Stochastic Modeling of Power Demand Due To Evs Using Copula

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4, NOVEMBER 2012

Stochastic Modeling of Power Demand Due to

EVs Using Copula
Alicja Lojowska, Student Member, IEEE, Dorota Kurowicka, Georgios Papaefthymiou, Member, IEEE, and
Lou van der Sluis, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The driving patterns characterizing electric vehicles based on driving patterns that are taken into account by the di-
(EVs) are stochastic and, as a consequence, the electrical load due rect use of data of real commuting habits (single realizations).
to EVs inherits their randomness. This paper presents a Monte For example, in [3] EVs power demand is derived based on rep-
Carlo procedure for the derivation of load due to EVs based on
a fully stochastic method for modeling transportation patterns. resentative driving patterns obtained through clustering of data
Under the uncontrolled domestic charging scenario three variables from the Danish National Travel Survey. The same dataset is
are found to be crucial: the time a vehicle leaves home, the time also utilized in [4] to create average plug-in patterns that are
a vehicle arrives home, and the distance traveled in between. A input for studying the optimal configuration of an integrated
detailed transportation dataset is used to derive marginal cumu- power and transport system. The work in [5] presents a method-
lative distribution functions of the variables of interest. Since the
variables are statistically dependent, a joint distribution function ology for modeling EVs that uses a full-year input time series
is built using a copula function. Subsequently, simulated EV trips of driving patterns obtained from an analogous travel survey for
are combined with a typical charging profile so that the energy con- Finland. Axsen et al. [10] derive PHEV energy consumption by
tribution to the system is computed. The procedure is applied to employing data collected through a web-based survey of new
analyze the effect of the EV load on the national power demand vehicle buyers in California. The simulation studies carried out
of The Netherlands under different market penetration levels and
day/night electricity tariff scenarios. by NREL [8] and, under the REHEV project [7], were based on
driving habits of the St. Louis population recorded using GPS
Index Terms—Copula, dependence structure, domestic
technology [9]. Other approaches utilize national statistics [6],
charging, EVs load, price incentives, transportation dataset,
uncontrolled charging. e.g., daily average distance or even hypothetical transportation
demand [16]. In [17], a Monte Carlo technique is used to gen-
erate a set of future EVs’ electricity demand profiles based on
I. INTRODUCTION information about an expected future EVs’ load and an expected
amount of uncertainty involved. However, the literature lacks
methods that allow the modeling of the inherent stochasticity of
T HE development of electric vehicles (EVs) is currently
driven by the need to decrease reliance on foreign oil sup-
plies and to reduce CO emissions. Governmental plans in many
the driving patterns, as elaborated in [11].
Contrary to the direct use of data, stochastic simulation
countries support a significant increase in the number of EVs methods rely on transportation data (typically travel surveys) in
on the roads by the next decade. A respective scenario for The order to capture the uncertainty of the main variables describing
Netherlands assumes there will be one million EVs on the road the behavior of EVs. This paper presents the setup of such a
between the years 2020 and 2025 [1]. stochastic method; the EV’s power demand can be simulated
The future deployment of EVs leads to an increase in elec- using three random variables: the time of arrival at charging
tricity demand. To assess the effects on the power system, an area, time of departure from charging area, and distance trav-
estimation of EVs power demand is required. In the related lit- eled in between. The variables are found to be correlated and to
erature, a number of methods have been proposed for the pre- have nonstandard distribution functions. In such a situation, to
diction of the load of future EVs. These methods are usually perform a stochastic modeling a copula function has to be used
in creating a joint distribution function.
The stochastic simulation setup is used for the generation of
Manuscript received July 13, 2011; revised December 01, 2011; accepted
March 03, 2012. Date of publication May 01, 2012; date of current version Oc-
synthetic datasets that comply with the uncertainty of the inputs.
tober 17, 2012. This work was supported by SenterNovem, an agency of the These synthetic datasets capture the whole uncertainty of the
Dutch Ministry of Economical Affairs, under Project IOP EMVT 08103. Paper behavior of EVs (contrary to single realizations) and are scal-
no. TPWRS-00940-2011.
A. Lojowska and L. van der Sluis are with the Electric Power Systems Group,
able to different EV populations (allowing uncertainty reduction
Delft University of Technology, Delft 2628 CD, The Netherlands (e-mail: a.lo- effects in large populations). Moreover, such stochastic setups; can be used for the design of systems when transportation data
G. Papaefthymiou is with the Ecofys Germany GmbH and with the Electric
Power Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2628 CD, The
are not readily available or future changes in transportation be-
Netherlands (e-mail: havior are expected1.
D. Kurowicka is with the Institute for Applied Mathematics, Delft University
1In the latter case, expert judgement techniques can be used to extract infor-
of Technology, Delft 2628 CD, The Netherlands (e-mail: d.kurowicka@tudelft.
nl). mation on probability distributions of the variables characterizing commuting
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online habits of the future population [19].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2192139

0885-8950/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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This paper is structured as follows. Section II covers informa-

tion regarding the transportation dataset. In Section III, the vari-
ables representing the driving patters are studied together with
the statistical relationships between them. A modeling method-
ology is proposed. In Section IV, a Monte Carlo simulation is
presented and is followed by Section V, where the results are
discussed. Conclusions and future work are given in Section VI.


Statistical information on the variables representing driving Fig. 1. Charging profile of the Nissan Altra battery.
patterns are extracted from the transportation data of the year
2008 provided by the Dutch Ministry of Transportation [2]. Per-
sons taking part in the transportation survey were eligible to give studies, the case of Nissan Altra EV with lithium-ion battery3 is
details regarding trips they made in The Netherlands during the used as example [6], [18]. The battery-charging profile is shown
elicitation period. The dataset includes information about com- in Fig. 1. The capacity of the battery is equal to 29.07 kWh. The
muting activities like time of departure, address of departure’s maximum driving range depends on several factors, including
place, main purpose of the commuting, mean of transport, ad- climate control, speed, and driving style, and, consequently, dif-
dress of the place a person arrived and time of arrival, the dis- fers for urban and freeway area. We assume a maximum driving
tance of the trip, and so on. range of 130 km [6], [18]. In order to prevent a so-called range
anxiety, the subset of potential users are chosen according to the
maximum range of 110 km so that at least about 10% of energy
A. h2h Trips
would be left after an h2h trip.
The paper focuses on domestic charging, i.e., the case when
charging infrastructure is organized in the way that vehicle III. SIMULATION APPROACH
users have recharge access only at their home. From the system
point of view, the timing and EVs’ power demand are of Modeling single as well as double h2h trips requires capturing
interest. Recharging an EV’s battery can take place in the time the stochastic behavior of the random variables representing
interval which starts at the moment a driver arrives home and them. Modeling of single h2h trips requires using three vari-
finishes upon departure from home. The battery state of charge ables: start-time , end-time of the h2h trip, and trav-
(SoC) of an EV is strongly related to the distance traveled eled distance , whereas a double h2h trip needs six vari-
since the last charging. Therefore, in modeling driving patterns ables: start-time, end-time, and traveled distance of the first h2h
for the load computation we are interested in the following trip and the second h2h trip .
variables: the time a vehicle leaves home, the time a vehicle This section presents the data analysis of an h2h trip in three
arrives home and the overall distance traveled since the last steps. In the first step, the one-dimensional (1-D) marginal dis-
visit at home. The sequence of trips which started at home one tribution of the variables representing h2h trips are derived. The
day and finished the same or next day is referred throughout second step involves examining the stochastic dependence be-
the paper as an h2h trip, e.g., a sequence of the following trips: tween the variables. In the last step, a stochastic simulation ap-
home work shop home. According to the dataset, 75% proach is presented which enables the modeling of the variables
of the respondents had a single h2h trip in a day whereas 21% together with their dependence structure.
a double h2h trip and the rest had three or more h2h trips. The
paper presents the modeling of single as well as double trips A. Marginal Distributions
since they comprise the significant majority of trips.2 The probability distributions of the start times of h2h trips are
Respectively, other charging infrastructures can be consid- shown in Fig. 2. We can see that the start-time of a single h2h
ered as well. If one focuses on charging at home and at work, trip and the time of the first departure from home in a double h2h
the set of variables would be extended by the time a vehicle ar- trip are described by similar distributions. In both cases,
rives at work and the time a vehicle departures from work. a high percentage of drivers tend to leave their home between
7 and 9 am, most likely to commute to work. After this peak,
B. Potential Users the probabilities gradually decrease and, for a single h2h trip,
exhibit some less significant peaks around 1 and 7 pm. It should
The possibility to charge the battery only at home makes the be noted that, since a vehicle user is going to make a second
EVs suitable for people whose typical distance of an h2h trip trip in the case of a double h2h trip, the probability distribution
does not exceed the maximum driving range of the vehicle’s function (pdf) of is less concentrated in the evening hours
battery. Potential EV users are therefore chosen according to the than the pdf of . The pdf of (the start-time of the second
maximum driving range of a vehicle’s battery. In the simulation
3The method can be applied with any type of batteries, also those of plug in
2The higher order trips could be modeled as well, but they require more vari- hybrid EVs (PHEV). In the case of PHEVs, the choice of potential users would
ables to consider. A bigger transportation dataset would have to be used in order have to take into account the maximum distance using both an electric motor
to provide good quality estimates of the respective model parameters. and an internal combustion engine.

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Fig. 4. Distributions of traveled distance of a single and double h2h trip.

Fig. 2. Distributions of start-times of a single and double h2h trip.

B. Dependence Structure
In order to verify if there is dependence among the above-
mentioned variables, the measure of rank correlation [21] is ap-
plied. The rank correlation measures a monotonic relationship
between variables [20], [21]. If tends to increase when in-
creases, the rank correlation coefficient is positive and
vice versa. The rank correlation coefficient can take the values
between 1 and 1.
Rank correlation derived for the variables representing a
single h2h trip: , , and are given by


The rank correlation for a double h2h trip is computed

based on the variables , , , , , and as
Fig. 3. Distributions of end-times of a single and double h2h trip. The time follows:
scale is extended to the next day.

h2h trip in a double h2h trip) reaches two peaks at 1 pm and at

7 pm, where it is the highest.
Fig. 3 presents the probability distributions of arrival times.
The peak for a single h2h trip occurs between 4 and 6 pm, when (2)
people tend to return from work. The histograms of arrival times Testing the hypothesis of no correlation against the alterna-
for double h2h trips have peaks in the same interval but also tive that there is a nonzero correlation was applied to the ele-
during late morning and late evening . The hours ments of the correlation matrices. All coefficients in the ma-
higher than 24 on the -axis indicate that an h2h trip started one trix are found to be statistically significant assuming a 0.05 level
day and finished the next day. Information on end-time of h2h of significance. In the matrix, all coefficients are significant
trips are crucial in computing the starting time of recharging except from , , and . This suggests no
vehicles batteries. Under the assumption that there are no price monotonic dependence between the starting time of the first trip
incentives, Fig. 3 shows that the recharging can take place at , and all of the variables representing the second h2h trip
any hour of a day. .
The pdfs of traveled distance between home and home are It can be observed from the correlation matrices that the
shown in Fig. 4. For all types of h2h trips, short distances are h2h distance is negatively correlated with the departure time
the most common, i.e., up to 20 km. Distances of double h2h , which indicates that the later a
trips ( and ) are characterized by a higher occurrence person leaves home, the shorter distance she/he travels. The
of low values than the respective distances of a single h2h trip relation of the h2h distance with the arrival time is opposite
, which is a consequence of making multiple h2h trips per : the longer the distance that
day instead of one. No distance exceeds 110 km due to the as- is traveled the later she/he comes back home. The relations
sumptions discussed in Section II-B. between departure and arrival times seem to be different for

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different trip types. For the single h2h trip, the dependence
coefficient is equal to 0.35, whereas in the first trip in the
double h2h trip is close to zero, indicating a lack
of monotonic dependence between the variables. The rank
correlation coefficient between departure and arrival times of
the second h2h trip is 0.8, which is relatively high.
The rank coefficient of arrival time of the first trip and the
departure time of the second trip also have a relatively
high value.

C. Modeling Using Copula Functions

As shown in Section III-B, dependencies exist between the Fig. 5. Scatter plots between variables in uniform domain. (a) versus
variables representing both types of trips. Therefore, it is cru- . (b) versus .
cial to model the correlation structure between them in order to
obtain simulations which reflect the features of the input data.
All of the individual variables of interest have different marginal
distributions. In this case, a multivariate joint distribution func-
tion can be created using a copula function [20], [21], which
represents the dependence structure between the variables. A
copula is a function that joins univariate distribution functions to
form multivariate distribution functions. Specifically, in accor-
dance with Sklar’s theorem [22], the continuous random vari-
ables with cumulative distribution functions (CDFs)
, respectively, are joined by copula if their joint
distribution function can be expressed as

Fig. 6. (a) Scatter plot between simulated and simulated . (b) Q-Q
plot of simulated and original variable .
Denoting for , where are
realizations of uniform variables , respectively, the
above formula can be rewritten as
However, because the and variables satisfy the relation
, their scatter diagram, shown in Fig. 5(b), reveals a
nonstandard dependence structure. Such a nonstandard depen-
For modeling Dutch driving patterns, two joint multivariate dence occurs also in the case of other pairs of variables satis-
distribution functions are needed: the first for a single trip fying an inequality relation: and ; and ;
and the second for a double trip and . To the best of our knowledge, there is no parametric
. copula function available in the literature for the modeling of
A normal/Gaussian copula is a common choice for modeling such a dependence structure. In order to overcome this problem,
the dependence structure between variables. In order to find the normal copula function with the so-called conditional sam-
out if the normal copula function is suitable for modeling de- pling is applied. This procedure is based on selecting samples
pendency between the variables representing driving patterns, during the simulation process that satisfy the required relations.
scatter diagrams are considered. In general, it is difficult to ex- For example, the simulation of a single trip would require the
plore the character of the dependence structure using scatters following simulation code:
between the variables in their natural scale due to the influence
of their marginal distributions [14], [20]. Isolating the effects of
the marginal distributions can be achieved by ranking the data
or, in other words, by transforming the random variables to uni-
form distributions. In this new uniform domain, the character of
while do
the relationship can be revealed. Fig. 5(a) presents the scatter di-
agram of the ranked variables and . It can be observed that
the points are distributed quite uniformly with a slightly higher
density on the diagonal intersecting zero point which conforms
to a low respective correlation coefficient in the matrix. In end while
this case, lack of any significant tail dependence makes the ap-
plication of this copula function appropriate. The granular na- where is a coefficient matrix of a normal copula function
ture of the plotted data can be explained by a tendency of re- for single trips (more details are given in the rest of the paper).
spondents to round the distance traveled as well as the arrival Fig. 6(a) presents the scatter diagram of the ranked simulated
time. variables and . Although the scatters of the ranked original

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and ranked simulated data look alike, the latter might not sat- h2h trips will he/she have. The probability that a person does
isfy the requirements of the copula function, i.e., the uniformly not travel during one day can be computed from the transporta-
distributed margins. As a consequence there is a risk that the tion dataset, as respondents were obliged to report lack of com-
distribution of the simulated and original variables might not muting as well. According to the survey, 17% of the drivers do
fully comply. This side effect can be investigated by exploring not commute at all during a day. We assume that a person who
the quantile–quantile (Q-Q) plots of the simulated and original commutes makes either a single or a double h2h trip. Based on
data. Fig. 6(b) presents the Q-Q plot for the original and simu- the figures presented in Section II-A, there is 78% probability
lated variable , which is found to have the most severe devi- for a single h2h trip and 22% for a double h2h trip. Thus, the
ations among all of the considered variables representing single use of distribution functions and will be determined by
as well as double trips. We can see that the difference between these probabilities.
distributions is rather insignificant. The state of charge of a battery (SoC) is an available battery
Denoting CDFs of , respectively, capacity at a given moment expressed as a percentage of the
the normal copula is defined as total capacity. A linear relationship between SoC at the begin-
ning of charging and the distance traveled since the last charging
time is applied, as in [6]. Since, in this procedure, the idea of
where are realizations of the uniform variables fully charged battery at the beginning of charging is not adopted,
on the interval , respec- the formula for the initial SoC is
tively, denotes standard normal cumulative distribution and
the coefficient matrix of the copula function, which is the (4)
product moment correlation matrix between standard normal
variables . where , denote the start time and end time of a trip, respec-
When modeling dependent random variables using a normal tively, is the distance traveled in between, and denotes an
copula function, the following steps of the joint normal trans- EV’s driving range. The SoC of a battery at the beginning of
form methodology [20], [21] should be followed. a trip might be lower than 100% if a person starts a
Step 1) Transform random variables , trip before the vehicle’s battery became fully charged after the
to uniforms using their CDFs: last trip. In this way, the initial SoC depends not only on the dis-
tance traveled since the last charging but also on the charging
Step 2) Transform uniform variables to history.4
normal variables using inverse standard normal The simulations are performed for two consecutive days.
distribution : During the first day, it is assumed that a car starts its h2h trip
with a fully charged battery. Only the results from the second
Step 3) Estimate product moment correlation be- day are used to calculate the EV’s load. This removes the
tween normal variables . Simulate effect of the initial assumption about the initial state of charge,
from multivariate standard normal leaving only the desired random distributions.
distribution with correlation . At the beginning of the simulation procedure for an EV, the
Step 4) Transform the simulated values back to the original decision is made whether the driver will commute during the
domain by applying standard normal CDF and the first day and the second day. The driving patterns are simulated
inverse of the respective CDF as follows: using distributions and based on the probability of oc-
. currence of their respective h2h trips, i.e., 78% and 22%. These
driving patterns have to satisfy the logical requirements (see
Section III-C) so the start-time of a trip cannot exceed end-time
Here, the models representing driving patterns are combined of a trip. The initial SoC is computed at every home-arrival-time
with the battery characteristics to create a Monte Carlo simula- using (4). Then, by applying the charging profile given in Fig. 1,
tion of the electricity demand due to electric cars. the electricity demand is derived per each hour. In order to com-
In order to perform the simulation of commuting behavior, pute total power demand due to a number of EVs, the simulation
the two joint multivariate distribution functions and are procedure is run for each EV, and the individual hourly power
built up using normal copula functions and , respec- demands are added up.
tively, and the marginal empirical distribution functions. For
this, parameters of the copula functions and are estimated
by means of the maximum-likelihood method. These coefficient
matrices have similar values to the rank correlations computed In order to analyze the scenario of one million EVs, the Monte
in the previous section. The copula coefficient is given as Carlo simulation algorithm is run for 1000 EVs and the resulted
load is scaled up accordingly. In Section V-A, we elaborate on
the daily load power curve of the EVs for different levels of
range anxiety. Sections V-B and V-C present one of the possible
4In real life, the SoC would also depend on a vehicle speed and on a driving
Simulating a person’s commuting plans involves first the deci- mode (urban/highway) but, due to the lack of data, they could not be taken into
sion if he/she will travel during a day and, second, how many account.

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approximately 26 km. Using (4) and the charging profile of the

Nissa Altra (see Fig. 1), this leads to an average charging time
of 1.16 h to the full capacity.5
The so-called range anxiety is considered as one of the major
factors that could limit the wide-scale adoption of electric vehi-
cles. The solid line in Fig. 7 represents the load power curve for
the highest level of the range anxiety, so electric drivers plug
in their vehicles every time they arrive home no matter how
high the initial SoC is. Assuming a maximum driving range of
130 km, the average distance of 26 km traveled by EVs users
is equivalent to only 20% of a battery discharge. Therefore, a
fully charged battery of the Nissan Altra EV can serve much
more than the energy needed to satisfy the usual driving habits
of the potential EVs’ users. Because frequent charging impacts
Fig. 7. Power demand due to one million EVs under the scenario of uncon- the battery lifespan, commuters might prefer to charge the bat-
trolled domestic charging. The solid line together with the uncertainty is for the teries only if the SoC gets below a certain threshold. In Fig. 7,
case when commuters plug in the vehicles just after arrival at home. The line
marked with stars is for the case assuming that commuters would charge the ve-
we can see the load power curve for the case when the batteries
hicle if the SoC is less than 50% or if there is not sufficient energy in the battery get charged if the initial SoC is lower than the threshold of 50%
for the next trip. or if the battery SoC is too low for the next planned trip. Al-
though, in this situation, about 66% fewer cars will contribute
to the electricity demand, the load due to EVs does not decrease
applications of the methodology: examining the effect of the EV significantly. For example, the peak load attains 0.71 GW—only
load on the national electricity demand. 15% less than the base case. Attention should be drawn to the
increased frequency of the long charging times. The average
A. Load Due to EVs charging is equal now to 3.1 h, which is almost three times more
A worst case scenario referred to in the literature [6] is that than previously. In consequence, this increases the electricity
of uncontrolled domestic charging (no price incentives for demand per vehicle and also explains the power curve shifting.
off-peak charging). In this scenario, people would tend to start
B. Results for Different Market Penetration Levels
charging their vehicles as soon as they arrive home, i.e., during
peak hours for the system. As shown in Fig. 3, drivers arrive One million EVs will correspond to approximately 10%
at different times of the day, thereby their electricity demand market penetration in 2020 in The Netherlands [15]. For the
is going to be present throughout the entire day instead of a purpose of examining the cumulative effect of the load due
few particular evening hours. The load due to one million EVs to EVs on the system, the computed EVs’ load is added to a
is presented in Fig. 7 for two cases: commuters plug in the predicted national demand profile for the year 2020. Since the
vehicles just after arrival at home and the case assuming that worst case study is usually of the highest interest [7], the load
commuters would charge the vehicle if the SoC is less than 50% forecasts are computed by applying an annual average growth
or if there is not enough energy in the battery for the next trip. rate of 2% [12] to the daily load curve [13] with the highest
The simulation procedure is run 100 times in order to show the hourly peak recorded in the year 2010 in The Netherlands,
uncertainty in the EVs’ power demand. These 100 simulations which occurred on December 1st. Fig. 8 presents the results
can be considered as the simulation of the load for 100 different for 10% as well as for 20% penetration levels corresponding
days. We can see that under the basic principle of Monte Carlo to two million EVs. It appears from the figure that the winter
simulation, uncertainty propagation, the resulted shape of the load peak increases by 3.4% and 6.8% in the case of 10% and
power curve takes after the distribution of the arrival time of a 20% penetration levels, respectively. Moreover, the highest
h2h single trip (see Fig. 3). Furthermore, the uncertainty range percentage increase takes place at hour 19 and is equal to
varies depending on the hour. The highest uncertainty occurs 3.9% and 7.8% for the respective penetration levels. The 90%
when the load has peaks: around 7 pm, 1 pm, as well as around confidence interval for the peak load value in the case of 10%
midnight. is (23.09,23.28) GW and (23.76, 24.14) GW for the 20%.
The maximum average load of 0.84 GW is reached at hour 19. The results in the related literature vary depending on the data
It could seem that this is a quite low value taking into account the for driving patterns, battery characteristics, market penetration
fact that a relatively high percentage of people arrive at home levels, total system load shape, and so on [7], [8] [6]. For ex-
around 6 pm and they mostly charge at 6.5 kW power level. ample, a similar study for the U.K. system [7] reveals a rela-
Nevertheless, the power demand at a given hour depends not tively lower increase of the evening peak electricity demand be-
only on the fraction of cars that arrived before that hour but also cause of an almost two times lower charge rate and the driving
on their initial SoC, related to the distance traveled, which de- patterns utilized [9]. In studies considering distribution systems,
termines the length of time a car stays plugged in to the system. a higher load increase may be reported due to the higher pene-
In Fig. 4, we see that most people tend to have short trips, and, tration levels for the specific part of the system but also by the
as a consequence, the charging takes relatively little time. The 5To obtain these average values, it was assumed that EVs start a trip with a
average distance traveled for single as well as double trips is full battery.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Cyprus University of Technology. Downloaded on January 12,2021 at 08:45:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

tric cars awaiting the cheap tariff start charging immediately

when it begins, causing a high peak at 10 pm.6 The load due
to EVs increases the system load at 10 pm by 1.16% and is only
580 MW lower than the winter load peak at 6 pm. In conse-
quence, this type of delayed charging, although prevents the in-
crease in the winter peak, creates an additional coexisting peak.
From the power system point of view the most optimal charging
strategy would utilize the low cost off-peak energy so, in other
words, would fill in the total load “valleys.”
A high percentage of vehicles finish their last h2h trip in a
given day before 9 pm. For them, it is not absolutely necessary
to start charging exactly when the cheap tariff starts. In this case,
the charging might be initiated at any time between 9 pm and the
minimum of the start-time of the next trip and the 8 am of the
Fig. 8. Total electricity demand of The Netherlands for the year 2020 with next day. For the purpose of modeling such a charging behavior
load due to one million EVs (10% penetration level) and two million EVs (20% a uniform probability function is applied. The intervals on which
penetration level) under the uncontrolled domestic charging scenario.
uniform distributions are defined depend on the arrival time and
the start-time of the next h2h trip. For example, for modeling
charging-start-time of an EV which arrived home before 8 am,
a uniform distribution on the interval 8 am is
applied, where denotes the departure time of the next trip.
Similarly, for an EV arriving before 9 pm, a uniform distribution
defined on 9 pm 8 am is used, and so on. In Fig. 9,
the total load curve under the scenario of price incentives with
uniformly distributed charging-start-time is presented. It can be
observed that the load due to EVs fills in the load valleys much
more optimally than in the previous case.


This paper presented a Monte Carlo simulation approach for
the derivation of the system load due to EVs based on a model
representing real commuting patterns. Since the model vari-
Fig. 9. Total electricity demand of the Netherlands of the year 2020 and load ables are characterized by a stochastic behavior and are corre-
due to EVs under price incentives scenario. Discontinuous line represents the
load 2020 with EVs load under the TOS price tariff when the EVs start charging lated, a multivariate distribution function was built by means
immediately after the cheap tariff starts. The total load curve under the scenario of copula function and the respective marginal empirical dis-
of price incentives with uniformly distributed charging-start-time is presented tributions. Subsequently, the simulated single and double h2h
using the line with stars.
trips were combined with a typical EV charging profile, which
consideration of the present base load demand instead of the fu- in turn allowed the computation of the hourly system load. The
ture [6]. simulation procedure was used to derive the electricity demand
of different EVs market penetration levels and study their cu-
C. Results for Price Incentives mulative impact in the Netherlands in year 2020. Moreover, by
In order to encourage commuters to recharge vehicles during applying price incentives the load shifts towards off-peak hours
off-peak hours, price mechanisms in the form of time-of-use were analyzed.
(TOS) electricity tariffs can be employed [8]. A high electricity The results indicate that in the fixed electricity rate environ-
price is defined in the interval 8 am–9 pm and a cheap electricity ment, both market penetration levels considered contribute to
price during the rest of the day. The simulation procedure as- the increase in the total peak load in The Netherlands in 2020.
sumes that drivers have information regarding the next trip they Taking into account the uncertainty in the EVs’ electricity de-
are going to make. Thus, the time a vehicle is connected to the mand, 1.72 GW is the maximum increase during the peak hour
grid might occur in the interval defined by the time of arriving caused by the EVs. Since local problems might occur due to con-
home and the departure time of the next trip. Whereas the latter centration of EVs in the specific parts of the system, a day/night
two are simulated using the presented method, the time a vehicle electricity tariffs were considered. It is shown that such a tariff
gets connected to the grid depends on a price incentive scenario. structure can lead to the occurrence of an additional peak in the
The procedure assumes that commuters behave rationally and total load if all awaiting EVs start charging when the cheap tariff
they charge during the expensive tariff only if it is necessary. In begins. Consideration of uniform distribution, i.e., assuming
the latter case, only the amount of energy needed for the next that there is no underlying mechanism making them charging at
trip is withdrawn. a specific time, distribute the EVs load in a more optimal way.
In Fig. 9, the load for the year 2020 under the scenario with 6The calculation method for the 24 load values is based on integrating the EV
the TOS price tariff is presented. In this scenario, all of the elec- battery profiles over the preceding hour.

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This only demonstrates that the simulation method is flexible [9] J. Gonder, T. Markel, A. Simpson, and M. Thornton, “Using
enough to handle any way of choosing the time of charging. If GPS travel data to assess the real world driving energy use of
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In this paper, the aggregation of individual load on a national California: Constructing consumer-informed recharge profiles,” Trans-
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certainty contribution from EVs is decreased. Since the method- [11] G. Robert, L. Wang, and M. Alam, “The impact of plug-in hybrid elec-
ology has the property of scalability, different fleet sizes can be tric vehicles on distribution networks: A review and outlook,” Renew-
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studied as well. It is expected that small vehicle fleets will be [12] “System adequacy forecast 2010–2025,” Eur. Network of Transmis-
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to investigate the influence on distribution systems where higher [13] “Hourly Load Values of a Specific Country of a Specific Month,”
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impacts are expected. for Electricity) [Online]. Available:
The presented approach is used to study the 2020 scenario sources/data-portal/consumption
based on the transportation patterns of the current population. [14] A. Lojowska, D. Kurowicka, G. Papaefthymiou, and L. van der Sluis,
“From transportation patterns to power demand: Stochastic modeling
As cities grow over time and roads experience increased de- of uncontrolled domestic charging of electric vehicles,” in Proc. IEEE
mand and pressure, shifts in the transportation behavior can be Power Energy Soc. General Meeting, 2011, pp. 1–7.
expected. In order to derive EVs load of a future population, [15] “Mobility in Figures- Cars 2009/2010,” BOVAG-RAI Foundation,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Online]. Available: http://www.bova-
expert judgement techniques can be used to adjust the distribu-
tions of the variables, which represent commuting habits, to the [16] H. Lund and W. Kempton, “Integration of renewable energy into the
future situation. transport and electricity sectors through V2G,” Energy Policy, vol. 36,
no. 9, pp. 3578–3587, Sep. 2008.
The methodology presented in the paper is sufficiently flex- [17] M. Pantos, “Exploitation of electric-drive vehicles in electricity mar-
ible to handle different scenarios for the deployment of EVs kets,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., to be published.
and at the same time captures the involved uncertainty. In fu- [18] C. Madrid, J. Argueta, and J. Smith, “Performance characteriza-
tion—1999 Nissan Altra-EV with lithium-ion battery Southern
ture work, a power system dispatch model will be used to study California EDISON, 1999.
intelligent responses to more advanced price incentives as well [19] R. M. Cooke, Experts in Uncertainty: Opinion and Subjective Proba-
as the EV2G concept. Optimal charging and discharging of EV bility in Science. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991.
[20] G. Papaefthymiou and D. Kurowicka, “Using copulas for modeling sto-
will be scheduled based on the constraints derived from the sto- chastic dependence in power system uncertainty analysis,” IEEE Trans.
chastic EV model, like the number of available EVs every hour, Power Syst., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 40–49, Feb. 2009.
their SoC, their electricity demand, and so on. [21] D. Kurowicka and R. M. Cooke, Uncertainty Analysis With High Di-
mensional Dependence Modelling, ser. Probability and Statistics.
New York: Wiley, 2006.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [22] A. Sklar, “Fonctions de répartitioná n dimensions et leurs marges,”
Publications de l’Institut de Statistique de L’Université de Paris, vol.
The authors would like to thank the Dutch Ministry of Trans- 8, pp. 229–231, 1959.
portation and ENTSO-E for providing datasets. The authors
would also like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for
providing comments that helped to increase the value of this

REFERENCES Alicja Lojowska (S’11) received the M.Sc. degree

[1] “Plan van Aanpak Elektrisch Rijden,” Ministry of Transport, in applied mathematic from the Delft University of
Public Works and Water Management [Online]. Available: Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2009, where she is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
stukken/2009/07/03/plan-van-aanpak-elektrisch-rijden.html the Electrical Power Systems group.
[2] “Mobiliteitsonderzoek Nederland (MON), Databestand MON,” Min- Her project focuses on the assessment of role of
istry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, 2008. electric mobility as an energy storage in future power
[3] T. K. Kristoffersen, K. Capion, and P. Meibom, “Optimal charging of systems characterized by a high penetration levels
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[4] N. Juul and P. Meibom, “Optimal configuration of an integrated power power system with large number of EVs with a
and transport system,” Energy, vol. 35, pp. 3523–3530, May 2011. special focus on the EV2G.
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1758–1767, Mar. 2011.
[6] K. Qian, C. Zhou, M. Allan, and Y. Yuan, “Modeling of load demand Dorota Kurowicka received the Ph.D. degree from
due to EV battery charging in distribution systems,” IEEE Trans. the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The
Power Syst., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 802–810, May 2011. Netherlands, in 2001.
[7] N. Jackson, C. Wren, J. Dalby, and N. Downing, “Electric vehicle in- Since then, she has been with the Delft Institute of
frastructure- EV/PHEV impact on power distribution,” in Proc. Electr. Applied Mathematics, first as an Assistant Professor
Veh. Infrastructure Conf., 2009. and from 2006 as an Associate Professor. Her current
[8] K. Parks, P. Denholm, and T. Markel, “Costs and emissions associated research is carried out in the area of uncertainty and
with plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging in the Xcel energy Col- risk analysis.
orado service territory,” Nat. Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), 2007,
Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-640-41410.

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Georgios Papaefthymiou (M’03) received the Dipl. Lou van der Sluis (SM’86) was born in Geervliet,
Eng. degree in electrical and computer engineering The Netherlands, on July 10, 1950. He received the
from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Delft
1999, and the Ph.D. degree from Delft University of University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in
Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2007. 1974.
He is currently a consultant with the Power Sys- He joined the KEMA High Power Laboratory in
tems and Markets Group, Ecofys, and a Research As- 1977 as a Test Engineer and was involved in the de-
sociate with the Power Systems Group, Delft Uni- velopment of a data acquisition system for the High
versity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. His Power Laboratory, computer calculations of test cir-
current research interests include modeling of uncer- cuits and the analysis of test data by digital computer.
tainty in power systems and the planning and opera- In 1990 he became a part-time Professor and, since
tion of power systems with high penetration of renewables and energy storage, 1992, a Full Professor with the Power Systems Department, Delft University of
wind power forecasting, and market participation issues. Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. He is the author of the books Transients in
Power Systems (New York: Wiley, 2001) and Electrical Power System Essen-
tials (New York: Wiley, 2008).
Prof. van der Sluis is a past convener of CC-03 of Cigre and Cired to study
the transient recovery voltages in medium and high voltage networks. He is cur-
rently a member of Cigre WG. A3–24 on internal arc testing and co-convener
of Cigre WG. C4. 502. to study the interaction between High-Voltage overhead-
lines and underground cables.

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