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Opening a. Show Title Video - intro video a. Backsound on the opening title
b. Displays the Subject and Class Title b. Bakcsound, narration
c. The teacher delivers greetings and introductions in a c. Backsound, narration, and sound effect
standing position in front of the camera (video
shooting technique: medium shot)
d. Add Lighting if it is dark in the room.
e. The teacher conveys the Learning Objectives,
Video with medium shot technique (Displaying the
results of the power point screen recording, KI, KD,
GPA, and learning objectives)
Main Activity a. Show a video about application letter (Neutral video a. Backsound
capture technique with medium shot)
b. The teacher delivers material about part of the b. Backsound, narration , sound effect
application letter (Taking video using Neutral
technique using Close Up Shot)
- Teacher's video is taken using a webcam with
neutral technique and close up shot
- The material is made in the form of power points
and delivered by the teacher to students by making
a presentation while recording the desktop screen
- Material in the form of slides containing (text,
images, video, and animation)

Closing a. The teacher conveys the steps / ways of working on a. Narration, backsound
group and individual discussion assignments that
have been shared in the google classroom
b. The teacher leads the Prayers and gives the closing b. Narration, backsound
greeting of the learning video (Video taking
techniques: neutral and medium shot)

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