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No Function Sub-task Type of Task Volume 24/02/2021 25/02/2021

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Other Take leave Any arising 1
2 Other Workload report synthesis Daily 1 11:35 12:00 0:25 7:30 8:20 0:50
ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 13
Service Helpdesk Directory authorization PPWVNMAP (Na) Any arising 1
3 Service Helpdesk Updated quarantine group fingerprints at WS1 Any arising
Check the connection of the ERP system with the
4 ERP software management Any arising
Chinese server
Fix slow connection error at the client computer
5 ERP software management Any arising 4
(Giang, Vy, Duong, Hue)
6 Service Helpdesk Fix error client Computer (QuanLS, LapNT) Any arising 2
7 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 6
8 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 21
Guide to change computer password for users
9 Service Helpdesk Any arising 1
Grant access to the access control system (CN-
10 Access Control Management Any arising 1
11 Service Helpdesk Fix computer client (LapPT) Any arising 1
12 Service Helpdesk Fix outlook not working (HueNT) Any arising 1
13 CCTV management Install the camera at WS1 Any arising 8
14 Service Helpdesk Fix computer not working (WH WS3) Any arising 1
Allow user to access PpwVNMap folder
15 Service Helpdesk Any arising 1
Backup the Finance software data and send it to
16 Finance software management Any arising 1
the supplier for data verification
Compare and sign payment invoices for Fuji
17 Copier/Printer management Any arising 3
18 Copier/Printer management Correcting Copier Scan error at Warehouse WS3 Any arising 1
19 Service Helpdesk Edit computer client at Warehouse WS3 Any arising 1
20 CCTV management Camera time synchronization is incorrect Any arising 51
21 ERP software management Check the operational status of ERP software Daily 2 times 7:30 7:35 0:05 8:20 8:25 0:05

22 HRM software management Check the operational status of HRM software Daily 2 times 7:35 7:40 0:05 8:25 8:30 0:05
23 Finance software management Check the operational status of Finance software Daily 2 times 7:40 7:45 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05
Customs software
24 Check the operational status of Customs software Daily 2 times 7:45 7:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05
PackOne software
25 Check the operational status of PackOne software Daily 1 time 7:50 7:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05
Delete material warehouse acceptance
26 ERP software management Any arising 1
Create and decentralized ERP accounts
27 ERP software management Any arising 3
VuongNL2, 3, 4
28 Service Helpdesk Fix slow computer error at Warehouse WS3 Any arising 1
29 Active Directory Check time system Daily 1 time 7:55 8:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05
Service Helpdesk Support for making employee cards Any arising 120
ERP software management Edit product name data in ERP software Any arising 1
30 Timekeeper management Update employee resigns list Any arising
31 Service Helpdesk Fingerprints for new employees Any arising 1
32 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 23
33 CCTV management Camera time synchronization is incorrect Any arising 100
Infrastructure - Network
34 Install network cable Any arising 2
35 Service Helpdesk Support for making employee cards Any arising 180
36 Service Helpdesk Support for making employee cards Any arising 234
37 Other Meeting to plan vacation registration software Any arising 1
38 CCTV management Pull the network cord for the camera at WS1 Any arising 8
39 Service Helpdesk Fix computer operating system error (AnhNT) Any arising 1
Investigation of camera installation location at
40 CCTV management Any arising 8
41 CCTV management Draw camera layout and installation plan Any arising 8
Fix the error that cannot login to the computer
42 Service Helpdesk Any arising 1
43 Service Helpdesk Backup computer data Ms. Thao Any arising 1
44 Projectors management Check the projector operating status Monthly 1 time
45 Copier/Printer management Replace copier ink at WS3 Any arising 1
46 Time attendance management Check workers' fingerprints at WS3 Any arising 2
47 Other Synthesize documents to report to Ms. Thao Any arising 3
48 Copier/Printer management Statistics of print volume at Office Weekly 1 time
49 Email Server Backup Email Monthly 1 time
Check and lock for inactive user accounts in
50 Finance software management Monthly 1 time
Finance software
Customs software Check and lock for inactive user accounts in
51 Monthly 1 time
management Customs software
52 IT Department management Plan the work of the IT department Weekly 1 time
CCTV management CCTV system maintenance at WS4 Quarterly 89
53 OS Server Check File Shares/Permissions Quarterly 1
54 IT Department management Weekly work report of IT staff Weekly 1 time
Fix error "The trust relationship between this
55 Service Helpdesk Any arising 1 8:00 8:15 0:15
workstation and the primary domain"
56 CCTV management Install the camera as required by Mr. Roy Any arising 1 8:15 11:20 3:05
57 Service Helpdesk Fix the error of automatic font jump in excel Any arising 1 11:20 11:35 0:15
PackOne software
58 PackOne Server Upgrade Any arising 1
Infrastructure - Servers
59 Check the equipment in the Servers Room Weekly 1 time
Grant access to the access control system (P0373,
60 Access Control Management Any arising 2
Fix the error of logging in to the Finance software
61 Finance software management Any arising 1
62 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 22
63 Active Directory Check Domain Controller Configuration Daily 1 time 13:00 13:20 0:20 13:10 13:40 0:30
64 Other GA meeting Any arising 1
65 Active Directory Check Disk space : Check free disk for OS Daily 1 time 13:20 13:25 0:05 13:40 13:45 0:05
66 Active Directory Check AD replication Daily 1 time 13:25 13:40 0:15 13:45 14:00 0:15
67 Active Directory Fix AD replication asynchronous Any arising 1
68 Active Directory Fix AD replication asynchronous Any arising 1
69 Active Directory Check Shared(Netlogon and SYSVOL) Daily 1 time 13:40 13:45 0:05 14:00 14:05 0:05
70 Service Helpdesk Edit client computer error at Office Any arising 1
71 Active Directory Check Event Viewer Daily 2 times 13:45 14:30 0:45 14:15 15:00 0:45
72 Service Helpdesk Fix error client Computer at WS1 Any arising 2
73 CCTV management CCTV system maintenance at WS5 Quarterly
74 CCTV management Camera time synchronization is incorrect Any arising 110
75 Service Helpdesk Support fingerprinting workers Any arising 48
76 ERP software management Create and decentralized ERP accounts Any arising 6
77 CCTV management Adjust angle and camera configuration Any arising 8
78 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 5
79 Access Control Management Grant access to the access control system Any arising 6
80 CCTV management Connect to the CCTV network at WS1 Any arising 1
81 Active Directory Check Domain User Password Policy Monthly 1 time
Find out the solution to register vacation on
82 Other Any arising 1
Cancellation of shipment, waiting for an
83 ERP software management additional declaration (DCH21010058, Any arising 2
84 CCTV management Connect to the CCTV network at WS1 Any arising 16
85 Other Moving equipment and materials at WS6 Any arising
86 Network Manager Configuration of Wifi 4G Modem Any arising 1
87 Service Helpdesk Personnel rotation at WS3, WS4 Any arising 37
88 Service Helpdesk Print documentation for WS1 Any arising 6
89 HRM software management Create and authorize users Any arising 2
Customs software
90 Update the software on the computer client Any arising 1
91 ERP software management Create and decentralized ERP accounts AnhNT Any arising 1
Grant access to the access control system (P0372,
92 Access Control Management Any arising 2
Infrastructure - Telephone
93 Check telephone system Weekly 1 time
94 OS Server Empty the Scan folder Any arising 1
95 ERP software management Check the operational status of ERP software Daily 2 times 14:30 14:35 0:05 15:00 15:05 0:05
96 HRM software management Check the operational status of HRM software Daily 2 times 14:35 14:40 0:05 15:05 15:10 0:05

97 Finance software management Check the operational status of Finance software Daily 2 times 14:40 14:45 0:05 15:10 15:15 0:05
Customs software
98 Check the operational status of Customs software Daily 2 times 14:45 14:50 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05
Send a backup of the data to the supplier to verify
99 Finance software management Any arising 1
the data
Infrastructure - Network
100 Check network system at the factory Weekly 1 time
101 Access Control Management Time synchronization for fingerprint door system Any arising 5 14:50 14:55 0:05
102 Service Helpdesk Check the television room Ms. Thao Any arising 1
103 Email Server Check Email Server system Daily 1 time 14:55 15:00 0:05 15:20 15:30 0:10
104 Active Directory Check for inactive user & computer accounts Monthly 1 time
105 Service Helpdesk Edit Client computer at WS1 Any arising 3
106 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 7
107 IT Department management February IT staff assessment Monthly 1
108 Other Attending the party 8.3 Any arising 1
Delete Temp Files (Windows & Users Temp
109 OS Server Monthly 1
Check the failure of the ERP to connect to the
110 ERP software management Any arising 1
Infrastructure - Servers
111 Cleaning the server room Weekly 1 time
112 Access Control Management Update list and check user permissions Any arising 1

113 CCTV management Removed 8 cameras at WS2 to install for WS1 Any arising 8
Infrastructure - Network
114 Check the network configuration Weekly 1 time 15:00 15:30 0:30
Fingerprint settings and timekeeping instructions
115 Service Helpdesk Any arising 56 15:30 16:15 0:45
for 56 new workers
Infrastructure - Servers
116 Check the operation status of servers Daily 1 time 16:15 16:30 0:15 16:00 16:30 0:30
PC management Install Computer Operating System (NuNTK) Any arising 1
117 HRM software management Check backup of HRM software Monthly 1 8:30 8:35 0:05
118 Finance software management Check backup of Finance software Monthly 1 8:40 8:45 0:05
Edit excel file for Finance department ->
119 Service Helpdesk Any arising 1 9:00 9:35 0:35
Optimize data
120 CCTV management Guide to using CCTV system for Mr. Roy Any arising 1 9:35 9:40 0:05
121 PBX management Check the telephone exchange system Any arising 1 9:40 10:10 0:30
CCTV management CCTV system maintenance at WS15 Quarterly
122 PBX management Backup the telephone exchange system Monthly 1 time 10:10 10:40 0:30
123 CCTV management Test software to monitor CCTV system operation Any arising 1 10:40 12:00 1:20
124 ERP software management Create product name data in ERP software Any arising 2 14:05 14:15 0:10
125 Email Server Check Spam Email Weekly 2 15:30 16:00 0:30
Check and lock for inactive user accounts in ERP
126 ERP software management Monthly 1 time
Check and lock for inactive user accounts in
127 HRM software management Monthly 1 time
HRM software
Check Server CPU, Memory, Disk & Network
128 OS Server Weekly 2 times
129 Service Helpdesk Edit client computer at WS3 Any arising 2
Supervising contractor to fix the error of access
130 Access Control Management Any arising 1
control system
131 IT Department management Evaluate the competency of IT staff Monthly 1 time
132 Service Helpdesk Check the price of the SD camera for Ms. Thao Any arising 1
Fix the error of not modifying the content on the
133 ERP software management Any arising 1
ERP software of the client computer
134 Access Control Management Grant access to the access control system Any arising 3

Delete the temporary import of the warehouse

135 ERP software management Any arising 2
and take over the warehouse in ERP software
136 ERP software management Guide users to write the ERP Request Form Any arising 2 13:00 13:10 0:10
8:00 8:00
26/02/2021 27/02/2021 01/03/2021 02/03/2021 03/03/2021

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00

8:30 8:40 0:10

8:30 8:40 0:10

8:40 9:05 0:25

8:30 8:35 0:05 9:05 9:10 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05

8:35 8:40 0:05 9:10 9:15 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05
8:45 8:50 0:05 9:15 9:20 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05

8:55 9:00 0:05 9:20 9:25 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05

9:00 9:05 0:05 9:25 9:30 0:05 9:00 9:05 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05

8:55 9:55 1:00

9:05 9:10 0:05 9:30 9:35 0:05 9:05 9:10 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 9:55 10:00 0:05

10:00 11:15 1:15

11:15 12:00 0:45
9:00 9:15 0:15
9:15 9:45 0:30
9:10 9:45 0:35
9:45 10:45 1:00
10:45 12:00 1:15
9:35 10:05 0:30

10:05 10:35 0:30

10:35 11:15 0:40

11:15 12:00 0:45

13:00 13:30 0:30

13:00 14:00 1:00

13:10 13:40 0:30 13:30 14:00 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 14:00 14:30 0:30

13:40 13:45 0:05 14:00 14:05 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 14:30 14:35 0:05
13:45 14:00 0:15 14:05 14:20 0:15 13:35 13:50 0:15 13:35 13:50 0:15 14:35 14:50 0:15

14:00 14:05 0:05 14:20 14:25 0:05 13:50 13:55 0:05 13:50 13:55 0:05 14:50 14:55 0:05
13:55 14:10 0:15
14:40 15:20 0:40 14:25 15:10 0:45 14:10 15:00 0:50 13:55 15:00 1:05 14:55 15:45 0:50
14:15 14:20 0:05 15:10 15:15 0:05 15:00 15:05 0:05 15:00 15:05 0:05 15:45 15:50 0:05
14:20 14:25 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05 15:05 15:10 0:05 15:05 15:10 0:05 15:50 15:55 0:05

14:25 14:30 0:05 15:20 15:25 0:05 15:10 15:15 0:05 15:10 15:15 0:05 15:55 16:00 0:05

14:30 14:35 0:05 15:25 15:30 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05 16:00 16:05 0:05

16:05 16:15 0:10

15:20 16:20 1:00

15:30 15:45 0:15

15:20 15:30 0:10 15:45 15:55 0:10 15:20 15:30 0:10

15:30 15:40 0:10

15:55 16:10 0:15

16:00 16:30 0:30 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:00 16:30 0:30 16:20 16:30 0:10 16:15 16:30 0:15

8:40 8:45 0:05

8:50 8:55 0:05

14:05 14:15 0:10

15:40 16:00 0:20
9:10 9:40 0:30

9:40 10:20 0:40

10:20 11:20 1:00 9:45 11:45 2:00

11:45 12:00 0:15

11:20 12:00 0:40

13:00 13:10 0:10

14:35 14:40 0:05

15:30 16:00 0:30

8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00

04/03/2021 05/03/2021 06/03/2021 08/03/2021 09/03/2021

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00

8:30 8:50 0:20

8:50 9:10 0:20
9:10 11:00 1:50
8:30 8:50 0:20

8:50 9:00 0:10

8:30 9:45 1:15

9:50 9:55 0:05 9:00 9:05 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05

9:55 10:00 0:05 9:05 9:10 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05
9:45 9:50 0:05 9:10 9:15 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05

10:00 10:05 0:05 9:15 9:20 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05

10:05 10:10 0:05 9:20 9:25 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05

10:10 10:20 0:10

10:20 10:50 0:30

10:50 10:55 0:05 9:25 9:30 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 13:00 13:05 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05

9:00 11:00 2:00

10:30 12:00 1:30

13:00 13:30 0:30

13:30 13:45 0:15
10:55 11:15 0:20

11:00 12:00 1:00

13:35 14:00 0:25

14:00 14:15 0:15

13:00 13:10 0:10

13:10 13:20 0:10

13:20 13:40 0:20
13:45 14:15 0:30 13:45 14:15 0:30 9:00 9:30 0:30 13:05 13:35 0:30 13:40 14:10 0:30
14:10 15:15 1:05
14:15 14:20 0:05 14:15 14:20 0:05 9:30 9:35 0:05 13:35 13:40 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05
11:15 11:30 0:15 14:20 14:35 0:15 9:35 9:50 0:15 13:40 13:55 0:15 15:20 15:30 0:10
11:30 12:00 0:30
13:00 13:45 0:45
14:20 14:25 0:05 14:35 14:40 0:05 9:50 9:55 0:05 13:55 14:00 0:05 15:30 15:35 0:05

14:25 15:20 0:55 14:40 15:30 0:50 9:55 10:50 0:55 14:00 15:00 1:00 15:35 16:10 0:35

16:10 16:15 0:05

15:20 15:30 0:10

15:30 15:40 0:10

15:40 16:15 0:35

15:30 15:35 0:05 13:15 13:20 0:05 15:00 15:05 0:05

15:35 15:40 0:05 13:20 13:25 0:05 15:05 15:10 0:05

15:40 15:45 0:05 13:25 13:30 0:05 15:10 15:15 0:05

15:45 15:50 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 15:15 15:20 0:05

11:00 12:00 1:00

15:50 16:00 0:10 13:00 13:15 0:15 15:20 15:35 0:15

16:00 16:05 0:05

16:05 16:15 0:10
15:35 15:40 0:05
15:40 16:10 0:30

14:15 15:15 1:00

15:15 16:10 0:55

16:15 16:30 0:15 16:15 16:30 0:15 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:15 16:35 0:20
10:50 12:00 1:10

9:30 10:30 1:00

8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:05

10/03/2021 11/03/2021 12/03/2021 13/03/2021 15/03/2021

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
7:30 12:00 4:30
14:00 15:00 1:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00

13:00 13:05 0:05 7:30 7:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 10:00 10:05 0:05

13:05 13:10 0:05 7:35 7:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 10:05 10:10 0:05
13:10 13:15 0:05 7:40 7:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 10:10 10:15 0:05

13:15 13:20 0:05 7:45 7:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 10:15 10:20 0:05

13:20 13:25 0:05 7:50 7:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 10:20 10:25 0:05
13:25 13:30 0:05 7:55 8:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 10:25 10:30 0:05

9:00 12:00 3:00

13:30 14:00 0:30
8:00 11:00 3:00

8:30 9:30 1:00

15:55 16:10 0:15

9:30 10:00 0:30

15:00 15:30 0:30 11:30 12:00 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 10:30 11:00 0:30

15:30 15:35 0:05 13:00 13:05 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 11:00 11:05 0:05
15:35 15:45 0:10 13:05 13:15 0:10 13:35 13:45 0:10 11:05 11:15 0:10

15:45 15:50 0:05 13:15 13:20 0:05 13:45 13:50 0:05 11:15 11:20 0:05

15:50 16:20 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 13:20 14:00 0:40 13:50 14:40 0:50 11:20 12:00 0:40

13:00 13:30 0:30

14:40 15:50 1:10
15:50 15:55 0:05
14:00 14:20 0:20
14:20 14:40 0:20
14:40 15:40 1:00
15:40 16:10 0:30

13:30 13:40 0:10

13:40 15:50 2:10

15:50 16:30 0:40
16:30 16:35 0:05
16:35 16:50 0:15
16:50 17:00 0:10
17:00 17:05 0:05
13:30 14:30 1:00

14:30 14:45 0:15

14:45 15:45 1:00
15:45 16:15 0:30

16:20 16:40 0:20 17:05 17:25 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:15 16:30 0:15
9:00 10:30 1:30

10:30 11:30 1:00

8:10 8:55 8:00 8:00 8:00

16/03/2021 17/03/2021 18/03/2021 19/03/2021 20/03/2021

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
7:30 16:30 8:00
7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00

8:30 9:30 1:00

8:30 8:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05 9:30 9:35 0:05

8:35 8:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05 9:35 9:40 0:05
8:40 8:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05 9:40 9:45 0:05

8:45 8:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05 9:45 9:50 0:05

8:50 8:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05 9:50 9:55 0:05
8:55 9:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05 9:55 10:00 0:05

9:00 9:05 0:05

9:05 9:30 0:25
9:30 10:30 1:00
10:30 10:45 0:15
9:00 11:00 2:00

11:00 12:00 1:00

10:00 10:15 0:15

10:15 11:30 1:15

9:00 9:30 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 11:15 11:40 0:25 11:30 12:00 0:30

9:30 9:35 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 11:40 11:45 0:05 13:00 13:05 0:05
9:35 9:45 0:10 13:35 13:45 0:10 11:45 11:55 0:10 13:05 13:15 0:10

9:45 9:50 0:05 13:45 13:50 0:05 11:55 12:00 0:05 13:15 13:20 0:05

9:50 10:40 0:50 13:50 14:30 0:40 13:00 14:00 1:00 13:20 14:15 0:55

14:00 16:00 2:00

14:50 16:10 1:20
14:30 14:50 0:20
10:40 11:40 1:00
11:40 12:00 0:20

16:00 16:10 0:10 14:15 14:30 0:15

14:30 15:30 1:00

15:30 16:10 0:40

13:00 14:00 1:00

16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20
15:40 16:10 0:30

14:00 15:15 1:15 10:45 11:15 0:30

15:15 15:40 0:25

8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00

22/03/2021 23/03/2021 24/03/2021 25/03/2021 26/03/2021

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
7:30 16:30 8:00
7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00 7:30 8:30 1:00

8:30 9:30 1:00

8:30 8:40 0:10

8:40 8:50 0:10

8:50 9:20 0:30

9:20 9:40 0:20
9:40 9:45 0:05
8:30 8:45 0:15

8:45 8:55 0:10

8:55 9:00 0:05

10:00 10:05 0:05 9:45 9:50 0:05 9:30 9:35 0:05 8:30 8:35 0:05

10:05 10:10 0:05 9:50 9:55 0:05 9:35 9:40 0:05 8:35 8:40 0:05
10:10 10:15 0:05 9:55 10:00 0:05 9:40 9:45 0:05 8:40 8:45 0:05

10:15 10:20 0:05 10:00 10:05 0:05 9:45 9:50 0:05 8:45 8:50 0:05

10:20 10:25 0:05 10:05 10:10 0:05 9:50 9:55 0:05 8:50 8:55 0:05
10:25 10:30 0:05 10:10 10:15 0:05 9:55 10:00 0:05 8:55 9:00 0:05
9:00 10:30 1:30
10:30 10:40 0:10
10:30 12:00 1:30

9:00 10:00 1:00

15:45 16:10 0:25

13:00 13:30 0:30 13:00 13:30 0:30 10:00 10:30 0:30 10:40 11:10 0:30

13:30 13:35 0:05 13:30 13:35 0:05 10:30 10:35 0:05 11:10 11:15 0:05
13:35 13:45 0:10 13:35 13:45 0:10 10:35 10:45 0:10 11:15 11:25 0:10

13:45 13:50 0:05 13:45 13:50 0:05 10:45 10:50 0:05 11:25 11:30 0:05

13:50 14:30 0:40 13:50 14:30 0:40 10:50 12:00 1:10 13:00 14:00 1:00
14:30 15:00 0:30
15:00 16:00 1:00

14:00 15:30 1:30

15:30 15:45 0:15 16:00 16:10 0:10 16:00 16:10 0:10

11:15 12:00 0:45

15:30 16:10 0:40

16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20 16:10 16:30 0:20
16:30 17:45 1:15
13:00 13:30 0:30
13:30 14:00 0:30

14:00 16:00 2:00

14:30 15:30 1:00 11:30 12:00 0:30

10:15 11:15 1:00

8:00 9:15 8:00 8:00 8:00


87 88 89

7:30 8:30 1:00

8:30 8:45 0:15

8:45 8:50 0:05

8:50 8:55 0:05

8:55 9:00 0:05

9:00 9:05 0:05

9:05 9:10 0:05

9:10 9:15 0:05

13:00 13:30 0:30

13:30 15:40 2:10
10:15 10:45 0:30

10:45 10:50 0:05

10:50 11:00 0:10

11:00 11:05 0:05

11:05 12:00 0:55

15:40 16:10 0:30

16:10 16:30 0:20

9:15 10:15 1:00


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