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ACTIVIDAD “Técnicas de cultura en el mundo de hoy”

Presentado por:



Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA

Tecnología en Gestión de Mercados

Modalidad Virtual

Ficha 2010659

1. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “KNOWING MYTEAM”,
ubicado en la actividad de Proyecto 21 Supervisar el equipode trabajo”. Observe el
video tutorial contenido en la sección “Let’s listen”, y escriba un párrafo de mínimo
10 líneas, expresando las ideas principales contenidas en él.

The text highlights processes such as: admission, planning, compensation, training,
maintenance and monitoring of human resources. These processes are important to design,
manage and coordinate actions to obtain better results from your workers and to build an
excellent environment. In addition, HRM works on the relationship between employees and
employers, promoting maximum individual development. The Human Resources
Objectives help the organization achieve its objectives and fulfill its mission. to provide
organizational competitiveness.

2. Descargue y lea los textos contenidos en la sección “Let’s read”. Realice la

actividad de comprensión lectora de la sección y tome capturas de pantalla en cada
pregunta, incluyendo el resultado final. Agregue las capturas en el documento.
1. -Foster respect: In a company or work team, different personalities meet, who cannot
have the same beliefs, realities, work systems, etc. Therefore, respect ensures that
coexistence is healthy and constructive.

2. -Listen to all opinions: A good leader must ensure that his entire team considers itself
heard. In addition to having different points of view, you will be able to identify the
problems or behaviors that must be improved to achieve good performance.
3. -Properly handle crises: In all companies there are moments of crisis, but it is key to
safeguard stability. For this, it is essential that the resolutions are executed calmly. In turn,
the leaders will have the mission of delivering signals of security and order.

4. -Taking people into account: Changes are often confusing or even complicated moments.
To avoid crisis it is important to know what the workers think. Is something not working?
They are the best allies to find the solution.

5. -Earn the trust of the workers: Recognizing a good job or thanking the collaboration is a
very simple way to generate bonds with the team members. If you take the first step, it can
become part of the company culture

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