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2010 STPM Trial Questions

Compiled by: Lee Kian Keong

November 3, 2010

This is a document which shows the 2010 stpm trial questions from various states and schools
using LATEX. Students should use this document as reference and try all the questions if possible.
Students are encourage to contact me via email1 or message on facebook2 to ask any question.

1 Melaka 2010 3

2 Penang Chinese Girls High School 2010 6

3 Katholik PJ 2010 8


Melaka 2010 Lee Kian Keong

1 Melaka 2010
1. Using the laws of the algebra of sets, show that,

A ∩ (A − B)0 = A − B 0 .

[4 marks]
2. Using a suitable substitution, find dx.
4 + x4
3 −1 2
[Answer : tan (x ) ]

[4 marks]

3. The first three terms in the expansion of (2 + ax)n in ascending powers of x, are 32 − 40x + bx2 .
Find the values of n, a and b.
[Answer : n = 5, a = − , b = 20 ]

[5 marks]

4. If y = p cos(ln x) + q sin(ln x), where p and q are constants and x > 0, show that

d2 y dy
x2 +x + y = 0.
dx2 dx

[5 marks]

5. Find the equations of two straight lines, each one making a slope of 45◦ with the line 4x +
3y − 21 = 0 and passing through the point (1, −3).

[Answer : 7x − y − 10 = 0 , x + 7y + 20 = 0 ]

[5 marks]

1 2
6. The region enclosed by the curve y = e− 2 sin x , the x-axis, y-axis and the line x = π is rotated
completely about the x-axis. By using the trapezium rule with seven ordinates, estimate the
volume of the solid generated.

[Answer : 6.37 ]

[5 marks]

7. The functions f and g are defined as follows :

f :x→ x, x ≥ 0

g : x → 3 ln x, x > 0

(a) Sketch the graph of g and give a reason why the inverse function exists.
(b) Find g −1 and state its domain.
(c) Find the composite function of f ◦ g −1 and state its range.

Melaka 2010 Lee Kian Keong

−1 x −1 x
[Answer : (a) g is one to one function. ; (b) g (x) = e 3 , x ∈ R ; (c) f ◦ g (x) = e 6 , range= {y : y > 0} ]

[9 marks]

8. The point P lies on a curve which has parametric equations x = t2 + 1 and y = 2t + 1. Show
that the point P is equidistant from the y-axis and the point A(2, 1).
The tangent to the curve at P meets the line y = 1 at B. Show that ∆ABP is an isosceles

[10 marks]

9. (a) Solve the simultaneous equations

x2 + 2xy = 3
y 2 − xy = 4
(b) Find the values of x that satisfy the equation

3(4x ) − 10(2x ) + 3 = 0,

giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places.

1 4 1 4
[Answer : (a) x = 3, y = −1 ; x = −3, y = 1 ; x = √ , y = √ ; x = − √ , y = − √ ; (b) x = ±1.58 ]
3 3 3 3

[10 marks]

10. (a) The polynomial x4 − 2x3 − px2 + q is denoted by f (x). It is given that f (x) is divisible
by (x − 2)2 .
i. Find the values of p and q.
ii. Hence, show that f (x) is never negative.
(b) Show that for all real values of x,
x2 + x + l
does not lie between -3 and 1.

[Answer : (a) (i) p = 2, q = 8 ]

[13 marks]

 
x 1
11. (a) Show that the determinant of the matrix A = y 2
 y 1 is (y − x)(z − x)(y − z) for
z2 z 1
real x, y, z.
(b) By substituting x = 1, y = 2 and z = 3 into the matrix A, find the adjoint and the inverse
of the matrix A.
(c) The graph of a quadratic equation y = ax2 + bx + c passes through the points whose
coordinates are (1, 2), (2, 3) and (3, 6).
i. Obtain a system of linear equations to represent the given information.
ii. Writedown
 the system in (i) as a matrix equation in the form of AX = B where
X =  b .
Hence, determine the matrix X.

Melaka 2010 Lee Kian Keong

[14 marks]

(2x + 1)2
12. For the curve y = , state the equations of the three asymptotes and find the coordi-
4x(1 − x)
nates of the stationary points.
Sketch this curve.
(2x + 1)2
The line y = x and the curve y = intersect at the point A, whose x-coordinate is
4x(1 − x)
α. Show that α is a root of the equation 4x3 + 4x + 1 = 0 and − < α < 0.
By taking − as a first approximation to α, use the Newton-Raphson method once to find a
second approximation to α. Give your answer in the form of , where p and q are integers.
1 1 9
[Answer : Asymptotes are x = 0 , x = 1 , y = −1 ; Stationary points are ( , 3) , (− , 0) ; α = − ]
4 2 38

[16 marks]

Penang Chinese Girls High School 2010 Lee Kian Keong

2 Penang Chinese Girls High School 2010

1. If z = x + yi and |z − 3 + 5i| = |4i|, show that

x2 + y 2 − 6x + 10y + 18 = 0.

[4 marks]

2. Find the set of values of x such that 1 + |x| >

[5 marks]

3. Given that P (x) = x3 + ax2 + bx − 6 where a and b are constants. If 2 is a zero of P (x), find
a and b and factorise P (x) completely. Find the remainder when P (x) is divided by (xC2).

[6 marks]
∞  r  r−2
X 1 1
4. Evaluate .
3 2

[5 marks]
 
4 x − 10 x
5. (a) Find the value of x if M = −1 2 0  is a singular matrix.
1 −1 1
 
2 3 1
(b) Given M = −1 0 4. Show that M 3 − 3M 2 + 8M − 24I = 0. Hence, find M −1 .
1 −1 1

6. Find all possible values of k if the quadratic equation x2 + (3 − k)x + 2k + 5 = 0 has real roots.
If α and β are the real roots of this quadratic equation, show that α2 + β 2 = −(k + 5)2 + 24.
Hence, find the range of the values of α2 + β 2 .

[8 marks]

7. A is the point (6, 0) and B is a variable point (0, 2t). The perpendicular bisector of AB meets
AB at M and the x-axis at N . Find, in terms of t, the coordinates of the mid point P of M N
and hence, find the equation of the locus of P as t varies.

[8 marks]
Z 8 √
8. (a) By using substitution u = 5 − x, evaluate x 5 − xdx.
(b) Show that (tan3 2x) = 6 sec4 2x − 6 sec2 2x.
dx Z π
Hence, evaluate sec4 2xdx.

[11 marks]

9. Show graphically that the equation xex+1 = 3 has only one real root.
Hence or otherwise, show that this root lies in the interval 0 < x < 1.
Taking x = 0.5 as the initial value, apply the Newton- Raphson method to determine this root
correct to three decimal places.

Penang Chinese Girls High School 2010 Lee Kian Keong

[8 marks]

10. Given that (

9 − x2 , 0 < x ≤ 2
f (x) =
3x − 1, 2 < x ≤ 4
and f (x + 4) = f (x) for all values of x. Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for −4 < x ≤ 8.
(a) f (19)
Z 8
(b) f (x)dx

[10 marks]

8 + 10x2 A B C
11. Express in partial fractions in the form + + .
(3 + x)(1 − 2x)2 3 + x 1 − 2x (1 − 2x)2
8 + 10x2
(a) Expand in ascending powers of x until the term x2 . State the range of
(3 + x)(1 − 2x)2
values of x where the expansion is valid.
8 + 10x2
(b) dx
(3 + x)(1 − 2x)2

[13 marks]

12. Sketch the graph of f (x) = (x + 1)(x − 3)2 . States the coordinates of the turning points for
the curve.
Hence or otherwise, sketch the curve of y = in a separate diagrams.
f (x)
For the curve y = ,
f (x)
(a) Find the equations of the asymptotes.
(b) Find the turning point.
Determine the number of real roots of the equation k(x + 1)(x − 3)2 = 2 where k ∈ R, when
k varies.

[13 marks]

Katholik PJ 2010 Lee Kian Keong

3 Katholik PJ 2010
(r + 1s )r (r − 1s )s
1. Simplify .
(s + 1r )r (s − 1r )s
[Answer : ]

2. Given that (x − yi)2 = 5 − 12i, where i = −1. Find all the real values of x and y.

[Answer : x = 2, y = 3 ; x = −3, y = −2 ]

3. Show that kb2 = (1 + k)2 ac, if the ratio of the roots for the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is k : 1.

[5 marks]

4. Show that (tan5 x) = 5 sec6 x − 10 sec4 x + 5 sec2 x.
dx Z
Hence, find the indefinite integral (sec6 x − 2 sec4 x)dx

1 5
[Answer : tan x − tan x + c ]

5. In the diagram above, the curve y = f (x) passes through the points A(0, 1), B(1, 2) and
C(3, 0). On the separate diagrams, sketch the graphs of:
(a) y = f (x + 2)
(b) y = f (2x)
(c) y = −2f (x)

[6 marks]

6. Find the sum of the first n terms of the series.

1 1 1 1
+ + + + ...
3(4) 4(5) 5(6) 6(7)
1 1
[Answer : − ]
3 n+3

Katholik PJ 2010 Lee Kian Keong

|x − 2| + 1
7. Determine the set values of x such that satisfy the inequality < 3.
|x − 2| − 1

[Answer : {x : x < 0, 1 < x < 3, x > 4} ]

8. With the help of a sketch graph, show that the equation sin(x + ) = tan x has only one
positive root in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ .
π π
Show that this root lies between and .
6 2
Use the Newton-Raphson method, and take 0.7 as the first approximation, determine two
further approximation roots of the above equation correct to 3 decimal places.

[Answer : 0.770 ]

0 −2
9. (a) Given that A = , find
2 0
i. A2
ii. A4
iii. A23
(b) Calculate the possible values of k. given that

2 − k 2 −1

4 −2 = 0
3 k + 2 k − 3
23 0 8388608 4
[Answer : A =
−8388608 0
; k = 1, k = ]

10. Prove that the equation of the tangent to the rectangular hyperbola xy = c2 at the point
P (cp, ) is x + p2 y = 2cp.
c c
If the tangents at the points P (cp, ) and Q(cq, ) intersects each other at the point T (X, Y ),
p q
X 2x
prove that pq = and p + q = .
If the chord P Q has a fixed length of d, show that d2 = c2 (p − q)2 (1 + 2 2 ).
p q

[13 marks]

8x − 10
11. Given a curve y = .
x2 − 1
(a) State the equations of the asymptotes of the curve.
(b) Find the points on the x-axis and y-axis intersected by the curve, and all the stationary
points of the curve.
8x − 10
(c) Sketch the curve y = 2 .
x −1
x2 − 1
(d) On the separate diagram from (c), sketch the curve that has the equation y = .
8x − 10

[15 marks]

Katholik PJ 2010 Lee Kian Keong

12. (a) The function f is defined by

x3 + 1, x<2
f (x) =
5 + 4x − x2 , x≥2

Sketch the graph of f .

Calculate the area bounded by the curve and the x-axis.
[Answer : Area=24.75 unit ]

(b) The functions f and g are defined as:

x + |x|
f (x) = ,x ∈ R
x − 1, x < 0
g(x) =
2, x>0

Sketch the graphs of the function f and g.

Without using graphs, show that the composite function f ◦ g is not continuous at x = 0.

[15 marks]

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