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Well Performance

Production Tubing Design
I-Well Performance
The individual well is our communication with the reservoir. The
effectiveness of that communication is a large factor in reservoir
drainage as well as overall economics. Good understanding of well
performance is must to optimize reservoir recovery. The main task of
Production Engineer is how to lift HC from point 7 to point 1 on the
Inflow Performance (IPR)
The inflow performance of a well represents
the ability of well to give up fluids.
The IPR is the relationship between flowing
pressure and production rate.
Flowing pressure vs. rate may be essentially
straight line or it may be curve.
IPR and PI are not equivalents
Productivity Index (PI)

Productivity Index; PI or J is defined as:

J = q / (PR - Pwf) STB/psi
From Darcy:
J = q / (PR - Pwf) = (7.08h/ln re/rw)(Ko/Boµo + Kw/Bwµw) STB/PSI
J is the slope of q
vs P plot. It will be q
constant above Pb
or in very active
WD reservoirs.

0 p
Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)
 Ability of well to produce fluids against
various (BHFP), Pwf
 Relationship between q, and drawdown
 Draw-down = PR - Pwf
 Shape depends on reservoir drive
 IPR declines with cumulative
production and with formation damage.
Inflow Performance Relationship
Strong Water Drive, or
reservoirs Producing > PB
 IPR is a straight line
 The productivity index, J, P
is constant.
 J is the production rate
per unit drawdown
 J equals the reciprocal of
the slope of the IPR
 J = q / (PR - Pwf) BPD/psi 0
0 q qmax
In case of saturated Oil Wells, IPR Differs From Straight Line and J

will not be Constant , due to Fluid Compressibility Factor

Reservoirs Producing at or Below Pb
– IPR is a curve & depends on reservoir
conditions and rock and fluids properties
– IPR is Straight under pseudosteady
condition, but when non-pseudosteady
condition Stabilized IPR loses its Practical
– VOGEL developed a generalized relationship
to determine the IPR of well producing at, or
below Pb
(q / qmax) = 1- 0.2 (Pwf / PR )–0.8 (Pwf / PR )2
vogel’s equation limitations
1. It is applicable for Solution Gas Drive &
for P < Pb
2. It is applicable for two Phase Flow of Oil
& Gas. It is not Considered for Three
Phase Flow (Oil, Water and Gas)
3. The Equation is Based on Computer
Solutions Involving Several assumptions,
and then Additional Comparisons with
Field Data are Needed
Fetkovich Equation
q = C (PR2 – Pwf2)n
It is Backpressure Equation
n Ranges From 0.5 to 1.0

Plot of (PR2 – Pwf2) vs. q on Log-Log scale

Gives 1/n value

q/qmax = [( 1- (Pwf / PR)2]n

This Eq. is Similar to Vogel Eq.
q/qmax = ( 1- (Pwf / PR)2)

Fetkovitch is Recommended for High Rate wells

(Just for Gas Mutirate Tests)
Vogel Eq. is Recommended for Saturated oil
Production Rate Prediction in an Infinite Acting Oil well

Infinite Acting Reservoir: A Reservoir with no apparent outer

boundary limit affecting fluid flow during a test period.
Pressure drawdown equation describes the declining flowing
bottomhole pressure, Pwf with time, while the well is flowing at a
constant flow rate q.
Pwf = Pi – (162.6 q Bμ/kh) (log t + log (k/(φ μctr2w) – 3.23)
Usually well is flowing for long times with constant wellhead pressure,
the resulting Pwf is also largely constant. Generally q changes with
time. Following Equation predict q with time in hours.
q = [kh(Pi –Pwf)/ 162.6 Bμ][log t + log (k/(φ μctr2w) – 3.23]-1
Production Rate Prediction in pss Oil well
Pseudosteady state (pss): it represents the condition where the entire
drainage volume of a well contributes in production
A well deliverability Eq. relates the well production rate
and the driving force in the reservoir. If the Pwf (Pwf is
Function of wellhead pressure conditions) is given, the
Production rate can be obtained readily.
What a well will produce must be a combination of
What the reservoir can deliver and what the imposed
wellboore hydraulic would allow
Forecasting of a Producing well Performance May Be
Done By Drawing IPR at Different Time During
Production i.e. at different Reservoir Pressure
Pwf = Pe –[141.2 Bm(ln 0.472(re/rw)+s)/kh]*q
Pwf = Pe – A*q
Wells Draining irregular pattern
• Rarely do wells drain regular-shaped drainage areas. The
drainage area is shaped by the assigned production duty of a
particular well.
In case of a well at the center of a circle:
P’ = Pwf + (141.2qBm/kh) ( ln 0.472 re/rw + s)
In case of irregular drainage shapes or asymmetrical positioning
of a well within its drainage area, a series of a shape factors was
developed by Dietz(1965) and the average pressure in the
reservoir is given by following formula
P’ = Pwf + (141.2qBm/kh) (0.5 ln 4 A/ɤCAr2w + s)
CA is Dietz shape factor , A is well drainage area and ɤ is Euler’s
constant equals to 1.78
Shape factor for various closed, single well drainage areas
Horizontal Well Production
Horizontal Well Production Differs from Vertical Well Production
Factors Affecting Horizontal Well Production

Drainage Pattern is Elliposidal with Large

Axis Related to HW Length
Kv / Kh is Key Factor in HW Production
Horizontal plane Permeability Anistropy
Horizontal Well Length
Skin Factor
Joshi (1988) Presented A Horizontal Well
Deliverability Relationship

q = KH*h Dp / {141.2 Bμ[ln{[a + (a2 –(L/2)2)0.5 )/L/2)}+

(Iani*h/L)* ln(Iani*h /(rw(Iani +1)}

Iani = (KH /Kv)0.5

a = L/2 { 0.5 + [ 0.25 + (reH /L/2)4] 0.5}0.5 for L/2 ≤ 0.9 reH
Horizontal Flow Performance

Calculation of pressure losses in horizontal

pipes can be performed from correlations
based upon lab mechanistic models.
Traverse curves are established, where
press losses are obtained similar to the
VFP curves.
Vertical Flow Performance
Vertical Flow Performance
Calculation of pressure losses
in vertical/deviated wells can
be performed from correlations
based upon lab mechanistic
Traverse curves (pressure
gradient curves) are
established, where pressure
losses are obtained.
Tubing Performance and
Gradient Curves
Pressure Drop Required to Lift a Fluid
Through Production Tubing at Given
Production Rate is One of the Main
Factors Determining the Deliverability
of a Well
Flow in Tubing May be:
Single Phase Flow
Two Phase Flow

The Relation Between Bottomhole

Flowing Presure and Oil Rate is Called
Tubing Performance Relation (TPR)
for a Specific Wellhead Pressure
In Case of Dry Gas Well:
Pressure Loss in Vertical or Inclined
Pipe Using Equation:

qg = 200,000 [sD5(Pin2-esTHP2)/ (ygTZHfm(es-1))]0.5

S = 0.0375 ygH/TZ

fm = {2log [( 3.71 / (e/D)]}-2

Where e is the absolute pipe roughness = 0.006”

The above Eq. is Recommended for Velocity Greater than 18 ft/s,
Gas well
Pressure elements constituting the total pressure at the bottom of
the tubing are:
1. Backpressure exerted at the surface (Wellhead pressure)
2. Hydrostatic pressure due gravity and elevation
3. Friction losses due to viscous drag and slippage
In Single Phase Flow
Both Gravitational and Friction pressure gradients are
constant along the tubing and therefore the pressure
traverse is linear with depth.
In Gas Flow
Pressure traverse is nearly linear even though the
friction and hydrostatic pressure gradients vary with
In Multiphase Mixtures
There is a General Trend of Increasing pressure
gradient with Depth. In This Case It is Recommended
to Use Gradient Curves or Empirical Pipe Flow
Equations to Calculate Pressure Traverse
Using Gradient Curve, We Construct TPR
Natural Flowing Oil Producing Well Can Be
Determined By The Plot of TBR vs. IPR. So
Expected Stable Flow Rate From A
Particular Well Corresponds to The Point of
Natural Flow

Point of Natural Flow:

is the Point of Intersection of TPR and IPR
Unstable and Stable Flow
Flow Rate Increases with Decrease of Well
Head Pressure by the increase of Choke Size
Changing Gas Liquid Ratio
Changing Tubing Diameter
Changing Inflow Performance
Pumping Well
Wellhead, Choke and Flowline Performance
Controlling Production Rate is often done by adjusting the choke size, which
results in a change in wellhead pressure. Fig. shows that flow rate increases
as wellhead pressure decreases (resulting from an increasing choke size).
WPR Means at Certain Flow there is a Certain Discharge Pressure
at the Wellhead. The Use or Dissipation of This Pressure Depends
on Choke Size and Downstream Choke Conditions
WellHead, Choke and
Flowline Performance
Controlling Production Rate is Often Done By
Adjusting the Choke Size
Change in Choke Size Results in a Change in
Wellhead Pressure
Wellhead Performance Relation (WPR) is a plot of
Production Rate vs. Wellhead Pressure (Pwh)
Difference Between TPR and WPR Represents the
Pressure Loss in the Tubing.
Flow Rate Increases with Decrease of Well
Head Pressure by the increase of Choke Size
WPR Means at Certain Flow there is a Certain Discharge Pressure
at the Wellhead. The Use or Dissipation of This Pressure Depends
on Choke Size and Downstream Choke Conditions
Choke Performance
There are Two Surface Conditions of
Flowing Well:
It produces With Choke
It May Produce With No Choke

Majority of Wells Produce with Chokes For

Following Reasons:
1. Safety & Maintain Allowable Production
2. Maintain Max Flow Rate To Control Sand Production
3. Produce Reservoir at the Most effective Rate
4. Prevent Gas & Water Coning
Controlling Production Rate is Often Done By Adjusting the Choke Size
Change in Choke Size Results in a Change in Wellhead Pressure
Effect of Choke Size on production is a Design Task
Types of chokes:
- Variable ( Adjustable )
- Fixed ( Positive )
WellHead, Choke and
Flowline Performance
Controlling Production Rate is Often Done By
Adjusting the Choke Size
Change in Choke Size Results in a Change in
Wellhead Pressure
Effect of Choke Size on production is a Design
Wellhead Performance Relation (WPR) is a plot of
Production Rate vs. Wellhead Pressure (Pwh)
Difference Between TPR and WPR Represents the
Pressure Loss in the Tubing.
Choke Performance
Choke Performance
Gilbert presented the
following equation for choke
Ptf = 435 R0.546 q / S1.89
Ptf : upstream THP, psig
R : GLR, Mcf/bbl
q : flow rate, BOPD
S : choke size, 64th of an inch

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