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“The War in the East”

Chapter 15 Section 2 Notes (Part 1)

Where did the first major battle ● It occurred 25 miles outside of Washington D.C. near Manassas Virginia on
between the Union and July 21, 1861
Confederacy take place? When? ● It is famously referred to as the First Battle of Bull Run because it took place
What was it called? near Bull Run Creek.
● Southerners refer to it as First Manassas

What was the Union’s plan of ● Attack ​Richmond directly

attack for this first battle? ● Lincoln ordered General Irvin McDowell to lead his 35,000 troops from D.C.
to Richmond

What were some of the ● many volunteers expected an easy victory

disadvantages of the ​Union​ troops ● barely trained
prior to this battle? ● many stopped marching to ​pick blackberries and get water
● would not ​keep in ranks

How many Confederate troops would ● there would be a total around ​32,000​ Confederate troops
fight at Bull Run? ● General Pierre G.T. Beauregard would command the Confederates
Who would lead them?

How did the Confederates ● Union​ troops actually drove back the ​Confederates
eventually drive back the Union ● Confederates rallied around Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
army? ● Confederate reinforcements arrived and ​forced the Union army to retreat
back to Washington D.C.
● The defeat dashed ​Union hopes of ending the war early
● Had the Confederates been less tired and better organized (common theme)
they might had taken Washington D.C​.

Who did President Lincoln appoint ● General George B. McClellan

to lead the Union Army into ● From ​April-May 1862​ he led 100,000 troops into Virginia and took the town
Virginia in 1862? of ​Yorktown
● Mistake: he failed to advance toward Richmond sooner, ​believing he was
outnumbered ​by the Confederates (usual)

Who took charge of the Confederate ● General Robert E Lee

army in June 1862 after General Joe ● most talented officer on either side
Johnston was wounded at Yorktown? ● captured ​John Brown at Harper’s Ferry

When did the Seven Days Battles ● June 1862​- a series of ​5​ battles between the Union and Confederacy
take place? ● McClellan’s (Union) goal- ​take over Richmond
● Lee’s (Confederacy) goal- ​keep Union out of Richmond
What was the result of these series ● Result: Lee forced McClennan to retreat
of battles? ● Confederate casualties: ​20,000
● Union Casualties: ​16,000
Who did Lincoln order to march ● Lincoln appointed General ​John Pope
into Richmond? ● Confederate generals Lee and Jackson wanted to keep Pope from ​joining up
What battle was he involved in? with McClellan’s Army of the Potomac
What was the result of this battle? ● Lee and Jackson​ attacked Pope from two sides at Bull Run Creek
● The battle is known as the Second Battle of Bull Run , it occurred in ​August
● Union was forced ​to retreat​… again
● Confederate victory gave Lee confidence to attack the north

What is the significance of the ● this was Lee’s first attack on Union soil
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)? ● took place at Antie​tam Creek in Maryland
● occurred ​September 17, 1862​- lasted ​12 hours
When did it occur? ● known as the “Bloodiest Single day Battle in U.S. History”
● Confederate casualties: ​13,700​ (out of 40,000)
What was the end result of this ● Union casualties: ​12,500
battle? ● IMPORTANCE: Confederates lost many men, kept Lee from advancing
● MISTAKE: ​McClellan failed to attack the retreating Confederates

Chapter 15 Section 2 “The War in the East” Analysis Skills

Look at the picture at the bottom of page 481. Answer the following question using a complete

1. How do you think photographs like this one affected the civilians who saw them? ​People
would feel sympathetic for the soldiers in the war and they may want to go ani-War

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