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2 Diagni ACHSED-UH Users Manat jostics: ‘Warning! Do notattemptany measurement. parts replacement or oter service procedure not deserbed in tis manual. Such action wi vold the waranty, may endanger correct operation. and incase downtime and expense. A\ Warning! Alisa instalation and maintenance work desea nthe ‘chapter should only be undertaken by qualifed service personne. The Saety Inetructione on the fet pages of hie manual must be fallowed. Diagnostic Displays Diagetce “Tho svn detect error stuatlons and resorts hem using: + The green and red LED on the boy ofthe ve ‘+ The satus ED onthe corol par the HVAC cool parel is atachod to the ey + Thesontol panel display the HVAC cont panels atached othe ive) + The Faut Ward ang Alum Word parameter is (garametrs C35 to 0306).See ‘Gang e Acal Signe on page BF “The frm oft deplay dopands onthe saverty fhe exon. Youcan epee the ‘eve for many sory directing te de + cr the ror stuaton, + Reporte stuaton as an alarm. Rept th shanna lt Red Faults “Tho ive signal that tha detected a sovere erro fat by: + Erasing tha el LED on the dive (LED iether steady on or bnkng) ‘+ Saing an appropri bitin a Fault Word parameter (005 to 0307, * Overding he conrl panel asray wih the spay of faults, 1+ Stopping the motor (fit was on) “The fat code on the contol pl display somporay. Pressing sy of he telegrams MEHL EATER, Us onc COL baton. he message reappears aor few seconds he ent panel snot touched andthe altel ate, ACHBEDUH User ons 28 Flashing Green — Alarms For ae seve oro, calle las, he fagnast ply is advisory. Fr these siuatons th dive fs simpy repringthat ith detecied someting “unusual In these aeaton, the ere + Flashesthe groon LED onthe div (oes not apply to arms tht ase rom corrl panel operation err), ~ Sssanspponint tina a Wd pete 08 C50) Sae "Gs (9: Actual ignaton pag 67 forthe bt definons. + Overces he contol pane epay with the elspay ofan alam cade anor ‘Alarm messages disappear om the conto panel play afar a ow seconds. The ‘ressage elms poral longo tho la condion ox Correcting Faults ‘The recommended coecve acon fr fu + Use tho "Fat Listing” abs Boow toi and adress the root cause ofthe problem + ovat he cv, See Fut Reveting*on page 254, Fault Listing| eae | Panel > eu screamer rs "Seine nate nt pe ane aera Ei bree ea [a — [Tam [Faucet Cra aE "fs ain to oma apesice 2 Diagetce ASHSE0-UH Uses Mans Tesco an Recommended Coreen Aton anes J vaorg einen ae Ferme ating LS) an 500A MATA aE [RE mp7 ae seaeg wR abe 5 ROP ACPTUET OC Fane comrwnanton eo or J Fnsemealemen meh pn rea py | Snduon dectorortvens tomtecomeipaas I onmunaon ie andseretoe The sr an conp RS SST, CPR STE RR racn oT Ree ACHBEDUH User ons er Teron an Recommended Coren Aon re ero feta rm erga 5 rps re Sate geod nptpese spe marty nh tr sds evar an epee re are + Prana 207 NORRIE TN, 5 ERNOCUIE, oF | nek Th Rant rege ra mpearl e fee Yr co era SRT SNOT Dm fst aE ree eae a CO TAT JRE — [SERRE | Rape veoge We DCTS SY CRT TS |S Sens Ee a a + sectgenspmey mento ct ne, Bers cetstrriiblietenatidt treme hea tia Sminrcemonais yy wc sauo 7 2otzwesuinseain
MO uuncaee > oes wowanPezo/SSOBMUTER No PEEN ube pe a i } a armanaco 98:7 ucronnenrnes sows oper are oT | BREE | Fae RE RAE CRS BS spar an ras Tnas esta am 8a rans [Paneer | emmisin emaelnomnspewer Checker teg. te 0x wane coos wate uve” 17964). =28 Ort A BShouorasowsoare us wt og US) TE SrRSUaENS | Femara Rees Poel ‘Wig, grav orurok havea ae ab (Sn ee nr Te, Sa eae ea ERENT apesice ACHSED-UH Users Manat a | ana Tesco an Recommended Coreen Aton fie [oan [Famers ee eS tb SF wren ame SH METRE ES ain cron. SE SS aeeN tas was Palon 0002 Ta ae —naarie waranPa ecmtieooe cme [RRS AI Poston Een rans ce Tair PRS Drone aie re ES a TOT To [aR ionic nwo nope ay rome Fa [RRRESTcrigenin repre te ccna Ene, eaeees os ohP eae cee aut Resetting “The ACHSSO canbe canfgured to automaticaly reset cotsn fats, Refer to parameter Group S1-Auomatc Reset LS. Wenig! fon exer source sta command is ected ands wave, {he ACHE may str immediatly ar fal eet Flashing Red LED "To eva th civ fr Fuk ndated by Mashing red LED: + Tum ft power for minutos Ped LEC “To rosatthe iv for faut indicated by aro LED (on, not Rosing), conecttho Pablem and do one of the lowing ‘+ From be contol panel press RESET 1+ Tun f the power for Sins. Depanding onthe wah of 1804 FAULT teed o ose he deve: + tl nput ET SELECT, he folowing could aeo be Diagetce ACHBEDUH User ons es History For reference the last hee fut codes ae stored into parameters O40, 0412, ‘8415 Forthe most rece fautGdetfed by parameter G40) the dive Sores ‘donald (in oramaars 0402 C41 Yo alin toubleshocng pote, For ‘example, rarameter O40 tres the moto spend a the ime a te fu. “To dear the faut cory (ll ofthe Group 04, Faut History pare) 1. Using the contol panel a Parameters made select parameter 320% 2. Press EDIT {3 Press UP and Down smutaneousy, 4, Press SAVE, Correcting Alarms The recommended caretve acon er lems *+ oti the Als requtes any conecve action (ation isnot aay. reauited ‘+ Use “Alarm Listing blow oi and adress the root cause ofthe probom, Als Listing ‘The following table its he alarms by code number and describes cach wep | ona nent a a [SRE RRR recaps eae RTT sicher nce ier at Beceem ene” mele Ie Tass Sara TT = Faso connate goa LM, apesice 27 Diagetce ASHSE0-UH Uses Mans lee > Pastner Alea pin 88) ar > pasa into 88S) |: Paranatr eat ee he Asrautopeton 00) Je Fm meester (eee an py 0) oe | ci ee ete aR) aaa I cmnaston res onsen re ne Te Sm a RETR TOPE iy sist sel eins snes Fy aera eT aR Jeger nt we prone gigs AUTONAT ACHBEDUH User ons fe [Parone esa ae ai ac ee WERE [neon [Pree faa — [es Es — |r gona [Testers tain STE Toone Ta IRE — [RTA |The srs vars va be Sa ERE TaGRIS RTS Fa | REBT — neces paoal eR [ae ee RT GT TS rn pee pepe comacenfmane ed ese | sartegantrenty sma Prenat bas — pear aat — Sra ta Speman s Ra ST [aera ee Sea gfe en manta ly apt cotguncionete anteaters gwar SeGineacuur = limo Te putnceng sammy et nested yay ea apesice 2m ACHSED-UH Users Manat Maintenance LX. Waring Read Sey” on page 3 bles perorming any maintenance onthe “cumengnorng teste nstictons ca use ny or deat Maintenance Intervals. Ital nan spropriate envionment ive requtes very lie tenance “Tie be tthe Futne maintenance tale ecortmended by ABE, Tisarenes | _fopteaion [evar Feet PaaS ARENA [means fray sne sea jgeemeetuarar [Buonmna™ [owe Renee ype tentnrt eeaeon ISerseans [seen a= ar Fersoren —[ee Baa aay far apenas |e ea nar Heatsink “Theheasnk os accumula dust om the epoling ak Shoe a dust heatsink ess ‘fin’ at ecotng he dive, overamperatie faults Become mors aly Ina ara” envtorment (ot dusty, not clean) check te heaton annually na dusty ‘vienna seek mere ohn, ‘Chan the hes as alls (hen acess) 4, Remove power from dive, 2. Remove the casing fan (00 section Deve Maule Fan Replacement on page i 2 el 7 3. Blow clean compressed a (nt hu fom botom o top and simutancously use a \acuure cleaner ae aout oop the dt antonnce ACHBEDUH User ons 208 [Note there is a isk ofthe dst entoring dining equipment. perform the clearing Inerothe ecm, 4, Replace the cooing fan 5. Restore power Drive Module Fan Replacement. ‘The dive module fan cook the reatsink Fan fal canbe prodted by the creasing nase fom fan beahrga and gradual ros inthe heatsink tompartre Spin of hats caning Ith ives oprated na teal at ofa froass fan pacomentig recommended once hace aymptome sat appaarng. Replacement fans are svalle rom ABB, Do not use eter tan ABB specred share ats, ‘Tomontr the ning tne ofthe cooing fn, vee "Group 28: Maine Tig om page 107 Frame Sizes RI. Ré- Toreplace the fan: 4, Remove power from dive, 2, Remove sive cover 3, Fos Frame Sk: + I, R2 Press togotor ho retiing clips on tha fan ‘over sides, sei + R9,R/:Pres in onthe lave leat on tha of sdo ft am n,n ttn fan pan Disconnect the fan cable Intl ho fan in overs ordre Resloe poe a 2 ACHSED-UH Users Manat Frame Szes RB and RS “Toreplace thefar: 4. Remove ower om dive 2. Remove the screws attaching he fn, 3. Remove thetan: ‘+ RS: Suing the fan out ons hinges. ton Yew 4 = REPU fn out, 4, Disconnactthe fen cal 2 5, Install tho fan in revere eer 6, Restore power at vew 5) ame ices RT and RB Refer the natalltion icons supe wah the fant Enclosure Fan Replacement Ul. Type 42 Enclosures UL ype 12 ena: inl nina na move a neg he Frame Sire ROR "broplcbaeceas an ame se RR Fone ovo 4 2. Ronee hetero 2 By ‘3. The housing that ld the fn in placa has barbod 5 asin psa each arr Press al foe cps toward the center to eloaoe the bros. 4. Wham the epabars are, pl the housing opt remove fom the die 5, Disconnect the fon cable Insal hfan nous nde, ing ha + The fon a fois up (rer to arow onan). os + Tho fan wrohames ie tovard tho fot + The Lind housing be is ate ine ihe ene + The fan cable connect just forward ofthe fan atthe top ofthe ave Frame S290 RB and RE “Te repacethe intemal enciosure fanin frame sizes RS or RS: + Remove power rom dive antonnce

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