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MELC: Investigate properties and characteristics of light

and sound. S4FE-IIIh-5


A. Introduction
Sound and light are essential parts of our world, and they are also important when studying
science. We perceive most of the things around us because we can see or hear them. Some objects
have their own light, and some others reflect light. Thanks to our sense of sight we can see them.
In this module you will investigate and describe the characteristics and properties of light.

B. Discussion

Light is a form of energy that allow us to see the world around us. Light can produce changes
in the things it shines on, like plants and be converted into electricity like solar panels and make us to
see objects and observe their shape, size and colour. Also, Light sources produce light. They can be
natural as sun and artificial, most of them using electricity light bulbs. And most objects are not light
sources, but we can see them because they reflect light.

Light travels in straight lines in all directions. A luminous

object looks bright in whichever direction we look at it. When light hits
an object, it may be absorbed, reflected, or passed through the object

but it depends on the nature of the object.

The Science Writing Team. 2015. Science 4 Learner’s Material. Mabini Building

• Light travels in a straight line.
• Light reflects off smooth, shiny, flat surfaces in a regular reflection pattern.
• Light reflects off rough, shiny, uneven surfaces in a diffuse reflection pattern.
• Light that is not reflected is absorbed.
• Light bends as it passes through water
• Reflection is when light bounces off an object. If the surface is smooth and shiny, like glass,

water or polished metal, the light will reflect at the same angle as it hit the surface. It is also the
return of light or sound waves from a surface.

• Refraction is the bending of light rays when it passes a medium. It is a change in the direction
of light when it passes from one material to another and When it passes from air to water.

• Dispersion ability of white light to be broken down into different colors

• Speed ability of light to travel.


When light travels it meets different materials. We can classify materials according to how they
respond to light:
1. Transparent materials where they allow light to pass through so that objects
behind can be distinctly seen.

2. Translucent materials allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass

through; semitransparent.

3. Opaque materials wherein they do not allow light to pass through them or
the objects cannot be seen through them for example is wood

Just as heat and sound travel, so does light. Light travels in straight lines. Sometimes it
bounces back into the direction of the source. We call this reflection. Water, windows, shiny metal,
and mirrors are just some of many objects that reflect light. As light travels, it travels in straight line.
however, when light passes from one material into a second material like mirror or water, the light
path is either bent or refracted back. Refraction is the bending of light as it travels from one type of
material to another like from air to water.
White light has different colors which is the color of the rainbow. The colors of the rainbow
and all the other colors that we see around us are colors that come from the sun passes through
raindrops. That is why we see a rainbow after it has rained. A rainbow is the result of sunlight
breaking into different colors.


1. Light is made up of energy.

2. Light travels in a straight line. Objects in its path cause light to bend or refract. Speed of light is
299, 792 km per second.
3. This is the speed when light is travelling in a vacuum and not obstructed by the atmosphere.
4. Travelling at the speed of light, you could go around Earth 7.5 times in a second.
5. There are different types of light and each one has its own wavelength.
6. Some animals can see wavelengths that humans cannot. Ultraviolet light (UV light), for example.
7. Sunlight can be seen 80 meters underwater.
8. Plants are green because they reflect green light while absorbing other colours. The other colours
that they absorb are used in photosynthesis to create food.
9. A double rainbow occurs when light is reflected twice within each water droplet.
10. LED lights are made up entirely of visible (to humans) light. Therefore, they appear that much
11. Light from the sun takes over 8 minutes to reach earth.
12. The speed of light is relevant to the atmosphere that it is travelling through.
13. Plato thought that we see by shooting light rays out of our eyes.
14. LED lights produce much less heat than iridescent lights.

Activity 1

“How do you really look?”


2 small identical mirrors, a tape, book, and a clock.


1. Take mirrors and attach them together using a tape so that they
form a right angle.

2. Face the clock toward the two mirrors (just in front of the angle).

3. Open and face the book toward the two mirrors.

4. Try to read what you see in the mirrors.

5. Try to look at yourself in the mirrors and comb your hair.

Guide Questions

1. Can you read what is written in the book when you placed it in front of the mirror?
2. Can you determine the time on the clock facing the mirror?
3. Were you able to comb your hair in front of the mirrors?

Activity 2
“Is it really broken?”

Transparent glass, pencil, and water

1. Half-fill the glass with water.

2. Place the pencil in the glass of water. View the pencil first on
top, by placing your face above the mouth of the glass, and
then view the pencil at the side. Record your observation for
each position in your science notebook.

3. Take out the pencil from the water. Look at it. Feel it. Is it
straight or bent?

Activity 3
“Is white light made up of colors?”


• a glass of water

• a window ledge

• bright sunlight

• a sheet of white paper


1. Set a glass of water on top of table exposed to bright sunlight.

2. Place a sheet of white paper on the table. The paper should be positioned at the back of the glass
of water. (Refer to the illustration below) observe the rays of the sun that passes through the
glass. Write your observation in your science notebook.

Guide Questions

1. What did you notice about the sun’s rays that passed through the glass of water when they strike
the paper?

2. What were the different colors that you saw? Where do you usually see such kinds of colors?

3. Is it possible to obtain the same results using a light like that of a flashlight?

4. What does this activity tell us about white light?

PART II. Activity Proper

Activity 1.

A. Directions: Write natural light sources and artificial light sources to complete the table

Natural light sources Artificial light sources






B. Directions: Classify the pictures below. Identify whether translucent, opaque, or transparent.

1. _________________ 2.____________________ 3.________________

Activity 2.

Directions: Look at the image and answer the following questions below.

There is a pencil inside a glass of water.

1. How does the pencil look like?
2. What phenomenon is shown in the picture?
3. What is refraction of light?

Activity 3.

Directions: Use each drawing to explain what happens for each phenomenon. Write your
answers on the designated lines.

a. The reflection of light _________________________________________________________

b. The refraction of light _________________________________________________________

Key to Correction

Activity 1 A Teacher Discretion

B. 1. transparent

2. translucent

3. opaque

Activity 2 1. bent

2. refraction of light

3. change direction when travels through different medium

Activity 3

a. we can see our reflection in the mirror

b. pencil looks bent


A. Easy (10 Items)

Directions: Read each sentence carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. In which medium can light travels quickly?
A. air B. fog
C. glass D. water
2. When is light refracted?
A. When it is transmitted.
B. When it passes through another medium to another.
C. When it passes through the same medium.
D. All of these
3. It happens when light passes from one medium to another.
A. It is scattered. B. It is transmitted.
C. It bends or refracted. D. It bounces back or reflected.
4. How do light travels when it passes through a single medium?
A. It does not travel. B. It travels in a broken line.
C. It travels in a straight line. D. It travels in a curve line.
5. Which of the following statement is correct about light?
A. Light travels in a crooked line.
B. Light travels in a straight line when it passes through a single medium.
C. Light strikes a thick cardboard bends and find another way to pass through it.
D. Light could not be blocked and they could pass through all types of materials.
6. What will most likely happen if the light used by big buses or other modes of transportation was
placed on the sides of the vehicle instead of being placed in the front?
A. Their light is focused on the board.
B. They can see clearly during the night.
C. They might bump with the other vehicle.
D. They can see the objects on the sides of the road.

Study the picture on the right to answers questions 7-10.

7. Which among the four shows refraction?

A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
8. Which among the four shows reflection?
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
9. Which among the four explains why we see our image in the mirror?
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
10. What properties of light which bounce back from the direction of the source?
A. reflection B. reflected
C. refraction D. refracted

B. Moderate (5 Items)

Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is incorrect on the space


_____11. Light always travel in straight line.

_____12. The light that strikes a thick cardboards bends and find another way to pass through it.

_____13. Light can be reflected if it is directed towards a mirror.

_____14. When somebody faces a mirror, his reflection can be seen in a reversed manner.

_____15. Light rays can pass all types of materials.

C. Difficult (10 items)

Direction: Discuss the following questions

1. What are the two properties of light and explain?

2. How does light travel?

Rubrics for evaluating the answered essay of the students


POOR (2 pts.) FAIR (3pts) GOOD (4pts) EXCELLENT (5pts)

The author
The writer is unclear The writer shows an The writer has a good demonstrates a superior
about the topic he or understanding of the control of the topic he understanding of the
she is writing about. topic, but some ideas or she is writing about. topic he or she is
The discussion is not are not fully Main ideas are writing about. Main
focused. developed. adequately developed. ideas are fully


Easy Moderate
1A 11 T
2B 12 F
3A 13 T
4D 14 T
5B 15 T
7A Difficult
8B Teacher Discretion
10 B


A. Books

The Science Writing Team. 2015. Science 4 Learner’s Material. Mabini Building,
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. Lexicon Press, Inc.
Sheila Vencio-Diaz, Candice R. Mapilisan. 2015. Conceptual Science and Beyond 4.
Bonanda plaza 2 Block 1, Lot 6, Hilltop Subdivision Greater Lagro, Novaliches,
Quezon City.

B. Online Resources

2. Retrieved from



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