How To Install The LAMMPS Software

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How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run

(Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Solids: Fundamentals & Applications)

How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run

A. How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows:

1. Visit the website: and click on the download link

2. Click on pre-built Windows executables

Course Coordinator: Dr. Shailesh I. Kundalwal, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ATOM) Lab, IIT Indore
How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run
(Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Solids: Fundamentals & Applications)

3. Click on the link as shown below in the image to go to the installer repository

4. On the installer repository page, click on the Latest stable version link

Course Coordinator: Dr. Shailesh I. Kundalwal, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ATOM) Lab, IIT Indore
How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run
(Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Solids: Fundamentals & Applications)

5. Then, download the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit stable version of the software,
depending on your system configuration

6. To install the software, right-

click on the downloaded file
“LAMMPS-64bit-stable.exe” or
and run as administrator.

7. Select I agree, then change the

default destination folder to
C:\Program Files\LAMMPS 64-
bit 3Mar2020 and click on install

8. After installation completes,

click on close

Course Coordinator: Dr. Shailesh I. Kundalwal, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ATOM) Lab, IIT Indore
How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run
(Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Solids: Fundamentals & Applications)

B. How to run LAMMPS:

1. Create a folder where all the input files, Potential files, and data files are placed, for
example, “My folder”
2. Go to the directory where the software is installed and go to the “bin” folder.
(C:\Program Files\LAMMPS 64-bit 3Mar2020\bin)

3. Copy lmp_serial.exe and paste it to the folder (my folder) created in the first step.

Course Coordinator: Dr. Shailesh I. Kundalwal, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ATOM) Lab, IIT Indore
How to Install the LAMMPS software in Windows and Run
(Micro- and Nano-Mechanics of Solids: Fundamentals & Applications)

Type cmd here to open command prompt

Potential file
Data file
Input file

LAMMPS executable

4. Open the folder created in the first step and type “cmd” in the address bar and press
enter. (how to create data file and how to get potential file, refer XYZ docs. )
5. In the command prompt window, type “lmp_serial.exe < inputfile_name” and press
enter to run LAMMPS.

Note: Almost all necessary potential files are placed in the folder “C:\Program
Files\LAMMPS 64-bit 3Mar2020 \potentials”

Course Coordinator: Dr. Shailesh I. Kundalwal, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ATOM) Lab, IIT Indore

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