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Annisa Rahmawati Timur


What is map ?

Map definition by I.C.A (International Cartographic Association) is: ”Map is a

conventional and selective overview scaled down, usually on a flat surface, can include
manifestations (features) from the surface of the earth or space, place or data it has to do with
the surface of the earth or space. " While the definition of the map according to Erwin Raisz
(1948), is "a description conventional than the surface of the earth as seen when seen
perpendicular to the top and given writing and information for the benefit introduction".

  So I can make the conclusion is "The map is a picture of the surface of the earth with
smaller sizes usually of a certain scale and depicted on a flat plane in the form of symbols that
are selective in nature as well through a certain projection system "

What do you know about map ?

So far I only know that the map is used to show directions from one place to another,
for example when I return from the city of Yogyakarta to the city of Nganjuk, with the map
really helps me find alternative ways to avoid traffic jams. I used to use maps to classify the
distribution of fauna and flora in Indonesia or during social studies about the boundaries of
Indonesia and its natural resources. Since joining the geomatics engineering department, then
I understood that the map is not just a picture of the earth in 2 dimensions, but also contains
various geospatial information and all its elements.

Several type of map

Maps can be displayed in the form of photos, analog and digital.

a. Analog maps are distinguished from planimetry maps and stereometric maps.

1) Planimetry maps are maps made in flat (two-dimensional) form can also be called a
line map.

2) Stereometric maps are maps made in the form of arises (three) dimension. This map
is based on the shape of the earth's surface in fact.

b. Photo Map is a map produced from a completed aerial photo mosaic with contour lines,
names and captions

c. Digital Map, is a map that is a conversion in digital form (number) stored on the computer.
Digital map depiction can be done using Arc Info, Map Info, Auto Cad, and Arc View.
The map can be classified with various aspects.

a. Types of Map according to Map Contents

1. Base Map is a scale map used as a reference in mapping to describe locations with
various topics / themes.

2. Topographic Map: Is a map that shows position and place wherever it is with
standard rules.This map contains complete information about the height and slope of a
place (contour line), natural signs (rivers, roads, forests, lakes, etc.) including
administrative boundaries. This map was made by an official institution such as:

3. Thematic Map: is a map that illustrates the desired purpose from the beginning of
the map. Thematic maps usually show themes, such as land use maps, boundary maps,
historical maps (about sacred tombs, sacred sites, etc.) maps of forest product
utilization, etc.

b. Sort of Map according to Map Scale

Based on the scale of the numbers used, the map can be grouped into several groups as

a. Cadastral map / technical map, scale 1: 100 - 1: 10,000

b. Large scale map is a map scale <1: 5,000 - 1: 250,000

c. Medium scale map is a scale map <1: 250,000-1: 500,000

d. Small scale map is a map scale <1: 500,000 - 1: 1,000,000

e. A scale map of reviews is a scale of <1: 1,000,000

It must be realized that there are no absolute limiting number criteria between these types of

Reference :

2. IG Indradi, Tullus Subroto, 2014, Kartografi, Yogyakarta : STPN

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