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Miss Awful

(Arthur Cavanaugh)


a. Who is the main character in the story? What makes the character the main


Roger, because he apperas in the beggining until the end of the story.

b. Describe the main character in the satellite bubbles below. Include the physical, social, and
personality characteristics of the main character.


His bag full

of games
Young boy


Bad at Soft boy


c. Describe another major character in the story.

Ms. Orville :
- Substitute Teacher
- He likes plant
- Lonely person
- A strict person

henny herawati-2020
d. How does Roger’s perceptions of his substitute teacher, Miss Orville, change throughout the
story? What conclusion/s can you draw about his perception(s) of Miss Orville?

Roger is a student who doesn't like Miss Awful's way of teaching. In Roger's opinion she
made many changes to the rules that were the obligations of the students. Miss awful is
also a strict person.
The conclusion that I can draw is that we sometimes judge other people as bad but in fact
what the person means is good, as in this story, the character of Miss Awful is very strict but
in fact she wants her students to be good people.

e. Why does Roger approach Miss Orville at the end of her class on her last day and spell the words?
What does it indicate?
Roger wanted to prove to Miss Orville that he tried and studied hard and that he already
understood how to spell well and fluently.

Setting, besides helps create the mood and atmosphere, also gives rationale to the emergence
of conflicts.
 Where does the story set?
 Describe the differences in Miss Wilson’s classroom and Miss Orville’s classroom
settings. How does classroom setting affect the atmosphere of the class and potentially
create conflicts in the story.

- The stoty setting is in a peaceful town, The park, at the Clark family
house's dinner tableThen the setting shifted to the St.Geoff school, where
Roger saw his new substitute teacher, Miss Orville.
- In my opinion, the teaching method from Miss Wilson is more fun
because Miss Wilson invites her students to play but it is different from
the teaching method from Miss Orville which really makes them feel like
they are in hell because Miss Orville is a strict person. What provoked this
conflict was that Miss Orville gave her students many tasks.

henny herawati-2020
The action of a story generally evolves out of conflict. A conflict is a struggle between opposing
forces or points of view. Identify the conflicts in the story

- Misss Orville is Roger's

substitute teacher
- Miss Awfull always give a lot
of assignments


Plot is the sequence of events, where each event affects the next one through the principle of
cause-and-effect. Identify the elements in the plot of the story. The climax or turning point in
literature occurs when the conflict within the story reaches its peak in terms of emotion. The
events that follow wrap up the story. Which part of Cavanaugh's short story "Miss Awful” does
this climax occur?

henny herawati-2020
Exposition: The story begins with the Clark family at the dinner table which Roger announces
the Ms. Wilson's leave.
Rising Action: Miss Orville puts strict rules on the students, marches them like they are on an
army and complains about students.
Climax: Nancy Reeves tells how Miss Orville got evicted from her apartment.
Falling Action: The students rip the leaves of the plant.
Resolution: She informs them to be good citizens of the world and Roger shows how he
improved since she came.

What might happen

Create two frames of comic strips with speech bubbles describing what might
happen to Roger after the last day of Miss Orville’s class.

Virgiana Clark realizes that Roger tells his mom what happend with
there is a change in her him. They plan to visit Mr.Orville to get to
son’s face so she asked know her better.
what happened


If you were Miss Orville, how would you feel and what would you do when substituting Miss

If I were Miss Orville I would be very sad that none of the students liked me.
Maybe if I were Miss Orville I would try to get closer to my students and not give
them too much work.

henny herawati-2020
henny herawati-2020

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