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Islamiat Notes

1) Write in detail about the descendants of the Prophet PBUH

The Prophet SAW had 2 sons and 4 daughters from Khadija RA. His first son
was Qasim, who the Prophet SAW called Abu Qasim. He died at the age of
four. The second son was Abdullah, also known as Tahir, he too died in infancy.
He had a son from Mariya Qibitya who was named Ibrahim. The daughters
were Zainab, Ruqqayah, Kulthoom and Fatimah RA.


She was married to Abu Al Aas bin Rabi, Khadijah’s RA nephew. He fought on
the side of the Quraish in the battle of Badr and was taken prisoner and
brought before the Prophet SAW. She sent a necklace, which was given to her
by her mother, fir hi release. When the prophet saw this he immediately
recognized it and his eyes filled with tears. He consulted his companions and
returned the necklace and he was freed upon one condition that Zaynab RA
went to Madinah. Later he came to Madinah but they were separated because
of a divine revelation that prohibited a Muslim woman to marry a Non-muslim.
Later he accepted Islam and they rejoiced.

Zaynab died in 8 AH as a result of a sword wound inflicted by Hammad bin

Aswad when she migrated to Madinah. She had a son and a daughter. Ali, her
first son died in infancy. The daughters name was Umamah. The prophet used
to carry her on his shoulder while she prayed, he would put her down to
prostate and then would pick her up again. Ali RA married Umamah after the
death of Fatimah RA.


Both Ruqqayah and Umm Kulthoom were married to the sons of Abu Lahab
before the Prophethood. However Abu Lahab became a bitter enemy of the
Prophet SAW after his Prophethood. Abu Lahab made his both sons divorce
the prophet's daughters. Ruqqayah was then married to Usman RA and both
migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution. However they came back when a
rumor spread that the Quraish had accepted Islam. Later they migrated to
Madinah, Ruqqayah died it 2 A.H just at the time when Muslims were
returning from the battle of Badr. The Prophet SAW performed her funeral
prayer. She too had a son that died infancy.
The prophet SAW gave the hand of his second  daughter Umm Kulthoom to
Usman, hence he came to be known as zul-noorain (possessor of two lights).
She did not have any child. 

Fatimah RA was the youngest and the most beloved daughter of the prophet
SAW. She was known for the title of Az- Zahra "the shining one". She was born
five years before the prophethood. She saw the persecution and suffering of
her father. Amar bin maimuin reported, "Once the prophet was in the state of
prostration, 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu' alt came and brought the intestines of a
camel and threw them on the back of the Prophet. The prophet did not raise
his head from prostitution till his daughter Fatimah came and removed the
intestines from his back."

On another occasion, Fatimah was with the Prophet when he made Tawaf
around the Kabah. The Quraysh tried to strangulate him with his sheet;
however Fatimah shouted for help; Abu Bakr rushed to the scene and
managed to free the Prophet. 
Fatimah was married to Ali RA the prophet’s cousin. The dowry was fixed at
480 dirham. They had two sons and three daughters. The sons were Hassan
and Husain. The Shi’a imams were descendants of Ali and Fatimah RA.

The Prophet SAW love Fatimah a lot; Jami bin Omair reported the he once
went to his aunt A’ishah and asked her who among the people was dearest
to the apostle Of Allah. She said FATIMAH and when questioned about men,
she said, HER HUSBAND.

Fatimah had a strong resemblance to the Prophet SAW in speech, conversation

and manners. Whenever he went on a journey he came to her first and
whenever he returned, he returned to her first.

Whenever she visited him, the Prophet SAW would stand up and kiss her; take
her by the hand and make her sit in the place where he was sitting. She would
do the same when the Prophet SAW came to her; she would stand up and
welcome him with joy and kiss him.
She died six months after the Prophet SAW. She was twenty nine years old at
the time.

Ibrahim RA was the son of the Prophet SAW from his wife Mariya Qibitya RA.
Ibrahim died in infancy. The Prophet SAW was very sad on his death, tears
rolled out of his eyes. Anas reported, “we entered Abu Safi’s house and at
that time Ibrahim was in his last breath and the eyes of Allah’s apostle SAW
started shedding tears. ‘Abdur Rahman’ said, “O Allah’s apostle, even you are
weeping!” He said, O Ibn Auf, this is mercy.” Then he wept more and said,
the eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say
except what pleases our lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed we are grieved by your
2) Write down about the events that took place in the life of Fatimah RA.

She saw the persecution and suffering of her father. Amar bin maimuin
reported, "Once the prophet was in the state of prostration, 'Uqbah bin
Abi Mu' alt came and brought the intestines of a camel and threw
them on the back of the Prophet. The prophet did not raise his head
from prostitution till his daughter Fatimah came and removed the
intestines from his back."

On another occasion, Fatimah was with the Prophet when he made

Tawaf around the Kabah. The Quraysh tried to strangulate him with his
sheet; however Fatimah shouted for help; Abu Bakr rushed to the scene
and managed to free the Prophet. 

The Prophet SAW was wounded in the Battle of Uhud, Fatimah RA

washed and treated his wounds. At the same time of the battle of Ditch,
she along with other woman prepared food during the long siege.

She and her family were among the Ahl Al Kisa (people of the mantle) it
is narrated that one the prophet sheltered Ali, Fatimah and his
grandsons under his cloak. A’ishah narrated, one day the Prophet SAW
came out afternoon wearing a black cloak(upper garment or gown;
long coat) then Hasan Ibn Ali came and the Prophet accommodated
him under the cloak, the Al Husayn came and entered the cloak, then
Ali came and the Prophet entered him to the cloak. Then the Prophet
recited: Verily Allah intends to keep off from you every kind of
uncleanness O people of the house (Ahlul Bayt) and purify you a
perfect purification.

The Prophet SAW love Fatimah a lot; Jami bin Omair reported the he
once went to his aunt A’ishah and asked her who among the people
was dearest to the apostle Of Allah. She said FATIMAH and when
questioned about men, she said, HER HUSBAND.

Once Fatimah RA complained to the Prophet SAW that Ali RA was

planning to marry another woman, on hearing that the Prophet SAW
said, “Fatimah is a piece of my flesh, who so ever causes her anger,
causes my anger.” Ali did not marry another woman during Fatimah’s
Fatimah RA accompanied the Prophet SAW when he went for Umrah
after Hudaibiyah in 7 AH. She also accompanied him at the time of the
conquest of Makkah.

Fatimah RA did all her house chores and she often had blisters on her
hands because of using millstone. Once she complained about them to
the Prophet SAW and asked him to give her a servant, he refused and
said to her, “May I inform you of something better than that? When
you go to bed, recite SUBHAN ALLAH thirty three times,
ALHAMDULILLAH thirty three times and ALLAH U AKBAR thirty four

Before his death when the Prophet SAW told Fatimah RA about his
impending death, she cried. However, she was very happy when he told
her that she would be the mistress of Paradise..

Fatimah RA asked Abu Bakr RA about her inheritance; however Abu Bakr
RA refused, saying that he heard the Prophet SAW saying that a
Prophet’s property was not inherited.
3) Write in detail about the grandchildren of the Holy Prophet SAW.

Hassan Ibn 'Ali

Hassan was the son of Fatimah and 'Ali RA. He was the elder of the two
grandsons of the Prophet . He was born on 15th Ramadan in 3rd (AH), and the
Prophet SAW performed the rites of aqeeqah on the 7th day of his birth AND
slaughtered two rams, and distributed in alms silver equal to the weight of hair
shaved from his head.

Hassan RA was brought up in an ideal atmosphere under the care and love of
the Prophet Saw and his own parents. He was eight years old when the
Prophet died. A few months after his mother too passed away. The remaining
years of his childhood and youth were spent under the guidance of his father
'Ali RA. When 'Uthman en was besieged in his house, 'Ali sent Hassan RA
several times with food and water and he sustained injuries at the hands
of rebels.

Imam Hussain RA resembled the Prophet SAW a lot. Anas RA reported,

“Nobody resembled the Prophet SAW more than Hassan RA the son of AIi
RA.” The Prophet SAW loved him a lot. Barra reported, “I saw the Prophet
SAW while Hassan RA the son of Ali RA was going upon his shoulder saying, O
Allah! I love him, so love him.”

Husain Ibn Ali

Husayn was the grandson of the prophet Saw born of Fatimah and Ali RA on
3rd Shaban 4 A.H. He was upright, honest and sincere and was noted for
bravery, magnanimity, piety and ability. The Prophet SAW loved Husayn RA
very much, he said, "Hassan and Husain are my flowers in this world.” In
another tradition, Anas Bin Malik reported, “When the Prophet (peace be
upon him) was asked which member of his family was dearest to him, he
replied, "Hassan and Husain.” He used to say to Fatimah, “Call my two sons
to me," and then would sniff and cuddle them. He also said, "Husayn is from
me, and I am from Husain Allah loves him who loves Husain.”  Husayn also
resembled the Prophet SAW.
4) Write in detail about the incident of Karbala and how hazrat Husayn
was martyred?

Husain RA refused to bow down his head before Yazid risking his life. Before
Muawiyah died he appointed his son Yazid as his successor of his Caliphate.
Yazid was not fit for the office. Husain RA along with many other prominent
Companions opposed his election, and refused to take oath of allegiance to the
hereditary rule as it was against the principals of Islam.

Yazid wanted Husain RA to take allegiance at his hand, but Husayn RA refused
and decided leaves Madinah for Makkah. When the people asked him about
his decision, he said that he did not want the city of his grandfather to become
a battlefield.
The people of Kufa hated the rule of Ubaydullah ibn Zayaad, the Umayyad
governor and they invited Husayn RA to come to Kufa. The people of Kufa were
known for disloyalty, Husayn RA sent his cousin Muslim ibn Aqeel to assess the
situation there. The people of Kufa gave Muslims warm welcome, and assured
him of their support for Husain RA. Muslims, therefore, sent a letter asking
Husayn RA to come to Kufa, however the governor of Kufa bribed the leaders
of town and they withdrew their support and assassinated Muslim .
By the time the news of Muslim's assassination reached Husayn RA, he had
already left Makkah for Kufa along with his family members and followers.
Ubaydullah ibn Zayaad sent an army of 4000 men led by 'Umar Ibn Sa'ad who
intercepted Husayn RA and his followers on their way to Kufa. Husayn camped
at Kabala on the western bank of Euphrates on 1st Muharram 6th A.H.(680AD)
The enemy surrounded the army in order to cut off its water supply and
compel it to surrender unconditionally.
Husayn asked his followers to leave him, and save their own lives as Yazid did
not have anything against any one of them. All his followers deserted him in
the darkness of night except seventy-two people who were mostly the
members of his household. On 7th Muharram, Ubaydullah ibn Zayaad cut off
their water supply, thinking that thirst might drive them to surrender.
Husayn realizing the situation, wrote to Ubaydullah ibn Zayaad to either let
him return to Madinah, or to let him proceed to the court of Yazid in
Damascus, or let him go to Khurasan to fight enemies on the frontiers of
Muslim State, however the governor refused and demanded unconditional
On 9th Muharram, Husain wanted to send his kinsmen away but all refused. Ali
Husain's little son was laid down with fever, but there was no water to satisfy
his thirst.
On the morning of 10th Muharram 61 A.H, 689 A.D, a fierce battle took place
and one after an all his followers and relatives were killed. Husayne was left
alone, he went to his son Zayn-ul-Abidin and handed over the charge of
Imamat to him and went to the battlefield and was martyred on 10th
Muharram 61 AH (680 AD) at the age of 57 years and was buried in Karbala
This tragedy is the most sorrowful chapter in the history of Islam in which the
great Imam fully knowing his fate refused to bow before the forces of tyranny
to uphold the principles of fate.

5) Write about the events that took place between Hassan ibn Ali RA and
During the Caliphate of Ali RA, he fought in the battle of camel and Siffin. He
was in charge of Bait ul Maal (treasury). When his father was murdered at
Kufa, he was declared as Caliph and more than 40,000 people took allegiance
at his hand. However Muawiyah was not happy and he plotted against him,
and offered a great reward for his assassination.

Both the parties prepared to fight, however Imam Hassan’s RA followers

deserted him under influence of Muawiyah. Finally, he was able to muster
20,000 men, both the armies encamped on the border of Syria, but Hassan’s
army was bribed by the spies of Muawiyah and more men deserted him.
Negotiations took place and a treaty was signed between the two, and Hassan
RA abdicated caliphate to avoid bloodshed and division amongst the Muslims
and surrendered his right to caliphate, thereby fulfilling a prophecy of the
Prophet SAW. Abu Bakr reported, “Once the prophet SAW brought out
Hassan and took him up the pulpit along with him and said, “this son of mine
is a Sayyid (i.e. chief) and I hope that Allah will help him bring about
reconciliation between two Muslim groups.” He ruled for 14 months. His wife
poisoned him to death on the order of Muawiyah.

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