aggression of The aggression and expansion by Soviet social-
the Summit Conference of the Indochinese Peoples, have imperialism has likewise been jointly condemned and
closely united with and supported each other, fought opposed by many -medium-sized and small countries. To
valiantly shoulder to shoulder, vigorously waged peo- further control India .and contend with U.S.. imperial-
ple's war, and won many victories of strategic impor- ism for hegemony over the South Asian subcontinent
tance i n the battles on Highway 9, Highway 6, and i n and the Indian Ocean, Soviet revisionism has recently
the Plain of Jars. This has fully demonstrated the openly instigated and vigorously supported the

14 Peking Review, No. 4

Indian reactionaries' large-scale war of aggression nounced the extension of their territorial waters or
against Pakistan to dismember that country. I n . fishing limits. The meeting of foreign ministers of
August last year, social-imperialism concluded with about, a dozen Caribbean countries in Venezuela in
India a treaty of "peace, friendship and co-operation," November proclaimed the principle that the Caribbean
which in reality is a treaty of alliance for military ag- Sea is the common property of the Caribbean countries.
gression, and energetically aided' and abetted the Indian
reactionaries in their aggression and., expansion, abroad. Opposition by medium-sized and small countries
And in November, India launched the war of aggression along the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea to
against Pakistan.. Since then, the Soviet Union has
U.S. and Soviet contention for hegemony is developing.
been shipping arms to India continuously to back and, The leaders of Ceylon, Pakistan and Zambia have
boost the Indian reactionaries. I n defiance of the as- strongly denounced the superpowers for expanding their
pirations of the' overwhelming; majority of states, the military forces and estabhshing. military bases in the
social-imperialists repeatedly abused the veto In the Indian Ocean and for threatening the security of this
U.N.. Security Council, trying their utmost to obstruct region. Pointing to the "increasing naval presence of
a ceasefire and troop withdrawal by India and Pakistan.. Soviet and' U.S. fleets in the Indian Ocean," Ceylon's
This, truculent attitude- aroused the indignation of the Prime Minister Madame Bandaranaike advanced a prog-
people the. world over- The plenary session of the ramme for a peace zone i n the Indian -Ocean and has-
U.N. General. Assembly adopted on December 7 by an won support from many countries. Houari Boume-
overwhelming majority of 104 votes the resolution sub- dienne, Chairman of the Council of Revolution of A l -
mitted by Algeria, Argentina and. other, countries de- geria, sternly pointed out more than once that "the
manding a ceasefire and. troop withdrawal by India and. Mediterranean belongs- to the Mediterranean countries.
Pakistan. The voting shows that Soviet social-imperial- Foreign fleets and bases in the Mediterranean must be
ism is under attack on all sides and is. unprecedentedly cleared out and the Mediterranean should become a
isolated-. peaceful sea." Albania, Libya, Yugoslavia and other
Mediterranean countries have- called for "ridding the
Mediterranean of the duel between the two atomic su-
Safeguard National Rights, Oppose perpnwersy" and declared that "the Mediterranean peo-
Economic Plunder ples, must be left free and masters of their own coun-
tries," and "the U.S. and Soviet fleets must go home."
The medium-sized and small countries in- Asia, Afri-
ca and Latin America and their people, who have long For more than a year, countries exporting petrol-
been subjected to imperialist aggression, oppression,
1 eum,- copper, coffee and other raw materials were also
control and plunder, can no longer tolerate the i m - getting united in various ways to -oppose imperialist
perialists; riding roughshod over them. They are re- economic plunder and defend their own interests. Since
solved to become masters of their own countries. the 10 members of the Organization of Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries met in Caracas, capital of Venezuela,.'
The struggle initiated by Chile, Peru, Ecuador and
in December 1970, the oil-exporting countries i n Asia,
other Latin American countries and people to safeguard
Africa and Latin America have supported each other
their ZOO-nautical-mile ferritorial waters and protect
and concerted their struggle for raising the posted prices
their ocean resources is responded to by many medium-
and tax rates of crude oil. They overcame pressure by
sized and small countries and supported by just opinion
throughout the world. U.S. imperialism, broke the imperialist oil financial
groups' several-decade-old monopoly over posted prices
Proceeding from their imperialist interests,, the two for their oil, and compelled the imperialist oil com-
overlords, the United States and the Soviet Union, tried panies to consent to raising oil" tax rates from 50 to
to impose on other countries a territorial water hmit more than 55 per cent.
they had worked out together. The U.S. fishing magnates
raved that they have the "right" to fish wherever there The "hew economic policy" of the United States
is fish, and the Soviet revisionists chimed in by de- to shift its financial and economic crises on to others
claring: "We do. not agree to the 200 nautical miles."- :
has met with universal opposition from the medium-
This is indeed a duet by the- two overlords* Neverthe- sized and small countries. At the- annual meeting of
less, a total, of 14 countries in Latin America alone &T& the International Monetary Fund and the International
resisting the tyranny in the oceans of the two super- Bank for Reconstruction and Development i n September
powers by rejecting their statements and. upholding the 1-971, Mali and Colombia's Ministers of Finance, on be-
just stand that every nation, has the- right to determine half of more than 40 African countries and 20 Latin
the limit of its own territorial waters, in accordance American countries, voiced their opposition to the de-
with its geographical,, geological and biological charac- cisions made by big powers behind their backs and at
teristics and the necessity for the rational use of its the expense, of their economic interests. Three times
resources.. at inter-American meetings last year, 22 Latin Ameri-
can countries were ranged against the United States.
Influenced by the Latin American countries, Nigeria, At the Second Ministerial Conference of Developing
the People's Republic of the Congo, Sierra. Leone,. Countries in November 8, 1971, more than 90. countries
Canada, Iceland, Gabon and other countries have an- of Asia, Africa and Latin America adopted the Lima

January 28, 1972 15

Declaration' .which strongly denounces power .politics, must be handled by all .the countries.of..the world, and
and calls, for the defence of state . sovereignty and; the affairs of the. United Nations must-be "handled,
national resources. A proposal by . Latin American jointly by all its member states. This is the common
countries on defending sovereignty over territorial demand of the medium-sized and small countries.
waters was included in the declaration and became the'
common stand of the over 90 medium-sized and small
countries. Trend of Medium-Sized and Small Countries
Uniting Against Hegemony Cannot Be Resisted
Smash Two Overlords' Monopoly of
Frederick Engels, in his comment on the stern
International Affairs
march of history, pointed out that the wheels of history
The medium-sized and small nations have fought were bound to "pass relentlessly over the remains of
fiercely and successfully with the two overlords, the empires." The world is definitely moving towards prog-
United States and the Soviet Union, to break their ress and light, not towards reaction and darkness. This
monopoly of the United Nations and of international general trend of history can be checked by nobody.
affairs. Last October, the resolution submitted by Stepping into the third year of the 70s, the people
Albania, Algeria and 21 other countries on the restora- of the world see more clearly that the United States
tion of the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of and the Soviet Union, the two overlords which have
China in the United Nations and the immediate expul- been overbearingly arrogant for a time, are bound to
sion of the Chiang Kai-shek clique from the U.N. and head for decline and complete defeat. In the 50s U.S.
all its organs was adopted by an overwhelming ma- imperialism was swashbuckling as the sole world over-
jority at the 26th Session of the U.N. General Assembly. lord, claiming wildly that the whole world must be put
It was an important victory over long-term U.S. under U.S. "leadership." In the 60s, the United States
obstruction for all the countries. and peoples inside and and the Soviet Union contended for world hegemony
outside the U.N. who uphold justice and persist in and domination. The Soviet revisionists once alleged
struggle. ... that given an agreement between the leaders of the
With a view to covering up their arms expansion United States and the Soviet Union, "there will be a
and war preparations, especially nuclear arms expan- solution of international problems on which mankind's
sion which were aimed at consolidating their nuclear
; destinies depend." Today in the 70s, the medium-sized
monopoly, and to carrying out nuclear threats and nu- and small countries are uniting against hegemony and
clear blackmail against the' Asian, African and Latin this situation is developing; the revolutionary struggle,
American countries as well as other medium-sized and ,r of the world's people against imperialism and colonial-
small countries, the two. superpowers, the United States
r ism has been mounting as never before; the basic
and the Soviet Union, have always talked profusely contradictions in the international arena are sharpen-
about disarmament. Ignoring other countries, 'they have ing and all the political forces are regrouping in a pro-
jointly concocted the partial nuclear test ban treaty, the cess of great upheaval, great division and great reor-
treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, etc., ganization. A vast number of medium-sized and small
but they have always refused to make the commitment countries have come to the fore on the stage of history.
of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Under They are further closing their ranks and waging a res-
the signboard of "disarmament," they have feverishly
olute struggle against the hegemony and power politics
engaged in the evil acts of arms expansion and war prep-
practised by the two superpowers. Despite their wish,
arations, aggression against and interference in other
the two overlords do not have the power to hold sway
countries. At the 26th Session of the U.N. General
Assembly, the Soviet Delegation again turned up with over the world at will.
a proposal for convening a world disarmament con-
ference without.- any clear-cut aim and practical steps The aggressive nature of the imperialists will never
in an attempt to swagger about and continue to hood- change. They Will certainly put up death-bed struggles
wink the people of the world.. However, once the plot, and continue to make trouble. The two superpowers,
.was exposed, representatives of' the-majority of coun-. the United States and the Soviet Union, are bent on
tries, sweeping ' the .; Soviet • proposal aside, adopted frenzied arms expansion and war preparation, "savagely
another proposal put forward by Romania, Mexico and repressing the revolutionary struggles' of the world's
25 other countries.- Seeing that no one fell for its pro-, peoples and leaving no stone unturned to sow discord 1

posal, the Soviet representative had to have it among the medium-sized and small countries in a futile"
withdrawn. attempt to maintain their overlord, position. But the
oppressed peoples and nations are daily awakening and
The 26th Session of the U.N. General Assembly the medium-sized and small countries are uniting to a
shows that it is increasingly difficult for one or two' greater measure against aggression, subversion, inter-
superpowers to manipulate the United Nations and ference, plunder, control or bullying by the two super-
monopolize international affairs. A l l countries,' big or' powers. This is the irreversible .international'trend in
small, should be" equal, the affairs of a'country must' the world today after the "wheels of history have rolled-
be handled by its own people, the affairs of the world into the 70s. " ' . " . ' • . ' - •'

Latin American People's Struggle Against
U.S. Imperialism Deepening

American people's strug-
U.S. imperialism
from various parts of the country The Latin American people are
was held last October in a square strongly against exploitation and
deepened in 1971. I t has pushed 200 metres from the Canal Zone oc- plunder by foreign capital, especially
forward Latin America's mounting cupied by U.S. armed forces. Through U.S. capital, and demand the re-
historical current opposing the super- powerful loudspeakers, the angry covery of natural resources seized by
power's hegemony and safeguard- participants shouted again and other countries.
ing national interests and state again: "We cannot put up with this
It was reported that the United
sovereignty in recent years. any more," "Take back all sovereign
States controls 50 to 85 per cent of
rights oyer the Canal Zone," and
the new emerging industries in Latin
U.S. Imperialist Aggression and "Always on foot, never on knees."
Subversion Crushed
America and carries off from it prof-
Bolivian workers, peasants and its of 7,000 million U.S. dollars every
Wave upon wave, the Latin Ameri- students repeatedly fought heroic year. The Latin American, people
can people fought U.S. aggression struggles to smash U.S. coup schemes will no longer put up with this ruth-
and subversion throughout 1971. The in the country. They used various less plunder. -
heroic Cuban people three times re- forms of struggle against U.S. im-
buffed U.S. .imperialist aggression perialist subversion and control, i n - Workers and employees of U.S.-'
and provocation. Tens of thousands cluding the expulsion of- the U.S. owned industrial and mining enter-
of people took part in meetings and "Peace Corps" , and a "nationwide prises in many Latin American coun-
demonstrations in Havana and other anti-imperialist week." tries repeatedly went on strike last
Cuban provinces in February, May year to protest ruthless plunder.and
and June, 1971 to protest indignantly exploitation by U.S. bosses. Late last
Defending Sta?e Sovereignty and May, 4,000 Costa Rican banana plan-
against the kidnapping of Cuban National Independence
fishermen on the high seas "and their tation workers of the U.S. United.
persecution'-by the U.S. authorities. Struggles for national. < independ- ..Fruit Company, - with: the effective
TMMhks to -the Cuban people's persist- ence surged wave upon <- wave in support of .the dockers., and students
ent struggle, the U.S. authorities
Puerto Rico which is under direct of that country., staged a strike, which
were compelled' to: release the kid- U.S. rule. The biggest anti-U.S,. dem- paralysed all the banana plantations
napped fishermen who returned vic- onstration in Puerto Rican 'history belonging to-this U.S. monopoly com-,
toriously to Cuba. Rallies took place in which 50,000 patriotic people par- pany. Six thousand workers of the
in mid-October in the village of ticipated took place on September 12, U.S.-owned Creole Petroleum Cor-,
Boca .de Sama which was attacked 1971 when U.S. Vice-President Spiro poration in Venezuela, which turns
by .mercenaries. At these rallies the Agnew and U.S. State Governors held out more than a million. barrels of
U.S.. Central Intelligence Agency was an annual conference in San Juan, crude oil a day, went on strike last
strongly condemned for engineering capital, of Puerto Rico. The-demon- April. The strike brought produc-
the' armed attack. At the end of last strators repeatedly shouted "Yan- tion to a standstill and stopped the
year, the Cuban masses expressed" kees, go home," and "Jibaros, si, export of a large-quantity of crude oil

firm support for the government ac- Yankees, no," to express their strong to the United States. Workers at
tion in defence of state sovereignty opposition to U.S. colonial rule and Swift, the U.S.-owned meat pack-
in" capturing the two pirate vessels firm demand. .. for the- country's ing-outfit in--Argentina, also, fought
used "by the Central" Intelligence independence. ,. . . . unremittingly, against U.S. capitalist •
Agency' to smuggle in weapons and exploitation. ..Last July, the Ghilean
special agents for creating disturb- .-The Latin American people have Government, with the.powerful sup-:
ances in Cuba. Some Cuban 'work- " seen more and more clearly the great port of the people,, decided to nation-'
erssaid that instead of making them significance in defending the 200- alize the. five copper mines which,
afraid, the new; imperialist schemes nautical-mile territorial" sea limits, had been seized long- ago by U-S. .
and intimidation had made them and taken • action to promote the de- monopoly :capital. As soon as the.
more determined. velopment of this struggle. Thousands nationalization of these mines was
upon thousands- of Ecuadorian work- announced, the miners, and other sec-
The Panamanian people waged an- ers, students - and people of other tions, of the Chilean.people held a big ,
undaunted -struggle for recovering strata, held ."many demonstrations in-' rally .to celebrate this, patriotic action.
state sovereignty and - opposing . U.S., 1971. to vmice . their strong.'. protest :
imperialism's prolonged; occupation against, the. impudent .and flagrant; Spurred on by the people's strong
of the Canal Zone.:A • mammoth pro- _ encroachment ..on Ecuador's territorial. demand .and..struggle, the..Govern-
test; rally, of nearly 100,000 people. waters by U.S. pirate: fishing* .vessels, j ments .. of . Peru, .; Mexico,'. Ecuador,.

January. -2S. .2,9 72. 27.

Venezuela and Colombia and other national resources seized by U.S. revolution •—• this has become an irre-
Latin American countries took meas- monopoly capital. sistible- trend of history In the world
ures last year to take over, exprop- today. The people are the motive
riate or buy back banks, plantations, The deepening of the Latin Ameri- force in making history. The Latin
industrial and mining enterprises, can people's struggle against U.S. im- American people's struggle is con-
and other businesses run by U.S. perialism vividly demonstrates that stantly pushing the national demo-
monopoly capital, thereby gradually countries want independence, nations cratic revolution of the Latin Ameri-
recovering in - varying degrees want liberation, and the people want- can countries forward.


Victories in National' Revolutionary War

HROUGH armed struggle against British colonial troops had attempted British colonial troops and the mer-
T the British colonialists and their
stooges, the People's Liberation Army
to unseat the Dhofar People's Libera-
tion Army "from the commanding
cenaries in bitter fighting for over 10
days and nights,, killing or wounding
and revolutionary people in the Dho- positions in the area immediately more than 200 enemy troops, includ-
far area under the leadership of the surrounding the Salalah area" and ing more than a dozen British officers.
People's Front for the Liberation of force the People's Liberation Army The enemy autumn "mopping-up"
the' Occupied Arabian Gulf have, • in into a defensive position. After operations against the liberated areas
more than six years of national rev- many bloody battles, these colonial thus ended in dismal defeat.
olutionary war, liberated over 90 per troops, instead of attaining their
cent of the area's countryside. Having objectives, were forced to abandon Building Up Liberated Areas
continuously thwarted the enemy's Hajleet and five other strongpoints. Through Self-Reliance
"mopping-up" operations and air The strategic communication line The liberated areas are the revolu-
raids, they are building up the lib- linking Muscat and Salalah was cut tionary base areas supporting the
erated areas with a revolutionary and the enemy in the Dhofar area armed struggle. The British colo-
spirit of self-reliance and hard work, had to rely completely on air and nialists and their puppets have tried
engaging in construction while sea transport for supplies.
fighting. in every way to destroy these area's.
However, neither economic blockade,
The British and their puppets began political deception, wanton bombing,
Enemy "Mopping-Up" Operations their criminal plan of "setting Dhofar nor frenzied "mopping-up operations"
Defeated people to fight Dhofar people" after could shake the firm determination
Since the beginning of last year, continuous defeats. I n the second of the awakened people to support
the People's, Liberation Army, sup- half of 1970, two "Dhofar" detach- the revolution. One liberation army-
ported by the militia and revolution- ments were formed with the help of man, put it well: "Though whole
ary masses, have attacked the enemy, British "military advisers." Com- families were killed and. villages
repeatedly frustrated its "mopping- manded by British officers, these two completely destroyed, such brutal
up" operations against the liberated puppet detachments attacked the acts can only intensify the people's
areas, wiped out its combat troops People's Liberation Army near Sadh hatred, and the people are; determined
and won great victories. in the eastern region on March 17, to meet the challenge." The rev-
1971. The army hit the invading olutionary armymen and people in
Last February, more than 600 enemy hard and completely wiped
mercenaries, equipped with helicop- Dhofar today are building up the
out one detachment; its commander liberated areas through self-reliance
ters and armoured cars and com- was killed. The other puppet de-
manded by British officers, launched and hard work, while holding their
tachment was routed. guns and fighting bravely.
"mopping-up" operations in the east-
ern region where they met heroic Refusing to take its defeat lying Developing grain production is
resistance from the Dhofar armed down, the ruthless enemy massed in necessary in order to persevere in
units and people. After three days the period from the end of September protracted revolutionary war. Re-
of fierce fighting, the enemy was to mid-October some 800 troops, in- sponding to the call- of the People's
forced to retreat with more than 100 cluding British paratroopers and Front, the armed forces and people
casualties, losing two fighter planes, heavy artillery units, and again in- of the liberated areas have, since 1969,
one helicopter and two armoured
vaded the liberated areas in the reclaimed wasteland in some grazing
eastern region with R.A.F. support. areas. Braving enemy air raids, the
The London Times said in an ar- The revolutionary armed forces and people in the water-deficient western.
ticle in February last year that the people in the region engaged the (Continued on p. 21 Jj

18 Peking Review, No.,-r.4

and the' "test of acceptability" fraud
conducted in Rhodesia by a commis-
sion from Britain.
The British Government and the
UNITED STATES izing the' President to take measures Rhodesian white racist regime reach-
at .any time to suppress the workers' ed an -"agreement" last November on
West Coast longshoremen struggles. As soon as Congress re- the so-called "settlement of the Rho-
Resume Strike sumed session on January 18, Senate desian independence dispute" in order
The strike of 15,000 longshoremen Democratic leader Mike Mansfield to protect colonial interests in Rho-
on the U.S. west coast against ex- asserted that priority would be desia and oppose the Zimbabwe
ploitation by monopoly capital re- given to the legislation Nixon had people's struggle for national inde-
sumed on January 17. Counter-at- submitted to Congress to coerce the pendence. Ganging up with the
tacking the Nixon government's "new longshoremen to go back to work. Rhodesian white racist regime, the
economic policy," it demonstrates the Republican Senate leader Hugh British Government recently used a
U.S. working class' determination to Scott also asserted that Congress new scheme of deception, sending a
fight monopoly capital oppression. must act if the strike continued. commission of 16 persons to Rhode-
Meanwhile, monopoly capital ruling sia to make a so-called "test of ac-
To resolve the increasingly, grave the docks is trying to force the long- ceptability" of the "agreement"-
U.S. financial and economic crises, shoremen to return to work. among the Zimbabwe people.
the Nixon government last August
enforced a wage-price freeze and Refusing to bow to the high-hand- This new scheme was firmly op-
other domestic measures while im- ed reactionary monopoly ruling cir- posed by the Zimbabwe people. Dn
posing an import surcharge. Facts cles, the west coast longshoremen January 11 when the commission led
have proved that this was a blatant have demonstrated the militancy of by British judge Pearce arrived i n
trick to safeguard the interests of the U.S. working class. They had Salisbury, capital of Rhodesia, local
the monopoly capitalist class at the stuck to their strike for 100 days in African people went to the airport
expense of the working class. Far a struggle beginning last July. The to hold protest demonstrations, defy-
from being curbed in the past few U.S. Government then invoked the ing suppression by the reactionary
months, inflation in the United reactionary Taft-Hartley law to put Rhodesian Smith authorities. More
States has become worse and worse down the strike. In defiance of in- than 200 demonstrators held aloft
.and workers' real income has kept timidation by U.S. ruling.circles, they placards' inscribed "No sell-out,"
dropping. It is only natural that the now are back on strike and continu- "Power to the African majority/' and
masses of the American working ing the struggle. This, reflects the other slogans.
people resist the shifting of the eco- increasing awakening of the Amer-
ican working class. • " In Gwelo, over 200 -kilometres
nomic crisis on to them by U.S. ruling southwest of Salisbury, 8,000 Afri-
circles. The recurrence of the long- The great upsurge in the strike cans held strikes and demonstrations
shoremen's strike struggle is no struggle by the U.S. working class for a number of days. Placard-hold-
accident. against exploitation and oppression i n
ing demonstrators sang national songs
the past year has dealt U.S. monop- and shouted "No, no" and other slo-
The strike has brought huge losses oly capitalist groups a heavy blow.
to more than 110 U,S. maritime mo- gans. The reactionary Smith, authori-
Following the further intensification ties called out a large number of
nopoly enterprises both at home and of class contradictions in the United
abroad, gravely affecting U.S. im- troops and armed police to crackdown
States, the struggle of the American on the demonstrators by firing tear-
port and export trade and striking working class and wide sections of
a new blow to the U.S. economy gas shells and hurling hand-grenades.
the masses against the reactionary Unafraid of suppression, the masses
already in deep crisis. About .100 ships internal and external policies of U.S.
are now tied up on the Pacific coast. angrily shouted "No, no;" One young
ruling circles will certainly develop.demonstrator in the parade boldly
More than half the ships destined A new eruption of the volcanoes
for the U.S. west coast had to be wrote the word "No" on the .ground
.under U.S. imperialism is sure to In the face of threats. by armed
diverted to Canada or Mexico. Large -take place.
quantities of cargo are piled up at police and their dogs. After being
various ports. Alarm and concern dispersed, some demonstrators con-
has been shown by U.S. monopoly ZIMBABWE PEOPLE
verged .and marched again. Con-
ruling circles. fronted by the demonstrators' unre-
Opposing the "Test of lenting struggle, the British Pearce
When Congress was about to re- Commission's office in Gwelo had to
Acceptability" Fraud
cess on December 15, a statement by announce postponement of the
Nixon apprehensively called Congress Large-scale strikes and demonstra- "hearings."
attention to the possibility .Of' the tions were recently staged by the
longshoremen resuming their strike. .Zimbabwe people -in firm opposition In Urungwe, northeast of Salis-
He wanted Congress to pass a bill he to the colonial scheme of Britain and bury, many Africans forced two

•had sent it two .years earlier author- •the Rhodesian white racist regime 'members of the Pearce Commission,

January .28, 1972

who came there to engage In sinister the east Mediterranean as weH-as OPEC member states are going to
activities, to cancel a "hearing." • I n from the Gulf. I t is estimated - that continue their negotiations on similar
the Goromonzi tribal area, east of Sa- this will increase the petroleum increases with the Western oil
lisbury, many Africans also told two revenues of the six countries by about companies.
members of the Pearce Commission 700 million dollars a year.
they flatly rejected the terms of the
The devaluation of the dollar has
Anglo-Rhodesia agreement. Many NIXON-SATO TALKS
caused losses to the members of the
Zimbabweans scrawled "No" on
OPEC. It is only reasonable that they Stepped-Up Collaboration and
copies of the commission's simplified
demand that the Western oil compa- Insuperable Contradictions
version of the settlement proposals
nies compensate them for this. For
and tore up pamphlets containing the - Beset with difficulties at home and
a long time, the greater part of these
clauses of the said agreement. The abroad, U.S. and Japanese ruling
oil-producing countries' oil wealth
seven groups sent by the commission circles are doing all they can to in-
'has been monopolized by Western
were compelled to return to Salis- - tensify their collusion so as to con-
oil companies. The revenues of these
bury on January 22 without achiev- tinue their reactionary policies in the
countries mainly come from oil
ing any result. world, especially in Asia. But as each
royalties and taxes, which are ex-
In over ten days, the. struggle spread pressed in U.S. dollars. The devalua- has its own axe. to grind on certain
to Shabani and Fort. Victoria in the tion of the dollar has, therefore, issues, there are insuperable contra-
south, Karoi in the north and TJmtali brought about a decrease in the real dictions between them. Such relations
on the eastern border. Their strug- revenues .of the oil-producing coun- between the two countries were con-
gle has dealt a powerful blow to the tries. Governors of the OPEC member spicuously reflected in the " talks
British Government and Rhodesian between U.S. President Richard
countries' state banks at a recent
racist regime. The true will of the Nixon'and Japanese Prime Minister
conference in Vienna estimated that
Zimbabwe people is to overthrow the Eisaku Sato on January 6 and 7.
OPEC members had sustained losses
white colonial rule and achieve na- of some 570 million dollars as a result The talks between the government
tional independence. Their recent of the "new economic policy" an- heads of the United States and Japan
powerful demonstrations express nounced by the Nixon government last in San Clemente, California, took
this will. Whatever plots the British August and the subsequent devalua- place when U.S.-Japan relations were
Government resorts to and however tion of the dollar. To defend their tense . after Japan , had suffered a
ruthless the suppression by the reac- . economic Interests, the OPEC at its series of setbacks resulting from-,the
tionary' " Rhodesian authorities, ' the 2.6th in Abu Dhabi on U.S. Government's announcement-c.of
Zimbabwe " people's strug'gle against December 7, 1971, decided to hold the "new economic policy" last year
•white colonial rule and for national negotiations with the Western oil and from the Sato government's
independence cannot be" checked; companies, on the question of dismal failure in tailing after/the .U.S.
compensation. policy of hostility towards China in
PETROLEUM EXPORTING COUNTRIES the United Nations. It was reported
The negotiations began in Geneva that Japan still had apprehensions
Joint Struggle Wins on January 10. The negotiators rep- about U.S. moves, but was incapable
New Victory resenting 23 Western oil companies, of freeing itself from -the United
disregarding the just demand of the States; In pushing the "Nixon doc-
- . In. defending their economic -inter-
OPEC, resorted to tricks and offered trine," the U.S. Government is eager
. ests, • members of the Organization
to estimate compensations according
. of.. Petroleum Exporting Countries to continue to keep Jap'ari'under'coh-
to an'"index" compiled by the Inter-
(OPEC) have, after 10 days of struggle 'trol and make i t a' shock force in
national Monetary Fund ^in an at-
.over the negotiation table, compelled the 'U.S. policy of aggression in Asia.
' tempt to go On harming the economic
.U.S., British and other Western oil interests of the OPEC members. The joint statement issued after
companies to compensate.for the Nixon-Sato talks said that- after
the losses sustained by the Arabian In a press statement on January. 11, "discussion the two sides had decided
.Gulf, petroleum- producing countries -the OP_EG negotiators firmly; rejected "to effect the return of Okinawa to
.as a. result of the devaluation of the the proposals put forward by. the West- ' Japan 'on May 15, 1972." The sq-
;U..S. dollar. This is a'new victory for ern oil companies. It stressed: "OPEC " called " "reversion" of' Okinawa is a i
• the members of the OPEC in their member countries reaffirm their right big fraud jointly plotted by the
joint struggle to oppose imperialist to' obtain an . adjustment in posted United 'States and Japan during
plunder and exploitation. prices (of crude oil,.,which are ex- Sato's talks with Nixon when he
' The agreement reached "between pressed in U.S. dollars) to reflect the •visited the United States in 1969.
the two sides on January 20 provides real overall devaluation of the dollar." It" is designed to continue the U.S.
"an immediate "increase of 8.49 per .As a result; of -the concerted struggle and'Japanese policies of aggression
cent in the posted prices' of -crude oil of; the.OPEC -members,- the. .Western in Asia and to implement; the "U.S.-
.from the six- Gulf - states — Iran, Iraq, oil Companies Were-compelledto" sign .Japan '. security treaty'-'-.'- system.
•Kuwait, • Saudi Arabia,- Abu Dhabi an agreement on- compensations with 'Through -' the - Okinawa- "reversion^'

and Qatar— transported through -the six Gulf: member, states. . Other -fraud, - the United- States' and Japan

20 Peking'-Review, No.'4.
hope fo tone aown'th'e struggle of'the time and again after' his talks with agreed to establish a' direct communi-
Asian people, the Japanese-.-peoplein Nixon that the "U.S.-Japan security cation link, a "hot line" between
particular, against the U.S.-Japanese system is needed," that "the system Washington and. Tokyo, to facilitate
reactionaries and at the..same..time will be persisted in," and that "it can future "consultations" between the
to cover up the aggressive schemes be stated explicitly that Taiwan is two countries, Deputy White House
of the U.S.-Japanese reactionaries not excluded from the area of the Press Secretary Gerald Warren dis-
and reinforce the U.S.-Japan security U.S.-Japan security treaty system." closed.
system, thus effecting the "Okinawa- He also said that if one day "your
nization" of Japan proper. neighbour's house is on fire," U.S. Problems of economic and trade
troops stationed in Japan would "go relations between the two countries
This fraud has not in the least to Taiwan and the R.O.K. (south also occupied an important place in
reduced the role of Okinawa as the Korea) to extinguish the fire." This the talks. Since Nixon announced
biggest base of U.S. imperialism for shows that reviving Japanese mili- the "new economic policy" last
aggression in the Far East. Nixon tarism is trying hard to realize its am- August 15, the economic and trade
said in the joint statement: "These , bitious designs of aggression against contradictions between the two
factors would be taken fully into China and Korea under the aegis of countries have sharpened further.
consideration in working out after U.S. troops. U.S. Secretary of State Disregarding Japan's national in-
reversion mutually- acceptable ad- William Rogers also stated at a press
justments in the facilities and areas terests, the reactionary Sato govern-
conference after the U.S.-Japanese ment, under U.S. pressure, signed an
consistent with the purpose of the talks that the U.S. intended "to con-
treaty of mutual co-operation and agreement with the U.S. Government
tinue to have diplomatic relations
security." This means that far from on January 3 limiting the export of
with the Republic of China (mean-
weakening these facilities, the United ing the Chiang Kai-shek clique)" and Japanese artificial fibre and woollen
States will reinforce them to meet intended "to carry out our treaty textiles to the United States, and
the needs of its new • aggressive commitments with the Republic of later, agreed to an upward re-
schemes. Sato himself had to admit China (the Chiang clique)." ' The valuation of the yen. But the United
that after "reversion," "Okinawa's Sato-Rogers duet shows that the States was not satisfied with these
,rble as a (U.S. military) base will U.S. and Japanese reactionaries are concessions. The joint statement did
.not he reduced.". clinging to their ambitious designs not mention any concrete results in
of aggression against China's sacred this respect.
The "U.S.-Japan security treaty" so territory Taiwan Province, and" that
'•'highly valued" by the U.S.-Japan they are obdurately "hostile to' the The result of the U.S.-Japan talks
•joint statement incorporates both Chinese people. Y' - shows that the contradictions. be-
south Korea and China's Taiwan tween the two countries are develop-
Province into the U.S.-Japan "secu- To intensify their collaboration, ing, and their conflict of interests on
rity treaty system." Sato'reaffirmed the United' States and Japan also a series of questions are insoluble.

(Continued from p. 18.) cent of the rural population was past. -Once oppressed women are
, -. • • -
illiterate. The People's Front has in being freed from the yoke of feudal
region sank wells and built reservoirs customs and force of habit. They are
recent years devoted great efforts to
with simple home-made tools to organized in military training, litera-
anti-illiteracy work in the liberated
irrigate farmland and develop agri- cy classes and construction work.
areas. Several mobile schools were
culture. The office of the People's Some work in local administrations,
set up last year. The teachers and
Front in Aden announced a bumper some in "propaganda teams" or
students hold classes in the fields,
harvest in the liberated areas last "literacy teams," and others have
using the sandy ground as a black-
year with total - grain output up 150 joined the People's Liberation Army.
board. They persevere in learning
per cent as compared with that of
and studying while taking part. in., •At the -Third Congress of the Peo-
1970. . • '•'•
farming and military training under ple's Front for the Liberation of the
.. As communications are poor in the. war. conditions. Occupied Arabian Gulf in Rakhj'ut
mountainous western region because from June 9 to 19 last year at a time
of the rugged roads, the armed forces The People's Front has paid great
attention to developing medical and when the revolutionary situation was
and people, eager to promote con- excellent, the revolutionary experi-
struction in the liberated areas and health work. In addition to some ence accumulated since the launching
more effectively support the front, clinics and dispensaries, a mobile of the, 1965 "June 9 Revolution" was
built the region's first, highway after medical team was formed to care .for summed up and a clear-cut revolu-
hibre than one year's efforts. herdsmen. " . tionary programme formulated. Fully
;..As a result of ruthless colonial rule The Dhofar liberated areas are in confident, the revolutionary armed
,^nd feudal oppression,' not a single the midst of a social transformation. forces and people of Dhofar are now
school, existed i n "the ; rural areas' Exploitation of slaves, tribal strife and preparing themselves for still greater
before- •- liberation, - and: over - 95 . per. exorbitant taxation are a thing of the victories.

January .28,.1972. 21
July 1, 1971 and the other is due to ,
ON THE HOME PROMT begin soon.
Technical transformation of the
two big iron and steel centres is
Technical Transformation place in the past decade or so. Pro-
In Two Big Iron, and duction of major products— steel,
pig iron and rolled steel — increased
Steel Centres by a big margin as compared with
Renovation in Making
IAONING Province has been the early days after liberation. How-
L making technical transforma- ever, interference and undermining
by Liu Shao-chi's revisionist line
Hand-SeWn Balls
tions at the Anshan and the Penki HE Lee Sheng Sports Goods
Iron and Steel Companies and caused many weak links. Mining
raising the technical level of these lagged behind, machinery repairs fell
Factory in ' Tientsin, is known
short of needs and ore extraction, for its leather balls. For years
two big enterprises since 1970.
dressing and sintering were not various designs of "Gold Cup" balls
In the last two years, the two com- smoothly co-ordinated.. A l l this ob- it makes have been i n great demand
panies built and expanded several structed further advance, in produc- at home and in many countries
big iron mines, expanded and rebuilt tion. To change this situation, Liao- throughout the world. The tricoloured
a group of mines producing subsidia- ning Province decided to transform "T" footballs i t produces have been
ry raw material and ore-dressing and these two enterprises again. chosen many times for international
sintering plants. They have also
Technical transformation called matches in the past few years.
made appropriate expansion or re-
for large amounts of metallurgical Established 50 years ago, the fac-
constructed iron- and steel-making,
and mining machinery and equip- tory has undergone great changes
rolling and machinery repair projects.
ment, some of Which were difficult
Output of major products — steel, since liberation. Repairs were done
to build. The province organized
pig iron, rolled steel and ore — in on the old premises, a new building
1971 was the highest in the history some 1,000 factories and units to'co- with well-lighted workshops' was
of the two centres and a good number ordinate their efforts i n turning out built, new equipment and machines'
of new varieties of rolled steel were machinery and equipment. The
were added, and the number of
turned out.. No. 2 Iron Smelting Plant at Penki
had a plan calling for the addition of workers and staff members has
Increased some 11-fold.
The Anshan and Penki Iron and two big ore Wintering machines which
Steel Companies are among the ear- needed 1,200' parts and pieces of Since 1970, the workers have in-
liest built • in China. They were ex- equipment. More than 20 factories troduced 20 technical innovations
panded and reconstructed during the and enterprises were organized by the
and made 110 pieces of equipment
First Five-Year Plan for developing provincial revolutionary committee to
the national economy (1953-57). Con- produce them. One of the ore sinter- for various special uses. Despite the
siderable production advances took ing machines went into operation on lack of experience and equipment,
they have succeeded in producing
"air fastening-tools" for making
hand-sewn balls.

Though there are many advantages

in hand-sewing the balls, there are
shortcomings too. For one thing,
fastening the threads by hand is
handicapped by the workers'
strength, and unevenness in pull may
result in the slipping-off of threads
or affect the roundness of the balls.
Tensile pull for every hand stitch
involves 10-15 kgs., each ball aver-
ages about 1,000 stitches, and since
a worker sews about 3 balls a day,
the tensile pull per day amounts to
30,000-40,000 kgs.

To increase production, improve

Part of the newly built ore-dressing plant at the Waitoushan quality and do away with outdated
Iron Mine in Penki. methods, the factory's workers.
22 Peking Review,. No. 4
cadres' and technicians went i n for law of the movements of the drill sorghum yields. This new high-yield-
technical innovations. Dozens of and the pieces processed while being ing strain is capable of resisting nat-
plans were put forward and several drilled, drilling workers made an i n - ural calamities and yields 40 per
mechanical-driven fastening-tools novation on cutting tools. The in- cent or- even 100 per cent more
were tried out, but none was suc- novation raised labour efficiency two than ordinary strains. Per-mu
cessful : either the threads would' to five fold and prolonged the drills' output can reach 2,000 jin.
snap or the tensile strength was not life three to four fold. Using the
up to requirements. Not discouraged, viewpoint of materialist dialectics,
they conscientiously summed up the book analyses and elaborates the Briefs
their experience and analysed the technological processes quite well
causes of failure. Later, they got and also puts forward its new theory Power Industry in Shansi Villages.
some ideas from observing pneu- on drilling. The power industry has made
matically operated bus doors. Learn- rapid progress in the villages in
Principles and Making of Gears is Shansi Province. Last year saw
ing from the automobile workers,
about designing and processing construction of a number of small
they soon mastered. pneumatics and
gears. The conical gear mentioned hydroelectric stations and thermal
applied it to their innovation. After
is an important part of many ma- power stations, installation of high
repeated experiments, they succeeded
in making "air fastening-tools." Tests chines' drive centre and is compara- tension transmission lines and build-
proved that balls sewn with these tively difficult to process. It calls ing of substation' equipment. The
tools not only retained all the fine for' a special kind of machine tool. total number of items of capital
qualities of those sewn by hand but The U.S. imperialists' had put ma- construction in this industry that
were without the unevenness result- chine tools specially needed for went into production in 1971 more
ing from hand, fastening. The. upshot processing gears on their China em- than trebled that of 1970, and the
was better quality coupled with a bargo list. China's working class not province's maximum plant load and
20-25 per cent rise in production. only produced by their own efforts daily generation of electricity reached
many advanced machine tools for all-time highs.
.. The factory has now increased its processing gears, but also invented
"Gold Cup" leather balls to 103 Compared with the period prior to
the technological process to process the Great Cultural Revolution, the
conical gears on shaping machines swift development of the rural power
and universal milling machines, industry has made it possible for the
Books on Science and which medium-sized and small fac- province to more than double the
tories all now have. This book has
Technology amount of electricity for use in irri-
been warmly welcomed; i n the up- gation, drainage and. other farm,
surge of developing local (small, and
AMONG the books on science and
technology pubhshed in recent medium-sized) industry.
work. Large areas of dry- land have
been irrigated and many communes

years, Practice and Knowledge on Among the best selling hooks on and production brigades have reaped
the Masses' Drill and Principles and agriculture and animal husbandry grain harvests with yields ranging
Making of Gears have each sold over are three written by scientific work- from 500 to over 1,000 jin per mu.
100,000 copies. ers in the Chinese Academy of Small local industries have also
They were edited by workers of Sciences. developed rapidly.
the Peking Yungting Machinery Plant Fermented Pig-Feed recommends Power Station Using Underground
and worker-students at the Peking 12 methods of making fermented
Hot Water., Kwangtung Province's
Spare-Time College of Mechanical feed and gives basic microbiology
Fengshun County has built a small
Engineering respectively. Born in knowledge. The fermented. and sac-
the mass movements of struggle for charified pigrfeed produced from power station, run on a trial basis,
production and scientific experiment micro-organisms is liked by pigs and using underground natural hot.water
during the Great Cultural Revolu- easily digested. for generating electricity. Since the

tion, both are considered good in station went into operation, the quan-
ideology and scientific content. Struggle Against Potato Degenera- tity, temperature and pressure of the
tion says that the dogma that "plant- underground hot water have all re-
The Masses' Drill is about the use ing potatoes south of latitude 45°N. mained at a normal level.
and theory of a new type of drill and below 900 metres above sea level
Invented by workers after several is sure to cause degeneration" has Pumped up from underground, the
thousand experiments. I t was named been replaced by the new "cultivation hot water is turned into steam by
the masses' drill because i t is the means of a flash evaporator to pro-
method- of planting potatoes twice a
result of collective wisdom. The pel the turbo-generator. Thus the
year." This new method has been
book says that such traditional rules installation of boilers ..usually needed
popularized In northeast and central
as "the main cutting edge of a drill by a thermal power station has been
China. , - - - -
should be straight" and "the edge of dispensed with, thereby saving both
a drill has only one base" have been How to Plant Hybrid Sorghum is of equipment and investments for the
done away With. After studying the practical value in promoting higher state.

January 28, 2972 23

'New Booklets in, English

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