Conditional Sentences 2.0

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Conditional sentences

What will you do...

• If your father gives you a lot of money?

If my father gives me a lot of money, I will buy a house.

• If you have an opportunity to go abroad?

If I have an opportunity to go abroad, I will go to the US.

• If you meet a gorgeous girl in your campus?

If I meet a gorgeous girl in my campus, I will be happy.

If . . . I will . . .

 Kita pakek untuk sesuatu yang akan terjadi dimasa depan.

 Kita pakek untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang mungkin aja


 If you become my girl, I will be happy.

Seandainya . . . / Jika . . . / kalo aja . . . PRESENT

Fact: I live in Jogja. That’s why I am happy.

Meaning: Aku tinggal di Jogja. Itulah mengapa aku bahagia.

Let’s make an imaginary condition!

Kalo aja aku tidak tinggal di Jogja, aku tidak akan bahagia.

If I did not live in Jogja, I would not be happy.

If . . . I would . . . PRESENT

1. I don’t have a lot of money. That’s why I don’t buy that bag.

If I had a lot of money, I would buy that bag.

2. She is rich because she works in a big company.

If she did not work in a big company, she would not be rich.

3. He is handsome. That’s why I love him.

If he were not handsome, I would not love him.

If . . . I would . . . PRESENT

 Kita pakek untuk sesuatu yang saat ini tuh ga mungkin kejadian.

 Kita pakek untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang berbeda dengan kenyataan.

Kebalikan dari kenyataan.

 Selalu pakek Verb2

 If we did not have an online class,

we would watch a Korean drama.

If I had . . . I would have . . . PAST

1. I did not study hard. That’s why I did not pass the exam.

If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.

2. She was rich because she worked in a big company.

If she had not worked in a big company, she would not have been rich.

3. He was handsome. That’s why I loved him.

If he had not been handsome, I would not have loved him.

If I had. . . I would have . . . PAST

 Kita pakek untuk ngomongin masa lalu. Masa lalu yang ga bisa diubah, tapi
dibikin kalimat ‘seandainya dulu..’.

 Kita pakek untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang berbeda dari kenyataan yg terjadi
di masa lalu. Kebalikan dari kenyataan lampau.

 Selalu pakek had verb 3.

 If we had not eaten our breakfast,

we would not have been late.

If I had . . . I would . . .

1. I did not eat my breakfast. That’s why I am hungry.

If I had eaten my breakfast, I would not be hungry.

2. He studied hard before the test. That’s why he gets good scores.

If he had not studied hard before the test, he would not get good scores.

3. He was rich. That’s why we are together.

If he had not been rich, we would not be together.

If I had. . . I would . . . Mixed

 Kita pakek untuk ngomongin masa lalu, yang berdampak dimasa

sekarang. Masa lalu yang ga bisa diubah, tapi dibikin kalimat
‘seandainya dulu.., maka sekarang…’.

 If you had told me the truth, I would not be with him.

Change these sentences!
1. The weather is bad. That’s why we don’t hang out.
If the weather were not bad, we would hang out.
2. We didn’t come to your party last night because our parents did not allow us.
If our parents had allowed us, we would have come to your party last night.
3. I am not you. That’s why I am not rich.
If I were you, I would be rich.
4. She failed the last test. That’s why she takes another test.
If she had not failed the last test, she would not take another test.
5. Delila visited Borobudur because she was curious about it.
If Delila had not been curious about Borobudur, she would not have visited it.
6. I was not a friendly person. That’s why I don’t have many friends.
If I had been a friendly person, I would have many friends.

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