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MELC: Explain the effects of force when applied to an object.

 K TO 12 BEC CG: S4FE-IIIa-1

A. Introduction
Forces are always present and are always acting on an object. Non-living things do not move
by themselves. They need external effort to make them move. This external effort is called force. It
changes the state of motion of an object. It can make objects move if they are initially at rest, it can
stop an object if it is initially moving; and it can change the direction of a moving object.

B. Discussion

Effects on the Shape of an Object

Force is defined as a push or pull to an object. This greatly affects the shape of an object. If
too much force is exerted on an object, it can either break, bend, or flatten it.

Effects on the Size of an Object

Force can also change the size of an object. As an object is pulled or stretched, it either
becomes bigger, wider, or longer. As it is pushed or squeezed, it becomes smaller, narrower, or

Effects on the Movement of an Object

1. Force produces motion.

Place a toy on the table. Is it moving? Can a toy move by itself? How can you make it move?
When you push it or even drag it, the toy car will move. The position of the toy car also changes.
The force applied to it produces motion.
2. Force stops motion.
Ask a friend to roll a ball on the floor. Then try to block it. What happened to the ball? The ball
stopped rolling when you blocked it. The force use to block the ball caused its movement to stop.
3. Force changes the direction of a moving body.
A person can block the wind and let it blow in another direction. In a baseball game, the ball
thrown by the pitcher is hit by the batter and the ball changes direction.

C. Readings

When we push, pull, kick, lift, throw, flick, hit, pick, squeeze, press, inflate, open, and close
an object we say a force is applied on the object. These actions are nothing but the application of
force. Whatever may be the method of application of the force, they are of only two types a push
or a pull.

An agency which produces motion in a body or alters the existing state of the motion in a
body is called a force. We should discuss the definition of force, types, characteristics and effects
of forces.

Examples of Push: We push the door to shut it or open it. A baby walks by pushing a baby
walker. In the petrol engine, the gas expands and pushes the piston.
Examples of Pull: A bucket full of water lifted up by applying a pull. A load lifted using a
pulley. A car towed by a towing crane.

The Necessity of Force:

 To move a stationary object. Example: to move a body which is at rest
 To change the direction of the motion of an object.
 To change the magnitude of the velocity (speed) of the motion of an object.
 To change the shape of an object

Did you know that…

Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to make a study

of force.

Spring balance is an instrument used to measure force.

D. Examples

Effects on the Shape of an Object

cutting of paper crumpling of paper
%2Fscissors-cutting- %2Ftwo-child-hands-holding-crumpled-paper-isolated-on-white-gm941893572-
paper.html&psig=AOvVaw2xps8f9GMA5q1i6RxRHI2P&ust=1613743014044000&source=images 257424714&psig=AOvVaw1wyJpvO1BF1MiZ90tagoHi&ust=1613743233257000&source=images

Effects on the Size of an Object

squeezing a balloon bow and arrow being pulled
%2Fsqueezing%2Bballoon%3Fimage_type%3Dvector&psig=AOvVaw312dUA3RYGOnu3qqld- cliparts.html&psig=AOvVaw2d4-
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Effects on the Movement of an Object

1. Force produces motion.

When you push it or even drag it, the toy car will move.

Look at the examples below

Pulling a cart Throwing a ball
%2Fphoto_51551948_stock-vector-little-girl-pulling-cart-with-two-boxes- %2F1308254-cute-boy-throwing-a-
illustration.html&psig=AOvVaw3DSP6r1XoEm0LaIp2Jzw- ball&psig=AOvVaw3PQfMaVlVK29jvCFelZjca&ust=1613744829218000&source=images&cd=vfe
0&ust=1613744780121000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKjL-L_f8- &ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNCgr9bf8-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD


2. Force stops motion.

Catching a ball stops its motion. Pressing on the brakes stops a bike.
%2F1307957-cute-boy-catching-a- Brakes-from-
ball&psig=AOvVaw2dhlnlKiMqXgUFTIFnXecb&ust=1613744973543000&source=images&cd=vf Screeching&psig=AOvVaw3lWr6fEXFrWCR6OmVAcYQn&ust=1613745035931000&source=ima

3. Force changes the direction of a moving body.

In a baseball game, the ball thrown by the

pitcher is hit by the batter and the ball changes

PART II. Activity Proper
batter.html&psig=AOvVaw3PMgHvNlFnd19mVhQtANbg&ust=1613745103360000&source=imag 4
Activity 1

Direction: Write Push or Pull on the blank provided before the number.

_________1. Closing a cabinet __________6. Flying a kite

_________2. Switching a television __________7. Kicking a ball

_________3. Plugging of charger __________8. Tug of war game

_________4. Opening a refrigerator __________9. Putting on gloves

_________5. Using a gardening rake __________10. Unplugging a charger

Activity 2
Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. What causes objects to move?
A. force B. gravity
C. time D. weight
2. An instrument used to measure force is __________.
A. ruler B. spring balance
C. thermometer D. wind vane
3. Who was the scientist who first makes the study of force?
A. Albert Einstein B. Aristotle
C. Marie Curie D. Sir Isaac Newton
4. A marble that is standing will move when _______________.
A. touch by a person
B. there is a strong wind
C. bumped by another marble
D. force is applied on the marble
5. How can you change the position of a table?
A. push it B. look at it
C. sit on it D. leave it alone
6. Which among the following object will require a greater force to move?
A. refrigerator B. television
C. study table D. wooden chair
7. Which among the objects below require lesser force to move?
A. blackboard eraser B. book
C. notebook D. pencil
8. What can force change in a moving object?
A. color B. direction
C. phase D. smell
9. Its force can change the direction of moving objects.
A. lightning C. noise
C. rain D. wind
10. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. A force is a push and a pull.
B. A force can stop a moving object.
C. A force cannot change the speed of a moving object.
D. A force can change the direction of a moving object.

Activity 3

Directions: Perform the activities below. Sort the listed actions, and write into the proper columns.

throwing a ball batter hit the ball

crumpling a paper pulling a cart
pressing on the brakes stops a bike catching a ball
bow and arrow being pulled squeezing a balloon
cutting of paper

Effects on the Shape of an Object Effects on the Size of an Object Effects on the Movement of an Object

PART II. Activity Proper
Activity 1
1. Push 6. Pull
2. Push 7. Push
3. Push 8. Pull
4. Pull 9. Pull
5. Pull 10. Pull
Activity 2
1. A 6. A
2. B 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. D 9. D
5. A 10. C
Activity 3
Effects on the Shape of an Object Effects on the Size of an Object Effects on the Movement of an Object
cutting of paper crumpling a paper throwing a ball
crumpling a paper bow and arrow being pulled pressing on the brakes stops a bike
squeezing a balloon catching a ball
pulling a cart
batter hit the ball

PART III. Summative Evaluation

A. Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. How can you change the shape of a balloon?
a. by bending b. by squeezing c. by twisting
2. When cut, the size of the following may change except one.
a. paper b. rope c. stone
3. Which of the following shows that an object changed its size?
a. dropping a flower vase b. pulling a box c. pushing a car

4. When applied, it may change the size, shape and the movement of an object.
a. balance b. force c. gravity
5. Which of the following shows that force affects the movement of an object?
a. A boy molding a clay.
b. A girl cutting a piece of paper.
c. A toy car travels farther when the force applied was stronger.
6. What effect of force is applied in bending an electric wire?
a. Change in the size of an object
b. Change in the shape of an object
c. Change in the movement of an object
7. What effect of force is applied in cutting a rope?
a. Change in the size of an object
b. Change in the shape of an object
c. Change in the movement of an object
8. What effect of force is applied when pushing a table?
a. Change in the size of an object
b. Change in the shape of an object
c. Change in the movement of an object
9. What effect of force is applied in hammering a nail?
a. Change in the size of an object
b. Change in the shape of an object
c. Change in the movement of an object
10. What effect of force is applied when a ball hit against a wall?
a. Change in the size of an object
b. Change in the shape of an object
c. Change in the movement of an object

B. Directions: Complete the sentence by filling out the space provided. Choose your answer on the box
direction force size
move stop shape

1. The force use to block the ball caused its movement to _________.
2. In a baseball game, the ball thrown by the pitcher is hit by the batter and the ball changes
3. When you push a toy car or even drag it, it will _______. The position of the toy car also
changes. The force applied to it produces motion.
4. This greatly affects the _______ of an object. If too much force is exerted on an object, it can
either break, bend, or flatten it.
5. Force can also change the _______ of an object. As an object is pulled or stretched, it either
becomes bigger, wider, or longer. As it is pushed or squeezed, it becomes smaller, narrower, or

C. Directions: Answer the following questions below and explain briefly. Use the rubrics given as
basis for answering.
1. What are the effects of force when applied to an object?

2. Give a concrete example showing the effects of force when applied to an object?

Rubrics for evaluating the answered essay of the students

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Focus & Details There is one clear There is one There is one The topic and
well-focused clear well- topic. Main main ideas are
topic. Main ideas focused topic. ideas are not clear.
are clear and are Main ideas are somewhat clear.
well supported by clear but are not
detailed and well supported
accurate by detailed

information. information.
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences Sentences sound
Structure, well constructed are well are well awkward, are
Grammar, and have varied constructed and constructed, but distractingly
Mechanics, & structure and have varied they have a repetitive, or are
Spelling length. The structure and similar structure difficult to
author makes no length. The and/or length. understand. The
errors in author makes a The author author makes
grammar, few errors in makes several numerous errors
mechanics, grammar, errors in in grammar,
and/or spelling. mechanics, grammar, mechanics,
and/or spelling, mechanics, and/or spelling
but they do not and/or spelling that interfere
interfere with that interfere with
understanding. with understanding.

PART II. Summative Evaluation
A. 1. B 6. B
2. C 7. A
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. A
5. C 10. C

B. 1. stop

2. direction

3. move

4. shape

5. size

C. Answers may vary.

A. Books

Dela Cruz, Susana B., et al. 2018. 21st Century Science & Health. 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon

Gastanes, Rosemarie B., et al. 2015. Science @ Work. L&G Building, 30 Bristol St. Corner Bronson
Street North Fairview, Quezon City: NEO ASIA PUBLISHING INC.

B. Government Publications

Government of the Philippines. 2015. Science Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide. 5th Floor Mabini Building.,
DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City: LEXICON PRESS, INC.

C. Online and Other Sources


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