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 Basing from the definition of entrepreneurship cited, write your own definition
of entrepreneurship in one (1) sentence.
 Entrepreneurship is the process of making, building and creating a
business, which actually starts as a small business.
 In your own words, define who is an entrepreneur.
 An entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of
an enterprise. An entrepreneur visualizes a business, takes bold decision to
establish undertaking/enterprise. Entrepreneurs are the owners of the
business/enterprise who invest/contribute the capital and bear the risks of
uncertainties during business life.
 Why do you think the government added Entrepreneurship subject in
Education especially in Senior High School? Limit answer to 5 sentences only
 In Senior High School, not all students are decided on what they want
to do in the future. Being a student, we need guidance and
experience in order for us to decide. The government added
Entrepreneurship subject in education for students to be engaged in
various subject and activities wherein they learn. It is added as a
subject especially in Senior High School since we will be college soon, it
will be a great help for those who wants to build their own business or
be engaged in business. It is also good to learn at an early age which
helps students enhance and develop their skills and talents.
 In the entrepreneurial competencies given, choose top 4 most important
competencies that you think an entrepreneur must achieve/have. Justify
your answer
 Among the entrepreneurial competencies given, the top 4 most
important competencies that I think an entrepreneur must
achieve/have are are
 opportunity-seeker, communicator, flexible, and persistent.
Opportunity-seeker because opportunities are what makes the
business grow and being able to find one or more is good not only for
the entrepreneur but for the business. Communicator because
communication is the key in order to achieve your goals,
communication improves business performance, an entrepreneur who
is a communicator may help in productivity, reduce the potential for
error and facilitate among colleagues. Flexible because with this, you
won’t fear changes that’ll come, being flexible will give you the power
to manipulate a bad situation and use it to your advantage and being
flexible will let you think of the available options. Lastly, persistent, there
are times that things will not go your way or as planned that’s why
being strong physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally is a must in
order to continue and not give up because of obstacles.
 Aside from the entrepreneurial competencies given, give one (1)
competency that you think it must be added. Explain why this competency
must be included.
 Aside from the entrepreneurial competences given, one competency
that must be added is confident, reaching goals in business requires
confidence, which means not just being confident about the business
but being also sure about yourself which also means trusting yourself
and it also enhances self-image.
 If you are to be an entrepreneur someday, what franchise or start up business
will you be choosing? Briefly discuss why you choose this kind of business why
you choose this kind of business
 If I am to be an entrepreneur someday, the franchise or start up
business I will be choosing is a café, a library and musical like café
because. I chose this kind of business because I love cooking,
especially baking because it lets me be creative. I love to be creative,
I want to create and make a lot of things involving food. I like to see
the reactions of people, whether they are happy or satisfied after they
taste what I create or cooked which gives me joy and inspiration to
make more. I based my start up business to the things I love because if
you work on something you love, it’s not work, it’s play.

 Location : Buguias, Benguet

 Describe your area in terms of the following:
Sociocultural factors:
Buguias has 43 public elementary schools, 6 public high schools, 3
senior high schools and 1 college school.
Currently, there are a lot of religions in Buguias, these are Roman
Catholic, Baptist, and Anglican. Some are pagan also especially
the elders. There are also other religious affiliation like Seventh-Day
Adventist, Assembly of God and Church of Nazarene.
The clothing preferences of the citizens of Buguias differ, some
youngsters go with the trend as well as some adults, and since most
of the citizens in Buguias are ‘Igorot’ they like branded clothes such
as Lee, Merrell, but all in all they go for presentable looks.
Indigenous clothes are also still worn especially by the elders.
Technological factors:
Buguias is known for its agricultural farming, Improving Productivity
in Agriculture through Climate-Smart Technology or ImPACT
Philippines has been launched to help smallholder farmers in
Benguet manage their use of farming inputs. It’s a very rugged
data logger for all climatic conditions and is powered by
rechargeable batteries and a solar panel. The data logger has
a built-in GPRS modem for direct communication with Pessl
Instruments’ world-renowned field climate technology.
Mobile data is mostly used and only few uses Wifi.

Economic factors:
Buguias is primarily an agricultural town. It is one of the leading
producers of highland vegetables, especially carrots, in the
province of Benguet. Most of the vegetables produced in the town
are sold at the La Trinidad Vegetable Trading Post or are marketed
to other parts of the country.
Environmental factors:
During “Ber-months” the temperature starts to get colder.
Climate is observed as well as the natural disasters.
Legal and Ethical factors:
Discrimination law, anti-trust law, copyrights, patents, comsumer
protection, health and safety law, and data protection law.
Every entrepreneur or businessman/woman in Buguias have their
own unique strategy in promoting their business or product seeing
to it that their strategies fit the standards of a wise and fair business.
Demographic factors:

Its population as determined was 43,627. This represented 9.82% of

the total population of Benguet province, or 2.53% of the overall
population of the Cordillera Administrative Region. Based on these
figures, the population density is computed at 248 inhabitants per
square kilometer or 642 inhabitants per square mile.
The age group with the highest population in Buguias is 20 to 24,
with 5,243 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest
population is 80 and over, with 237 individuals.
 Identify the top 5 products and services that they most probably need or
Food- Especially rice because there is no rice field in Buguias
Fertilizer and Medicine for crops-Chicken dung for example
Public Utility Jeepneys
 Identify all the competitors or establishments that provides these
needs/wants. Then, look for the things/services that they lack or most
probably short in supplies.
Buguias is known for its agriculture in farming, especially in planting
vegetables, farmers do not only provide vegetables in Buguias but
also various places but what it lacks are rice fields. Buguias also
have cafés but what they lack are pastries
There are stalls and buildings that sell clothes, may it be brand new
or thrifted but mostly are class A, and a few sells legit or authentic
brands or product.
Since Buguias is known because of farming, lots of farmer plants
and sell their crops but what they lack are fertilizers and medicine
for crops like chicken dung.
There are actually only a few suite, lodges, hotels, inn and motels in
Buguias and some lack rooms, and that’s what it lacks, it needs
more where in more people can stay especially travelers.
Garage and tricycles are used as public transportation in Buguias
and they don’t take a lot of passengers that’s why jeepneys are

1. Write 2 or more business enterprise you can build from these opportunities
 Citizens of Buguias love to relax with coffee or any refreshments especially
when they want to rest, and what I can build from these opportunities is a
Café, it also serves as a medicine of the mind where people can relax

2. Which of the following will you most probably enjoy doing?
 I probably will enjoy the Café one because I love art and, making food
and drinks require creativity where in the customer will be intrigued and
amazed, and of course appearance is not the only thing that matters, the
taste too and I also love cooking.
3. Use the 12Rs in screening opportunities. Make a checklist.

Does the opportunity fit your desired enterprise?

Does the opportunity fit the values and desired values you wish to
impart to the people?
Do you have existing business? Would the opportunity strengthen or
improve whatever existing enterprise strategies, products, and markets
you have?
Is the opportunity capable of grabbing the attention of the larger
percentage of the entire target market?
Is the opportunity capable of grabbing the attention of the larger
percentage of the entire target market?
Does the opportunity have good chances of expanding across various
Does the opportunity have the potential lead to wide range of catering
to several products or service lines?
Would the opportunity likely give impact or new/unique product or
service or even a game-changer?
Would this opportunity

1. Which of the stalls has a lot of

customers patronizing their product
or service?
There are business
establishments in Buguias and
Almondbread Bakeshop and
Grocery is one of these,
which has a lot of customers
patronizing their product or
2. What do you think are the reasons
why that certain stall attracts more
customers to patronize their
product or service?
Almond’s Grocery is a
grocery where in people have freedom of selection. The products
sold have fixed and lower/affordable prices. Another is there is
availability of all goods of daily need like foods that’s why everyday
there a lot of customers buying. There is also availability of variety
goods, like if you will buy meats, there are different classifications of
meat where customers can choose from.
There is also variety of in season products. When it comes to grocery
shopping in Almond’s, you will usually find products that are in
season. That means bananas in spring and summer, pumpkin in fall
and winter. Customers will see how much better local, in season
food tastes compared to food that has travelled thousands of
Almond’s grocery also prioritizes health, they usually don’t use or at
least use much less chemical pesticides and fertilizers with the
vegetables and fruits they sell. Which means, less toxins running into
the soil and consequently into the ground water. They are also
environment friendly because they only use plastic when necessary.
That’s why customers bring their own eco bag or any bag wherein
they can put what they bought.
3. Does a certain stall satisfy the needs of their customers in there are? Justify
you answer.
Yes, Almondbread bakeshop and grocery satisfy the needs of their
customers, they sell and provide what the customers want and
need, like every day needs. If we talk about its location, it is in a
public area, gaining more customers. Customers don’t just buy
anywhere, they go to the one they trust and that’s why
Almondbread bakeshop and grocery gain more and more and
customers because of their reliable, safe and fulfilling products and

1. What product or service is the most appropriate for the opportunity?

 Book Café- Since we are in the midst of a pandemic, having a way to
relax the mind is important because being quarantined for a long time
is also hard for people, especially those who have problems of their
own. In academics, students, parents and teachers are struggling
because of online and modular classes. Since not everyone have the
ability or means to access online activities, the book café comes with
free wifi and free use of computer in the café as long as he/she buys a
food or beverage but if not, there will be a rent fee. It is also a place to
get information not just online but also in books, there are various
genres of books like story books and books involving academics. With
this not only can people be full in stomach but also in mind.
2. What location is best suited for the business where there are more
potential customers?

The location that is best suited for the business is in Abatan, Buguias,
Benguet because it serves as a stopping or resting place for
travelers, farmers and citizens of Buguias. There are also various stalls
and buildings here where people buy and eat. It is an easy to find
place suitable for people who wants to rest, read and do their
homeworks and work.
3. What is the most appropriate price, and the pricing strategies will be used
for the target customers?

Menu Item Price Menu Item Price

Espresso Short Tall Grande Sandwiches

Americano 25 45 55 Grilled Mozzarella & 39
Café Mocha 25 45 55 Clubhouse 49
Café Latte 25 50 55 Egg and Ham 29
Espresso 25 35 55 Omelette 29
Caramel Macchiato 3 45 55 Hamburger 29
Mint Chocolate 30 40 55 Cheese Burger 29
Cappuccino 30 50 55 Sweets
Vanilla Latte 25 35 55 Red Velvet 29
*3 Grande for PHP 150 Cake(Slices)

Cold Drinks Macaroon(7 pcs) 39

Orange Juice 15 20 25 Croissant 29

Apple Juice 15 20 25 Cheese Cake(Slices) 29
Iced Latte 25 35 45 Snacks
Mocha 25 35 45 Crispy Tacos 49

Tea Skinny Fries 49

Matcha Truffle Taters 69
Citrus Spicy Calamari 49
Earl Grey Fried Chicken 59
The pricing strategies used are:

Bundling, as shown in the menu in the espresso part that when you
buy 3 Grande Sizes, you will get it for Php 150, the flavors can vary.
Bundling is attractive to consumers who benefit from a single, value-
oriented purchase of complementary offerings. Bundling helps to
increase efficiencies, thus reducing marketing and distribution cost.
It allows the consumer to look at one single source that offers
several solutions.
Psychological Pricing, the prices of the food in the food section are
shown, these are 29, 39, 49, and 59. When people perceive they are
getting a bargain, are paying a reasonable price for a product or feel
what they are paying offers great value for money, the reaction is innate
and immediate. Psychological pricing is to give the illusion of that

value. The specific intention is to get customers to buy and feel

happy about their purchase.
4. What are the basic skills needed for the job?
Ambition-Ambition drives people to advance and accomplish their
goals. Well-aimed and supported by values, ambition reflects a
healthy self-esteem and higher power of abstraction and
visualization of the future. Ambitious people (in a good way) have a
gleam in their eyes as they approach their goals.
Willingness to Learn-Education is a life-long process. You must stay
updated with changes in technology, the evolution of your industry,
sales processes and more. Always seek new knowledge. More than
that, look for the most successful people in your industry and do not
be afraid to ask for their opinions or advice.
Ability to Listen-You simply cannot manage a great team or run
provide a great customer service if you are not an effective
communicator. Communication is a two-way street. In order to
communicate outwardly in an effective manner, you must pay
attention to others’ motivations, hot buttons, interests and more.
You also must be aware of non-verbal cues, such as body
language. Avoid coming off as being self-promotional or vain, and
strive to show that you are helpful and interested in others. This can
foster collaboration, get others excited about your goals and more
rather than turn them off because you seem overly interested in
your own self-interests.
Creativity-If you always do the same thing, you very likely will not
enjoy new and better results. You must try new things to find what
works best. You also need to enrich your live with new experiences
regularly. This may be something as simple as talking to new people
or taking a personal interest class. Each experience that you have
can lead to new opportunities that you previously did not have
available to you.
Assertiveness and Confidence-While listening is important for
effective communication, you also must know when you need to
take control of the conversation and assert your opinions and
beliefs. You should listen to others who are making reasonable
claims and requests, but you also need to know when to say no. Be
consistent yet open-minded to earn respect and trust from those
around you. You need to know what you stand for, and you need
to stand up for those beliefs.
Perseverance-Many of the most successful business owners have
suffered devastating defeats and failures. Rather than look at these
events as an end to a situation, they have looked at these events as
important learning moments. They maintained their optimism and
perseverance, but they also made calculated changes to future
efforts. Remember that you only fail when you stop trying.
Persistence is the key to success.
Courage and Risk Taking-In order to harness the power of creativity,
you must have the courage to act on your great ideas and plans.
While you need to research your ideas thoroughly, you must
also have the courage to take an unknown step and try things that
are unfamiliar to you. In the words of John Burroughs, “Leap, and
the net will appear.”

5. What sets the product or service from the rest?

It is a café with lots of books, just like a library but in here you can
read, learn, eat and relax, it is also a quiet and warm place for
people who likes noiselessness. Restaurants are common in our area
but some people prefer quite places.
It comes with free Wifi especially for students who are in need of
internet connection or for those who doesn’t have mobile data
because due to the pandemic classes are online and modular. It
also can be used for students who prefer to study outside and it is
also good for the mental health because being quarantined for so
long can stress people out.
It also has computers perfect for students and workers and with the
printer they can print their works, assignments and projects.

1. What are the raw materials you need in your business venture?
2. What are the equipment and facilities needed in your business?
3. What information and communication technology do you need?
4. How many employee/s do you need? Specify their work

Title of Business
Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

1. Which of the stalls has a lot of customers patronizing their product or

2. What do you think are the reasons why that certain stall attracts more
customers to patronizing their product or service?
3. Does a certain stall satisfy the needs of their customers in their area?
Justify your answer.

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