Biography of J.E Sahetapy An Expert in Indonesian Criminal Law

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Biography of J.

E Sahetapy an
expert in Indonesian criminal law.

He is named Jacob Elfinus Sahetapy or

better known as J.E Sahetapy is a
professor of law at Airlangga University,
Surabaya. Sahetapy was born on June 6,
1932 in Saparua, Maluku. He was born
from a couple of teachers, he finished
high school in Surabaya.

After graduating from high school, he

continued his education at Gajah Mada
University, Faculty of Law in Surabaya,
which later changed to Airlangga University.
Clever Speaking Dutch
When he became a student, he was a bright and intelligent student who used to
speak Dutch which became the main capital of studying law in Indonesia. Later he
was appointed as an assistant lecturer in Civil Law, after graduating from college
he got a bid to continue his studies in the United States

The offer he received, in two years he successfully completed a Master of Business

in Industrial Relations from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and returned
to Indonesia.

In 1979, he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Law at Airlangga University, where
he then went on an education to take a doctorate and write a
a book entitled "The Deadly Criminal Threat Against the Murderer".

In addition to teaching law at the University of Airlangga, he also taught at the

Graduate Law Program University of Indonesia and Diponegoro University. Jam
that he served as Chairman of Petra Christian College Foundation.
J.E Sahetapy's post

He is also a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia,

the Chairman of the Indonesian Forum for Human Rights and Democracy,
Surabaya, Member of the People's Consultative Assembly, Member of
Commission II of the House of Representatives, Members of the Ad Hoc
Committee I MPR RI, Legal Field of House of Representatives, Member of
Legislative Body of House of Representative of RI and plunge in politics and
become member of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle or PDI P.

Sahetapy married a girl from Java, named Lestari Rahayu Lahenda who works as a
lecturer and a law degree. They have three daughters named Elfina Lebrine who
was born in 1969 and is a graduate of S2 in the Faculty of Law, University of
Leiden in the Dutch city.

Then Athilda Henriete who was born in 1971 and a graduate of Law Science of
Diponegoro University, Semarang and Wilma Laura, born in 1979, graduated from
Petra Christian University Faculty of Letters and S2 Faculty of Law, University of

In addition to having 3 children, he also has one adopted son named Kezia, born in
1992. Kezia is now still studying at the Department of Communication Sciences
Petra Christian University, Surabaya. Sahetapy is a simple figure, firm, honest and
be the example of family and his students and every word is always weighty, true
and real.

His criticism of his views on law and politics in Indonesia is sometimes very
scathing. According to him politics now have no moral and ethics so that can
plunge this nation. Thus biography J.E Sahetapy an expert criminal law of
Indonesia. Hopefully his critical nature can be our inspiration to become a better

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