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The Walt Disney

Mission and vision: Disney’s Official Statement. The Walt Disney Company has the following for
its mission statement: “to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment
and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer
products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences
and related products in the world. ” Based on the abovementioned official statement, and in
considering conventions on writing corporate missions, The Walt Disney Company’s corporate mission
statement is “Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and
consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable
entertainment experiences and related products in the world. ” Thus, Disney’s mission
statement has the following main factors:

1. Content, services, and consumer products

2. Develop the most creative, innovative and profitable
3. Entertainment experiences and related products in the world

The first factor in Disney’s corporate mission statement refers to the types of output that the
company offers to its target customers. For example, content, services and consumer products are
the broadest classifications that represent the conglomerate’s offerings. This factor influences the
product mix in Disney’s marketing mix or 4Ps. In relation, these product classifications partially
determine the divisions and subsidiaries, such as Pixar, included in Disney’s corporate structure. The
second factor of this mission statement is a series of adjectives that describe the company’s products.
In being “the most creative, innovative and profitable,” the company implies leadership through its
products. Moreover, the company targets the global market for its products, based on the third factor
in its corporate mission. In considering these factors of the corporate mission statement, The Walt
Disney Company’s generic competitive strategy and intensive growth strategies must include
innovation, creativity, or related strategic management efforts. These factors are strongly associable
with the corresponding vision statement and its impact on the business.

Disney’s Corporate Vision Statement

In considering the aforementioned official corporate mission statement, The Walt Disney Company’s
corporate vision is “to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of
entertainment and information.” This vision statement shows industry leadership targets for
strategic management, and provides an overview of the nature of the business. Disney’s corporate
vision statement has the following main factors:

1. World
2. Leading producers and providers
3. Entertainment and information

This corporate vision statement’s first factor is a specification of the company’s market scope, which
in this case is global. On the other hand, the second factor is about leadership. Thus, the vision
statement shows that The Walt Disney Company focuses on becoming a top player in the global
market for amusement parks, entertainment, and mass media products. Attainment of this goal
requires effective advantages and management to address the level of competition ascertained in
the Porter’s Five Forces analysis of Disney. For example, the company needs to strategically develop
competitive products that suit new trends in the industry. In addition, the third factor of the corporate
vision focuses on the types of business outputs. Therefore, Disney’s corporate vision statement is a
reflection of the corporate mission statement.

Objectives and goals: One of Disney’s main objectives is satisfying the financial needs of the
shareholders. However, Disney goes beyond satisfying just shareholder needs and places a significant
emphasis on ethical behavior that impacts both families and the environment.

Strategies: The huge launch for Disney+ reaffirms what I’ve been saying for the past three years.
Disney’s unparalleled collection of IP, unique brand, and superior content monetization capabilities
give it a significant competitive advantage over Netflix (NFLX) and every other content company. The
Walt Disney Company (DIS) is this week’s Long Idea. Disney stands to benefit as consumers become
more overwhelmed by the amount of content and gravitate towards familiar characters and
franchises. No other company can boast the familiarity or the same level of franchise IP.
The Walt Disney Company’s generic strategy and intensive growth strategies address such
competitive landscape. Through corresponding strategic objectives and competitive advantages, the
entertainment conglomerate manages challenges in its industry environment.

This business analysis reflects strategic management efforts. The company’s generic strategy focuses
on developing competitive advantages based on innovation in product development. Disney’s
intensive strategies are implemented with strategic objectives for maximizing the growth benefits of
such innovation. For example, the company grows by introducing technologically enhanced products,
such as movies for customers in the international market. In the context of Michael Porter’s model,
The Walt Disney Company’s generic competitive strategy and intensive growth strategies are aligned
for product-focused development.

Reputation: Walt Disney banyak kali menjadi The World's Most Reputable Companies sprt 2014
pernah shared no.1 dgn Google. 2017: no.3 2018: no.5 2019: no.3
Stakeholder: Disney values the input of our many external stakeholders and works closely with a
variety of groups in our ongoing effort to foster safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces. External
stakeholders include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs),
labor unions, peer companies, multi-lateral institutions, government agencies, socially responsible
investors, industry associations and others. Progress in labor conditions around the world is a
collaborative effort, and we count on the expertise of our stakeholders to help us achieve our

Public: In recent years, Disney has been changing many policies for its theme parks, resorts,
and cruises. Just recently, Disney parks across the globe have ruled out plastic straws and
drink stirrers (Burns, 2018). They are also planning to transition to refillable amenities and
toiletries in their resorts and cruise ship rooms, reducing the amount of single-use plastic
within their company (Burns, 2018). This is not only a smart public relations change; this is
a smart economic change, as not having to buy plastic for every guest on their property will
reduce unnecessary costs.

Communication: see the link haha, many need to copy and paste


Mission and vision:


Objectives and goals:






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