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What is safety?

the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
What is the duties and responsibilities of the Wiper?

A wiper on ships is mainly responsible for the cleaning the engine spaces and machinery. Work
as a part of engine watch team and assisting the engineers as directed.
Marine engineering is the branch of study that deals with the design, development, production
and maintenance of the equipment used at sea and on board sea vessels like boats, ships etc

Marine engineers are skilled individuals involved in the design, construction and maintenance
of vehicles and structures used on or around water.
What is the four pillar of IMO?

What is the meaning of the STCW?

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for

What is Main Engine?

Main, or propulsion engines are used to turn the ship's propeller and move the ship through
the water.
Start the Main Engine

Start 1 Generator to cup with load.

Open indicator cock
Start pre lube oil pump
Engage turning gear ( start turning )
Disengage Turning Gear
Drain Air Bottles for water and make sure pressure is ready at 30 bars
Open Starting Valve
Proceed Air Blow to take all fumes
Close all test cock ( stand by engine )
Stop the Main Engine

Start Generator
Stop Fresh Water Generator if running
When Mechanical Engine speed reducing start to adjust the Jacket Water preheater if needed
to maintain temperature.
Wait for the Bridge to F.W.E ( Finish with Engine )
If finish is given switch control to engine control
Make sure blower are Off
Close Control Air Valve
Open Indicator Cock
Secure 1 gen if not needed.


There will be a Bunkering meeting to discuss on bunkering plan

Bunkering checklist
Prepare Sample Bottle
Bunkering Tools which you will get in ( SOPEP )
Scupper Plug must be installed
Check all valve on deck that goes on the tank to be bunker.
Proper lighting when bunkering at night
All signal , no smoking no naked light must see
Means of Communication between barge and ship
Test the Emergency stop and make sure the crew in charge near the manifold is aware of it.
Monitor bunkering time by time until it finish ( Red Flag / Red Light )

SOPEP - Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

Two types of Sounding Method

Ullage Sounding - top of the tank and to the upper surface of the fluid.
Depth Sounding - measuring the depth of the tank.
Procedure on entering the Enclosed Space.

First is ventilate the enclosed space for 30 minutes.

You get the inclosed space checklist
There should be a Permit
Test the Oxygen using the Oxygen Analyzer .
The Oxygen should be 21%.

What is Marpol - MARPOL 73/78 is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from

Annex I - Prevention of pollution by oil.

Annex II - Prevention of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk.
Annex IIII - Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form
Annex IV - Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships.
Annex V - Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.
Annex VI - Prevention of air pollution from ships.

Artificial Resuscitation - There a Pulse but No Breathing

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation - No Pulse No Breath

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