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1. Categorizing learners
2. Perceiving learners
3. Treating learners
4. etc.

Cons Pros Your opinions

 Labels shape teacher  Labeling enables

expectations. Studies professionals to
In our opinion, giving
on teacher communicate with
labels to people has
expectations have one another because
strengths and
shown that what each categorical label
weaknesses. We agree
teachers believe about conveys a general
to label people with
student capability is idea about learning
disabilities because by
directly related to characteristics;
giving that label other
student achievement.  Labeling the disability
people will give more
 All children exhibit spotlights the
empathy to the person
inappropriate problem for the
concerned and will
behaviors at times, but public. Labeling can
certainly provide social
labels magnify a generate social
assistance, but if the
student's actions. A concern and improve
case is in school and
behavior that would be fund-raising.
students are given a bad
overlooked in an  Labeling may make
label by the teacher it
"unlabeled" child those without
will make students
becomes a proof of the disabilities more
difficult. to develop even
"behavioral problems" tolerant of the
to make students
of a labeled child. minority with
mentally worse, the
 Labels mark students disabilities. (In my
teacher should not give
as "different" and experience, a
labels to students and
"deficient" when they "labeled" child is
more help students to
may simply take longer more, not less, likely
develop better.
to move through than the unlabled
developmental stages. child to become the
target of bullies.)
What do you know about these claims/ terms?

1. What is usually labelled?

2. “ Schools are the hotbeds of categorization”
3. Self-fulfilling prophecy
4. any "generic" label is a gross simplification

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