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Defining an EMS Implementing an EMS Contact Information
Business Benefits of an EMS Disclaimer

This manual is a step-by-step guide designed to help enterprises implement Environment

Management Systems (EMSs) and comply with IFC’s environmental policies. The manual’s primary
goal is to help businesses use environmental reviews to identify cost-saving measures. It is also
intended to be a resource for companies to ensure positive environmental impacts while benefiting
their own organization.

Defining an EMS

An Environment Management System, or EMS, is a comprehensive approach to managing

environmental issues, integrating environment-oriented thinking into every aspect of business
management. An EMS ensures environmental considerations are a priority, along with other
concerns such as costs, product quality, investments, PR productivity and strategic planning.

An EMS generally makes a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. It increases efficiency and
focuses on customer needs and marketplace conditions, improving both the company’s financial and
environmental performance. By using an EMS to convert environmental problems into commercial
opportunities, companies usually become more competitive.

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Business Benefits of an EMS

An EMS is an important component of a company’s strategy for marketplace success. Environmental

issues and sustainable development are capturing the world’s attention more than ever, and
industry is often seen as a major source of environmental problems.

An EMS addresses such concerns and leads to significant environmental improvements. In addition,
an EMS can improve product quality, competitiveness, and production processes; reduce expenses,
liabilities, insurance premiums and waste management costs; and enhance market responsiveness.
An EMS also creates a more attractive company from an employment and investment perspective.

An EMS can favorably benefit key areas for a business, including:

 Trade Customers and Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, and
are selecting products that do not harm the environment. Major customers have started
requiring suppliers to adopt an EMS. Customer trust is enhanced by commitment to
demonstrable environmental management. Globalization has expanded markets and an
EMS helps meet international consumer demand. Consumer pressure has been shown to be
an increasingly influential force demanding particular environmental standards for products.
 Employees, whose skills, morale and management effectiveness are enhanced by an EMS.
An EMS also improves employee retention and efficiency, and can create a safer and
healthier workplace. In addition, an EMS can help build employee awareness about the
production process by encouraging employee involvement in identifying problem areas.
 Investors, whose criteria may demand strong environmental practices, thus facilitating
access to capital. An EMS can also improve relationships with investment bankers, lenders,
and stocks and bonds brokers.
 Trade, particularly the export as well as internal market advantage can benefit by a
company adopting an EMS whereby many countries and economic trading blocks have
introduced ‘ecolabelling’ schemes.

 Local Community. An EMS helps maintain good community relations and enhance public
image, as well as fostering development through the sharing of environmental solutions.
Organizations with an EMS are better able to understand the communities in which they
operate. Healthier communities result from reduced exposure to hazardous wastes and
chemical materials, which may be called for by an EMS. A company’s networks and
reputation are also strengthened by an EMS. Improved relations with local and national
NGOs will also result.
 Government. Implementation of an EMS may help companies obtain permits and
authorizations. Industry-government relations may be improved among companies with an
EMS. An EMS also helps demonstrate compliance with environmental legislation. Legal and
administrative costs are reduced by an EMS. An EMS can also reduce legal liability and risk
of prosecution.
 Sales and Marketing. Companies may increase their market share by minimizing the
environmental impact of their operations through better product designs and cleaner
production. An EMS can serve as a valuable marketing and promotion tool, and can improve
a company’s competitive advantage. Companies without sound environmental practices
may not be able to take advantage of new commercial opportunities, while companies with
an EMS are more competitive in the global marketplace.
 Productivity. An EMS can reduce operation costs by using less raw materials and
conserving energy. It can also reduce the costs of doing business and increase profits, since
greater efficiency means using less materials, time and energy. Efficiency, environmental
and business performance, and compliance with mandatory standards can also be improved
by implementing an EMS.
 Insurance. By using an EMS, a company may be able to obtain insurance at lower cost.
Companies that implement an EMS can reduce incidents that result in liability, while
companies lacking sound environmental practices may be exposed to financial and
environmental risk.
 Waste Disposal. By implementing an EMS, companies can improve pollution prevention.
An EMS can minimize waste, thus lowering operating costs, as well as eliminating waste
transportation, storage and disposal costs. Costs for compliance with waste disposal
regulations may also be reduced with an EMS. Additional revenues from recovery and sale
of reusable wastes may be obtained by using an EMS.

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Implementing an EMS

The process of creating and developing an EMS is described. The first step is building awareness
among both management and employees, helping them re-orient their thinking about the
environment to better understand its relevance and impact on the company, regardless of company
size, its products or services. The second step is for companies to become more proactive toward
environmental issues. Finally, once an organization develops a new environmental culture, it will
constantly look for new suitable solutions to improve its operations.

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This manual is an advisory intended to help enterprises evaluate the impact they are having on the
environment, how to identify environmental protection opportunities and improve awareness of the
benefits of implementing an EMS. Compliance with environmental and occupational safety and
health legislation is the responsibility of each individual business, and is not the focus of this
manual. This manual is adapted from a number of sources providing detailed accounts of how to
implement an EMS and of environmental regulations and guidelines, including the environmental
management system standard ISO 14001. This document has been prepared by the Environment
and Social Development Department of IFC and we welcome feedback on its content and
applicability. Judgements expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of IFC’s Board of
Directors or the governments they represent.

Success Stories: Businesses Profiting from EMS

Many companies have profited from implementing an EMS. Here are descriptions of some brief
success stories which provide insights into the process and benefits of implementing an EMS. More
in-depth case studies are explored in Chapter 9. To preserve confidentiality, some firms are referred
to as "Company A" or similar.

 A manufacturer of office furniture eliminated the use of methyl chloroform from its cleaning
and fastening processes and reduced the volume of VOC emissions by converting to a
powder-based coating system. These pollution prevention alternatives saved the company
more than $1.1 million per year, with a return on its $1 million investment in less than one
year. Other bonuses included ease of compliance with increasingly stringent environmental
regulations and the elimination of incineration fees for solid and liquid hazardous wastes.

 Leff-Marvins Cleaners, Inc. provides dry cleaning services. The company replaced its old
equipment with new cold water chilled closed loop systems to recycle PERC
(perchloroethylene). The new system also uses reusable nylon filters and increases
efficiency, since garments do not have to be transferred between machines. The new
equipment eliminated most VOC emissions (eliminating the need for permits) and also
reduced purchase of PERC from 200 gallons per month to 40 gallons per month. In
addition, the hazardous waste stream was reduced from over 1,900 gallons of spent PERC
per year to just 35 gallons of still residues per month. The company realized a net savings
of $1,400 per month with the new system.

 Company A did not think it generated a significant amount of waste, but when the company
reviewed its activities and introduced more efficient ways of handling cardboard, waste
elimination bills were cut by 55 percent. Company A also saved staff time, increased staff
awareness, and reduced their waste_______ by 577 tons (in the first year).

 The managing director of Mounstevens Ltd., a manufacturing and retail baker, increased
staff awareness and introduced careful separation of waste. The expected benefits include
cutting waste bills in half and saving $8,800 and 26 tons of waste. "We would have to sell a
lot of extra doughnuts to make that sort of impact on our profitability," said the managing

 Company B instituted a facility-wide municipal waste recycling program including metal,

cardboard, paper, wood, plastic and glass. More than 50 percent of the municipal waste
generated by the company is now recycled. The program greatly reduced disposal costs and
generated enough revenue from marketing the recyclables to fund the program’s operating
expenses, including wages and benefits, equipment operation and maintenance, utility
costs and program improvements.

 Jamestown Paint Company reduced its use of toluol by 95 percent and xylol by 74 percent
by developing water-based products to replace solvent-based coatings.

 A manufacturer of power steering gears, engine timing devices and power transmission
boxes installed a green sand recycling system in its foundry. The system puts recovered
sand directly back into the processing lines, recovering about 95 percent of silica sand.
Previously, the company purchased four million pounds of sand per year. Today, it
purchases only 80,000 pounds per year. The new system significantly reduced the sand
purchase and greatly reduced the generation of waste sand and resulting disposal costs.

 A producer of vegetable tanned leather changed its dye supplies to low content manganese,
antimony and beryllium dyes. As a result, the company was able to utilize and market the
resulting wastewater treatment sludge as a useful and valuable soil supplement, saving the
company more than $60,000.

 Company C considered trichloroethylene (TCE) emissions as constituting a significant

environmental impact due to: hazardous waste disposal costs, TCE's impact on human
health, and TCE's toxicity rating (commonly listed as a potential carcinogen). Since TCE

emissions were identified as significant the company planned to minimize TCE use and set
a specific target of completely eliminating TCE by the end of the fiscal year. The first step
was identifying areas where the TCE was used. Suppliers marked metal parts using a
grease coating to facilitate the stamping process. Company C used TCE in a vapor
degreaser to clean these metal parts. The company convinced its suppliers to replace the
grease coating with a water-based lubricant, thereby eliminating TCE use from the cleaning
of about 80 percent of its parts. For the remaining 20 percent (parts that were cylindrical
and required heavier oils in their production), the company incorporated a two-step
aqueous cleaner to replace TCE. As a result, the degreasers were shut down. By eliminating
TCE in the facility, Company C saves approximately $100,000 annually. More importantly,
the company has reduced health risks by eliminating the use of a suspected carcinogen in
the workplace.

 Honeycombe Leisure plc, which runs 32 pubs and bars, implemented a glass recycling
scheme which resulted in sustainable cost savings on the tens of thousands of used bottles
annually. Honeycombe Leisure also introduced water regulators to eliminate unnecessary
water use and air filters to improve the atmosphere. "All of these initiatives are already
making a positive impact both on the profitability of our company and on the environment,"
said Michael Norris, Honyecombe Leisure’s financial director.

 A manufacturer of custom chemical intermediates and agricultural and pharmaceutical

additives distills and reuses waste methanol from manufacturing and sells excess methanol
to other companies. This saved substantial money by reducing methanol purchases by
33,600 gallons per quarter and lowered wastewater treatment and disposal costs.

 During its EMS identification process, Company D noticed that one of its large machines had
a serious oil leak. The leak was quickly repaired with a $5 gasket. This easy, inexpensive
action cut by half the amount of oil consumed by the company, creating significant cost
savings. In addition, the local municipal authority reclassified the plant as no longer
generating hazardous waste.

 While identifying environmental impacts, Company E calculated that raw material waste
accounted for 15 percent of its total final product. In response, Company E ordered metal
inputs in custom sizes that better met its needs, which reduced waste and raw material

 Company F reduced its noise levels through improved machinery maintenance as part of its
EMS implementation. As a result, the company no longer receives noise pollution

 Company G often faced a critical water supply shortage. Reducing and monitoring water
consumption became a priority. A wastewater treatment system and meter were installed.
As a result, Company G was able to recycle 40 percent of the water it used.


Creating an EMS


Environmental management systems follow a systematic approach of planning, implementing,

evaluating and improving. The following diagram outlines the basic steps of the process. Each step
is explained in the following chapters.

Two key steps which need to be implemented at the start of EMS process:

 Obtain the support of top management. Senior managers must be committed to and
actively involved in the EMS process from the beginning.
 Involve all employees in the EMS. Promote the idea that environmental matters are a
joint task requiring the participation of the entire company. When the EMS is ready,
announce the program throughout the organization and encourage all staff to participate.

Some people in the organization may view an EMS as a bureaucratic initiative or as extra work in
addition to their existing responsibilities.There may be resistance to change or uncertainty of new
responsibilities. To overcome these potential obstacles, help needs to be given to employees to
understand why the organization needs an effective EMS and how the EMS will help control
environmental impacts in a cost-effective manner. Involving staff in the design and implementation
of the EMS will demonstrate the organization’s commitment to the environment and help to ensure
that the EMS is realistic, practical and adds value.


Selecting an Environmental Task Group Creating an Action Plan and an Action Team
Establishing Objectives and Targets Creating a Prevention and Emergency Plan
Prioritizing Projects

Selecting an Environmental Task Group

The responsibilities of the environmental task group include identifying ways for the company to
improve its environmental performance, setting objectives and targets and monitoring and
evaluating implementation.

The company’s top management is responsible for selecting the environmental task group, which
will implement the EMS.It is crucial to obtain the full commitment of top management before
starting the process. It is also important to obtain employee support and share environmental
values that will transform the EMS from paperwork into an effective process.

The company should explore its in-house expertise in forming the task group, as the following chart

Position Function/Task
Top Management  Communicate importance of EMS throughout organization
 Provide necessary resources

 Review EMS performance

Middle Management  Support training for new employees
Human Resources  Define competency requirements and job descriptions for various EMS roles
 Integrate environmental management into reward, discipline and appraisal

 Organize environmental training with environmental task group

Maintenance  Implement preventive maintenance program for equipment
Marketing  Assess market/customer response and demands
Finance  Track data on environmental management costs
 Prepare budget for environmental management program

 Evaluate economic feasibility of projects

Engineering  Consider environmental impact of new or modified products and

 Identify pollution prevention opportunities, excessive use of raw material

Purchasing  Monitor material purchases

 Acquisition of hazardous material and disposal of waste

The number of people involved will depend on the size of the company and resources available. It is
worthwhile involving staff from different departments in the planning and implementation
process/task group, since a multidisciplinary approach often proves most successful.

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Establishing Objectives and Targets

One of the most challenging steps in planning an EMS is determining the environmental impacts.
The environmental task group will examine the company’s inputs, such as energy and water; its
outputs, like solid waste, wastewater, oil mist and noise; and its manufacturing processes such as
plating metal. The environmental task group will also examine purchases, processes, and waste
streams in order to identify and classify future environmental projects.

The environmental task group’s first duties are to appraise the organization’s operations, services
and activities, and to select objectives and targets. This will also help the company to measure the
effectiveness of its environmental efforts and improve the performance of the environmental
management system.

One environmental goal, may be to minimize the use of a certain chemical. A target is a detailed,
quantified requirement that arises from specified objectives. For example, a target might be to
reduce the use of chemical X by 25 percent by a specified date.

Considerations in Setting Objectives and Targets

 Reducing the company’s impact on the environment.

 Comparing current practice with best practice.

 Reducing financial costs and liabilities.
 Improving the company’s efficiency.
 Setting clear, specific objectives and targets.

For help with establishing environmental objectives, use the Questionnaire for Establishing Priorities
for Objectives and Targets in Chapter 8 to identify areas for improvement and to set priorities.

Tip Sheet: Determining Environmental Impacts

 Identify areas with the greatest effect on the environment and classify them according to their
extent of impact.
 Involve as many people as possible in the process of identifying environmental impacts. Include
top management, production line employees, and staff from different departments, such as
environmental, health and safety, product design, engineering, line management, maintenance,
procurement, shipping / receiving, or other departments as appropriate.
 Consider accessing information from other interested external parties, which can add value to
the search. Expand the analysis to include outside activities, such as services at customers’ site.
Off-site operations can also have potential environmental impacts.
 Consider both normal and abnormal conditions when looking at environmental impacts.
 While identifying environmental issues, consider ancillary activities too. Some of the worst
pollution comes from support facilities, such as tank farms and wastewater treatment sites.
 Remember that the easiest and most cost effective phase to eliminate environmental problems
is during early stages of the product and process design. It is also during these stages that
products can be modified to reduce waste.
 In selecting priorities, consider issues such as cost vs. benefits, availability of appropriate
technology and future legislative requirements.
 Areas will differ in priority. For example, atmospheric emissions may be more important than
land use.

 Scheduling brainstorming sessions may be rewarding to gain staff input from different areas.

Tip Sheet: Walk-through Assessment

The assessment team may wish to do a walk-through of the site to observe potential environmental impacts.

 Does the facility show signs of poor housekeeping, such as cluttered walkways, unswept floors
or uncovered material drums?
 Are there noticeable spills, leaking containers, or water dripping or running?
 Is there discoloration or corrosion on walks, work surfaces, ceiling and walls, or pipes? This may
indicate system leaks or poorly maintained equipment.
 Is there smoke, dirt or fumes indicating material losses and air pollution?
 Are there odors, or eye, nose or throat irritation upon entering the workplace? These symptoms
might indicate system leaks or other problems.
 Are there open containers, stacked drums, insufficient shelving for inventory, or other indicators
of poor storage procedures?
 Are all containers properly labeled as to their contents and hazards?
 Is emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers available and visible to ensure rapid
response to a fire, spill or other incident?
 Is waste such as dripping water, steam or evaporation noticeably being generated from
processes in the facility?
 Does the inventory include any outdated stock, and are materials that are no longer in use still
in storage?
 Do employees have any comments about the sources of waste in the facility?

 Is there a documented history of spills, leaks, accidents or fires in the facility? If so, which

processes were involved?

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Prioritizing Projects

After collecting the pertinent information and establishing environmental management objectives
and targets, the company must then prioritize its environmental projects. Frequently, more projects
are identified than can be realistically handled at once, due to a lack of personnel or finances.
Prioritizing projects will determine what gets done first. This stage requires time and dedication of
the environmental task group, and is crucial to the implementation of the EMS.

The following two tables will help prioritize projects. The first table classifies the degree of impact
and the period of occurrence, which will help determine priorities for different areas and selecting an
appropriate action team. It will also support the assessment review by suggesting a sequence of
activities to be monitored. The second table offers a more in-depth analysis that is useful in
classifying project priorities.


No Risk = N Low Risk = L Moderate Risk = M High Risk = H

Pre-Production During Production/ Auxiliary Use/ Waste Mgmt.

Manufacture Distribution Services Services
Product Design
Raw Material
Storage On Site
Waste Disposal
Transport and
Solid and
Pulp and Paper
Law &

The second table provides a more detailed status of a project in various categories. The objective of
both these tables is to assist the environmental task group in identifying problem areas, setting
priorities and finding feasible solutions. All relevant environmental impacts should be specified

under each category.


No Risk = N Low Risk = L Moderate Risk = M High Risk = H

Severity of Risk probability Potential legal Cost of Cost benefit Effect on the
impact of occurrence exposure and reducing the $ public image
legislative impact
Product Design
Raw Material
Water Use/Discharge
Energy Sources/Use
Storage On Site
Waste Disposal
Transport and
Solid and Hazardous
Waste Management
Pulp and Paper
Law & Regulations

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Creating an Action Plan and an Action Team

An action team should be assigned for each project. Action teams are staff with the technical and
management skills to determine the best ways to make the changes identified in the action plan.
Human resources should be allocated according to skills and availability. The company may also
consider hiring temporary employees or consultants to develop some of the documentation and to
gather information necessary for a successful EMS.

The team approach and employee awareness are key to the successful implementation of an EMS.
Since there may not be one employee who can be solely dedicated to managing environmental
affairs, the team approach also provides both motivation and joint expertise.

The environmental task group should work closely with each action team, providing information,
exchanging ideas and assisting in the implementation of changes. The environmental task group
should reduce the need for outside consultants and keep the company moving ahead with its action
plan. Additional training for action team members is likely to be required.

The environmental task group will develop an action plan for each project. The purpose of the action
plan is to allocate human resources, to establish benchmarks, costs and schedules, outline clearly-
defined steps to meet the targets, and monitor progress.

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Creating an Action Plan

An action plan is the foundation of an EMS. It may be thought of as a continuous loop of analyzing
and improving, as the following diagram shows:

Once environmental impacts have been identified and management has decided which projects to
address first, an action plan for each project should be written. The best results in formulating an
action plan are obtained when the environmental task group and the technical specialists jointly find

It is not necessary to address all impacts at one time. Initial actions on more important areas
should be undertaken first, addressing lesser issues at a later date. The action plan should also be
flexible enough to accommodate modifications in line with changing priorities and external and
internal circumstances.

The following action plan model will help to address critical areas in analyzing projects and creating
an effective action plan.

Model Action Plan

Environmental Impact and Issue to be Addressed.

Specific Objectives and Targets. For example, consider using a chart such as the one below:

Objective Target
Reduce emissions of volatile organic Reduce emissions by 10 percent in 2000
Reduce energy use Reduce electricity use by 15 percent in 2000
Reduce natural gas use by 20 percent in 2000
Recycle cardboard waste Recycle 50 percent of cardboard waste in 2001
Improve compliance with wastewater Zero permit limit violations by the end of 2001
discharge permit limits
Promote environmental activities Promote environmental activities through letters
attached to payment slips
Reduce energy used in manufacturing Achieve 10 percent reduction of energy
operations consumption from to the previous year
Recycle plastic bottles Recycle plastic, 50 percent of bottles in 2000
and 100 percent of bottles in 2001

 Action team and team leader. The team may include representatives from the
environmental task group, health and safety, product design, engineering, line
management, maintenance, or other functions as appropriate. Create work teams according
to the expertise and availability of action team members.
 Environmental impacts throughout the project’s life cycle. Consider the project’s
stages in the life cycle of the organization’s products, service and activities. Evaluate the
environmental impacts throughout the product’s life cycle, beginning with the initial product

design, acquisition of raw materials and continuing through all stages of processing,
storage, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, and final disposal. A flowchart of the
company’s operational process can provide a clear view of how its activities have been
conducted and may help locate flows and weaknesses.
 Steps to eliminate or minimize negative environmental impacts. There are many
ways to reduce adverse environmental impacts. For a list of techniques to consider, see Tip
Sheet: Techniques for Addressing Environmental Problems below.
 Information and resources needed to carry out the task and people to assist the
action team. Assign personnel to collect information to support the action team in
determining the procedures for minimizing or eliminating negative environmental impacts.
Look for information not currently classified as "environmental," such as operational data,
management reports, audit reports, water and energy regulations and permits. There are
also useful sources of information outside the company and on the Internet. For more
information on resources, see Chapter 11.
 Schedule of activities, dates and deadlines.
 Measurement Performance. Essentially this comprises the ‘project plan’ against which
various phases of the action plan are monitored. Create a performance indicator.
Measuring performance is critical in any important endeavor. What gets measured gets
managed. For more information on formulating a measurement system, see Chapter 6.
 Expected benefits. Some benefits from environmental improvements are intangible and
cannot be directly measured. However, it is important to recognize them.
 Investment costs. A budget for all the various phases of EMS implementation needs to be
formulated. It is difficult to put a price on implementation, but designate funds for each
project to uphold its development. For small and medium-sized enterprises, implementing
an EMS may be more dependent on human resources than financial resources.
 Date for first and subsequent assessment. Regular review of progress needs to be
made. This also assists in identifying factors which may need to be overcome or to which
special attention needs to be paid to ensure success.

Tip Sheet: Techniques for Addressing Environmental Problems

 Redesign. Change the design of either the product or process to eliminate or reduce any
negative environmental impacts.
 Substitute. Try to eliminate or reduce negative environmental impacts by replacing a source of
waste with another material less likely to adversely affect the environmen. A packaging
example: Styrofoam peanuts could be substituted for peanuts made from corn by-products,
which are more likely to disintegrate naturally.
 Reduce. Reduce the amount of waste products by reducing the use of components or materials
that create or significantly add to waste streams.
 Recycle. Usually entails breaking down a product (or its parts) or a process (or its
components) into its base components and refabricating them.
 Rebuild. Restore a product or process to its original condition or similar condition. Rebuilding
recovers some parts or components, while others must be replaced. The greater the number of
parts/components recovered, the more efficient the rebuild.
 Re-manufacture. Restore a product or process to original or better-than-original condition
without any parts being reduced to raw materials.
 Reuse. Return material to the same application in its same form.
 Internal Consumption. Use waste internally when possible. For example, wooden pallets can
be used to make electricity when used as a part of a co-generation facility.
 Prolong Use. Increase the overall life of the product through extended use. An effective
preventative maintenance program is key to prolonging use. For example, car engines or
cooling units may be re-designed to extend the time periods between overhauls. While still
maintaining acceptable levels of safety and reliability.
 Spread risks. Transfer responsibility to a third party who is better able to deal with the product
or process. This option is often used when management feels it cannot reduce the level of
environmental problems associated with a product or process. By calling in an expert,
management attempts to spread the risk e.g. a company using a disposal service to break up
and haul away an old assembly line.
 Create a market for waste products. Seek customers for the company’s waste and help to
create a market for it. For example, a furniture manufacturer converted its remnants into rear

interior shelves for use in cars. A third party was brought in to pick up the remnants and those
from other furniture makers in the area. The result was the creation of a viable market for these

 Separate waste. Waste streams should be separated into different types before recycling,
reuse or internal consumption. Waste separation is an intermediate action to facilitate reuse or

Tip Sheet: Screening and Identifying improvements in Working Practices Applications

 How has it worked in similar applications?

 Is this option within the budget, considering both capital and ongoing costs?
 Does this option have an acceptable payback period (under one year is considered exceptional,
under three years good?)
 Does this option reduce the company’s raw material costs, energy consumption and/or
 Will this option reduce the company’s waste disposal costs and/or material and waste storage
 Will this option reduce the company’s costs associated with worker injuries or illnesses?
 Will this option reduce the company’s insurance premiums?
 Does this option have a proven track record?
 Will this option maintain or improve product quality?
 Will this option adversely affect or increase productivity?
 Is space available if necessary?
 Are the necessary utilities available or must they be installed?
 Is the new equipment, materials, or procedures compatible with production operating
procedures, workflow and production rates?
 Is special expertise required to operate or maintain the new system? Is additional labor
 Is it certain that this option will create less waste?
 Is it certain that this option will not move waste problems from one form to another site or part
of the overall operation (e.g. from solid waste to air emissions)?
 Is the plant layout and design capable of incorporating this option?
 Has it been determined that this option will improve or maintain worker safety and health?
 Are materials and parts readily available?
 Does the vendor provide an acceptable and reliable service?
 Are other businesses using this option?

 Does this option promote recycling?

Tip Sheet: Ways to Reduce Waste

 Change plant operations and/or procedures by improving housekeeping and training employees
about ways to reduce waste.
 Substitute non-toxic materials in the production process.
 Reclaim (recycle) materials during the production process.
 Modify equipment to improve efficiency.
 Re-design the final product to eliminate processes that create wastes.
 Standardize materials or use the minimum number of types of materials in processing. This
increases the potential for recycling and reduces the amount of waste requiring disposal.
 Provide adequate aisle space for container transfer and easy access for inspections.
 Properly label containers with material identification and health and safety hazards.
 Stack containers according to manufacturers’ instructions to avoid damaging containers by
uneven or excessive weight distribution.
 Separate different hazardous substances to prevent cross-contamination and mixing of

incompatible materials, and to facilitate inventory control.
 Store containers on pallets or similar device to prevent corrosion of the containers, which can
result when containers come in contact with moisture on the floor.
 Regularly check and repair all leaking tanks, pumps, valves, taps, etc.
 Inspect tank and tank liners regularly to prevent failures.
 Install high-level alarms on all plating and rinse tanks to avoid accidental bath overflows.
 Minimize the volume of water used during cleanup operations.

 Educate staff are informed about the importance of preventing spills and minimizing bath
contamination and waste generation.

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Creating a Prevention and Emergency Plan

Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Plans

A prevention plan assesses the potential for accidents and creates procedures to prevent or mitigate
their impacts. An emergency plan identifies procedures in case an accident occurs. These plans are
needed to prevent possible accidents and address all environmental impacts or abnormal situations
that may occur.

A prevention plan is a proactive measure intended to prevent problems before they occur or are
aggravated. It may be built on an existing emergency preparedness plan and focuses on reducing
injuries, protecting employees and the community, reducing asset losses and minimizing production
downtime or any other potentially significant negative trends.

Preventive maintenance improves the efficiency and longevity of equipment, reduces slowdowns or
shutdowns from equipment failures and reduces the likelihood of producing rejected, off-
specification products. Preventive maintenance should consist of regular inspections, equipment
cleaning, lubrication, testing, measuring and replacing worn or broken parts.

Developing Prevention and Emergency Plans

 Many companies have emergency procedures which can serve as the basis for new
prevention and emergency plans.
 The environmental task group should look at normal and abnormal situations and decide
how to manage them.
 Make sure all employees know what to do in case of an emergency.
 Emergency procedures should be tested periodically.
 Communicate the procedures among all the staff.
 Inform staff of emergency and/or spillage procedures. Include emergency contacts and
provision of clean-up equipment, personal protective equipment and first aid measures.
 Identify agencies and authorities that are aware of these emergency procedures and facility

Tip Sheet: Ways to Prevent Spills and Leaks

 Spill and leak prevention includes operational procedures and precautionary modifications to
equipment and containment areas. Conducting leak detection properly and consistently is
perhaps the single-most important pollution prevention maintenance activity. Early detection of
a release saves money from lost revenues and cleanup costs.
 Install and regularly test overflow alarms on storage, process and treatment tanks.
Document/log checks should be made.
 Use tanks and containers according to manufacturer instructions and for their intended purpose.
 Maintain the integrity of tanks and containers.

 Implement controlled and supervised loading, unloading and transfer of all hazardous

 Construct secondary containment structures around all tanks or storage areas containing
hazardous substances.


Implementing the Action Plan

Training Staff Communicating EMS Information Setting a Budget

Training Staff

Training is an essential and cost-saving investment for the company to ensure all personnel are
aware of EMS benefits, objectives, procedures and targets. Training also enhances team work,
improving personal relationships and encouraging collaboration to find solutions. Importantly,
training helps employees feel that they have been recognized, motivating their performance and
stimulating their thinking.

Staff training significantly and immediately improves staff competency and quality of service. Well-
trained staff can better understand how to perform in a focused manner with available resources.

Management should encourage staff participation in implementing its EMS, since employees have
practical experience related to their areas and can be a great source of information. They can assist
the environmental task group in duties such as drafting procedures, and creating preventive and
emergency plans.

Selecting Staff for Training

There are different types of training and requirements, and it is important that the environmental
task group identifies the staff’s training needs. Companies (SMEs) benefit by training a wide range
of participants because every employee can provide ideas and contribute to the implementation of

The following table suggests audiences for various types of training.

Focus of Training Who Should Attend Purpose

Raising awareness of the strategic Top management Gain commitment and alignment to
importance of EMS implementation EMS implementation.
Raising general environmental All employees Gain commitment to the EMS
awareness objectives and targets.

Develop a sense of individual

Skills enhancement Employees with environmental Improve performance in specific areas,
responsibilities such as the environmental task group,
action team and assessment team.
Compliance Employees whose actions affect Ensure internal requirements for
compliance implementing changes, such as in
operations and engineering.

Considerations in Assessing Employee Training Needs

 What EMS procedures affect his or her daily work?

 What happens if these procedures are not followed?
 What impact does his or her work have on the company’s EMS implementation?
 What knowledge and skills does he or she need?
 How does his or her work affect their life in the community?

Note: Changing employee incentives to emphasize quality, lowering defect rates and cutting waste
will improve employee awareness and reduce resource use and waste.

Selecting Training Programs and Methods

Once the needs and training objectives have been identified and defined, training programs and
methods will be selected. The environmental task group will research material for creating an
effective training program.

Support material for training and awareness programs can often be obtained at standardization
organizations, business associations, chambers of commerce, and other sources such as:

 Consultancy firms
 Community colleges and universities
 Vendors and suppliers
 Customers
 Technical or trade business associations
 Self-study or study groups
 Training consortia (teaming with other local companies)
 Websites

Scheduling Training
The next step is to schedule training sessions and workshops to raise employee awareness and
provide required training. Training sessions are good opportunities to gain employee commitment
and share the environmental values that will make the EMS an effective process.

Suggestions for Training

 Emphasize the importance of employee participation in the EMS program and the
contribution their work has to the program.
 Videotape the current EMS training courses and show the tape to new employees and those
who missed the training, or to reinforce the message.
 Consider computer-based training as an alternative training method.
 Also consider using other tools such as brainstorming, cause and effect analysis, problem-
solving, process flow analysis and check lists.

Tip Sheet: Insights into Adult Learning

(Adapted from "30 Things We Know For Sure About Adult Learning," Training, July 1988)

 Adults prefer active participation to straight lecture.

 Information is acquired more slowly if it conflicts sharply with existing beliefs or has little
conceptual overlap with current knowledge base.
 Adults prefer self-directed learning and want to help shape the training program.
 Adults have expectations. It is important to clarify these up-front.

 Adults need the opportunity to integrate new ideas with their existing knowledge.

» Return to top

Communicating EMS Information

Good communication is vital to the success of EMS implementation. A good communication system
should reach all levels and functions of the organization. Such a system demonstrates the
company’s commitment to environmental issues, gains the support of employees and the
community, raises employee awareness, and enhances participation in the EMS implementation.

Regular communication is also the way to gain employee involvement in developing and
implementing an EMS. It motivates the workforce, demonstrates management commitment and
informs all personnel about the results of EMS performance.

A good communication system includes both internal and external lines of communication. It is
important that employees and those outside the company (such as investors, customers, suppliers,
shareholders, the local community, environmental groups, government, control authorities and the
general public) are aware of the organization’s commitment to sound environmental management.

A positive communication process improves the organization’s image, facilitates future business
relationships, increases employee satisfaction and pride in working for the company and encourages
public understanding and acceptance of the company’s efforts to improve its environmental

Since employees are often an excellent source of information and ideas, create ways for staff to
communicate their ideas. Keep in mind that external help is also available from sources such as
consultants and other companies.

Communicate progress as it is made. A good internal and external communication system helps
build trust and gain support.

Selecting Internal and External Target Audiences

External publicity is a positive marketing tool. Promoting the company’s environmentally-friendly
actions helps improve its public image and enhance acceptance of the organization’s efforts to
advance its environmental performance.

Internal publicity helps achieve positive environmental results. For instance, employee motivation
can be enhanced by recognizing work in achieving environmental objectives and targets. For
example, the CEO from a company personally signed over 250 letters to all his employees,
explaining the importance and benefits an EMS would add to the company and asking for their
commitment and participation. Employee response was extremely positive. Staff from all levels
were involved in the process, and suggestions and feedback came from all departments.

Selecting Information to Share

The company should effectively provide much information as possible to both internal and external
audiences, transparency is an important part of this process. Information may include:

 The company’s environmental mission statement

 EMS objectives and targets
 Organization performance (e.g. an ‘environmental report’)
 Comparison and analysis of results
 Environmental task group, action group roles and responsibilities
 Monitoring and Assessment schedule
 Preventative action and emergency procedures

Suggestions for Communication

 Illustrate information materials with examples such as the company’s targets and its
achieved results.

 Make sure that the material supplied is sufficiently detailed and easy to understand (in
layman’s terms). Use a glossary or attach definitions when using unfamiliar or technical
 Explain why these measures are being put into practice and the benefits of doing so.
 Where possible, try to employ a paperless office and use more mass communication, such
as e-mail.
 Incorporate a positive public image related to environmental improvements into the
company’s marketing strategies.
 Publicize the company’s efforts to reduce negative environmental impacts.

Communication Procedures and Standards

The communication system in small and medium-sized enterprises are less complex than in large
corporations. This is an advantage. Keep communication simple and efficient.

Promote two-way communication with suggestion boxes. Add space for environmental issues in the
company’s journal where employees can write their ideas, accomplishments, contributions and
experiences during EMS execution.

Ways to Communicate with Staff, the Community and the Government

 Staff meetings and brown bag lunches

 Posters for building staff awareness of environmental and cost-saving issues
 Packaging, vehicles, advertising, press releases and open houses
 Announcements on the bulletin board
 Reports on the organization’s environmental performance, proposed actions and assigned
personnel, objectives and targets
 Individual letters to employees or attachments to payment slips, notice boards and
 Mission statement
 Annual report or a separate environment report
 Notices reminding staff of cost-saving procedures
 Quiz sheets for raising or checking staff awareness of the environmental impact on
 Environmental events (both participation and funding)
 Electronic mail messages, which are fast, inexpensive and environmentally-friendly
 Internal newspapers

Maintaining the Flow of Information

A responsible person or group should handle communications. This task could be performed by
member(s) of the environmental task group or human resources staff, for example.

All material, especially when intended for external release, should be checked prior to release that it
accurately communicates the company’s environmental performance, actions and concerns. It is
also important to keep records and files on all communication of environmental matters, both
internal and external.

» Return to top

Setting a Budget

Cost Determination and Setting a Budget

The final part of the implementation phase is preparing a preliminary budget for each project’s
development. Costs will include staff and employee time, training, some consulting assistance,
materials and possibly equipment.

The cost of EMS implementation is difficult to quantify. Most significant costs are due to personnel
expenditures. The benefits are equally hard to quantify, since many of the benefits are intangible.
However, in a global economy in which labor, materials, and capital costs are likely to converge

over time, effective management of environmental performance may become increasingly important
in determining corporate winners. Evaluation shows that many of the investments in EMS
implementation provide substantial positive returns and adds lasting value to the firm. In short, the
benefits outweigh the costs.

It is critical that the company accurately and consistently measures its inputs and outputs. Without
cost information, it is not possible for the company to adequately assess the results of
improvements or the profitability of its products, departments or services.

Environmental costs are incurred by society, organizations or individuals resulting from activities
that affect environmental quality. These impacts can be expressed in monetary or non-monetary

Since cost is the primary concern for most small businesses, low-cost, low-tech changes should be
identified and implemented first. These options are easier to implement and their benefits are
readily apparent. More capital-intensive options should be implemented later.

In today’s highly competitive business climate, companies gain sustained competitive advantage by
reducing both environmental costs and operational costs and procedures which produce negative
environmental impacts.

Low-cost Options with Immediate Payback

 Employee training about EMS objectives and tasks

 Finding ways to use waste as an energy source
 Good housekeeping can prevent waste through spills, etc.
 Using quality resealable containers, which prevent loss from spills and evaporation
 Inventory control, which ensures that only necessary materials are used
 Separating wastes, which may be used for recycling
 Eliminating leaks, which reduces raw material consumption
 Cleaning and stripping mechanically, which can replace solvents where possible
 Using old solvents for a first rinse, which may extend the life of the fresh solvent.

Tip Sheet: Writing the Financial Plan

 The company may have a budget system for projects that could be adapted to environmental
 Analyze all options carefully, weighing costs versus benefits.
 Keep inventories of the amount of raw materials used per process to monitor process efficiency.
 Maintain an inventory of the types and quantities of waste produced by the company to target
waste reduction opportunities.
 Consider the cost of waste disposal when developing profit and loss statements.
 Keep records of waste production costs associated with the various processes.
 Break down costs and benefits by category (such as development, implementation and
maintenance) and type (such as materials, equipment, labor, fees and consultants).

 Develop a methodology for tracking costs and benefits.


Monitoring Progress

Formulating a Measurement System Benchmark Technique Assessing the EMS

Formulating a Measurement System

The environmental task group should establish a measurement system to regularly measure the
characteristics of its operations and activities that have a significant impact on the environment.
This includes recording information on performance and whether objectives and targets are being

The system will monitor and measure actual performance against the action plan, and should be
straightforward, cost-effective and technologically feasible. Indicators should be verifiable and
reproducible for practical use and analysis.

The maintenance of records is essential to implementing the EMS. Records show the program’s
success or otherwise in achieving objectives and targets. The record-keeping process includes
identifying, collecting, analyzing and completing information and data.

When keeping records, focus should be placed on environmental information that the company
needs to manage effectively.

Generally Measurable Items

 Quantity of raw material or energy used

 Quantity of emissions such as CO2
 Waste produced per quantity of finished product
 Efficiency of material and energy use
 Percentage of waste recycled
 Percentage of recycled material used in packaging
 Specific pollutant quantities, such as NOx, SO2, CO, HC, Pb, CFCs

One way to monitor performance is through a record sheet, such as a Data Structure Model, which
should be completed for every activity.

TABLE 3 DATA STRUCTURE MODEL — Example of pH control in wastewater

Account Name: Wastewater Control

Specification of the input or output: pH
Date: 01/05/98
Amount: 11
Unit: Milligrams per liter (mg/L)
Target Amount: 8
Name of the person in charge: Mr. Savings

Once the Data Structure Model is complete, it should be reviewed and followed-up. Below is an
example of follow-ups for various activities comprising of Wastewater Control.

Date Pollutant Target (mg/L) Actual Name/Function

30/01/98 pH 6-9 11 Mr. Energy/
30/01/98 BOD5 50 60 Mr. Water/
30/01/98 Oil and Grease 10 12 Mr. Savings/
30/03/98 pH 6-9 10 Mr. Energy/
30/03/98 BOD5 50 55 Mr. Water/
30/03/98 Oil and Grease 10 11 Mr. Savings/
30/06/98 pH 6-9 8 Mr. Energy/
30/06/98 BOD5 50 50 Mr. Water/
30/06/98 Oil and Grease 10 11 Mr. Savings/

Environmental Indicators and Concepts to Consider in Measurement System Development

 Operational Systems: raw material use, energy use, waste generation, waste disposal and
controlling environmental aspects (such as the number of days without incidents).
 Environment Area indicators: natural resources, water quality and air quality.

Suggestions for Developing and Using Measurement Systems

 Examine existing regulatory compliance (e.g. quality, safety) and environmental programs.
Could they be adapted to serve the EMS purpose? How effective have they been? How
might they be improved?
 Define the factors to be measured to determine a project’s outcome, and collect only the
information that is relevant and valuable. More than one measurement may be needed to
inform the management of a company how it is doing in the environmental area.
 Specify the frequency and method of monitoring EMS implementation (procedures and
changes), and compare it against the environmental targets and objectives previously
established in the EMS action plan.
 Identify the process equipment and activities that affect environmental performance. Some
companies put key monitoring equipment under a special calibration and preventive
maintenance program. This can help to ensure accurate monitoring and informs employees
which instruments are most critical for environmental monitoring purposes. In some cases,
it may be more cost-effective to subcontract, rent or share calibration and maintenance of
monitoring equipment, or the equipment itself, rather than performing these functions
 Equipment used for monitoring and measuring must be accurate and calibrated on a regular
basis, but the company does not have to own all the equipment. As previously mentioned,
it may be shared, rented or leased.
 Quantify the financial implications and results of environmental protection using a standard
accounting system.
 Link the measurement program with the communication program.
 Do not tolerate excuses for failure to meet compliance. For example, delaying corrective
action for internal assessment discrepancies should be considered negligent.
 It is acceptable to start small and build up over time as the company gains experience in
evaluating its performance.

 Record the quantity of waste (liquid, solid and gaseous) produced by each process the
company is engaged in.

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Benchmark Technique

The environmental task group may consider using benchmarking, a well-established practice that
can be used to identify improvement options.

In benchmarking, managers first identify the "best in class" companies, i.e. companies that have
developed excellent practices which might pertain to customer service, inventory accuracy or
environmental practices. Management may then visit these companies to learn, exchange ideas and
build cooperative alliances.

The company then sets standards to meet or exceed the achievements of the best practice
company. Benchmarking is one way whereby managers can become aware of the different
approaches of companies in other industries, as well as other unique or effective solutions for
handling environmental issues. Trade associations are often able to assist with benchmarking

» Return to top

Assessing the EMS

The information gathered during an EMS assessment will be used to determine if the company is on
the right track with its action plan and to identify areas for potential improvement of the EMS.
Assessment should be used as a vehicle for making changes for continual improvement and for
revising and updating the EMS.

Steps for Assessing the EMS

 Assigning and training personnel. An EMS assessment can be undertaken by the

company personnel, external parties, action team and/or environmental task group. The
composition of an assessment team will vary from company to company. Often the original
environment task group takes over the functions of the assessment group, however
participation of new members can enhance the assessment and bring new inputs. The team
should include, whenever possible, personnel involved in each stage of business operations.
Even those employees who are not directly involved in processing or production may have
helpful suggestions. Familiarity with environmental regulations, the company’s EMS
objectives and targets, facility operations, and auditing techniques are helpful skills. Auditor
training materials are available through a number of organizations, but it may be more
cost-effective to link up with other local organizations (perhaps through a trade association)
to sponsor an auditor training course.
 Selecting procedures. The environmental task group and the assessment team will create
an assessment plan and an internal EMS checklist, including the EMS action plan targets,
for use as a guide. These documents should cover all areas of the business, examining
particular areas of the company (such as manufacturing, transportation and receiving),
environmental issues (such as water, waste and energy) or individual operation sites.
Assessment forms and checklists can facilitate gathering and recording information.
 Establishing frequency. An EMS assessment should be conducted regularly to evaluate
the status of the EMS and to determine whether the system has been properly implemented
and maintained. The frequency may vary according to the process, although an assessment
should be conducted at least once a year. The assessment team should schedule meetings
weekly, monthly or quarterly to discuss the investigations and share new ideas and
 Documenting findings. Identify relevant problems, solutions, costs and opportunities and
record all recommendations throughout the assessment procedures. Remember to keep it
all well documented. An effective environmental assessment should generate sufficient
information to enable the company to develop its next action plan. The main objective is

not only to locate weaknesses and deficiencies in the implementation, but also to highlight
achievements and compliance.

Assessment Procedures

Process Products --> Identify --> Assessment/Evaluation --> Verify --> Improve

 Make a preliminary investigation to identify irregularities and non-compliance with the EMS
action plan.
 Conduct a facility walk-through to verify the information and observe the processes and
 Document the findings and disclose the information .
 Assist the environmental task group in writing an new action plan.

Considerations for the Assessment Team

 Information can be obtained from various sources, such as document review. For instance,
a comparison could be done between the total raw material purchased from year to year, or
the total volume of wastewater from month to month. There are improvements that may be
impossible or difficult to quantify, therefore, the company should utilize alternative methods
to measure its improvement. Interviews and observations of working practices are further
sources of evidence.
 The assessment team must have someone in charge and accountable for carrying out the
 A timetable should be established for completing the tasks outlined.
 The appraisal should be conducted during normal business hours, so the assessment team
can talk to employees and observe processes in operation.
 The appraisal should follow the product life cycle from receiving raw material to delivery of
the final product or service. One option is to break down the assessment process into
sectors, since some areas may require more frequent monitoring.
 The assessment team should evaluate the strengths as well as weaknesses in the process.
 The report should be written in a non-technical style since its readers will likely have a
range of expertise.
 Specific attention should be given to corrective actions for discrepancy findings from
previous appraisals.
 Discuss the report with personnel affected by the issues reviewed prior to its release to
ensure that data are not distorted.

Considerations if Results Show Difficulties or Shortfalls in Target Attainment

 Is the measurement system consistent?

 Are there missing or faulty procedures?
 Is equipment working?
 Has there been sufficient training?
 Are the requirements not properly understood?
 Have the rules been enforced?
 Is the communication process working?


Improving Results

Creating and Implementing a New Action Plan Writing an Environmental Policy

Creating and Implementing a New Action Plan

The EMS should be viewed as a dynamic process. The concept of continual improvement is the
essence of the EMS. By continually reviewing the EMS environmental performance against its
environmental objectives, targets and policies, opportunities for further improvement can be
identified. As the companies change and grow, so do the environmental complexities and conditions
as they affect the company’s EMS.

The assessment team will present their appraisal findings and recommendations to top
management, the environmental task group and the action team. Together, these groups review
the results of the assessment and collect ideas and suggestions for a revised action plan, which
ensures the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS implementation. In this
way, the company creates a loop of continuous improvement.

Elements of the Continual Improvement Process

 Identify opportunities for improving the environmental management system, which will lead
to improved environmental performance
 Determine the cause or causes of nonconformance or deficiencies
 Develop and implement plans for corrective and preventive action to address causes as
 Verify the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive actions
 Document any changes in procedures from the process improvement
 Make comparisons to objectives and targets

After reviewing the assessment findings and gathering staff proposals, the environmental task
group should write a new action plan.

Considerations for Creating a New Action Plan

 Were EMS objectives and targets achieved / partially achieved / not achieved at all?
 Were roles and responsibilities clearly defined and understood?
 Were resources applied appropriately?
 Were the EMS procedures effective?
 Has the EMS been monitored effectively and regularly?
 What measures need to be taken to bring about improvements?

» Return to top

Writing an Environmental Policy

An environmental policy’s main purpose is to serve as the basis for EMS implementation. An
environmental policy establishes the company’s commitment to the environment and provides a
framework for environmental performance, while stating the company’s overall objectives. The
company should keep its policy simple and clear, and ensure all employees are aware of it.

The company’s top management must endorse the environmental policy, since commitment and
support from the highest level of determining the policy is essential for the program’s success. The
environmental task group and employees can contribute to the process of determining the policy.
Encourage everyone to share their suggestions. Environmental issues encompass quality, health
and safety issues, and they should all be included in the environmental policy.

Considerations for Writing an Environmental Policy

 The company’s mission and core values
 Support for continual improvement
 Pollution prevention
 Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
 Relevance to the organization’s activities, products and services
 Reflection of objectives and targets

Points to Address in an Environmental Policy

 Minimization of negative environmental impacts in production, use and disposal

 Education and training of the workforce
 Reduction of waste and consumption levels of resources (materials, fuel and energy)
 Commitment to recovery and recycling
 Encouragement of support of the EMS by suppliers and contractors
 Involvement of all employees and local community


Questionnaire for Establishing Priorities for Objectives and Targets

Emissions/Discharge Paper Storage On Site
Energy Product Design Transport and Distribution
Energy Sources/Use Raw Materials Waste
Insurance Site/Building Waste Disposal
Laws and Regulations Solid and Hazardous Waste Water
Packaging Solid Waste Management Water Use/Discharge
Process Design/Operation

The following questionnaire is a checklist for establishing priorities and building an action plan.
While it may not include all specific business activities of a company, it provides areas for
consideration. Review the questions in each section carefully and identify how the products,
activities, and services of your company could significantly impact the environment.

Emissions Discharge

___ Yes Have all sources of emissions to water, air and land been identified? Besides obvious sources, there
___ No may also be more diffuse sources, such as drying or surface cleaning operations which need to be
___ Yes Have all potential sources of air emissions been identified? Have all direct (i.e., stack) and indirect (i.e.,
___ No fugitive) sources of emissions been identified?

___ Yes Have all stacks, vents, and exhausts and associated air pollutant sources been identified and located?
___ No

___ Yes Have the emissions being released into the environment by the organization’s operations been
___ No identified, quantified and minimized?

___ Yes Can all emissions, including any low concentration contaminants, be quantified? Is the company aware
___ No of the physical and chemical characteristics of these emissions?

___ Yes Are emissions monitored and are detailed records kept? Have the appropriate authorizations been
___ No secured for these emissions? Do these emissions consistently meet legal requirements?

___ Yes Reducing one form of emission may result in increases in other emissions. The overall environmental
___ No impact of any planned emission controls must always be fully considered.

___ Yes Have any detectable odors, solid particulates, liquid droplets or mists been detected in the air?
___ No

___ Yes Is monitoring equipment installed to allow detection?

___ No

___ Yes Have developments in process and abatement technology been reviewed to establish the best available
___ No techniques to minimize emissions?

___ Yes Are current legal requirements being met? Is the organization aware of any likely future standards?
___ No

___ Yes Have targets been set to reduce emissions? If so, have measures to achieve these targets been
___ No identified?

Definitions: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
These are gases created by the operation of the transformation process. For example, when spray
painting a bicycle, most of the paint lands on the bicycle or the backdrop. The paint that does not
land on the product is called overspray. However, some of the paint goes into the air where it can
escape into the atmosphere. These gases can be dangerous or poisonous. In general, VOCs are
thought to be precursors of air pollution. VOCs are also found in adhesives, sealers, solvents, and
paints. HAPs are considered toxic, and in high concentrations can cause illness in people, animals,
and adversely affect vegetation through exposure.

» Return to top


___ Yes Is the efficiency of heating and air conditioning systems monitored?
___ No

___ Yes Is lighting energy efficient in design and operation? Is the use of natural light maximized?
___ No

___ Yes Are electrical appliances the most energy-efficient type available?
___ No

___ Yes Has the installation of integrated energy management systems been investigated? These can control
___ No heating, lighting, air conditioning and electrical loads.

___ Yes Are transport and distribution functions efficient in their fuel use? What are the parameters determining
___ No “efficiency”?

___ Yes Are emissions from energy sources on site, such as boiler houses and generators, controlled?
___ No

___ Yes Can the organization reduce its use of energy derived from fossil fuels?

___ No

___ Yes Have alternative energy sources (such as methane from landfill gas, refuse-derived fuel or combined
___ No heat and power systems), if available, been reviewed?

Note: Some of the waste created by the transformation process can take the form of the inefficient
use of energy, such as electricity. If there is a machine that requires more energy to operate than
other available options, the excess energy consumed can be considered as “waste”.

» Return to top

Energy Sources/Use

___ Yes Has energy consumption during production been minimized?

___ No

___ Yes Can more environmentally-sound energy sources be used?

___ No

___ Yes Have the least environmentally damaging sources of energy been selected? There may be opportunities
___ No to use combined heat and power, land fill gas, solar power, waste derived fuel, wind energy and other

___ Yes Have possibilities for energy recovery been maximized? Options include heat exchanges, recirculating
___ No cooling or process water or improving plant insulation.

___ Yes Are energy usage and costs monitored, and have efficiency or reduction targets been set? Furthermore,
___ No can this be done for individual departments?

___ Yes Are there opportunities to use high efficiency motors and variable speed drives?
___ No

___ Yes Are the factory and office premises designed to maximize energy efficiency? Have they been insulated?
___ No

___ Yes Could equipment be upgraded to improve energy efficiency?

___ No

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___ Yes Is there any area in which full environmental indemnity may be difficult or impossible to obtain?
___ No

___ Yes Is there any area in which insurance companies may place limits or exclusion on liability coverage?
___ No

Note: EMS implementation may help facilitate negotiation with insurance companies.

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Laws and Regulations

___ Yes Is the company required to comply with environmental laws and regulations? The company should be
___ No active in all areas which laws and regulations are addressed.

___ Yes Are any of the company’s activities not in compliance with legal requirements?
___ No

___ Yes Are there specific areas of the company with particular environmental pressures from legislative
___ No requirements or/ and laws?

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___ Yes Is packaging minimized in products for transportation or sale?

___ No

___ Yes Is packaging material recycled or reused?

___ No

___ Yes Could the organization’s suppliers and customers be encouraged to recycle used packaging?
___ No

___ Yes Can the company’s packaging be reduced? Can its products be distributed and sold in bulk or loose?
___ No Can packaging be designed to be reused, refilled or recycled?

___ Yes Can new/other packaging materials be used to facilitate waste disposal?
___ No

___ Yes Can consumers be encouraged to reuse or recycle packaging through bottle bank collections and the
___ No reuse of plastic bags and refillable containers?

___ Yes Has the company considered or implemented a “take back” policy on the packaging of its products?
___ No

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___ Yes Can paper use be reduced or made more efficient by means such as greater use of electronic mail,
___ No voice communications or changes in office practices?

___ Yes Can more recycled paper be used in offices?

___ No

___ Yes Are there opportunities to reduce costs by using recycled paper?
___ No

___ Yes Have possibilities for recycling waste paper been investigated? Would it reduce waste disposal costs?

___ No

___ Yes Are different types of waste paper separated for reuse and recycling?
___ No

___ Yes How many internal and external business forms does the organization have? Are they all necessary?
___ No

___ Yes Are employees encouraged to do more double-sided photocopying?

___ No

___ Yes Are internal circulation lists based on a need-to-know basis, particularly where long or costly documents
___ No are concerned?

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Process Design/Operation

___ Yes Are the environmental impacts of manufacturing processes minimized during normal operations and
___ No periods of maintenance, testing or shutdown?

___ Yes Are processes designed to minimize energy, water usage and raw material consumption?
___ No

___ Yes Does the organization recycle or reuse energy, water and materials where practical?
___ No

___ Yes Are appropriate environmental monitoring systems in place throughout these processes?
___ No

___ Yes Are the best available techniques used to prevent environmental damage? Are technological
___ No developments reviewed regularly to identify possible improvements?

___ Yes Are processes designed and operated to minimize effluents, emissions and solid waste?
___ No

___ Yes Are effective environmental procedures in place to cover periods of abnormal operation, such as
___ No maintenance or testing?

___ Yes Could processes be designed to be waste-free?

___ No

Note: Suppliers frequently use packaging material such as cardboard, paper, plastic strapping,
plastic wrapping film, wooden pallets or plastic foam. In many cases, these items are landfilled.

» Return to top

Product Design

___ Yes During product design, are the actual and potential environmental impacts considered and minimized?
___ No Do these considerations extend from supply and production through use to ultimate disposal?

___ Yes Are the company’s products subject to current or proposed environmental legislation? Can these legal
___ No requirements be met?

___ Yes Are products designed to minimize the energy and raw materials required to make them? Has the
___ No potential for using recycled materials been maximized?

___ Yes Can the product be designed in a way that would reduce the environmental impact of the production
___ No processes and minimize waste production?

___ Yes Can product design alterations reduce the need for packaging materials?
___ No

___ Yes Is the product designed to maximize its useful life and thus minimize the use of resources?
___ No

___ Yes Does product use result in environmental impact? Can this be minimized?
___ No

___ Yes Are products designed to allow recycling or reuse either of the whole product or its components?
___ No

___ Yes Are products designed to facilitate disposal?

___ No

» Return to top

Raw Materials

___ Yes Does the company consider the environmental impact of obtaining and using raw materials?
___ No

___ Yes Which raw materials does the company use, and what is the source of these materials? What
___ No environmental impacts arise at the source and during any subsequent processing?

___ Yes Does environmental legislation restrict the raw materials used in the company’s products?
___ No

___ Yes Has the company considered using alternative materials, which may be less environmentally damaging
___ No or which may make the final product more environmentally sound? In particular, can the choice of raw
materials reduce impact during waste disposal?

___ Yes Could recycled or recovered raw materials be used? Could any cost reductions could be achieved by
___ No recycling materials?

___ Yes Are the company’s suppliers of raw materials adopting sound environmental policies and practices?
___ No

___ Yes Can raw materials be obtained from renewable resources?

___ No

___ Yes Are raw materials over-specified? Could lower grade or recycled materials be used?

___ No

___ Yes Are any potentially hazardous materials used? Could these be replaced or delivered and used in ways
___ No with a lesser impact on the environment, health and safety?

» Return to top


___ Yes Are building utilities properly operated, checked and maintained? Heating, ventilation and air
___ No conditioning equipment are among the areas of importance.

___ Yes Are there procedures for safe maintenance and disposal of equipment containing environmentally
___ No damaging chemicals, such as PCBs and CFCs?

___ Yes In purchasing equipment, are products chosen with lower environmental impact, such as CO2 fire
___ No extinguishers?

___ Yes Are there opportunities to landscape the site or refurbish buildings to improve the appearance and the
___ No working environment?

___ Yes Are there areas of contaminated land on the site? If so, can they be restored or can any impact from
___ No the contaminants be minimized?

___ Yes Has the company investigated whether there are awards or grants available to assist with site
___ No improvements?

___ Yes Are waste storage facilities appropriately designed?

___ No

___ Yes Are there opportunities to develop the wildlife on site? For example, are there ponds or hedges or areas
___ No of wasteland which could be developed for this purpose?

» Return to top

Solid and Hazardous Waste

___ Yes Has the company determined whether it has hazardous waste on site?
___ No

___ Yes Has the company investigated whether it complies with all local, state and federal regulations
___ No concerning hazardous material storage, handling and disposal?

___ Yes Is local fire protection adequate and equipped to provide protection in the event of an accident or
___ No problem involving hazardous material?

___ Yes If local fire protection is not adequate, is private fire protection provided?
___ No

___ Yes Has an employee been designated and trained as a chemical emergency coordinator?
___ No

___ Yes If the company stores hazardous materials on site, are emergency telephone numbers posted along
___ No with information about the location of emergency equipment?

___ Yes Is information continuously updated and readily available about the physical state and material
___ No properties (solid, liquid, and gas) of all hazardous substances used as raw materials stored and used on

___ Yes Are all hazardous materials clearly labeled, dated, easily identified and regularly inspected for container
___ No leaks, corrosion, rupture or other failures?

___ Yes Are hazardous materials stored so that they do not react with one another or with containers?
___ No

» Return to top

Solid Waste Management

___ Yes Has the company assessed the possibilities for minimizing waste generation? Are wastes managed
___ No efficiently and safely on site?

___ Yes Does the company comply with all existing legislation and is it aware of likely future standards?
___ No

___ Yes Does the company know how much waste it produces and what its waste contains?
___ No

___ Yes Is there scope for recycling waste as a secondary raw material or for alternative processes? Could
___ No another company make use of the company’s wastes?

___ Yes Does the company have clear procedures for managing waste on site? Are employees involved in
___ No handling waste properly trained and aware of their responsibilities?

___ Yes Has the company set targets to reduce the quantities of solid waste it generates?
___ No

___ Yes Are recyclable and non-recyclable wastes separated to facilitate recycling?
___ No

___ Yes Are wastes stored on site securely and in a manner minimizing environmental risks? For example, are
___ No wastes correctly labeled and packaged, and are waste stores suitably contained?

___ Yes Are there defined procedures to handle waste spillage? Are employees trained to implement these
___ No procedures?

» Return to top

Storage on Site

___ Yes Are any raw materials, products or waste materials that are stored on site properly managed to
___ No minimize risk of environmental damage?

___ Yes Are any legal requirements relating to storing potentially hazardous materials met?

___ No

___ Yes Are storage areas contained to prevent run-off of chemicals in the event of an accident or fire?
___ No

___ Yes Are hazardous materials kept in a secure place?

___ No

___ Yes Are all storage containers, such as drums and bottles, clearly and correctly labeled?
___ No

___ Yes Are hazardous materials handled properly during delivery and unloading?
___ No

___ Yes Are bulk storage tanks fitted with low or high level alarms, and are vent pumps fitted and protected
___ No against electrostatic hazards for flammable materials?

___ Yes Are there appropriate contingency plans in event of a spill, accident or fire?
___ No

Bulk Storage of Oils and/or Chemicals

The following table will help in monitoring bulk storage materials.

No. of Contents Age (Years) Capacity Location Above or Bundle Level Alarm
Tanks Below (Y/N) (Y/N)

» Return to top

Transport and Distribution

___ Yes Has the company attempted to reduce the impact of its transport and distribution methods on the
___ No environment? Any analysis should include the distribution of suppliers and raw materials, company
cars, service vehicles and staff commuters.

___ Yes Are commercial vehicles maintained regularly?

___ No

___ Yes Are effective emergency procedures in place for all transportation of potentially hazardous materials?
___ No

___ Yes Are the most appropriate distribution routes and methods being used? Is the company aware of the
___ No environmental impact of these activities?

___ Yes Is the company aware of the effects of its vehicle movements on the local community?
___ No

___ Yes Are company cars provided for employees? If so, are these cars essential for their work? Can company
___ No cars use lead-free petrol and are they fitted with catalytic converters? Has the company considered
switching to diesel?

___ Yes Are there restrictions on engine size? Does the company pay private mileage or a fuel allowance? Are
___ No vehicles properly maintained?

___ Yes Could a pool car system be used rather than providing employees with company cars?
___ No

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___ Yes Is waste of all types of paper, plastics and metals minimized? Is any residual waste recycled, reused or
___ No properly disposed of, if necessary? Are waste disposal costs properly controlled?

___ Yes Does the company keep an inventory of how much waste it produces, and its detailed content and
___ No source? Does the company maintain records of waste production and disposal routes and costs?

___ Yes Are wastes separated to facilitate recycling?

___ No

___ Yes Does the company discuss with its suppliers whether packaging can be reduced or reused?
___ No

___ Yes Have recycling opportunities been fully explored and utilized? How much recycling does the company
___ No currently carry out?

___ Yes Has the company explored local waste exchange schemes? Could the company’s waste could be
___ No another company’s raw material?

___ Yes Have domestic wastes, such as food waste, packaging and beverage containers, been minimized?
___ No

___ Yes Are commercial waste disposal contractors properly registered, and are they cost-efficient and
___ No environmentally responsible?

___ Yes Do contractors recycle some of the company’s waste? If so, how much and what benefit does it
___ No provide?

___ Yes Do contractors use disposal sites that are licensed to accept the company’s waste?
___ No

___ Yes Do contractors operating on the company’s site dispose of waste efficiently and in an environmentally
___ No responsible manner?

» Return to top

Waste Disposal

___ Yes Are wastes disposed of responsibly?

___ No

___ Yes Are accurate records kept of the wastes generated and their disposal routes?

___ No

___ Yes Have all costs involved in handling wastes (including storage transportation, treatment and disposal)
___ No been quantified? Is a record kept of waste disposal costs?

___ Yes Are wastes transported and disposed of in a way that minimizes any environmental impact and meets
___ No all legal requirements?

___ Yes Have all the available disposal routes been analyzed? Are there special legal requirements for
___ No transporting or disposing of the types of waste generated by the organization?

___ Yes Are the company’s waste disposal contractors operating in an environmentally responsible manner?
___ No Have they been clearly informed of the content of the waste? Is the site chosen for disposal licensed to
receive the waste?

___ Yes Does the company check that waste disposal contractors dispose of waste in a responsible manner?
___ No

___ Yes Are there formal contracts for the collection, treatment and disposal of the company’s waste?
___ No

Waste Inventory
The following table will help in identifying and monitoring waste disposal issues.

Description of Source Quantity Storage Frequency of Contractor Final

Waste Product Generated Location and Collection Destination and
over the Container Method of
month Disposal

» Return to top


___ Yes Is the water supply and sewage disposal efficiently managed?
___ No

___ Yes Is water usage and costs monitored and controlled?

___ No

___ Yes Does drinking water quality comply with legal requirements? Is this quality monitored?
___ No

___ Yes Is the water supply, sewage costs and quantities used/discharged monitored?
___ No

___ Yes Can usage and costs be compared across departments or sites?
___ No

___ Yes Is the water supply metered? Installing a meter may yield cost savings.
___ No

___ Yes Are flow meters and flow restructures appropriate to help to monitor and control consumption?

___ No

___ Yes Is there regular checking for leaks?

___ No

___ Yes Are automatic turn off valves installed on taps?

___ No

» Return to top

Water Use/Discharge

___ Yes Does the company know how much water it uses? Can the amount be reduced? How much does the
___ No company pay for water services? Can savings be made in this area?

___ Yes Does the company comply with all current legal controls on planned discharges of effluent? Is it aware
___ No of future controls?

___ Yes What does the company currently spend on water supply and sewerage/effluent treatment?
___ No

___ Yes Is the company’s water supply being depleted by over-abstraction?

___ No

___ Yes Are all water supplies metered at each production function? Are all leaks mended quickly?
___ No

___ Yes Are alternative, cheaper sources (such as direct abstraction) available? Can cheaper supplies be
___ No obtained by accepting non-potable water?

___ Yes Are there opportunities to introduce or increase water or effluent recycling?
___ No

___ Yes Is effluent being disposed of efficiently and effectively? Are current and known future legislative
___ No requirements being met?

___ Yes Is it better to treat effluent on site or via the sewage system? Can the environmental impacts and costs
___ No be reduced, perhaps by sharing treatment facilities with adjacent businesses?

Effluent/Wastewater Inventory
The following table will help in identifying and monitoring waste disposal issues.

Discharge Make-up Quantity Treatment Discharge Monitoring Approved

Type Streams Discharged Methods Point (Periodicity) (Y/N)

Discharges - (e.g., surface/storm water run-off to river, process wastewaters to municipal sewer,
sanitary/domestic wastewater to septic tanks, etc.)

Make-up streams - (e.g., process areas, boiler blow-down, vehicle wash, surface run-off,

sanitary/domestic, laundry, laboratory, etc.)

Treatment methods - (e.g., organic or oil separation, biological ETP, chemical treatment, settling
pond, aeration/filtration/neutralization, etc.)

Monitoring - (by whom and how often?)

Chapter 9

Case Studies

Finding a Mentor to Help Develop an Increased Raw Material Efficiency in Pulp and
EMS Paper Production
Process Optimization in Textile Dyeing Water Savings in Sugar Refining
Energy Saving in Soap Production

Finding a Mentor to Help Develop an EMS

Company A, a small Brazilian firm of ‘x’ number of employees, had two objectives in developing its
EMS. First, it sought to create cost savings to re-invest in the company and second, it wanted to
comply with environmental laws.

The first step the company took was to contact a supplier company that had previously
implemented an EMS of its own with positive results. The supplier company agreed to serve as a
mentor, sending staff to advise and help Company A implement an EMS and achieve its
environmental objectives.

The staff from the supplier company advised Company A to prioritize its efforts by selecting areas
and issues on which to concentrate, since all of the company’s concerns could not be addressed at
once. The staff from the supplier company also suggested that Company A examine each
operational phase, such as purchasing, process, products, transportation, rework, waste and
packaging, to facilitate analysis. This approach provided ideas of where to start looking for potential
environmental impacts.

Company A’s manager in charge of the operation worked with other employees involved in the
process and identified six areas that would benefit from their resources and time. Company A also
developed a “risk analysis summary” which drew on their best professional judgement to estimate
the environmental hazardous risks for each of the six areas. Company A prioritized its projects and
started taking measures to implement an EMS.

Six months later, the staff from the supplier company returned to Company A to help evaluate the
results. They found that Company A had:

 Made great improvements with very low investment. They realized that one of the best
sources of technical information were the regulators themselves and obtained assistance
and support from them. For example, government agencies helped them find ways to
minimize waste, since any dripping tap was a cost.
 Acted to reduce water consumption and monitored its progress. This action required only a
small investment, which was quickly recovered in savings. For instance, Company A
purchased hose guns, which significantly reduced water waste. It also purchased timer
valves that reduced the amount of water used at one time, so that buckets of water no

longer overflowed. Inexpensive individual water meters were also purchased from the water
companies. Company A also started reusing its water several times before releasing it into
drains, as well as detecting situations that did not require water use.
 Involved its staff in promoting their environmentally-friendly efforts. Employees became
motivated to participate in the program and submitted ideas such as separating paper into
two bins, one for waste and the other for recycled paper. The recycled paper was turned
into scrap paper, resulting in cost savings. Waste was also shredded and turned into
packaging material. Company A implemented a reward program to recognize employees
who submitted ideas to minimize the company’s negative environmental impacts.
 Bought new equipment to eliminate an obsolete process of treating material in tanks with
strong chemical additives. The new equipment, which used water additives, required
investments and at the first the company had rejected the possibility. However, Company
A’s new environment culture prompted further consideration. The decision was made that
the products used for the new process were a lot cheaper in the long run, thus justifying
the investment.
 Identified hazardous components in their products and started removing them. For
instance, platinum and palladium contacts were separated from the remaining copper and
steel before it was sent for refining. Company A also began notifying the county that the
hazardous material was leaving its site and being transported to the public hazardous waste
incinerator. The government agency issued the firm a certificate that ensured clients and
community that Company A conducts its business in an environmental responsible manner.
 Adopted a new purchasing policy of encouraging suppliers to take back containers of
chemical substances for reuse. The company also planned to reduce the size of their vehicle
engines and reorganize work patterns to reduce mileage. Those efforts would reduce CO2 in
the atmosphere, creating an environmental benefit.
 Decided to change its packaging, requiring the cooperation of suppliers and customers. The
company recognized that shrink wrapping would increase the capacity of a pallet by 40
percent and also save energy costs and transport requirements.
 Decided to review its arrangements with waste contractors and scrap merchants to
negotiate better deals for their recycled waste. Company A also implemented an extremely
rigorous control system, fully documenting every movement onto or off their site.

Company A’s manager stated that the supplier company provided the advice and experience
Company A needed to feel confident of putting a system in practice that would yield results and
create a profit. In the manager’s words, “Once you get started, you’ll be surprised with your
progress.” The president of Company A says that the new environmental system has become part of
the company’s culture. Environmental issues are now considered in every decision involving capital
expenditure and executives try to find the best environmental approach to take, given other

» Return to top

Process Optimization in Textile Dyeing

Company B, a textile hosiery processing industry in Ludhiana, India, bleaches and dyes cotton
hosiery fabric on a job-order basis. Major process steps include scouring, bleaching, dyeing and
finishing. The entire process is carried out using winches. After the first three steps, fabric is rinsed
to remove extracted impurities and residual chemicals. After wet processing, the fabric is dried in a
tubular steam hot air dryer. The company process about 4,000 kg of fabric per day, employs 150
people and has an annual turnover of about US$700,000.

Cleaner Production Assessment

Pressure from the Pollution Control Board to comply with environmental regulations was the catalyst
for a Cleaner Production program. Other factors were a high fuel consumption (compared to other
industries) and a high redye rate.

Cleaner Production Solutions

A Cleaner Production (CP) assessment identified 34 options, of which 22 have been implemented,

 Reduction of liquor to material ratio in winches from 10:1 to 8.5:1
 Reduction of 15 percent in specific alkali consumption in scouring
 Eliminating one washing step by providing five minutes drag-out time after each discharge
 Replacing the steam hot air dryer with direct fuel-fired hot air dryer. This means a
reduction of drying cost from Rs. 1,20 per kg fabric to Rs. 0.60 per kg
 Optimizing boiler efficiency by controlling draft with an additionally installed damper and
fuel firing practices

Environment Benefits
Implementing 22 CP solutions resulted in the following environmental benefits:

 Reduced water consumption by 25 percent

 Reduced COD load by 20 percent
 Reduced particulate emission from 300 mg/Nm to less than 50 mg/Nm, therefore meeting
air pollution norms (150 mg/Nm) without any control equipment
 Reduced redye/reprocessing rate from six to two percent, a 67 percent reduction in

Financial Benefits
The company invested US$10,000 to implement 22 CP solutions, which resulted in annual savings
of US$35,000 with a payback period of less than four months. Estimated total investment and
annual savings for all 34 solutions would be US$260,000 and US$100,000 respectively.

» Return to top

Energy Saving in Soap Production

Company B located in Dar es Salam, Tanzania, is a private undertaking with 45 permanent staff
members and 20 seasonal employees. It manufactures five tons of bar laundry soap per hour.

The soap is made from fat through a saponification process utilizing caustic soda. After a separating
process the so-called "neat soap" is taken to a crusher, where it is mixed with pigment, perfume
and other additives. The soap is then transferred to an intermediate tank from which it is fed into a
vacuum flash cooling system. The cooled soap is then extruded in the form of bars, cut into size and
packed in cartons.

Cleaner Production Assessment

The principal source of process energy is steam, which is generated from the combustion of
industrial diesel oil in the boiler furnace burners. Steam is used throughout the whole process and
for handling materials (unloading of fat from truck tankers, fat storage heating). The Cleaner
Production (CP) assessment revealed leakages of steam from some of the valves and inefficient use
of steam. The unloading of fat delivered to the factory resulted in spillage of 3,000 kg per annum.
The spilled fat was absorbed by the soil.

Cleaner Production Solutions

In an effort to conserve steam energy and curb spillage of raw material, the project team
recommended the implementation of the following CP options:

 Replace leaking steam valves and traps with certified products.

 Reduce the time required for heating the fat storage tank from the initial six to seven hours
to three hours.
 Incorporate the right amount of water during saponification, minimizing steam consumption
during the cooling stage.
 Recover the spilled, soiled fat at the material handling section by treatment with steam,
followed by separation.

Environmental Benefits
The boiler furnace consumption of industrial diesel oil was reduced by 54 percent to only 30 liters

per ton of laundry soap produced, saving 415,800 liters per year. This measure also resulted in a
considerable decrease in the emission COx, SO2 and NOx . The recovery of spilled fat also made a
significant improvement to the direct environment of the factory.

Financial Benefits
The only option that needed some investment was the installation of steam valves, which cost
US$830. All steam saving measures together resulted in annual savings of US$185,700. The
payback time was only two days. Recovery of the spilled fat requires virtually no energy input,
creating a savings of US$2,400 per year.

» Return to top

Increased Raw Material Efficiency in Pulp and Paper Production

Company C in Zhejinang Province, Republic of China, produces 51,000 tons of writing paper and
cardboard annually and currently employs 5,000 people. About 18,000 tons of pulp are prepared
annually from wheatstraw. The major operations of the plant are pulping, which includes straw
preparation, batch mode cooking, washing, screening, hypochlorite bleaching, refining, stock
preparing, black liquor extraction, alkali recovery and paper making.

Cleaner Production Assessment

Company C is one of the major contributors of pollution in Zhejinang Province. It is also a major
consumer of energy and water. The pulping process, which contributed mostly to the high
consumption and pollution load, was selected as the focus of the assessment.

Cleaner Production Solutions

In the assessment, 38 Cleaner Production (CP) options were generated. 22 no- or low cost options
were selected for implementation along with four high cost options. Options requiring a substantial
investment were the introduction of a computer control system for the operation of the cooking
digestor, the installation of an additional causticizer and the repair of dust collectors and the caustic
dregs washer. No- and low cost options included:

 Process amendments, such as extending the temperature raising time during cooking
 Increasing the vacuum of the vacuum washer
 Changing the mesh size of the net of the washing process

The plant also decided to improve supervision of personnel and to introduce better operating

Environmental Benefits
The CP options implemented resulted in a significant decrease of the pollution load of more than
900 tons of COD on an annual basis. At the same time, the pulp yield was increased from 45 to 51
percent. The consumption of caustic soda is expected to decrease by 230 tons per year through the
installation of a computer control system. Furthermore, significant water savings are being

Financial Benefits
The joint implementation of all selected no- and low cost options will result in annual savings of
US$85,000. The implementation of the medium and high cost options, requiring an investment of
US$55,000, will yield a total annual saving of US$161,000. Payback periods range from six months
to one year.

» Return to top

Water Savings in Sugar Refining

Company F operates two sugar refineries in Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The Harare plant was
built in 1953 and its main equipment dates back to the same period. The factory runs seven days a
week, twenty-four hours a day and has a yearly production of 140,000 tons of refined sugar. The
factory employs approximately 500 people.

The refineries receive raw sugar from sugar cane mills and process it into refined white sugar. White
sugar is produced for the local market and for regional export. This case study follows the
assessment in the Harare factory.

Cleaner Production Assessment

The focus of the Cleaner Production (CP) assessment was on water conservation, as a long drought
had resulted in severe water shortage and rationing in Zimbabwe. The sugar refinery was faced with
high surcharges when the water consumption level exceeded the allocated amount. The most
significant sources of water loss included:

Approximately 42 m3 of fresh water used daily to wash the bagasse originating from the clarifier
into the sewage system.

 An overflow of 264 m3 per day from an insufficient water storage capacity from the cooling
towers, due to the increase in the capacity of the evaporation tanks.
 Use of 216 m3 of fresh water to wash the charhouse (an older method for decolorization
using bone char).

Cleaner Production Solutions

The following CP solutions have been implemented:

 A water softener and additional piping were commissioned to recycle water as 'sweet water'
in the melting pot at the start of process.
 The bagasse generated at the clarifiers is now put through a press filter and used for
agricultural purposes, instead of being discharged into the sewage system. The water is
recycled as “sweet water” in the melting pot.
 Water meters were installed to improve water management at units with high water
consumption. The option of re-directing the overflow from the cooling towers to the
production process is under investigation.

Environmental Benefits
The implementation of the three options is projected to reduce the water consumption by
approximately 86,000 m3 annually. Solid wastes to the municipal sewer is projected to be reduced
by 120 tons per year.

Financial Benefits
The factory invested US$ 28,000 for the reduction of water consumption. With an expected saving
of US$ 24,000 per year on water charges, payback period will be 14 months, not considering any
possible surcharges for which the company may have been responsible.


Sample Forms

Action Plan Process Identification Plan
Prevention Plan Material Identification Plan
Emergency Plan Environmental Policy
Training Plan

Action Plan Form (sample)

Category: Water waste

Subject: Water reuse

Specific objectives and targets
Objective: Minimize water use however technically and commercially practical.

Target: Reduce water consumption at selected sites by 15percent of present levels within one year.

Action team and team leader

Name Department Phone

Team Leader
Team Member
Team Leader

Project stages in the life cycle of the company's products, services and activities.

Low Impact = L Medium Impact = M High Impact = H

Classification table for degree of impact and period of occurrence:

Pre- Manufacturing Production/ Auxiliary Use/ Waste

Production Distribution Services Service Management
Water L H M M H H

Severity of Probability of Potential Cost of Effect on Cost-effective

Impact occurrence legal changing the the public benefits
exposure impact image
Water L H L L H H

Measures to eliminate or minimize the negative environmental impact

 Measure to reduce water consumption and monitor its use:

 Purchase hose guns, water meters and timer valves. Repair all leaks.
 Purchase equipment to allow recycling rinsing water from process A to process B.

Required information and resources; action team assistants

Who is responsible for searching information?

 Environmental Task Group | Mr. Joe Water | Project Coordinator

Types of information:

 Consult engineering department for advice on equipment.

 Purchase department will search for water recycle equipment (model, specification, and
price) and make arrangements for installation.
 Operation manager will arrange training and start-up requirements.

Other sources of information:

 The Internet (a good searching tool)
 Water-related environmental agency or organization

Schedule of activities, dates and deadlines

 Repair all leaks – 10 days – by 20/09/2001

 Purchase of hose guns, water meters, and timer valves – 10 days – by 09/20/2001
 Installation of hose guns, water meters, and timer valves – 20 days – by 10/10/2001
 Purchase of equipment to recycle water – 30 days – 09/30/2001
 Installation of equipment – 60 days – 10/30/2001 (forecast)

Performance measurements

 Water consumption is already measured monthly.

 Ms. A (accounting department) will provide data to Mr. B (environmental task group) every
 Mr. C (operating department) will record gallons of water recycled during rising process and
inform Mr. B (environmental task group) every month.

List of expected benefits

 Reduction of 35 percent of water consumption cost. Saving of US$xxxx.

 New equipment increased production by eight percent.
 Environmental friendly action – information for next marketing campaign.
 Payback period between two months and three years.

Investment costs

 Provision:
 Equipment US$xxxxxx
 Management 17 hours
 Level B staff 28 hours

Date for first assessment

The water consumption is monitored monthly. The results of the first six months should be
compared and reviews by the environmental task group, presented to the top management and
communicated to staff.

» Return to top

Prevention Plan Form (sample)

Requested Date
Date for the first review to be

Name Department Phone

Requested by
Issued by
Issued to
Problem Statement
Most Likely Causes

Implemented Solutions
(include dates as
Results (confirming

» Return to top

Emergency Plan Form (sample)

Issue (Potential emergency situations — fires, explosions, hazardous materials spills, etc.)

Problem Statement
Emergency Response Procedures
(include communication
Locations and Types of Emergency
Response Equipment
Evacuation Routes and Exits (map)

» Return to top

Training Plan Form (sample)

Training Topic Attendees Frequency Program Comments
EMS Awareness
Spill Prevention and
Hazardous Waste

» Return to top

Process Identification Form (sample)

Comments, Suggestions and Recommendations for
Storage On Site
Product Design
Raw Material
Waste Disposal
Water Use/Discharge
Energy Sources/Use
Solid and Hazardous Waste

Evaporation Losses
Maintenance Losses
Corrosive Waste
Reactive Waste
Toxic Waste
Spoiled Batches
Transport and Distribution

» Return to top

Material Identification Form (sample)

Material Used
Product Name
Chemical Name
Amount Used — Amount (gallons,
lbs. or drums) used per (day,
month or year)

» Return to top

Environmental Policy (sample)

An environmental policy is a unique document for each organization. The following example is
intended to illustrate and provide ideas for writing an environmental policy that suits the company’s
commitment to environmental issues.

Company X’s Environmental Policy

Company X is committed to a clean, healthy environment. “We will provide our customers with safe,
reliable and responsive utility service in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner. We
believe that sound environmental policy contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our
customers, shareholders, and employees by contributing to the overall well-being and economic
health of the communities we serve.”

We will:

 Comply fully with the letter and spirit of environmental laws and regulations, and strive to
secure fundamental reforms that will improve their environmental effectiveness and reduce
the cost of compliance.
 Consider environmental factors and the full acquisition, use and disposal costs when making
planning, purchasing and operating decisions.
 Provide appropriate environmental training for all staff.
 Monitor our environmental performance regularly through rigorous evaluations.
 Reuse and recycle whenever possible.
 Use environmentally preferred materials.
 Work cooperatively with others to further common environmental objectives.

Statement of Corporate Environmental Policy

Company X is committed to the continual improvement of its Environmental Management System
(EMS), which includes waste minimization, pollution prevention and compliance with all relevant
federal, state, and local environmental legislation and regulations. The company will meet or exceed
the environmental requirements of other organizations to which Company X subscribes. To sustain
this commitment, the requirements of the Environmental Management System described in our EMS
Action Plan apply to all activities, equipment, material and employees.

The company’s Environmental Task Group is the company’s EMS Management Representative, with
the responsibility and authority to plan, enforce, and maintain the company’s Environmental
Management System. The Environmental Task Group, with the assistance of the Environmental
Action Group and Audit Team, will propose annual targets and objectives to be approved by the
Management Review Board.

The EMS Environmental Task Group may delegate some of this authority downward through the
organization in order to effectively implement the system.


President and CEO




Support Sources Consultants Information Sources

The resource base and organizational structure of SMEs can impose certain limitations on
completing an EMS. In order to manage these constraints, SMEs should seek outside assistance to
reduce costs and enhance performance, and wherever possible, consider cooperative strategies.

Support Sources

 Large Companies, Clients or Suppliers Acting as Mentors. Large companies with

active environmental policies can be good sources of help in developing meaningful
approaches to good environmental management. It may also be in the interest of SMEs to
strengthen ties with major customers and suppliers.
 Other SMEs. Promote worker groups within SMEs to guarantee collaboration to generate
ideas for reducing environmental impact, defining and addressing common issues, sharing
know-how and experiences, preparing technical and training material, using facilities jointly
and collectively engaging consultants. Industry associations can be a link between the
company and other firms interested in sharing their experience and expertise in EMS
 Expert and Local Technical Assistance. Consultants can be helpful and save time.
However, if a company decides to hire consultants, it should limit consulting costs. For
example, a company may be able to join forces with other small businesses in the area to
hire a consultant jointly. For more information on consultants, see Considerations in Hiring
Consultants in this chapter.
 Extra Assistance. Make effective use of interns or temporary employees to perform
potentially time-consuming EMS development tasks such as collection data, drafting and

typing procedures. This approach allows in-house personnel to focus on more complex EMS
development tasks.

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Considerations in Hiring Consultants

 Assess the company’s own in-house resources first.

 Ensure that the work objective is clear and understood by both staff and consultants.
 Before hiring a consultant, obtain and check their references. Engage consultants with
experience with small businesses and in the company’s specific industry.
 Use consultants to obtain insights on method.
 Consultants should work with company staff, since an EMS developed by isolated
consultants without staff input is not likely to work.

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Information Sources

 Multinational Companies have strong in-house Environmental Management Systems

(EMSs) that enable them to conduct supplier audits and also provide EMS training programs
to suppliers.
 Environmental Regulatory Agencies can provide assistance in developing the EMS. Ask
state and national agencies about education and outreach programs for businesses
developing an EMS. Publications, brochures and on-line help related to environmental
issues and laws may also be available. In addition, most environmental regulatory
organizations maintain good web sites.
 Associations provide industry-specific environmental management issues.
 Customers and Suppliers are valuable sources of information and expertise. These
companies can provide advice and share experience and expertise in EMS implementation.
 The Internet contains a wealth of information related to EMS implementation available
electronically via the Internet. There are many web sites about specific environmental
topics, such as water management, hazardous material and waste management. These
sites are resources for locating technical assistance, learning about regulations, finding
consulting firms, elaborating training materials and gathering information on industry-
specific environmental management issues, products and equipment.

Support Material for implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS) can often be
found at the following locations:

 Governmental and non-governmental organizations

 Universities and other research centers which support production and innovation
 Industrial associations
 Web sites and data bases
 Organizations and institutions related to environmental issues
 Consultant firms (professional assistance)
 Other small and medium-sized enterprises
 Public libraries
 Large companies which have already implemented an EMS or are already certified by ISO
14001, EMAS, or BS 7750.



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